

https://www.sott.net/article/474668-What-is-causing-the-blood-clots-from-Died-Suddenly (pasted beneath).

eyes open, no fear, stay safe everybody.

there are many important passages in this article, which i could cut out individually to highlight, but i think it important you read the whole thing.

#goodarticle #goodread #covid #forprofitmedicine #spikeprotein #amyloid #normalpeoplesaveeerybody #clot #clots #clotting #sars-cov-2 #medicine #vaccine #notavaccine #fakeccine #blood #fibrin #study #science #life #disease #health #Creutzfeldt-JakobDisease #CreutzfeldtJakobDisease #CJD #prion #CDR #spikeprotein #proteinfolding #erythrocyteagglutination #platelethyperactivation #membranespreading #fraud #sott #zeta #cull #plateletderivedmicroparticle #centralnervoussystem #nanoparticles #DiedSuddenly #history #elitistpopulationcontrol #depopulation #evidence #summary #sterilizingvaccine #rapidclumping #longchainofaminoacids #aminoacids #mRNA #programmed #Pfizer #cardiac #PPP #amyloidosis #myocarditis #colloidalstability #homeostasis #trypsinization #colloidalsolutions #clump #balance #electricalcharges #complexbalance #safetyconcerns #aluminum #aluminium #T2DM #agglomeratingcolloidalsuspensions #blood #microstrokes #bloodviscosity #cardiovasculardisorders #circulatorydisorders #censorship #cantdoscienceundercensorship #unusualsymptoms #genuinesympathy #oversights #complexsubjects #bestefforts #factualerrors #misinformation #medicalinformation #BigPharmaassassinations #embalmers #convincing #compelling #thepublic #majorproblems #principle #thescientificcommunity #entrencheddogmas #bigotry #stubbornprejudices #dogma #dogmaoverturned #proof #alternativeargument #canbedirectlyseen #forthosewitheyestosee #ifyoulook #keeplooking #searchforthetruth #corrections #newevidence #forpeoplewhothink #wellness #doctor #medicine #redbloodcells #veins #arteries #physiology #biology #fibrousclots #hypothesis #evidence #exploration #extrapolation #explanation #bloodclots #largeclots #microclots #frequentclots #deadlyclots #unusualclots #d-dime #sn-102 #enzymes

#rage #solutions #lookforsolutions #questionmore #questioneverthing #followingthescienceisnotdoingscience #cantgettherefromhere #eyesopennofearstaysafeeverybody

#wecanstillmendthis #nocullnecessary

quick n dirty copy pasta of whole page :

Welcome to Sott.net
Thu, 01 Dec 2022
The World for People who Think
Health & Wellness
Red Pill
What is causing the blood clots from 'Died Suddenly'?
A Midwestern Doctor
The Forgotten Side of Medicine
Fri, 25 Nov 2022 00:00 UTC
red blood cells
© shutterstock illustration
Red blood cells in vein
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is remarkably effective at disrupting many critical physiologic processes both in the short term and in the long term.

I have always been drawn to understanding pharmaceutical injuries, and for years I've participated in support groups for a variety of different toxic pharmaceuticals (e.g. Lupron or Ciprofloxacin and other fluoroquinolones). In addition to being able to witness the human costs of these drugs firsthand (and the gaslighting those forgotten patients experience), this exploration has given me a great deal of perspective on the shared and differing toxicities these drugs share along with what methods can help the myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms that emerge.

Once the COVID-19 vaccine rollout started, my focus understandably shifted toward them. Although many of the pathologies I saw resembled what I had seen with other toxic drugs (and to some degree responded to the same therapies), there was also a lot I had not seen before, which demonstrated these vaccines were in a different league of toxicity from what I was used to. I have thus spent the last two years trying to understand exactly how these vaccines kill and injure people.

Visual Persuasion

The documentary Died Suddenly was recently released and went viral. I am personally a bit torn on this movie because it covers a lot of important ground and is presented in a highly persuasive manner that will red-pill many who are on the fence, but it also has a variety of errors and tangental conspiratorial content which makes it prone to being debunked and discrediting this message to those who were on the fence about it.

One of the challenges we have reached in the current political system (concisely articulated by Scott Adams) is that for many "facts don't matter; persuasion is everything." Because we live in a sea of information, that information is overloading and people typically default to selecting the "facts" which are presented to them in the most persuasive manner possible (e.g. in an emotionally provocative manner or by being spammed simultaneously on every media source). This is also why I believe understanding the propaganda which underlies the medical-industrial complex is so important for one's health and why that was the focus of my previous article.

One of Scott Adams' key points is that visual metaphors tend to be the most persuasive because they are easy for the audience to comprehend and viscerally experience (this was a rhetorical tactic frequently utilized by Trump). I have often thought about this point in regard to heart disease, as the cholesterol hypothesis (which has made billions upon billions off toxic cholesterol-lowering drugs) for decades has failed by every metric, is completely unsupported by the evidence (this subject is further discussed here), yet despite all of that, the cholesterol hypothesis persists.

I believe the marketing genius behind the cholesterol hypothesis lies in how visually persuasive it is. This is because cholesterol obstructing the arteries (which is not what actually happens) can easily be analogized to a fat-clogged sewage pipe, and once the idea is explained to people it, along with the disgust it elicits can easily be visualized by a member of the public.

clogged pipe
In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, although they have a variety of issues, the unique blood clots they form once observed in autopsies also fulfill that requirement, and hence are a home run for persuasion. Similarly, I felt their section represented by far the most persuasive part of Died Suddenly and for that reason, I created a 15-minute abridged version of the documentary only containing the sections focusing on blood clots. Keeping the previous in mind, watch this and notice how persuasive it is to you (I believe this is the primary part of the video that is red-pilling people). Scenes in this video will also be important for understanding technical details within later parts of the article.

Pretty convincing wouldn't you say?

Unfortunately, as alluded to above, there is one huge issue with this segment. The live clot at the end has nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccinations (it came from a surgery posted on youtube a year before the vaccines entered the market). I suspect this arose because someone re-uploaded that clip and labeled it as being from the vaccines (either as a prank or as clickbait) and then it was re-shared until the Died Suddenly team got it and added it in since it supported their narrative. This illustrates why it is so important to have strict editorial controls on any production, especially one that is difficult to revise after the fact and will be viewed by large numbers of people. I debated clipping that ending part off (since it makes this a much worse clip to share), but did not as I felt it is important for our community to be transparent and open about any inaccuracies on our end.

This clip has also inspired other readers to investigate these claims. They sadly have reported a similar situation to that being seen in the medical field. Readers have also told me directly that funeral home directors when spoken to will admit they are seeing these clots but are afraid to speak out on this issue as they fear losing their businesses and livelihoods (e.g. one funeral home in Washington was cancelled for doing so). After publishing this article, a reader (I verified the credentials of) who works at funeral homes in the South also reached out and attested that although blood clots are not rare at all to see during the embalming process, they and colleagues have started seeing large clots like those described here that have never been observed before.

The Blood Clot Mystery

A significant portion of my focus on the COVID-19 vaccination issue has revolved around trying to understand what is causing these unusual blood clots (both the coffee ground looking microclots and the large fibrous clots). I view the blood clots as being particularly important as they may be the key to understanding why a delayed death effect (often taking around 5 months) is frequently observed in vaccine recipients.

Before we go further, I would like to note that the best article (courtesy of the Epoch Times) I have seen summarizing the characteristics of these clots can be found here and is thus an important reference piece for understanding this question. One of the key points this article illustrates is that the elemental composition of these fibrous structures indicates they are not primarily forming from blood (e.g. they may be in regions of poor circulation). Another key point is that smaller normal blood clots (as shown within Died Suddenly) could be found at the terminal regions of the fibrous clots suggesting they may have originated there and that a normal process had initiated at these clots but then gone awry.

