

The creation of the state of #Israel on May 15, 1948, was achieved by the #Haganah and other Jewish groups through the ethnic cleansing of the #Palestinians and #massacres that spread #terror among the #Palestinian population.

The Haganah, trained and armed by the #British, swiftly seized most of #Palestine.

It emptied West #Jerusalem and cities such as #Haifa and #Jaffa, along with numerous towns and villages, of their #Arab inhabitants.

Palestinians call this moment in their history the #Nakba, or the #Catastrophe.

#violence #apartheid #genocide #abuse #HumanRights #history


Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the godfather of the #right-wing ideology that has dominated #Israel since 1977, an #ideology openly embraced by Prime Ministers Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Benjamin #Netanyahu, wrote bluntly in 1923:

“Every native population in the world resists #colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the #danger of being #colonized. That is what the #Arabs in #Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of ‘Palestine’ into the ‘Land of Israel.’ ”

#apartheid #abuse #violation #HumanRights #Palestinian #freedom



An Anatomy of Shock

When a person tries to interact with another, there is usually one or more behaviours involved. This can involve physical and emotional behaviours. In order to apply the interaction one, or both, people (we’re talking about only two people to keep it simple) need to open themselves up and make themselves vulnerable to experience that interaction.

Chapter 1 – What Shock Is
Chapter 2 – How Shock Allows a Manipulator, or Unhealthy Person, to Gain Control and Influence
Chapter 3 – Where Manipulators Come In
Chapter 4 – Removing Shock and Unhealthy Behaviour Patterns

Full Article Here - An Anatomy of Shock

enter image description here

#shock #manipulator #manipulation #abuse #abuser #abused #trauma #healing #heal #emotion #emotions #emotional #emotionally #connection #manipulators #behaviour #behavior #psychology #psychological #anatomy #facade #facades #fear #child #parent


Report finds 196 clerics abused minors in German diocese

source: https://apnews.com/article/religion-germany-sexual-abuse-by-clergy-2f725c6176ffaae3e3456fcca8511dad

The 196 allegedly abusive clerics account for about 4% of all priests in the diocese between 1945 and 2020. About 5% of those were “serial” abusers, responsible for more than 10 acts each, the authors found. They said there were at least 610 victims, but the real figure is likely eight to 10 times higher.

#fail #crime #abuse #children #church #religion #justice #humanrights #Germany


The Depp defamation suit should outrage and appall you | Jill Filipovic | The Guardian

The question in this trial was not who was the abusive partner; it was whether Heard defamed Depp by writing an op-ed in which she identified herself as “a public figure representing domestic abuse” and argued that “institutions protect men accused of abuse.”
Go ahead: re-read the op-ed. What you won’t find anywhere in it is Heard saying that Depp abused her. Instead, you will find her making statements that are not defamatory, but objectively true: that she became a public figure representing domestic violence; that her career suffered for it.

#misogyny #psychopathy #antifeminism #abuse #DomesticAbuse #violence #SexualViolence #cruelty #manipulation #victimisation #mistrial #MeToo



The Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial was an orgy of misogyny | Moira Donegan | The Guardian

The trial has turned into a public orgy of misogyny. While most of the vitriol is nominally directed at Heard, it is hard to shake the feeling that really, it is directed at all women – and in particular, at those of us who spoke out about gendered abuse and sexual violence during the height of the #MeToo movement. We are in a moment of virulent antifeminist backlash, and the modest gains that were made in that era are being retracted with a gleeful display of victim-blaming at a massive scale. One woman has been made into a symbol of a movement that many view with fear and hatred, and she’s being punished for that movement. In this way, Heard is still in an abusive relationship. But now, it’s not just with Depp, but with the whole country.

#misogyny #psychopathy #antifeminism #abuse #DomesticAbuse #violence #SexualViolence #cruelty #manipulation #victimisation #mistrial #MeToo



This Is Where We Are Heading...

A Salvadoran woman is jailed for 30 years following a miscarriage! Fast forward now to the USA, the state of Texas and Oklahoma.

This is not concern about life. This is punitive violence and hatred against women for one purpose. Power, control, and manipulation.
It is what Whitney Strieber calls evil, that is, *denial of the right to thrive. * If you can criminalize a women's body and make it a state function, you have successfully created state sanctioned slavery in this, the 21st century.

