

How about #Compliance and #Revisionism?

We should never forget the #Holocaust neither should we allow those who helped sending millions for concentration camps, murdered many and participated in those atrocities.

Revisionism and whitewashing those who helped Nazi Germany kill millions of Jews, Socialist, LGBT, Mentally Handicap and Roma people across Europe.

We should never allow that to happen again, in any name and with any excuse against any groups.

#NeverForget #Holocaust #Ukrane #Russia #USSR #WW2 #Auschwitz


Tale of the Holodomor. Kiev region. Part 5

In previous posts there were reports of the Kiev regional government about the delivery of meat in the first and second quarters of 1933. This report is interesting because at the height of the famine, that is, at a time when all the dogs were to be eaten, in the Kiev region there are tens of thousands of tons of cattle for delivery. Which had to be fed all winter and kept somewhere..... The amount of feed needed to keep pigs, I think, all imagine?

There were also sows, milk producing cows (reports on milk yield in the first half of 1933 are also given in the previous post), egg laying hens, sheep for wool etc. (you can also find those reports in the previous post).

Well, in order not to say that after the delivery of meat in the first quarter of 1933 the peasants had nothing left, here is the report of the Kiev regional administration on the delivery of meat for August 1933




Which shows that in August 1933, the peasants of the Kiev region, "finishing the last dogs", gave another 20418 quintals of live weight of livestock

And now the answers to the most common comments...

As I did not warn you about "...and my grandmother told me..." today it is one of the most frequent arguments against the Holodomor.

I respect all grandmothers in the world, and what they tell, but if these words are not documented (at least something) they remain stories.

If we believe the words, then let's believe everything they tell us.

"One in two hundred women in the U.S. claims to have gotten pregnant without sex."


Aliens were inducing a man to have an intimate relationship with a monster


  1. Regarding the fact that not all areas were equally affected by the famine.

First of all, according to the official statistics, the human losses in Ukraine (USSR) alone were 7 million (!) people. Seven million out of 28 million people lived on its territory. And Kyiv region (again according to official statistics) is one of the most affected

  1. Regarding the fact that Soviet statistics are unreliable and lie....

Which of the above reports do you consider fake? Again, if there are other versions of the report of the regional government of the Kiev region, for example, on the delivery of meat, then feel free to put it out...

  1. Well, about these terrible photos used as confirmation of the Holodomor


then, again, for the umpteenth time, "check everything they put in your ears!"

ALL these photos were taken by F. Nansen in 1922 in the Volga region.


Of the more than 10,000 photos of those times, there is NOT ONE photo confirming the mass starvation of 1933.

More in the next post

#Russia #ukraine #famine #holodomor #fraud #manipulation #russian #history #USSR


On Nov. 7, 1917, Bolshevik Red Guards under the command of the Revolutionary Military Committee seized power in Petrograd, then the capital of the Russian Empire, by capturing key government positions and laying siege to the Winter Palace.

#OTD #USSR #Lenin #OctoberRevolution


When interrogating activists, Russian #cops sometimes ask whether you support “the Ukrainian #ideology”. You inevitably wonder what that is. It happens that an activist replies with a counterquestion: “What do you mean by ‘the Ukrainian ideology'”? And the enforcer of Russian law says: “You must know. You are an educated person, aren’t you?”
Is there an English, French or Spanish ideology? The French one is claimed to exist. As one emigrant said, “It is #liberty, #equality, fraternity and #secularity (the #church has no dominance over principles of secular humanism). This is literally an official formula”. However, a question remains of why a certain nation became for Russians a personification of any ideology. Since the #USSR collapsed, no other former republic of the union has become such a personification. A Nihilist reporter talked with Ukrainians and Russians about this phenomenon and the peculiarities of #police mentality.
There is an opinion that Russians believe the very idea of the existence of the Ukrainian language and #culture, as well as of an independent Ukrainian state, to be a hostile ideology. Some argue that the police, out of their ignorance, simply do not understand the meaning of the term, confusing “ideology” with #pacifism, #humanism or who knows what.

https://www.nihilist.li/2022/09/01/in-the-eyes-of-imperialists-what-is-the-ukrainian-ideology/ #repression #russia #lgbt #armenia #ukraine #imperialism #nationalism


Farewell to Gorbachev.
Those who remember - glasnost & perestroika especially - may credit him with opening up freedoms while many today are blaming him for dissolution of the #USSR + many subsequent wars.

Interesting, the person-on-thee-street interviews in #Moscow
Not that complete immersion in state-spun media (like Fox cultism in the U.S.) should see many outliers in the opinion spectrum.