At this point, I have heard more hypotheses than I can count that many sincerely believe in. These include:

- These are normal blood clots being misinterpreted by large numbers of embalmers who have been sucked into a mass formation and any post-mortem clot would look like that if it was preserved in the manner the embalmers chose to do so here.

- The mRNA vaccines also somehow produce synthetic toxic proteins inside the body that self-assemble into these deadly blood clots.

- These fibrous clots are self-assembling nanotechnology whose growth somehow responds to 5G or Bluetooth. 

Because these fibrous clots are so unusual they have understandably provoked a great deal of confusion and uncertainty which has led many to grasp for rather unusual explanations over what is occurring. In situations like these, I believe that if a simple and comprehensive explanation can be identified, that represents the best approach for addressing this dilemma. Fortunately, one has been.

What Creates the Fibrous Clots?

Two months ago I put forward the model I believe best explains what is occurring (for those wishing to learn more, the article below goes into a significant degree of detail that is beyond the scope of today's article):

The long and short of it was that this largely unknown August 2021 paper explains exactly why these fibrous clots are forming.

In the study, a blood clotting simulation outside the body was created. Normal blood, blood from COVID-19 patients on the first day of symptoms before any treatment, and normal blood exposed to a low concentration of COVID-19 spike proteins were then exposed to a key clotting factor, thrombin. When those clots were observed the study found:

  • Normal blood behaved as expected.

  • Normal blood with dilute spike protein formed a denser fibrin clot.

  • Small amounts of amyloid (abnormal protein aggregations) were present in the fibrin clots formed.

  • Much more (a statistically significant increase) in amyloid was present in the fibrin clots formed by normal blood mixed with dilute spike protein.

To illustrate the differences (the green signal corresponds to amyloid detection):
4 PPP boxes
When these blood samples were then studied in a simulation of blood flow, it was observed that while normal blood created regular clots on the side of blood vessel walls, once the spike protein was involved (either through an acute COVID-19 infection or dilute spike protein being added), the fibrin clots became irregular, in the case of COVID-19 resisted removal from blood vessel walls, and due to their size and irregularity, obstructed critical flow within the vessel.

Note: I have also observed massive highly unusual blood clots in critically ill hospitalized patients with COVID-19 that required surgical removal, such as a dear friend who refused to vaccinate and got very ill from delta. Large COVID-19 clots are much rarer than what is being observed with the vaccine and as of now I have not been able to verify if they had the same fibrous characteristics.
Similarly, when the blood was looked at under electron microscopy, significant structural abnormalities could be seen:
electron microscope images
The most important finding of the study can be found at the end:

Mass spectrometry showed that when spike protein is added to healthy PPP, it results in structural changes to β and γ fibrin(ogen), complement 3, and prothrombin. These proteins were substantially resistant to trypsinization, in the presence of spike protein. 

In short, the authors found that when spike protein was added to blood samples, it caused irregular (misfolded) fibrous clots to form that were resistant to the enzymes researchers and the body (e.g. the digestive system) uses to break down protein structures. This most likely means the enzyme the body typically uses to break down fibrin clots cannot do so for these misfolded fibrous clots.

It should also be noted that COVID-19 blood clots and vaccine blood clots do not respond to many of the anticoagulants that traditionally are effective, further suggesting misfolded blood clots are a key aspect of the disease process (my team also suspects the spike protein directly interacts with clotting factors, e.g. it appears to bind and inactivate heparin, a commonly used anticoagulant which also stabilizes the zeta potential of the body).

The authors further discussed these misfolded clots and cited their potential role in long-haul COVID-19 as a rationale for the current experiment described here which sought to determine the effects of adding spike protein to normal blood:

Interestingly, plasma from T2DM and form healthy individuals, immediately digested fully after a first trypsinization step, however, persistent microclots remained in the plasma samples from Long COVID/PASC and from acute COVID-19 samples, still contained large anomalous (amyloid) deposits (microclots). After a second trypsinization, the persistent pellet deposits were solubilized. We detected various inflammatory molecules that are substantially increased in both the supernatant and trapped in the solubilized pellet deposits of acute COVID-19 and Long COVID/PASC, versus the equivalent volume of fully digested fluid of the control samples and T2DM. Of particular interest was a substantial increase in α(2)-antiplasmin (α2AP), various fibrinogen chains in both acute COVID-19 and Long COVID/PASC digested microclots. 

In summary, this study demonstrated that there are always slightly irregular or misfolded fibrous blood clots being formed within the body, but at the same time the body has a mechanism for removing them. However, once small amounts of spike protein are added into the mix (at concentrations I believe will be reached through vaccination) those irregular fibrous clots spiral out of control and come to dominate the clotting process. At this point, the body's mechanisms for removing them are no longer able to outpace this growth function and they instead grow until they are constrained in size by the blood vessels they are within like the large fibrous clots shown in Died Suddenly.

This is particularly problematic because the spike protein attacks the endothelium (creating large numbers of initiating events for blood clots) and because the mRNA vaccines were engineered to persist in the body so they could produce enough spike proteins to elicit an antibody response sufficient to meet regulatory approval, which unfortunately led to them continuing to produce toxic spike proteins for a prolonged and possibly indefinite period.

In my own opinion, this study was a pivotal point of data that should have brought an immediate halt to the spike protein vaccine roll-out but instead has languished as a relatively unknown study. Nonetheless, the authors continued their research and later published a more detailed paper on what they had discovered about these fibrin amyloid clots which they proposed as the underlying cause of long-haul COVID (but for political reasons obviously could not link to the vaccine).

Postscript: Following publication of this article, a reader alerted me to this study from a different research time (summarized here) which using another methodology also observed that the spike protein was causing irregular and inflammatory fibrin clots to form which resisted degradation.

Why Does the Spike Protein Cause Misfolding?

Numerous observations suggest that something about the spike protein causes protein misfolding to occur. In addition to the abnormal fibrous clots described above, the spike protein vaccination has also been associated with other misfolding diseases. Rapid cognitive decline in the elderly is frequently observed following COVID-19 vaccination. This observation inspired a recent series in here focused on the actual causes of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia (which are often associated with amyloid plaques in the brain), many of which are rapidly accelerated by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, along with the therapeutic strategies for addressing them.

One of the most well-known protein misfolding diseases that leads to dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, is an extremely rare and fatal brain disease that occurs in approximately one in a million people. Shortly before he passed, Luc Montagnier published a case report of 26 cases of CJD following vaccination, and since that time others have also observed this link.

Similarly, when my team reviewed a large number of vaccine injury reports submitted to Steve Kirsch in a survey, out of the final 607 submissions analyzed, there were three reports of fatal prion diseases (two of which were specified to be CJD, the third most likely was as well), meaning this disease was observed by approximately 0.5% of respondents (which is much more than the one in a million lifetime occurrence rate). We found this very concerning, especially given that CJD normally takes over a decade to develop, so it was even more worrisome that many cases have already emerged.

Another well-known protein misfolding disorder that has been associated with the spike protein is amyloidosis. Amyloidosis is linked to various severe chronic diseases (Pfizer for example recently invested in a treatment for cardiac amyloidosis so they appear to be aware of this issue).

One paper that examined this issue identified seven regions of the spike protein which fulfilled the structural criteria necessary for the formation of amyloids, and when tested, these regions were found to cause amyloids to form. In the same way that the abnormal fibrous clots gradually build up within the vaccinated until a fatal tipping point is reached, I believe the same may also be occurring with amyloid depositing in the tissue (hence Pfizer's recent investment in cardiac amyloidosis).