The authoritarians think they have the God Given right to enslave and criminalize women by claiming that even a miscarriage of an un-ensouled and unborn fetus is murder, no matter what the reason. This defies common sense and every form of compassion. Meanwhile there is no problem enabling 18 year olds to get assault weapons so they can murder the already born in schools and shopping malls. Talk about mentally ill.


#abortion #authoritarianism #politics #abuse #reproductiverights #violence #women


#OnlyFans creator says her #Instagram was deleted for ‘no reason.’ She stalked #Facebook employees on #LinkedIn and had #sex with them to get it back

source: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/kittylixo-onlyfans-instagram-employees/

“If that person doesn’t like your face, or doesn’t care, or is too lazy to really review your case they’ll just close it and stick to their decision,” she wrote. According to Lixo, she believes a lot of the people at Instagram are males and might not like seeing a woman showing off he body online, even if it’s not nude.

#Meta #fail #power #company #internet #news #abuse



To ghost someone is to end all communication and contact with someone, without any explanation, and usually includes ignoring any attempts by the person who had been abruptly cut off; rejection of any kind of contact with ghosted person.

I’ve heard of a lot of cases of being ghosted online, especially on social media sites, but I was surprised to find that not only is ghosting rampant online, but has become rampant in the professional physical world as well. And I’ve experienced it recently.

I was looking to hire a service, so I made a lot of calls, left a lot of voice mails, emailed a lot of companies, etc. and began scheduling people to come out, look, and provide me with an estimate or quote for the job.

Many never returned my calls, inquires or emails. I moved on.

One company provided an outrageous estimate without...Read More

#ghosting #ghosted #integrity #honesty #goldenrule #rejection #emotional #abuse


How a Manipulative Family Regained Control of a Straying Member

This illustrates how a manipulative biological family regains control of a sibling who was starting show signs of happiness and independence. To keep the identities of those involved confidential, we have given them pseudonyms to maintain their privacy.

enter image description here

This tells the story of Mike. He comes from an abusive and controlling family, and still lives with them. Mike is in his mid 20s and has had little contact with people outside of his own biological family. This represents a specific chapter in his life in which he was beginning to feel more independent and happy but reeled back in due to intense stress caused by his own biological family.

By the way, just to note, this is not an anti biological family post. Not all biological families are controlling and abusive. But it does also illustrate that some people need a family connection with others outside of their biological family.

Mike’s Story

I was in my mid 20s when this happened. I live with a very closed in family. At least for me it was very closed in. I had other siblings, and although they also had issues, they somehow seemed to have more freedom than I. I am aware they also got abuse when they were young, but as they’re both the same age they had each other to console themselves with. I’m a lot younger than them and never had anyone.

My father was never around. I only remember seeing him a couple of times when I was about five. Strangely I felt more parental love from him than anyone else. Yet he left and never returned and no one ever spoke about him or would talk to me about him. I was left to believe he was gone forever.

After he left, all I seemed to remember was abuse; be it from my mother or my other siblings. Everything I did was wrong. Thinking independently was frowned upon. Any ideas from me was treated as something bad. Only good things that benefited them or helping them was seen as good and rewarding. Asking for help or doing anything for myself was seen as selfish. I would be looked down up, shamed, or made to feel guilty; this was also especially true if I made any mistakes.

I lived most of my growing up in fear and fear of making mistakes. Sometimes I would lie to cover up my mistakes to avoid being punished. But when found out, I would be punished. If I owned up to them, I was still punished. There was no love in that family, just control and fear.

I wasn’t allowed to play out with others on my own. Friends, when they called, were told I couldn’t go with them, or later I had to tell them some excuse as to why I couldn’t go. There were times when I questioned why and asked the logic of why, there was always some reason I couldn’t. It was reasons like: I couldn’t be trusted, I had to help family, I had other things to do. I never ever remember being allowed to mix with anyone that was like me. The only people I could mix with sometimes were only people my family approved of and those people didn’t exactly give me the confidence I needed to feel safe with them.

