

Twitter bots are extremely active these days.

Just imagine IRI just crushed the so called "revolution" and did not kill 1500 it caught during the protests and many prisoners are being released as the government feels safe enough not to keep them in jail any more.

But then, they just decide to gas innocent children to piss off the public, make make their parents angry and re-ignite the protests once again?

That sounds logical to anyone?

What ever monstrous group is behind these massive, systematic and organized attacks against innocent children all over Iran is doing so to create chaos and push people into confrontation with the government, now that the fake leadership of Pahlavi/Alinejad could not get even 100 people into the street when they called for national week of protests, these gas attacks started!

IRI is evil, no doubt about it, there are people in this government with bloods of 1000s of innocent people on their hand, including the monster Reisi, but it is not stupid, nor is it suicidal.

The evil behind these attacks, either ISIS, extremists inside the regime or monsters among the "opposition", want these attacks to re-ignite the protests and to force the regime to use excessive force against the angry and concerned parents (which they will do if they find it necessary).

I just hate this whole thing.

#Iran #ChemicalAttacks #Poisoning #IranSchoolGirls #Propaganda #Terrorism #Twitter


AI-generated #fiction is flooding #literary magazines — but not fooling anyone

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/25/23613752/ai-generated-short-stories-literary-magazines-clarkesworld-science-fiction

At times, the submitter hasn’t even bothered to replace “[name]” with their own.

Using #ChatGPT, The Verge was able to replicate some elements of submissions Williams has seen. A prompt to write a short #sciencefiction #story — plus copy-and-pasted information from #Asimov’s submission guidelines — produced stories with dozens of similar titles in succession, like “The Last Echo,” “The Last Message,” “The Last Day of Autumn,” and “The Last Voyager.”

Now imagine what potential we are giving away and how much #energy we are wasting because #capitalism sets the wrong incentives.

In the #future, one side will generate masses of #spam via #AI in the hope of making a quick buck, and the other side will try to fend this off with AI. We can automate the entire #internet with all the trolls, fact checkers and #fake #news. The result will probably be much worse than #Facebook and #Twitter already are.

#dystopia #problem #scam #humanity #civilization #economy #money #profit #system #manipulation #propaganda #intelligence #technology #bot


The propaganda machine of Twitter bots, NCRI and Pahlavi supporters just woken up to the news of the gas attacks against girl schools all over Iran.

Took them 3 weeks to start their campaign, and it wasn't before the news hit the main stream media that their push for calling these attacks a government holocaust and flooding the social media with such disgusting posts.

Reading these posts and looking at the accounts sharing them makes me sick.

Who ever or what ever group who is behind these attacks is an evil as the Mujahedin of Afghanistan in the 80s who were poisoning the drinking water of girl schools to scare them from education.

This is a whole new level of evil, in so many sides.

#Iran #PosonAttacks #GasAttacks #Propaganda #Twitter #IranProtests


The disgusting Twitter bots and so called Iranian diaspora are flooding Twitter with garbage posts like this!

The wording of the posts, the timing of the attacks and the size of them targeting innocent children are all like an old transcript of the old NKVD action plan to destabilize and demonize the target.

I don't know who is behind these attacks, but coming with such ridiculous comment that IRGC after 44 years in power has suddenly decided to poison small children all over the country, starting in Qum. The center of religious system of IRI, is simply unbelievable.

But sadly the massive propaganda of these groups is pushing this narrative that it is the IRGC that is behind the attacks, for some strange reason they want to get people angry at their own government.

#Iran #GasAttacks #Propaganda #Twitter #WTF #Politics


Only few recognized the #propaganda item for what it was. The starting point of a new #China hate campaign that will divert the public from mass casualties in #Ukraine and other issues.


#FoxNews has knowingly and systematically spread #fake #news

Source: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/february-27-2023

Today’s filing shows that executives at the highest levels of the #Fox Corporation and the Fox News Network knowingly permitted Fox News Channel personalities to spread false #conspiracy theories about the #election in order to protect their profits. It includes testimony from Rupert #Murdoch, the chair of the Fox Corporation, showing that Murdoch and his son Lachlan Murdoch, the executive chair and chief executive officer of the Fox Corporation, as well as Suzanne Scott, the chief executive officer of Fox News #Media, were all deeply involved in the question of how to deal with #Trump’s lies and with the personalities who were echoing those lies, without losing viewership.