Others have also noticed the prion-forming characteristics of the spike protein. One of the most definitive reviews of the subject (by authors including Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough) highlighted a variety of mechanisms to explain the prion-forming behavior of the spike protein and its ability to enter the central nervous system (e.g. via the spleen where the vaccine nanoparticles were known to accumulate). Interestingly, authors also noted that of the variants, Delta (which my colleagues suspect was engineered) had a higher score for prionogenesis than the original Wuhan strain, whereas Omicron had a substantially lower score.

Richard Flemming also has done a great deal of work to expose both the lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the various treaties its developers violated to do so (and thus must be criminally sentenced for). A key point he makes in an important presentation summarizing his work is that the spike protein used in the synthetic COVID vaccines differs from that of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, but the one part of the spike protein which was perfectly preserved in the vaccine was the prion-forming section of it. A shortened version of that presentation highlighting the key parts including the prion domain discussion can be found within this article.

In addition to the models demonstrated above, I also believe there is another model which can also explain the protein misfolding and account for the microclots which are occurring.

Zeta Potential and COVID-19

One mission of this Substack has been to bring the concept of zeta potential to the awareness of the general public as I believe it is critical for understanding many different diseases including COVID-19 and both spike protein and non-spike protein vaccine injuries.

When a substance is mixed in water, it has three options, not mix with it (typically either floating to the top or settling to the bottom), dissolve like salt, or form a colloidal suspension. Stable colloidal suspensions are typically finely dispersed microparticles and as that stability is lost, the particles clump together in larger and larger agglomerations which eventually will separate out from the surrounding water.

The colloidal stability of biological solutions however is mostly overlooked in modern physiology (other systems like Chinese medicine through blood stasis hold a greater focus on it). When the colloidal stability of a living organism is sufficiently impaired, severe diseases, such as those created by blood cells clumping together and impairing circulatory function can occur (similarly early researchers showed malaria causes death by creating severe blood clumping in the largest blood vessels, something Pierre Kory has also observed occurs in critically ill patients via IVC ultrasound immediately preceding their deaths).

A key factor that determines if colloidal solutions clump together or remain dispersed is the balance of electrical charges present (positive charges agglomerate, negative charges disperse). Zeta potential provides a way to model this immensely complex balance and explains why tiny amounts of positive ions with high charge densities (e.g. aluminum) are capable of agglomerating colloidal suspensions (e.g. sewage or blood), and why microstrokes often follow injections of these substances (similarly, poor zeta potential increases the viscosity of the blood, and when it is improved, a variety of cardiovascular or circulatory disorders also improved).

When COVID-19 started, I realize that many of the unusual symptoms reported by colleagues were identical to what I would have associated with an agent severely impairing the zeta potential of the body as so many different fluid circulations appeared to be impaired or showing signs of agglomeration (e.g. the frequent blood clots). After some research, I concluded the spike protein had the most likely electrical composition to account for these facts, at which point I became extremely apprehensive over vaccine designs which mass produced spike protein within the body (much of what is now known about the spike protein's toxicity was not known then).

In Fleming's previously mentioned presentation which discussed the prion domain within the vaccine spike protein, he also provided one of the best examples I have seen of how a small amount of a zeta potential reducing agent can rapidly cause blood cells to clump together. This was done by showing the immediate effects of each of the spike protein vaccines on healthy blood (this effect is most likely the result of PEG on the lipid nanoparticles).

The South African researchers quoted earlier in this article likewise observed the same phenomena:

Blood incubated with spike protein showed erythrocyte agglutination, despite the very low concentration of the spike protein. An increase in platelet hyperactivation, membrane spreading, platelet-derived microparticle formation were noted due to spike protein exposure. 

Further as detailed here, this clumping is also consistently seen on the blood smears of vaccinated individuals:
2 blue boxes
This rapid clumping process is most likely what causes sudden death immediately following vaccination in susceptible individuals, such as this recent example where this ardent advocate of vaccination died 7 minutes after receiving the new booster in the pharmacy.

As we circle back to Died Suddenly and the abridged version presented here, consider the scenes where the blood of these deceased individuals is shown (I am putting this video in again here so you don't need to scroll up).

When you watch it, three characteristics of that blood should be immediately apparent:
- There are a large number of microclots present (which as discussed here is likely how other zeta potential impairing vaccinations frequently cause neurological injuries).
- It appears more viscous.
- The blood separates from its surrounding plasma (this is best seen in the scenes where it is shown within a test tube, such as the one below).
blood separation
Zeta Potential and Protein Misfolding

Proteins are manufactured by stringing long chains of amino acids together (likewise, the mRNA technology works by directing the body to assemble the specific long chain of amino acids the mRNA was programmed to code for). Once a protein forms, that long chain then folds into a three-dimensional structure that comprises the fully functional protein.

A variety of factors influence that protein folding, and because of the enormous functional consequences of a misfolded protein, a significant focus has been placed the cellular components that prevent this. That discipline has observed states of high stress (e.g. heat shock) inhibit this process for both animal cells and invading microorganisms, and present evidence suggests protein misfolding is a regulatory mechanism cells use to adapt to stress (this is also a foundational principle of the alternative hypothesis of what causes Alzheimer's disease).

In the case of COVID-19, this process appears to play a key role in mediating the diseases process (so a variety of treatments that target it have been explored, although I believe utilizing fevers is probably the most direct solution). I have not been able to find any studies directly assessing the effect of the cytotoxic spike proteins on the regulation of protein folding. However I do know that vaccine injuries are characterized by a chronic activation of the cell danger response, and it is known in the CDR that the heat shock protein response is altered (which plays a large role in protein folding).

Although a great deal of research has gone into observing the factors which influence protein folding, what is often not appreciated about that process is that this folding occurs because the protein chain becomes a suspended colloid in water. As a result the exact shape a protein takes is heavily dependent upon the protein's specific electrostatic interactions with the surrounding environment (and the region of water within the protein).

For this reason, the same factors that influence zeta potential or colloidal stability in other systems also affect protein stability (e.g. the same agents that collapse the physiologic zeta potential are also known denature proteins [lose their folded configuration] and cause them to precipitate out of solution, while those that improve zeta potential stabilize proteins in solutions). One of the easiest models for understanding the denaturation process is when egg whites are heated. Prior to this happening, the colloidally suspended proteins that compose the egg whites are transparent and can easily mix into water, while after this happens they become a solid white mass which separates from water when the two are mixed within (you can also use other denaturing agents besides heat such as alcohol to transform egg whites).

I thus strongly suspect that the physiologic alterations of zeta potential created by a positive charge of the spike protein also affects the folding of a protein and contributes to the protein misfolding detailed within this article. Unfortunately, when I attempted to research this question, I was not able to find any references that I felt adequately assessed it and I was only able to find passing references to it (e.g. a general acknowledgment that denaturing agents impair proper protein folding). Thus, at this time it remains an unproven hypothesis (I feel the papers have to be out there, so once I get them I will revise this position).


For the reasons detailed above, I believe video footage of the unusual blood clots being discovered by embalmers is a winner for convincing the public there are major problems with these vaccines. This principle also holds for the scientific community as entrenched dogmas are often not overturned until proof of the alternative argument can be directly seen (Navy submarines spotting undersea tectonic rifts made tectonic drift become accepted while being able to see bacteria under a microscope did the same for Semmelweis's theory about needing to wash hands to prevent postpartum sepsis).

At the same time, because of the way our scientific system presently works, many have a great deal of difficulty believing anything unless a model exists to explain how something causes something else to happen. Although that initially appeared to be a significant stumbling block for linking the vaccines to these deadly clots, as this article shows, there are clear mechanisms to support it (note: in the previous article I went into additional compelling mechanisms to explain the severe blood clots such as the spike protein vaccine frequently causing antiphospholipid syndrome).