One day I started attending an activity outside of home. I was already attending a number so this wasn’t unusual. I’d never really been able to connect with others in other activities but this time it was different. This time I met a friend. His name was Terry. He was about nine years older than me but very relaxed in his approach. I didn’t quite know how to interact with him at first because someone being that kind to me was pretty alien. I couldn’t understand what I’d done to deserve such treatment. Being in an abusive environment for a long time means you get conditioned to believe that being abused and only getting nice things if you do things for others, is the norm. Being treated nicely for no reason was quite alien to me. It felt good being treated this way but at the same time rather surprising. I found it hard to show my appreciation properly as I didn’t know what was the right sort of behaviour. But he was very patient with me so it didn’t seem like a problem.

In many ways, he felt like the family I’d never had, the father I’d never had. It felt like he was treating me the way a parent treated a child. And it felt like something I needed. In addition, as time grew on, I started treating him the same way and it felt natural to do so. It wasn’t forceful. There were no demands. It just felt natural to have this kind of connection.

See I tend to reflect back what people give to me. When people are nice it gets reflected back. When people aren’t so nice I’m no longer as co-operative. So if someone treats me like my feelings don’t matter I tend to ignore them or do something which makes them realise their behaviour towards me wasn’t right. It doesn’t feel like a conscious choice to do this though. It more feels like an automatic response. I don’t know why, this is just me. But my family could never understand this and thought they could just program me to be different or respond as they wanted. But it never worked so was often living in a hostile environment. They were abusing me, I wasn’t escaping the abuse but I wasn’t just standing there and taking it. I was reacting and they just though by snapping back and giving me more abuse would make me stop reacting. The reality though, was it just made things worse.

When I was growing up, I wasn’t being allowed to grow up at my own pace. It felt like someone else was deciding for me at what ages to grow to the next stage without my consent. Toys would disappear and I would notice they weren’t there any more. These were not toys I was discarding naturally. These were being removed from my life at a point I wasn’t ready to let them go. Papers I would save from school I’d put away because I thought they’d be useful to reference back to later. But I’d then come to the kitchen one day and find them in shreds by the bin waiting to be thrown out. I hadn’t made that decision to get rid of them. The decision had been made for me without my consent. If I ever questioned it they’d play dumb, play it down or try to coerce me into believing that I didn’t need them any more. But it still hurt and left a gap because something had been taken from me that I didn’t want to lose. In effect, these things had been stolen from me. There were later times when my possessions had been given away to other siblings. One item I had bought for myself, a piece of furniture. It was something nice and a nice gift for myself and it made me happy. But later I found it was given away to another sibling. When I questioned this, they again played dumb and said they didn’t realise it had belonged to me – yeah, as if they genuinely expected me to believe that! All it did was cause further resentment from me.

But back to my main story, Terry and I were getting along really well. I felt a lot happier and he felt like he was my family. I only attended the activity maybe two times a week, but I got more from him, family wise, seeing him for that length of time than from my biological family who I saw every day.

I mean, I must have been outwardly changing as well. People must have noticed I was getting a lot happier. My biological family must have noticed. I actually started attending the activity more times a week just to be able to interact with Terry because he treated me like an individual. The was mutual respect between us and we always looked after each other and prevented either from coming to harm.

Another thing was our interaction was a nice slow pace. So nothing we did or learnt about each other shocked us. Another reason for this slow pace was that English wasn’t his first language. Oh he could speak it ok, but when there were times something wasn’t understood between us we took time to make ourselves understood either through words or non-verbal communications, gestures etc. And there was something else. We never called each other by our names. We just interacted without calling each other anything. And in many ways that was nice because it was good to be accepted as a person without having a label as such. When at home I was always being called my name and often in a tone as if I’d done something wrong. It was like the name first and then the individuality second if I was lucking. For family, my name was me and my name was punished as if it was just me. But with Terry, although we knew our names, it was our individuality that came first. The names were just identifiers if they were needed.

So for about two years I’d now known Terry and was feeling a lot better for it. But then my family dropped a bombshell. They announced they were going to move house. They weren’t moving to another town but just a slightly smaller house. They’d actually moved once before and it had a terrible effect on me. I lost most of the few friends and connections I had and it actually put me in a more anxious state which I’d never really recovered from. That was another move I had to go along with whether I liked it or not. But this time was different.

When it happened I assumed the reasons were genuine. But when I look back I start to notice questionable things about it and the effect it had on me. Naturally I didn’t want to move. I wasn’t ready and I’d felt happier in my home as I was happier finding new family in Terry. Though my family never knew about him. I never discussed my biological family with him because… well, why would I? My biological family made me unhappy so I just didn’t want to discuss them. He was providing me what they weren’t. He was my family as far as I was concerned.