Last Soviet leader Gorbachev, who ended Cold War and won Nobel prize, dies aged 91

#Gorbachev #Russia #perestroika #glasnost


zum andenken aus cajo brendel, "die revolution ist keine parteisache"

#Gorbatschow richtet in seinem Buch auch ausführlich seine Aufmerksamkeit auf die Folgen von #Perestroika für die Beziehungen zwischen #Russland und die übrige Welt. Perestroika, so seine Auffassung, führt zu einer friedlichen Außenpolitik, zu besseren Beziehungen zwischen #Moskau und #Washington, zwischen Rußland und alle anderen Länder. Auf politischer Ebene, so erklärt er, bedeutet Perestroika internationale Zusammenarbeit statt Konfrontation.
Selbstverständlich trägt Gorbatschow in der zweiten Hälfte seines Buches seine Fähigkeiten als Diplomat und politischer Propagandist zur Schau. Aber es wäre falsch ihn deswegen nicht seriös zu nehmen. Man muß sich nämlich vergegenwärtigen, daß die russische Managerklasse an Zusammenarbeit genau soviel Interesse hat als jede andere Bourgeoisie. Handel treiben will sie und einer der Gründe weshalb sie Reformen anstrebt ist, daß sie mit ihren Produkten will konkurrieren auf dem #Weltmarkt. Nicht mit Panzern oder mit SS-Raketen,- sondern mit billigen Waren will sie andere Länder bombardieren.
Dieser Wunsch datiert nicht von Gestern. Bolschewistische Manager haben ihn früher schon gezeigt. Mikojan war damals, als die ungarische #Revolution Ende Oktober 1956 ihr Höhepunkt erreichte, zum Rückzug der russischen Truppen und zur Hinnähme von #Ungarn|s Austritt aus dem #Warschau|pakt bereit. Kosygin, ebenso ein typischer Manager, war zwölf Jahre später Gegner einer russischen Intervention in die #Tschechoslowakei.
"Perestroika", schreibt Gorbatschow, " wird die Welt lebbarer machen,,.. Friedlicher Wettbewerb zwischen den unterschiedlichen Systemen wird sich unbehindert entwickeln können... die Menschen in allen Ländern werden wohlhabend und glücklich leben können..." Es ist als hörte man die Freihändler und die liberalen Sprecher der jungen britischen industriellen Bourgeoisie aus den Flitterwochen des #Kapitalismus. Wir meinen das nicht sarkastisch. Wir bemerken es nur um das Wesen von Perestroika aufzuzeigen, um zu verzeichnen wen und was Gorbatschow vertritt, und auch um zu demonstrieren, daß es eine klare Änlichkeit der einen Kapitalistenklasse mit der anderen gibt, wenn sie auch nicht in jeder Hinsicht identisch sind,

http://www.infopartisan.net/archive/brendel/gorbat.html #udssr #geschichte #bücher #rätekommunismus #brendel #glasnost #ussr


Follow the Leader

source: https://magazine.atavist.com/follow-the-leader-nazi-putin-sonntag-cold-war/

In the waning days of the Cold War, Rainer Sonntag helped fuel a neo-Nazi movement that still plagues #Germany today. He was also a Communist #spy—and worked for Vladimir #Putin.

Some prisoners viewed #Nazism as the purest form of opposition to #communism, the ideology whose agents had put them behind bars. Indeed, embracing far-right beliefs was, ironically, a demonstration of anti-authoritarianism.

#ColdWar #Intelligence #RainerSonntag #noNazis #History #USSR #news #politics #KGB


A few years ago the Russian authorities reintroduced certain Soviet practices of #governance, and now they are invoking past experience on a greater scale. However, Vladimir #Putin and his entourage are restoring not the canonical USSR but the ‘proper’, from their point of view, country of Soviets. Paradoxically, this #USSR 2.0 resembles a large corporation. Many Russian citizens are nostalgic for the Soviet past and will clearly support these moves, although what they are dreaming of in the first place is the reinstatement of that era’s social guarantees. The management of the Soviet corporation wants to earn the profits offered by a free-market #economy and to maintain a rigid Soviet-style management #hierarchy at the same time. They do not intend to share their profits with citizens, who are treated as their subordinates. This contradiction could trigger social discontent in the future, although so far the #Kremlin has successfully used Soviet symbols and practices for PR purposes.

https://ridl.io/back-in-the-ussr/ #history #education #military #kiriyenko #democracy


Russia’s #war against #Ukraine has unleashed a battle not only between two armies and two societies, but also between two generations of leaders. Indeed, a striking age gap divides Russia and Ukraine’s top brass. Vladimir #Putin’s close associates and key officials were largely born in the 1950s and 1960s. Whereas the most important positions in the Ukrainian leadership and on Volodymyr #Zelensky’s team are, for the most part, occupied by people born in the 1970s and 1980s. But there’s also another clash of generations, one occurring not at the interstate level, but inside #Russia itself. Putin’s contemporaries are afraid to relinquish power and bequeath it to those who should be their successors. Instead, they’ve worked to bring the younger generations of would-be leaders to heel, pushing them to the margins of public space or driving them out of the country altogether.

https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/06/who-is-putin-really-fighting #society #ussr #history #navalny


Containment Beyond the Cold War
How Washington Lost the Post-Soviet Peace
By M. E. Sarotte – Foreign Affairs

On December 15, 1991, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker arrived in Moscow amid political chaos to meet with Russian leader Boris Yeltsin, who was at the time busy wresting power from his nemesis, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Yeltsin had recently made a shocking announcement that he and the leaders of Belarus and Ukraine were dismantling the Soviet Union. Their motive was to render Gorbachev impotent by transforming him from the head of a massive country into the president of nothing.