Although there was much I appreciated about Died Suddenly (e.g. it touched upon the history of elitist population control which I presented detailed evidence of here alongside a summary of the known previous attempts to develop and deploy sterilizing vaccines on the public), I feel the lack of editorial control will be extremely problematic later on. Since easily falsifiable information exists in the video that will be focused on in any attempt to debunk it, that will significantly weaken its message and allow the vaccine blood clots to be associated with other unprovable conspiracy theories.

This is a shame because the blood clot aspect of the film is so strong and can easily stand on its own. Additionally, I feel it is very likely that when Died Suddenly is searched in the future, instead of the large numbers of news reports emerging that show where this happened, we will instead be greeted with an endless number of articles debunking those parts of the movie.

The producers of Died Suddenly have my genuine sympathy for these oversights, as I recognize from writing here on complex subjects how easy it is despite my best efforts to make factual errors and as much as I hate to say this "spread misinformation" (this is why I and colleagues periodically volunteer to vet medical information being compiled to challenge this vaccination program).

At the same time however, I also believe once these mistakes are recognized, they need to be addressed. Since I can edit my own written posts after publication, I recognize it is much easier for someone like me to do that than a video publisher, but I nonetheless believe it must also be seriously considered for a documentary that had a limited release to a video-sharing platform.

See Also:

New study claims to show Vitamin D doesn't help against Covid. Here's what they did wrong
Rapid waning and short-lived immunity: It's time to rethink COVID booster shots, Israeli researchers say
"Disturbed and alarmed": 66 doctors, clinicians and scientists call for stop to Covid vaccination of pregnant women over serious safety concerns

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Reader Comments (24)
Buffalo_Ken · 2 days ago
Here is a good link on what might be causing the clots.

From a Midwestern Doctor, well thought out and deserving respect.
Gator · 2 days ago
Buffalo_Ken Killer article, pardon the pun...
Buffalo_Ken · 2 days ago
Gator - Gator, I tried to kiss the Midwestern Doctor once and it was on a whim and she took it for what it was and I think she knows her shit.


Best to you,

Buffalo_Ken · 2 days ago
Gator - I guess the joke is on me and I don't mind......I'm tired of the battle I won't deny...didn't even realize the article was the same till now.....oh well. Oh well. Still, I won't deny I tried to kiss her once, and she didn't say no.....she knew the difference twixt a kiss in person versus one shared online.
Gator · Buffalo_Ken
· 2 days ago
Gator · 2 days ago
Buffalo_Ken No worries mate !
Buffalo_Ken · about 17 hours ago
Gator - you are a good online friend Gator Man, it is so unfair the schedule the Bills have had this season, but I ain't complaining. Adversity builds character is what they say....

However, I can't deny, sometimes I do myself a disservice by not being properly deliberate. There is a song about this my daughter shared with me a long time ago, and later if the time seems proper, I'll post it......it is about slowing down and it is a good song.


Gator · Buffalo_Ken
· about 11 hours ago
Mayday Mike
Mayday Mike · 2 days ago
Blood clots naturally when there is a cut that needs sealing; ordinarily the cut is a localized event and does not affect the ENTIRE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM; death by a million cuts, across every blood artery, vessel, and capillary. D-dime tests on the vaccinated show clotting on capillaries, the smallest of blood vessels.
Patrick Donnelly
Patrick Donnelly · 2 days ago
Clots are dissolved by enzymes.


[Link] a group dedicated to dissolving clots.
Gnostic · a day ago
Patrick Donnelly Do they have a website as I can not view the page. It wants me to log in and I do not have an account.
oldschoolrider · a day ago
cayman chemicals

usa made an proud, fkn typical nazi medicine

SN-102 ,,, the clot causing trigger..

nazi maggots fauci, gates soros, shwabby, are on there way to hell, there is no heaven for them for that suffering they created..

so sucks to be them!!
McFluffin · a day ago
So, if they believe they know the cause of the clots, they can work on a cure? I would like to think that this article is one of hope for all those who have had the shots and been injured. Unlike Stew Peters fear mongering, let's look for solutions. This is progress, right?
Baybars · a day ago
McFluffin If the documentary is 'fear mongering', then what do you call all the media and government propaganda these past two years in order to get you vaxxinated? Public health alerts?
Baybars · a day ago
It is good to critique the documentary because the covidians will do all they can to discredit the film and its makers. That being said, the documentary has no doubt opened many eyes that were previously closed to this side of the covid story and I doubt anyone would mind if the Midwestern Doctor's suggested edits were incorporated.

While that is going on, more films like this should be made.
parzival · about 24 hours ago
We have been exposed to novel genetically engineered pathogens, designed through gain of function experiments to make people seriously ill. In response, we are bypassing the natural safeguards of digestion by injecting material directly into the body. This material contains microscopic lipid nanoparticles. Particles that are designed to breach the protective cell wall. It also contains instructions designed to alter the way DNA works and/or expresses itself. Once inside the cell, these are capable of transcribing themselves into our nuclear DNA, corrupting its structure.

Once DNA is corrupted, it loses its incredible ability to overcome the second law of thermodynamics. We become subject to the laws of decay, rapid decay. If you want to know why so many people are becoming ill and dying this is it in a nutshell...
parzival · about 24 hours ago
Baybars · about 23 hours ago
One opinion on what these clots are, and how they got there has been expressed here [Link] A very compelling explanation.

No matter what you think is causing these odd clots, this is an absolute horror that has been let loose on humanity and it appears to be only gaining momentum.
parzival · about 23 hours ago
Baybars A horror story that looks like calamari...
parzival · about 23 hours ago
'Bad Hombre Calamari Surrounded by the walking dead with ticking clocks' by GOOD CITIZEN NOV 29


Those poor souls lay on their backs on the embalmer’s cold metal tables getting calamari tweezed out of their veins and arteries like a post-mortem seafood factory.

Having their blood drained slowly with black coffee grinds mixed in because that’s the only speed impure blood drains from the victims of Big Pharma assassinations.

Brought to the planet by, Pfizer.

There are some bad hombres in this world, but these hombres aren’t the ones being shuttled across the border in the millions by Narco gangs working with the Biden administration and the Clinton-Soros controlled child protective services paedo trafficker Wayfair Yandex industrial complex.

As bad as all that is, and as brazen as they are advertising their paedo agenda everywhere they can get away with it, including high fashion advertising campaigns, they don’t fill blood vessels with calamari.

Still, we can’t look away from either atrocity and still carry a clear conscience. And yet the media and all the digital nodes of gormless hand-picked nonces with the largest platforms are completely muted on all of it..." [Link]
Baybars · about 23 hours ago
parzival That was an entertaining article. Thanks for the link.

At one point the author suggests that, " The U.S. has moved light years beyond Banana Republic status. A whole new category of a corrupt dictatorial surveillance police state with child trafficking, open borders, paedophilic reverence, and corporate socialism, with absolutely no shame about any of it, will need to be invented to accurately label what the nation has become. "

Donald Trump coined a phrase that accurately describes the U.S. today; a shithole country.

With respect to the vaccination uptake quoted in the article, I think it's low. According to other sources, " Over a year into the biggest vaccination campaign in history, more than 12.7 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries. The latest rate was roughly 7.07 million doses a day. ” [Link]
parzival · about 23 hours ago
Baybars The Bloomberg article seems more realistic. The death count will be staggering in the years to come...
parzival · about 23 hours ago
CDC quietly confirms at least 118k Children & Young Adults have ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines BY THE EXPOSÉ ON NOVEMBER 30, 2022 [Link]

"Official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm nearly half a million children and young adults have died ever since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in the USA.