#usa #propaganda #problem #politics #manipulation #freedom #democracy #journalism #press #fail #crime #justice


#kultur #politik #linguistik #LTI #NS #faschismus #krieg #propaganda #sprache #klemperer #arte #mediathek

Ganz wichtig, gerade in Zeiten des Krieges

Die Sprache lügt nicht

Die Tagebücher von Victor Klemperer

Von 1933 bis 1945 führte der deutsche Schriftsteller Victor Klemperer ein ungewöhnliches Tagebuch. Gegenstand dessen war die Sprache des Dritten Reiches, "Lingua Tertii Imperii" nannte er sie. Leidenschaftlich notierte er jede neue Redewendung, die ihm begegnete - um Zeugnis abzulegen von der Verunglimpfung der deutschen Sprache durch die Nazis.

Von Hitlers Machtübernahme 1933 bis zur Kapitulation Deutschlands 1945 schrieb Victor Klemperer in Dresden Tagebuch. Heimlich notierte er, was ihm als deutschem Juden im Alltag des Dritten Reiches widerfuhr und auffiel. Er führte das Leben eines Ausgestoßenen, dem tausend kleine Dinge verboten waren: ein Auto, einen Staubsauger, ein Fahrrad oder eine Katze zu besitzen, eine Zigarre zu rauchen, eine öffentliche Bibliothek zu benutzen, "Mein Kampf" zu lesen, Eis zu essen. Dabei schwebte er in ständiger Gefahr, von der Gestapo verhaftet, ins KZ verschleppt und umgebracht zu werden.

Aber Klemperer wollte sich nicht in die Opferrolle zwingen lassen. Er nahm den Kampf mit dem Naziregime auf dem Gebiet auf, das ihm als Philologieprofessor am nächsten lag: der Sprache.

  • Vom 28/02/2023 bis 05/05/2023 | 80min

Bereits 1933 fing Klemperer an, in seinem Tagebuch die neue Sprache kritisch zu dokumentieren, die nun in Deutschland Verwendung fand. Mit der Leidenschaft des Sammlers notierte er jedes neue Wort und jede neue Redewendung. Er interessierte sich für die neuen Schriftzeichen in Todesanzeigen, für die Stammtischwitze, für den Einfluss Jean-Jacques Rousseaus auf die Nazi-Ideologie und für die Anleihen aus dem Jargon von Technik, dem Boxsport und amerikanischer Werbung.

Getreu seinem selbst auferlegten Motto "beobachten, notieren, studieren" analysierte er Tag für Tag die Sprache des Dritten Reiches, die er "Lingua Tertii Imperii" nannte und mit dem Kürzel "LTI" belegte. "LTI. Notizbuch eines Philologen" lautet auch der Titel seines 1947 erschienenen Buches. Jede neue Eintragung in sein Tagebuch konnte ihn das Leben kosten. Bald wurde ihm Schreiben wichtiger als Überleben. Er wollte Zeugnis ablegen und gleichzeitig Widerstand leisten gegen die Verunglimpfung seiner geliebten deutschen Sprache.
- https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/028335-000-A/die-sprache-luegt-nicht/


The idiocracy is being magnified once again!

As expected, the lunatic "Iran lovers" are using the tragic attacks against female schools in Iran (it is now spreading to primary up to universities) as the proof of IRI's evilness.

IRI is sure evil, but it is not the Taliban or ISIS. They have never questioned education of females in the country and Iran has the highers number of female scientists and engineers in the region (much more than both US and most European countries).

It is truly sickening to see such level of stupidity of these people being spread in the name of loving Iran and Iranians.

The Hollywood image of good vs evil is being shown to be so freaking effective and some fall for it, and others push for it. In the mean time, their stupidity just help the fanatics in Iran to justify their oppression against Iranian people as they have been doing in the past 44 years.

#Iran #Politics #propaganda #poisoning #politics #idiocracy #Taliban #ISIS #Propaganda