

Fifth and sixth Love and Anarchy festival days. Managed to make ten out of twelve of the films I had bought tickets for. Kind of annoying to miss the few, but that happens.

Same time next year?

Warning: spoilers!

All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White (2023)

Bambino is a motorcycle courier in Lagos. During a delivery he meets Bawa, a wannabe photographer who takes his picture. The pair develop a complex relationship of mutual interest through their time together with Bambino taking Bawa around Lagos to photograph.

Throughout the film we see the conflict of Bambino realizing he may be gay and rejecting those thoughts multiple times during the film. Female friend Ifeyinwa is caught in the middle, with feelings for Bambino, who ends up using her to test whether he is gay or not. In the end, even at the risk of suffering violence for being gay, Bambino finds what is important to him and accepts his feelings for a man.

A well produced film with lots of pretty photographic shots of Lagos while taking the journey of discovery of ones preferences and learning to accept ones feelings.

And the king said, what a fantastic machine (2023)

Missed this documentary about photography and film due to not feeling to well Saturday night and wanting to sleep a bit late. Boo :(

Lola (2022)

What if there was a machine that allowed you to see future radio and TV broadcasts? Invented by two sisters at the beginning of world war 2, the machine seems like the perfect way to defeat Nazi Germany. Soon after they realize they've erased David Bowie, they end up using the machine to help sink the U-boat fleet, thinking it will provide a great victory, but at the cost of an American civilian liner being sunk. Unfortunately, this causes the US to not enter the war and the eventual invasion of the UK by Nazi forces.

How do you undo all this? You make a documentary about it, air it and hope that you view it in history, thus avoiding the whole mess from happening. Messing with time is easy, right?

Cute very indie scifi film with lots of repurposed historical footage showing Britain under Nazi rule. Unfortunately the footage of cheering crowds would have likely been very true if an invasion had succeeded.

#hiff #lgbtq #lagos #photography #scifi #ww2 #timetravel #films #movies


If you can't inquire into the veracity of it, or deny it, it's not history, it's dogma or propaganda.

A proposition that's true will withstand critical scrutiny; a proposition that's false, but presented as true, requires protection.

A prison sentence for denying an historical narrative is tyrannical & engenders resentment.

#freespeech #freedomofspeech #usa #freedomofexpression #holocaust #holocaustdenial #holocaustdeniers #holocaustdeniallaws #speechdenial #speechdeniallaws #humanrights #freeinquiry #historicalnarratives #uk #WW2 #JudeoAngloAmericanElite #angloamericanestablishment #eu #denyhistory #ontologicalcertitude #ontology #epistemologicalcertitude #epistemology #historicalfalsification #academia #politics #espionage #un #secretsocieties #societalcontrol


#france #histoire #ww2

De septembre 1939 à juin 1940, parmi les 100 000 soldats venus des colonies pour défendre la métropole, de nombreux soldats indigènes se sont sacrifiés dans des combats de retardement extrêmement meurtriers, en particulier à La Horgne dans les Ardennes et à Aubigny dans la Somme en mai 1940, puis à Chasselay au Nord de Lyon en juin 1940, et ont été victimes de la la haine raciste des nazis : blessés achevés, prisonniers exécutés ou morts à la suite des mauvais traitements subis dans les camps de fortune où ils ont été parqués après avoir été isolés de leurs camarades métropolitains.


David T. Pyne:

Missed Opportunities for Peace-The Secret Diplomatic History of the Second World War


Detailing long-buried diplomatic offers showing how close we came to avoiding the outbreak of World War Two on both continents or ending it years earlier offering important lessons for war in Ukraine

#DavidTPyne #DavidPyne #ww2 #war #diplomacy


On the 27th January 1945 : Soviet-Jewish soldier David Dushman liberated Auschwitz concentration camp by driving his T-35 Soviet tank through the barbed wire electric fence of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in occupied Poland, thereby initiating the liberation of the camp by allowing Red Army ground troops in the 322nd Rifle Division to enter the camp.

  • "Skeletons everywhere, they stumbled out of the barracks and lay among the dead. Terrible. We threw them all of our canned food and immediately drove on, to hunt fascists,"

After the war he went on to become an Olympic fencer. He passed away at age 98 on June 4th, 2021

#OTD #Auschwitz #SovietUnion #WW2 #Holocaust #History


How about #Compliance and #Revisionism?

We should never forget the #Holocaust neither should we allow those who helped sending millions for concentration camps, murdered many and participated in those atrocities.

Revisionism and whitewashing those who helped Nazi Germany kill millions of Jews, Socialist, LGBT, Mentally Handicap and Roma people across Europe.

We should never allow that to happen again, in any name and with any excuse against any groups.

#NeverForget #Holocaust #Ukrane #Russia #USSR #WW2 #Auschwitz


The Thiaroye massacre (French: Massacre de Thiaroye; pronounced was a massacre of French West African veterans of the 1940 Battle of France, by French forces on the morning of 1 December 1944. These Tirailleurs Sénégalais units had been recently liberated from prisoner camps and after being repatriated to West Africa, they mutinied against poor conditions and defaulted pay at the Thiaroye military camp, on the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal. Upto 300 people were killed.

#History #Politics #France #WW2 #Africa #Senegal



I was reading a post on here and like I often do if I find a name of a person, organisation or thing I go looking to see if there is anything behind the name.

I found this and so who was kurt blome?

was a high-ranking Nazi scientist before and during World War II. He was the Deputy Reich Health Leader (Reichsgesundheitsführer) and Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research in the Reich Research Council. In his autobiography Arzt im Kampf (A Physician's Struggle), he equated medical and military power in their battle for life and death.

Well that's nice so what did he do?

in 1943 he "assumed responsibility for all research into biological warfare sponsored by the Wehrmacht" and the S.S

Well that's kind of interesting but I'm sure he paid a price for his sins?

he was acquitted of war crimes charges at the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial, this was mainly due to the intervention of the United States


Blome was hired by Sidney Gottlieb to work on the MK-Ultra program

Oh no does it get worse?

In 1951, he was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps under Project 63, one of the successors to Operation Paperclip, to work on chemical warfare. His file neglected to mention Nuremberg. Denied a visa by the U.S. Consul in Frankfurt, he was employed at European Command Intelligence Center at Oberursel, West Germany.[25] He worked there on a never-declassified top secret project labeled in Blome's foreign scientist case file as "Army, 1952, Project 1975

It did get worse.

At least he only lived till 75 as punishment and they didn't let him leave europe. Justice was served.

Incredible what is open but forgotten makes you wonder what is hidden

#nazi #fascist #paperclip #WW2 #CIA