This has sadly resulted in nearly 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average.

The figures also reveal that there have been 7,680 more excess deaths among children and young adults in 2022 so far compared to the same time frame in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

But the year 2021 was by and large the worst year for deaths among 0 to 44-year-olds, with 291,461 excess deaths in total, nearly 60,000 more than occurred in 2020. And according to the official CDC figures, this was mainly due to a mysterious sudden rise in deaths among children and young adults from around week 31 onwards.

Unfortunately, according to data published by the UK Government, that “mysterious” sudden rise which has contributed to half a million American children and young adults dying since late 2020, is most likely due to the Covid-19 injections..."
parzival · about 22 hours ago
Meanwhile in Japan, a pissed off Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the Ministry of Health: "You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed" [Link]
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What is causing the blood clots from 'Died Suddenly'?
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BMJ article calls for governments to ban dissent and "neutralise" COVID misinformation
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Picture of the Day
kim missile daughter
Daughter: "Daddy what are sanctions?" Father: "Nothing to worry about kiddo."
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Few people have the imagination for reality.
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Recent Comments

Putin can never negotiate with Biden. The Great American Empire is an Oil and Gas Junky. The US has a Terminal Cancer; It has a Vampire Blood...

Not finding it here, I went to the originating site [Link] for the vid'
Good Optics

Looks like SanFran will get it's own Robocop statue soon enough. Or maybe it'll just end up like Detroit?

Possibly a desperate attempt to bring back American leftists who left in disgust when they hung Assange out to dry?

Very informative video about the England's doings behind the scene pre WW2.
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#Processes #ilegal do #quadra #Rimini E #violations do #carabinieri - #Estado #procuração #República #Italiano #Europa #União #realty #hoje #notícias 2021


Os fatos #ilegal ocorrer após o #feira da Justiça realizada em agosto de 2008, onde o Ministério da #graça e a justiça é #represented a partir de #Ministro #Angelino #Alfano.
As entrevistas na sequência do evento realizadas ao Ministro por#televisions #nationals não pode ser encontrado, embora o #pluralismo de - #em formaçãoestava tudo alinhado.
A#papéis eles apenas têm isso #propósito a partir de #garantia a #solicitações de criado em #clima, a #história não muda em #texto #escrito, de #Começar parece imediatamente claro #verbalmente onde eu #ligar #telefone a #número # Emergency112 cerca de dez #telecomunicação #executado em 8 de dezembro de 2009 #festividade #religioso de #Immaculate #Concepção.

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A foto está no Município de Rimini, Bellariva, Marebello, Rivazzurra e Miramare (RN ITÁLIA)
os pontos vermelhos: são os postos de controle - a linha amarela: o guincho e a rota do abrigo - os pontos azuis na estação dos carabinieri e depósito judicial - onde eles vieram para me capturar. -
Esta é toda a área do# irregularidades # denunciado, Só tenho esta informação e não excluo outros pontos onde ocorreu o mesmo procedimento ilícito, creio que o caminho para o depósito não muda muito #judicial, a estrada destacada em amarelo é a # SS3 #Flaminia Que tambem é # SS16 #Adriatica ramificando-se na localidade #Bellariva, é o #Rua #Estado mais #vídeo #registrado de #Emilia #Romagna porque existe o #Aeroporto #Internacional #Militares #Base #NATO #Aeronáutica mais o ramo perlo #Estado #República #San #Marinho.
Bem-vindo: não é fácil resumir e explicar o que o Estado italiano deveria ter me dito. Estado que ainda esconde provas incontestáveis ​​de violação dos direitos humanos.
NB: meu procedimento não é explicado, mas seu vício ilegal repetido é postado.
O insucesso da 5ª legião de carabinieri da Futa Emilia Romagna através do comando provincial dos carabinieri da NORM de Rimini começa no Outono de 2008 a 12/08/2009 (onde sou então arrastado para o Tribunal), os factos continuam há 14 meses consecutivos.
Os 6 carabinieri (durante as atividades de controle) junto com o dono da assistência rodoviária retiraram os carros das pessoas que pediam insistentemente pelas chaves, sem emitir documentos, sem guincho, utilizando o caminhão como se fosse um táxi para uso pessoal , tentando induzir no dia seguinte ao pagamento do transporte de guincho a retomada do veículo, caso contrário se cobririam formulando o crime de recusa aos exames psicofísicos artigo 186 do código rodoviário, parágrafo 2-7, que prevê o processo criminal , posteriormente abrindo procedimentos judiciais no tribunal de Rimini, um tribunal complacente que se beneficiou do aumento dos ritos judiciais, licenças de estacionamento, leilões judiciais, tribunais com mais advogados e muitos outros procedimentos na carteira de habilitação europeia,a história se passa após a feira de justiça realizada em Rimini em agosto de 2008. Pouco antes, a Europa pede a modificação do alinhamento da legislação comunitária com o código das estradas - #DECRETO - #LEGISLATIVO - 4 de agosto de 2008, n. 144 -#Implementaçãoda Diretiva 2006/22 / CE, sobre as normas mínimas para a aplicação dos regulamentos no. 3820/85 / EEC e no. 3821/85 / CEE relativa às disposições sociais no sector dos transportes rodoviários e que revoga a Directiva 88/599 / CEE.

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Este é de #propriedade do #Comum a partir de #Rimini antes de 2008 era um #estacionamento - #gratuitamente mas fechado com dois grandes blocos de #concreto é um #cadeia com um pedaço de sinal #estrada, no' #Verão de 2008 após o #feira de #justiça ou #encontro um portão retangular verde é montado com uma diagonal para suportar as portas centrais é montado com a rede de malha em forma de diamante verde plastificado, foi fechado com um cadeado, logo após se tornar o #depósito - #judicial do #Quadra a partir de #Rimini cerca de 2 anos para então fechá-lo e mudar o portão atual (muito #eles pagaram a #Citizens), aqui eu #carabinieri eles usavam o #Automobiles sem a ajuda do caminhão de reboque, ao contrário do previsto pelo #Lei no caso de #seqüestro - #preventive - #Res, eles chegaram #Automobiles mesmo dois de cada vez, então os drivers montados #gazela a partir de #pronto - #intervenção prontos para o novo passeio de carrossel a noite toda, então eles forneceram #faturas#ACI para o Tribunal (FALSO). A área está no GROS de Rimini em#Rua - #Macanno # 121 mas acho que ela estava ausente no momento #Casalecchio.
Acredito que envolveram cerca de 800 pessoas em 14 meses de#Associação para #delinquere, com 500 pessoas arrastadas para o tribunal #convincing eles - #forcably E # injustamente - #registre-os ao #caixa - #judicial, as outras 300 pessoas (que acredito serem os verdadeiros infratores) recomeçaram no dia seguinte em #Diversos pagando #sem - #fatura e sem fazer barulho um #fictício - #recuperação do #sidy - #estrada, passado como #serviço - #ACI.

posição do satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/iyS5YjBR5cra5FF77 lado sul, sudoeste

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Aqui está em #cruzamento entre #John - #Palmiri e ir #Macanno, os 3 #carabinieri a partir de #Rimini ( #George + #Brasini - #Alvaro + #Bartolucci - #Patrício + #Berdini) somente #montado a partir de #serviço por volta das 23h eles começaram a fazer o #Lugar, colocar a partir de #quadra com o #estação - #Móvel, a #Automobiles - #subtracted ao #citizens foram incluídos no #depósito - #judicial - #sem a ajuda de #vagão - #Ferramentas, depósito que fica a 50 metros de distância (especificação da posição do satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/iHX7JYfz34Aks2Nn9 > - lado leste), deve-se levar em consideração que neste#área tem transexuais e quem costumava vir #parado ele temia e estava com medo de declarar #homossexualidade ou o #bissexual (medo de #perder#noiva ou mesmo o #esposa), Eles ficaram estacionados por não mais de 1 hora porque trans teve que trabalhar. Os carabinieri são#furbi - #ocultar atrás do #transex? #wearecarabinieri @_Carabinieri.