I was told we couldn’t afford to live there any more. I came up with suggestions of how we could manage this. One was maybe taking in a lodger. You see other siblings had moved out and it was a bit sparse in that house, so in some ways that was a sensible suggestion because it meant getting money from rent etc. But no, they wouldn’t even entertain the idea, nor any other ideas. Though the lodger one may have been because they didn’t want anyone outside knowing of the abuse that was going on or for me to tell anyone outside what was happening.

So despite my objections I had to watch as my family, and siblings, were now completely against me. I had to watch as people were shown round and discussing what room could be used for what. The rooms I’d made my home in that I really wasn’t ready to leave behind. But seeing their use being psychologically destroyed by new people being shown around. It was like I didn’t exist as a person and none of my feelings mattered.

This event actually put me under a lot of stress and affected my connection with Terry. I was suddenly in a situation where I felt powerless and needed a way out. I was in need, desperate need and this was making itself visible in my personality. Remember I said before that anything directed at me was also reflected back. Well stress also has that affect because it puts me in a desperate mindset. And in that mindset I make decisions that are not healthy for me. In the past my family had used similar tactics to pressure me into doing things I didn’t want, to make me give things up I wasn’t ready to let go, or to force me to make decisions which were unhealthy for me.

So I was in desperate need for a way out or somewhere to go. With Terry it stopped being a nice slow and relaxed connection and became a rushed one. So I was doing things so fast he wasn’t ready for. Not that anything was said, but my mannerisms indicated as such. He became scared of me and actually withdrew and put barriers up. True there were other factors going on as well not related to the house move, but my stress affected him. And I could no longer help him the same because I was suddenly in desperate need. You see before, things happened at a slow relaxed pace so nothing happened too quick and no one got stressed. I didn’t have this overall grand plan to make him my family, it just naturally began happening that way. If I hadn’t had that external stress then that slow relaxed pace would probably have continued. But the trust was reduced and I wasn’t able to tell him what was happening as I was under so much pressure. My life as I knew it was being destroyed and I felt powerless to stop it.

So as a result I actually lost Terry. He actually left that activity and I lost my only real family connection. But what happened next was even worse. I was desperate for a connection to carry me through it. For some reason I went to one of my siblings whom I’d never really trusted before. It was one that had also abused me. Had the move not been forced on me I would never have made such a decision. But I was under so much stress and pressure it was good to get relief. Or, so I thought.

I still had to move and my sibling convinced me it wouldn’t be so bad. So I became closer to that sibling. But, despite this, I still longed for Terry to come back. And this sibling, that I trusted, once the mask had started to slip, became very controlling, demanding and impatient with me. But now I was back in my controlling family. And I just felt this grey emptiness where Terry should have been. I’d lost a father figure that understood me. I’d lost a real genuine family connection. I’d lost someone to genuinely care for as well. And all because my biological family wanted to regain control of me.



Mike grew up in a controlled and abusive environment with little outside contact and therefore never knew any different. He was still living at home in his mid 20s as a result.
When Mike met Terry he didn’t understand why he was being treated so well for no reason. Mike didn’t realise this was normal human behaviour because he’d never been allowed to experience it.

Mike saw Terry as a father figure. It worked because Terry naturally assumed this role. Mike also extended this role back to Terry so in a way was giving to Terry what Terry was giving to Mike. A sort of mutual exchange but an automatic one.

Mike is a type of person that will give back whatever is directed at him. If positive behaviour is aimed at him then positive behaviour will be reflected back. If negative behaviour is aimed at him then the behaviour given back will be one that tries to make people understand that their treatment of him is not acceptable.

It would seem, though not confirmed, that Mike’s family preferred to have him in a fearful state or a state in which he felt powerless. They wanted Mike to only rely on the family and not be completely happy. Because in an unhappy state the family found it easier to keep Mike under their control. If they wanted him to do a certain thing, or give something up, they simply applied pressure or put him under stress. Putting him under stress to force him to give up things that made him happy and accept things that made him unhappy.


