

Puzzled by why white nationalism/conspiracy delusions/hate/grievance is such a hit - with Carlson as surrogate #TrumpVirus?

Trumpism wthout Trump - Tucker Carlson Steps Up to Fill the Crazy Void

#tucker #GQP #disinformation #hate #propaganda #Fox #conspiracy #charlatan #sedition


Every time I go out there is a new #thing. It's a fucking #conspiracy!

I am not joking. What is happening in the #USA right now is the biggest fucking conspiracy in the history of the country. The #wealth #class is colluding with itself to form #anticompetitive #megacartels in an effort to build the #new #feudalism. And they are succeeding. Where are all the conspiracy "theorists" when you need them. Do we even need them. The fucking CEOs (we need to drag a few out into the street, string them up by their feet and slit their fucking throats from ear to ear, and shoot anyone who tries to approach their rotting corpses) talk openly about what they are doing with a giddiness that is unparalleled. I don't know why they waited until #Trump was out of office to kick off the completely fucking illegal anti-competitive, anti-"free"-market, cartel price-fixing bullshit. But they did. And they are acting like the #Twitler himself, talking openly about the crimes against everyone they are committing.

Anyway, it's death by a thousand cuts. Every time I go out, the price on something or other has gone up by 50% or 100% (they give "inflation" as an excuse). And they are all doing the thing where they complain about not being able to hire people, while simultaneously bragging about low unemployment, and forcing people to work 12 hour days for 10 weeks in a row. All of the #paradoxes are mind-boggling. None of these CEO assholes have any fucking idea what they are doing. They just go in, raise the prices, hire consultants to exploit the workforce, pump up the stock price with a never-ending fount of TEDtalk bullshit, and cash out before it all collapses and take their winnings and go… where?

The USA used to be the place that corrupt Third World sociopaths went to when they hollowed out their shithole countries. Now we are just a series of shitholes with nukes and interstates between them. It's insane. It just keeps getting worse and worse. It's like the tail end of the Bush Administration all over again. And we know exactly who is doing it and why. And they are just laughing. NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL WE FUCKING KILL SOME OF THEM.


Don't trust the #government: Birds are real, a US government agency wants to assure you

see: https://www.cnet.com/news/birds-are-real-a-us-government-agency-wants-to-assure-you/

Background: Peter #McIndoe, 23, created the "Birds Aren't Real" movement in 2017 as a parody of #conspiracy theories, according to The New York Times, His storyline claimed birds are drones created by the government to #spy on its citizens, although McIndoe says he's done with the joke now. "It's a way to laugh at the madness rather than be overcome by it," he told the newspaper.

Not everyone has heard of the "Birds Aren't Real" claim, but apparently someone at the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has, because on Wednesday, that organization's account tweeted, "Birds are real."

#news #danger #warning #surveillance #privacy #usa #technology


Social psychologists like Jung often see the #government as a stand-in for authority figures like parents. Indeed, Bainbridge said, one might analogize the draw to #conspiracy theories and #NewAge #religion|s as children acting out when their "parents" (meaning, the #state) are not taking care of them properly.
"If the parent isn't taking care of a child, then the child acts out, right? The child is angry because it's not getting its needs met," Bainbridge said. "And there are lots of people, like left-progressives, who asked: 'How did #Trump get elected?' But once you really look into it, you're like, that was obvious because there's a huge part of #America that's in between #NewYork and #LA, and those people are fed up and they feel forgotten."
Bainbridge says the way out of this conundrum, from a Jungian perspective, is to embrace #humanism and empathy.

https://www.salon.com/2021/12/14/is-america-experiencing-mass-psychosis/ #psychology #usa #politics #covid #trunther #society #qanon #wwg1wga #jung #pandemic


Have you also heard that after the pandemic they want to go back to business as usual? Crises like the one in Ukraine are supposed to distract us from the environmental problems. We should be developing concepts for more environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism, travel, energy production, waste reduction, etc. Instead, the military-industrial complex gets the highest budget to protect us from the evil Russians and the terrorists.

#news #crime #world #politics #pandemic #future #military #war #terror #environment #conspiracy #fail #humanity #problem #economy #Vision #crisis #climate #nato #arms


What #evidence do we have that there is something going on in #Ukraine? Is it just #FakeNews or a #CIA #conspiracy?

Please watch: https://nitter.eu/thehill/status/1489336004637044746

Reporter: “It’s an action that you say they have taken, but you have shown no evidence to confirm that. [...] This is like - #crisis actors? Really? This is like #AlexJones territory you’re getting into now.”

Spokesman: "If you doubt the credibility of the US government, of the British government, of other governments ..."

Why not trust the U.S. government unconditionally?

#USA #NATO #Russia #military #trust #problem #conflict #politics #government #press #journalism #diplomacy


Why There's No Such Thing as a #1983 #Corvette

Behind the mysterious gap year of America's quintessential sports car.

source: https://www.history.com/news/missing-1983-corvette-model-year

Initially planned as a 1982 model, the fourth-gen Corvette, by far the most advanced to that time, was first pushed back to a fall 1982 introduction as a 1983 model—and then again to spring 1983 as ambitious upgrades met with further delays. By then, #Chevrolet had decided to designate the “1983” Corvette a 1984.

So the question is, is there a 1983 Corvette?

In my opinion, the answer to this question must be YES, because some prototypes were built in 1983 but these were supposedly all destroyed. So there was a 1983 Corvette but none exists today.

#car #usa #sports #history #conspiracy #Mystery