posição de satélite - < https://goo.gl/maps/c7i375xvEkKjaF798 > -
Via Giovanni Palmiri cruzando a Via Macanno (na época Macanno era Casalecchio) -

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Aqui está # Avenida - #Principe a partir de #Piedmont dentro # localidade - #Folha - #Marina entre #Riccione E #Miramare, os 3 #carabinieri ( #George + #Brasini - #Alvaro + #Bartolucci - #Patrício + #Berdini ) chegaram por volta da 01:00 e ficaram aqui por mais de 2 horas #pescaria quem do sul sim #recava para #para me divertir no #riviera - #Romagnola, também daqui o #Automobiles - #subtracted eles vieram #carregou - #Rua - #sem a # ajuda de #vagão - #Ferramentas, elas #communicated no #gazela a partir de #pronto - #intervenção ir buscar o #proprietário do #sidy - #estrada e também o #plantar de #limitroph - # quartel a caminho #Olive groves - #Gabriel + #Valentini., preparou-se fielmente para #abandono a #Lugar, colocar a partir de #guarda.

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0261934,12.6282649,3a,75y,359.53h,90.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzld2it5hmuBeBRG83_QVA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > -
Viale Principe di Piemonte - área cívica n. 67 / no. 71 lado norte
A área passa por uma mudança na primavera de julho de 2019 (terá sido bem recuperada com as cisternas subterrâneas? FORAM FURADA?).

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Aqui está # Avenida do #Princípios - #área - #Miramare, os 3 #carabinieri ( #George + #Brasini - #Alvaro + #Bartolucci - #Patrício + #Berdini ) chegaram por volta das 03:00 por aqui ficaram mais de 2 horas #pescaria quem dá #norte voltou de #para me divertir no #riviera - #Romagnola, também daqui o #Automobiles - #subtracted eles foram levados embora #sem EU' #ajuda do #vagão - #Ferramentas, eles comunicaram ao #gazela a partir de #pronto - #intervenção (com dois carabinieri) para ir e pegar o #proprietário do #sidy - #estrada e também o #plantar de #limitroph - # quartel dentro #Rua - #Olive groves ( #Gabriel + #Valentini )

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0285748,12.625221,3a,75y,168.65h,92.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Cb9QRrTMcGvMW2Jd0uI1A!2e0!7i168194 >! 8i16384 >!

Viale dei Principi -
área de descanso do lado sul A área sofre várias alterações entre julho de 2019 - dezembro de 2020
(não tenho o direito de ver as imagens de satélite diárias de ambos os distribuidores). (#serpico )

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Aqui está #Rua - #Ezio - #Beber água para #Miramare, os 3 #carabinieri ( #George + #Brasini - #Alvaro + #Bartolucci - #Patrício + #Berdini ) estacionado lá #estação - #Móvel internamente, o pequeno caminho para completar o #serviço a partir de #mudança a partir de #segurança - #estrada, mesmo daqui os carros roubados foram levados embora sem a ajuda do #vagão - #Ferramentas, eles comunicaram ao #gazela a partir de #pronto - #intervenção para buscar o dono do #sidy estrada e também a coluna da vizinha # quartel a caminho #Olive groves ( #Gabriel + #Valentini )

posição do satélite
- < https://www.google.it/maps/@44.0314912,12.6215523,3a,75y,204.03h,72.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJwItgg720h7fL-icjZNEmg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 > -
Viale dei Principi - Via Bevilacqua, lado sul - sul, oeste -

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Isto é o # quartel do #carabinieri localizado na via #Oliveti groves - #Miramare a partir de #Rimini, aqui o carabiniere #Gabriel + #Valentini quem estava encarregado do serviço de #plantar ele deixou o posto de guarda para embarcar junto com outros dois carabinieri e o homenzinho do #vagão - #Ferramentas no #gazela a partir de #pronto - #intervenção e vá para liderar eu #veículos - #subtractedpor colegas nos postos de controle indicados nas outras mensagens. Todos equipados com#telephones - #celulares - #Móvel - #privado e de #serviço, a bordo de um veículo #dotado a partir de #sistema - #satélite E #filmadora para #infravermelho.
NB o Tribunal não me forneceu#em formação base para associar o nome com #cara dos carabinieri é que isso poderia #alterar minimamente o #atribuição, tenha em mente que até hoje ele não me forneceu o #generalidade mais três 3 #individuals, você pode ter certeza de que quando os turnos não coincidiam, havia outros carabinieri no #banda pronto para fazer de #Táxi.
Eu acredito no #suboffice - # Marshal - #maior - #Ariemma do #comando - #Norma#organized i #shifts

telefone n. +# tel00390541372777- posição de satélite - 44 ° 01'46.4 ″ N + 12 ° 37'02.9 ″ E
< https://www.google.com/maps/place/44°01'46.4 ″ N + 12 ° 37'02,9 ″ E / @ 44.029557,12.6169308,19z / data =! 3m1! 4b1! 4m6! 3m5! 1s0x0: 0x0! 7e2! 8m2! 3d44.029557! 4d12.617478? Hl = it-IT > -
< https://goo.gl/ maps / PsmDwtrK3wpgrV4A6 > -
< https://goo.gl/maps/RELZ2McYkddEYNgH7 > -
< https://goo.gl/maps/tTequEhb6Kf12KM2A > -

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Este é um dos três #denunzie realizado (com uma nova reclamação) para o #Guarda a partir de #Finança em 26/08/2013 com a quarta foto de #e-mail registrado - #Postagens - #Italianoenviado em 28/07/2012. Outras#dinheiro, #clima E #dangers por #relatório o que não deveria ter acontecido e se não #foi e - #tarefa - #dever dos outros #Força de - #pedido - #contraste. Foto final#gráfico - #dívida - #público - #Itália - #Italiano.


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porém, basta definir o trajeto do satélite do veículo gazela pronta intervenção do ministério da defesa dos carabinieri, veículo definido por Fedrigucci como um táxi vaivém para ir buscar os sujeitos que dirigiam os veículos sem guincho, o veículo é utilizado para segurança de emergência e intervenção de patrulha, está equipado com o satélite aprovado do ministério da defesa onde todos os dados são obtidos em conjunto com estas posições que Fedrigucci declara + percurso do domicílio do operador de recuperação cuja posição desconhece,







https://www.google.com/maps/place/@44.029557,12.6169308,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2! 3d44 .029557! 4d12.617478? Hl = it-IT


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Isso é meu #solicitar para #illustrating - #estimado - #excelência - #Juiz para o #Investigations - #Preliminares - #Médico - #Lucio + # Ardigò Cadê # Eu perguntei a #testing - #procedures a partir de #calls a partir de #emergência e a #vídeo - #cadastro a partir de #publicar - #segurança - #estrada, ja dando todo o #versão Deles # ilícito, executado e enviado em 29/11/2010 para #Quadra a partir de #Rimini.

Eu revi aqui - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 > -

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Isto é o #telegrama realizado via #Postagens - #Italiano em 01/11/2011 sempre dirigido a #illustrating - #estimado - #excelência - #Médico - #Juiz - #Investigations - #Preliminares - #Lucio + # Ardigò do #Quadra a partir de #Rimini, há um pequeno erro final no conselho do #operador que afirmou a incorreção do termo #imparcialidade - #advising me E #digitando imparcialidade me fazendo ser mais ignorante do que sou, #claiming a #Forma de pagamento de 10 euros e 30 cêntimos, ainda hoje este gesto irrita-me mesmo que seja um pequeno erro.