In the short run, it was a brilliant move, and within ten days, it had succeeded completely. Gorbachev resigned, and the Soviet Union collapsed. The long-term consequences, however, were harder to grasp.

Even before Yeltsin’s gambit, Baker had begun worrying about whether the desire of some Soviet republics to become independent might yield bloodshed. On November 19, 1991, he had asked one of Gorbachev’s advisers, Alexander Yakovlev, if Ukraine’s breaking away would prompt violent Russian resistance. Yakovlev was skeptical and responded that there were 12 million Russians in Ukraine, with “many in mixed marriages,” so “what sort of war could it be?” Baker answered simply: “A normal war.”

#USSR #NATO #SovietUnion #Ukraine #Russia #RussianFederation #ColdWar #History #politics #Yeltsin #Gorbechev #Clinton #Bush #europe #Kosovo #ForeignRelations #ForeignAffairs


For years, #Russia’s official #ideology has revolved around the myth that the country is in danger and its enemies are trying to destroy it. The #war in #Ukraine is the logical continuation of this myth. To learn how deep the historical foundations for this conflict go, #Meduza turned to Andrei Zorin, a professor at the University of #Oxford who studies the #history of Russian state ideology and the cultural and political myths that support it.

https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/04/04/suddenly-these-outdated-ideas-are-being-used-to-justify-mass-murder #postmodernism #kyiv #putin #propaganda #ussr #politics #stalin #elite #europe #crimea #religion #nationalism


A must-read!!!

" I did not have hearing aids until I was 16: As a deaf child I experienced my country as a nation without sound. I heard the #USSR fall apart with my eyes.

#Odessa architecture is scaled down, “human sized,” and there was an opera house before there was potable water. Odessa loves art, and it loves to party. In the summer, huge cages of watermelons sit on every corner. You break them on the sidewalk and eat them with friends. The city has an especial affinity for literature. There are more monuments to writers than in any other city I have ever visited. When they ran out of writers, they began putting up monuments for fictional characters.

All of #Ukraine has a sense of humor — think of the man who offered to tow the Russian tank which had run out of gas back to Russia. Humor is part of our resilience.

I see 1984 again, when kids are playing war: I see a 5-year-old buzz, pretending she is a helicopter cutting into the crowd at the fish market. Then, there is another helicopter. The two fly low, peer into windows. Then a third kid pretends she is a helicopter. An imaginary helicopter flies up, over the city, into the blue aorta of the sky.

All of which is to say: The #war never really left:
1918, the year my mother’s mother was born, her family crossed the border nearly a half-dozen times, without ever leaving their Odessa apartment. Month after month, the region was invaded by various foreign regiments: Greeks, French, Poles, Germans, Romanians, Brits, Austro-Hungarians. Of course, the border had been a struggle for them as the city of Odessa was so divided between governments — French, Greek, Ukrainian, Romanian — that the family needed a travel permit just to see their cousins in the next street. Yes, crossing the border had always been a struggle — but that year, 1918, the border crossed through them.
My mother was born in 1939. You don’t need me to tell you what happened in 1939. The war never left. When I was a kid: a flood of refugees from Transnistria, as I mention above. And, now people from Odessa are refugees, too. The war never left.

Another friend, who remains in Odessa, tells me he just got back from the store. “People are grabbing any food they can find. I’m trying to do art. Read out loud. To distract myself. Try to read between the lines.” I ask how I can help. Finally, an older friend, a lifelong journalist, writes back: “Putins come and go. If you want to help, send us some poems and essays. We are putting together a literary magazine.” In the middle of war, he is asking for poems.
We don’t read the poets to understand the moment. We read poets to understand ourselves. What do we know about ourselves in this moment other than the plain old fact that we are afraid? That we try to numb our fear with dailiness of shopping, flipping the phone, etc.
But if I must put it in terms of this moment: The purpose of the state is to numb the senses. The purpose of a lyric poet is to wake them up. You hear one poet and you over-hear the echoes of ten more. That is lost in translation, where at best the reader will only hear that one translated poet."



#ukraine #history #ussr #stalin #holocaust
The Man-made Famine in Ukraine by Stalin - USSR
"Shocking film about the great famine in Ukraine 1932-1933, when Soviet authorities sized all food from Ukrainian farmers and exported it. In these years estimated 7.5 million innocent people starved to death. Stalin replaced them by forcibly resettling people from other nations, mainly Russians, who to this day do not consider themselves as minority in Ukraine. For them Russia is their fatherland, not Ukraine."
Famine 33 (Holodomor) - English subtitle. (Holodomor means Holocaust.)