Some people have good family connections with their own biological family. Some do not and need someone external. Not all who do not have connection with their biological family are in an abusive one. Some just need a connection that only certain other individuals can give. Though it must be asked, in Mike’s case, did the family really genuinely want children at all because all they seemed to do is not care about them and abuse them. It could also be said that the family did want children but they had an expectation that they would all naturally connect. But when this natural connection did not occur they resorted to abuse and controlling behaviour to force such a connection on the siblings. The abusive strategy of course didn’t work and just resulted in resentment from Mike and other family siblings.

Perhaps family should be redefined as to what family really is. Not as society dictates that you should only remain loyal to your biological family; because in abusive situations, and non-abusive, people are under pressure to put those first who have either abused them or they have no natural connection to.

And when we say a natural connection we mean like an automatic connection. The connection happens automatically. There is no force or agreement before hand. It just happens. As with Mike and Terry there was an automatic connection and an automatic reciprocation. It wasn’t forced on them nor expected. There was no pressure on either party to accept that role. The connection happens as if it were natural. Meaning, it feels right to go along with it and there is no pressure whatsoever.

#father #family #connection #abuse #fear #manipulation


#Webtropia hat vor 2 Tage einen #Server der #Piratenpartei #NRW abgeschaltet wegen angeblicher nicht beantworteter #Abuse Tickets. Der Server ist der #Tor #Exit, der seit Jahren immer mal wieder kurzzeitig gesperrt wurde, aber jetzt hat so ein #Schlangenöl Anbieter für #Blacklists (#UCE oder so) wohl das ganze /24 Subnet in dem der Server ist gesperrt, weil em ja irgendwer #SSH #Bruteforce und #Wordpress Logins durchprobiert.

#Blacklists in der Art sind eine Seuche und nutzlos, wenn ihr nen Server schützen wollt, dann müsst ihr als Betreiber den sicher machen und solche Attacken erkennen und dann die Angreifer aussperren. Schlangenöl hilft da nicht, wenn die Attacke ist ja schon vorbei wenn eine IP in der Liste gelandet ist.

#Webtropia gehört zu #myloc und die gehören wiederum seit 2020 zu #WIIT oder so. Sie reagieren jetzt einfach nicht mehr auf #Tickets wie es scheint.

Was nun? Geld nehmen sie, aber Server ist abgeschaltet. #Webtropia #Webtropia


Replika is an AI-powered app that lets users create a virtual friend – But reveals a lot about the shady side of some humans

The smartphone app Replika lets users create chatbots, powered by machine learning, that can carry on almost-coherent text conversations. Technically, the chatbots can serve as something approximating a friend or mentor, but the app’s breakout success has resulted from letting users create on-demand romantic and sexual partners — a vaguely dystopian feature that’s inspired an endless series of provocative headlines.

Replika has also picked up a significant following on Reddit, where members post interactions with chatbots created on the app. A grisly trend has emerged there: users who create AI partners, act abusively toward them, and post the toxic interactions online.

Which shows that where some humans think there is no accountability, or they don’t perceive any physical harm, their darker side tends to emerge. I’m just wondering if there is not a similar tendency seen for why people do trolling online? Could it be possible that a similar personality trait falls prey to both these behaviours? It’s an interesting area for research as we’re bound to interact more and more with AI bots, etc in the future.

See https://futurism.com/chatbot-abuse

#technology #AI #bots #abuse #trolling
#Blog, ##abuse, ##ai, ##bots, ##technology


Indian #court acquits #bishop of charge of raping #nun

source: https://news.yahoo.com/indian-court-acquits-bishop-charge-071705727.html

The nun in her complaint accused #Mulakkal, who at the time was bishop of the Jalandhar Diocese in the northern state of #Punjab, of raping her multiple times during his visits to her convent in #Kuravilangad in #Kerala state.


In February 2019, #Pope #Francis for the first time publicly acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by priests and bishops and vowed to confront the #problem.

#church #crime #justice #abuse #India #Vatican #news


remember how we felt about the #statusquo and #businessasusual and #croneycapitalism and their #bullshitjobs and #economicslavery and #rentier #control keeping us in #disempowerment and #manufactured #dependence on our abuser, #forcing us into #abuse (along with our abuser) of the #environment upon which we really depend, and each other, as #parasites, the #parasitism cajouled under #duress of striving to be the most #worthyvampire under the #fear, the #terror, of "or else". be that #violence of #destitution, or outright #violence, inherent to the system. remember how you felt, about it all, in autumn 2019...


and then return to #now...


and your pure being, before the exacerbation of terror.