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Este documento foi feito em 13/06/2012 e enviado para #Ministério a partir de #Graça E #Justiça ao #Ministro - #Paola + #Severinoem não. por +#fax00390668897951, + #telefax00390668897951
Legalmente relevante é a seriedade do fato de quem está envolvido no papel em conflito de interesses desde o início e posteriormente até hoje VERGONHA !!!

Minha revisão no Ministério - < https://goo.gl/maps/XGS5iqLg9bW93jebA > -
Eu analisei aqui Ministério - < https://goo.gl/maps/uRcQW4CpDDpkcWjU9 > -

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Este documento foi elaborado em 13/06/2012 e é enviado para #Agente - #Patrão - #Procurador - #Paulo + #Giovagnoli . a partir de #fax00390541763484, + #telefax00390541763484, aqui há um erro com a redação a caneta com escrita (eu sei que na época dos fatos ela não estava no comando) em vez disso era ele, fui informado por #carabinieri (REGISTADO TELEFONICAMENTE) que o Procurador era um certo #Sansosti, embora esse erro mude pouco.
Legalmente relevante é a seriedade do fato de quem está envolvido no papel em conflito de interesses desde o início e posteriormente até hoje VERGONHA !!!

Meu tribunal de revisão Rimini - < https://goo.gl/maps/B8ae58ef4hVhmNBC9 >
aqui Ministério Público - < https://goo.gl/maps/TZBSkw6ct7GUxq73A > -

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Este é o meu 5º #versão no meu #trigo inteiro pessoa realizada para o #Quadra do #Direitos do #Cara de #União - #Europeu a partir de #Strasbourg - #ECHR - #CEDU - #RECURSES1ª DEL 29/03/2014 REF. N.29868 / 14 - 2 ° DE 05/04/2015 REF. N.23057 / 15 - 3 ° DE 01/03/2016 REF. N.13607 / 16 - 4 ° DE 20/02/2017 REF. N.16097 / 17 - MAIS UM REJEITADO PARA ALTERAÇÃO DE FORMULÁRIO DE 04/02/2015 REF. No. 17446/15,#denouncing - #violação do #direito - #internacional que mina em #fundamental nosso #civilização - #jurídico. -

Eu tenho #revisadoaqui - < https://goo.gl/maps/L9qWhjeU3Pto4PMQ9 > -

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Correspondência Europa

Esta é uma das duas reclamações apresentadas à #Comissão - #Europeu que não deu #admissibilidade para o meu #solicitar, embora naqueles #periods - #antecedente a # ilícito Europa pede o #editar a partir de #alinhamento de #regulatory - #comunidade ao #código de #Rua - #DECRETO - #LEGISLATIVO4 de agosto de 2008, n. 144#Implementação de #directive 22/6/2006 / #HÁ, sobre #normal mínimo para - #aplicativo do #regulationsn 3820/85 /#CEEe n. 3821/85 / EEC relativo a#provisions dentro #importam - #social No #setor do #transporte sobre #Rua é aquele #abrogates#directive 88/599 / EEC. Também a Comissão Europeia em #dever a partir de #Verifica a #ter - #States - #membros - #belonging E #founding EU' - #União Europeu, #sem - #Favor EU' - #omissão - #debaixo a #balcãoOs links abaixo não levam às petições submetidas a #Parlamento - #Europeu depois de - # inadmissibilidade de #petiçãon 0014/2020 que ninguém#cidadão poderia ver e #Apoio, suporte, um comportamento #anti - #transparência - #suave como os novos links abaixo que não levam a #em formação - #collectives no parlamento europeu do #democraciacomunidade. Não adianta clicar no link abaixo, não leva você ao assunto denunciado, então você não pode me apoiar e ficar em -#Sombrio do #problema. -
Petição nº 0014/2020 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/15429 -
Petição associada ao n. como acima -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/content/16226 -
Novo - petições -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18883 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/18937 -
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/it/petition/view/19062 -

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Notificação de reclamação para - #União #Europeu de 2015

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Depoimento digital web internet GROS área de Rimini Emilia Romagna Itália
Correspondência com o Tribunal Penal Internacional#AIA #ICC
de #Violations dos carabinieri e #processes #forjado do #quadra #Rimini - #Estado #República italiano #UE

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últimos pedidos por fax para #ministério a partir de #justiça #Roma rua #Arenulla
https://www.facebook.com/ministerodellagiustizia -# telefax00390668897528 - # fax00390668897528

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#Procuração #De #República No #Quadra De #Rimini.

Audiência Preliminar RGNR 5981/10 de 05/12/2011 onde a PM #Irene #Lilliunão aparece na sala de aula em https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribunale-Di-Rimini/355829454504839/

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Realtà_Italiane_wordpress_com_ITALIA_2000_2021 #Leonardo_Fedrigucci

#INTERNAUTA_AUTOR_REPRESENT_VITTIMA https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.fedrigucci.94

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#Quadra #Justiça #União #Europeu #ICC #CIJ #Comissão #Parlamento #Adendo #Quadra #Direito humano #Internacional #Criminoso #Quirinale #República italiana #Presidente #Minister_Ministry #Procuração #Rimini #Eucouncil #Police_State #Europol #INTERPOL_HQ #NASCERMOS #ECHR #CEDU #ECCHR #CoESPU #UNHRC #ECTHR #omissions - #a partir de - #telecomunicação - #emergência - #tecnologia - #vídeo - #registrations - #segurança - #a partir de - #papel - #do - #Carabinieri - #Quadra - #Criminoso - #Quirinale - #República - #Italiano /// # denunce - #Quadra - #Justiça - #União - #Europeu - #Comissão - #Parlamento - #Adendo - #Europa - #Europeu - #Quadra - #Humano - #Direito - #Internacional - #serviço - #Lugar, colocar - #quadra - #estação - #Móvel - # Avenida - #Principe - #Piedmont - #Folha - #Marina - #Riccione - #Miramare - #plantar - #limitroph - # quartel - #Olive groves - #riviera - #em geral - #de - #Igreja - #Romagnola - #Ezio - #Beber água - #telephones - #celulares - #Móvel - #privado - #serviço - #veículo - #dotado - #sistema - #satélite - #filmadora - #infravermelho - #telefone - #celular - #Serviços - #banda - #Preparar - #Táxi - #Italians - #Presidente - #Ministério - #Ministro - #Procuração - #Quadra - #Rimini - #Saludecio - #Meleto - #ECHR - #Strasbourg - #Bruxelas - #Luxemburgo - #Haia - #CGUE - #CJUE - #CIJ - #Eucouncil - #ICC - #CEDU - #ECCHR - #MÁFIA - #CoESPU - #UNHRC - #CHR - #COE - #Interpol - #HQ - #Europol - #Polícia - #Polizei - #Policia - #Polities - #Politiy - #Estado - #Estrada - #Estrada de ferro - #Penitenciária - #FFAA - #Aeronáutica - #Militares - #Sala - #do - #trabalhos - #Juiz - #Deputies - #Montecitorio - #Construção - #Chigi - #Roma - #Fiumicino - #INCA - #CGIL - #procedimento - #forjado - #judicial - #faid - #Institucional - #CUBA - #IRAP - #IRPEF - #TARI - #carimbo - #Insurances - #fiador - #guarantees - #garantido - #COLOCAR - #MEF - #agência - #entrar - #fraude - #realidade - #código - #Civil - #Ciampino - #Raffaello - #Monopólio - #normal - #Monopólio - #Alfândega - #Constitucional - #values - #patrocínio - #Serviços - #digital - #MIT - # SS3 - #Flaminia - # SS16 - #Adriatica - # localidade - #Bellariva - #Rua - #nalinhadefrente - # fogoamigável - #omissions - #a partir de - #telecomunicação - #emergência - #tecnologia - #vídeo - #registrations - #segurança - #a partir de - #papel - #do - #Carabinieri - #Quadra - #Criminoso - #Quirinale - #República - #Italiano /// # denunce - #Quadra - #Justiça - #União - #Europeu - #Comissão - #Parlamento - #Adendo - #Europa - #Europeu - #Quadra - #Humano - #Direito - #Internacional - #serviço - #Lugar, colocar - #quadra - #estação - #Móvel - # Avenida - #Principe - #Piedmont - #Folha - #Marina - #Riccione - #Miramare - #plantar - #limitroph - # quartel - #Olive groves - #riviera - #em geral - #de - #Igreja - #Romagnola - #Ezio - #Beber água - #telephones - #celulares - #Móvel - #privado - #serviço - #veículo - #dotado - #sistema - #satélite - #filmadora - #infravermelho - #telefone - #celular - #Serviços - #banda - #Preparar - #Táxi - #Italians - #Presidente - #Ministério - #Ministro - #Procuração - #Quadra - #Rimini - #Saludecio - #Meleto - #ECHR - #Strasbourg - #Bruxelas - #Luxemburgo - #Haia - #CGUE - #CJUE - #CIJ - #Eucouncil - #ICC - #CEDU - #ECCHR - #MÁFIA - #nalinhadefrente - # fogoamigável - # العدل - # الأوروبية - # الدولية - # لحقوق - # الإنسان - # الشرطة - # الاتصالات - # السلكية - # واللاسلكية - # غير - # المشروعة - # محكمة - # 裁判 所 - # 助 言 - # ヨ ー ロ ッ パ - # 人 権 - # 男 - # 準則 - # イ ン タ ー ナ シ ョ ナ ル - # 法院 - # 正義 - # 議会 - # 警察 - # 県 - # суд - # Европа - # правосудие - # права_человека - #THE IMPOSE - #ERAMEGLIONONSOPEN IT - #NOPAYPIZCARABINIERI - #PARKINGJUDICiALGROSISCLOSED - #WEARECARABINIERI - #vídeo - #registrado - #Emilia - #Romagna - #Aeroporto - #Internacional - #Base - #NASCERMOS - #Estado - #República - #San - #Marinho - #omissão - #callemergency - #ligar - #emergência - #propriedade - #Comum - #estacionamento - #gratuitamente - #concreto - #cadeia - #sinal - #Ferramentas - 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#ITA -Lá #lei é #mesmo por #tudo, a #judiciary#vuol #ver - #Claro, a #justiça - #will make seu #curso, finalmente, o #juiz - #quer #dar #razão, EU' #em formação - #pluralistic não #will make - #discounts.🛑 #Olá vocês #Eu apresento lá #publicar - #administração 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#ENG -O #lei é o #mesmo por #todo o mundo, a #judiciary #quer para #se é nós #claramente, #justiça vai levar seu #curso, #finalmente a #juiz quer #conta, #pluralistic - #em formação - #vai - #não - #faça - #discounts.🛑 #Olá A #presente #vocês a #público #administração 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#ENTRE -Lá #loi leste # égale derramar #para nós, a #magistrature - #veut - #nous - #voir - #clairement, a #justiça - # vai #faire - #filho - #cours, #enfin a #juge - #veut - #donner - #raison, EU' - #em formação - #pluralista nenhum #phere - #pas de #remises.🛑 #Bom dia, #voices EU' #administração 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#DE - #Das - #Gesetz - #ist - # pele - #tudo - #gleich, #morrer - #Justiz - #vai - #uns - #klar - #sehen, #morrer #Justiz #wird #ihren #Lauf #nehmen, # schließlich #vai #der #Richter #Recht #geben, #pluralistische #Informationen #werden #keine #Rabatte #machen.🛑 #Hallo, #ich #stars #Ihnen #morrer # öffentliche #Verwaltung #vor #publique 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#SPA - #Lá #ley #es #igual #pára #todos, #el #poder #judicial #tranquilo #vernos #com #claridad, #lá #justicia #seguirá #sobre #xingamento, #finalmente #el #juez #tranquilo #rendir #cuentas, #lá # información #pluralista #não # hará #descuentos.🛑 #Hola #vocês #Eu apresento #lá # administración # pública 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#PTG - #PARA #ela está em #mesma #pára #todos, ou #poder #judicial #quer # ver-nos #claramente, para # justiça #seguirá ou #seu #rumo, #finalmente ou #juiz #quer #prestar #contas, para # informação #pluralista # não #will make #descontos.🛑 # Olá # apresento-lhe para # administração # pública 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#NDL - De #molhado é #voor #iedereen #hetzelfde, de #magistraten #rechterlijke #macht #wil #ons #duidelijk #zien, #gerechtigheid #zal #zijn #Nós g #vinden, #eindelijk #wil #de #rechter #verantwoording #afleggen, #pluralistische #informatie #zal #geen #kortingen #geven.🛑 #Hallo, #ik #presenteer você #het #openbaar #bestuur 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#POL - #Prawo #jest #takie #samo #dla #wszystkich, # sądownictwo #chce #nas # widzieć # wyraźnie, # sprawiedliwość # będzie #Sim é # toczyć, C # końcu # Suécia #chce #Sim é # rozliczyć, #pluralistyczne #informacje #nie # będą # dyskontować.🛑 #Witam #Przedstawiam #administracji #publicznej 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#GRK -Ο # νόμος # είναι ο # ίδιος # για # όλους, η # δικαιοσύνη # θέλει να # δει # καθαρά, η # δικαιοσύνη θα # ακολουθήσει την # πορεία της, # τελικά ο # δικαστής # θέλει να # αιτιολογήσει, οι # πλουραλιστικές # πληροφορίες # δεν # θα # κάνουν # εκπτώσεις.🛑 # Γεια # σας, # αυτή # είναι η # δημόσια # διοίκηση 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#RUS - # Закон # одинаков # для # всех, # судебная # власть # хочет # видеть # нас # ясно, # правосудие # пойдет # своим # чередом, # наконец # судья # хочет # отчитываться, # плюралистическая # информация # не # будет # делать # скидок.🛑 # Здравствуйте, я # представляю # государственного # управления 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#JAP - # 法律 は 誰 に と っ て も 同 じ で あ り- # こ ん に ち は、 # 私 は 行政 # を 提示 し ま す 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#CIN - # 法律 對 每個 人 都是 一樣 的, # 司法機關 想 看清楚 我們 , # 正義 會 順其自然 , # 最後 法官 要 交代 , # 多元化 的 資訊 不會 打折扣 。🛑 # 你好, # 我 介紹 公共行政 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#AFR - #Morrer #molhado é #dieselfde #vir #almal, #morrer #regbank #wil #ons #duidelik #sien, #geregtigheid #sal #sy #gang #gaan, #uiteindelik #wil #morrer #regter #believes #gee, #pluralistiese #inligting #sal #dit #openbaar.🛑 #Hallo #ek #bied #morrer #openbare #administrasie 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 -

#ARB القانون # هو # نفسه # بالنسبة # للجميع، # والقضاء # يريد # أن # نرى # لنا بوضوح ، و # العدالة # سوف # تأخذ مجر # اها ، # وأخير# ا # القاضي يريد أن # يحاسب، و # الم # التعددية لن # تجعل # الخصرات.🛑 # مر# حبا # أقدم # الإدارة # العامة 🇮🇹 🇪🇺

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