

American Chernobyl is not worth mentioning by fhe fake environmentalist "liberal" minister

It's like a bad copy of USSR under the first days of #Chernobyl, but 3 weeks after the worst environmental disaster in IS modern history, the right wing media and those who caused the relaxed regulations and anti union legislation are winning the propaganda war against the stupid and somehow criminal Biden administration.

It's just unbelievable how badly they are handling this and how united and agressive are the right wing trolls to put the blame of the disaster caused by Trump and conservatives changes in safety requirements for hazardous material transport and outdated, unsafe and faulty private train transport in the US.

#Environment #Buttigieg #Ohio #Catastrophe #Chernobyl #Propaganda #Capitalism #Trump #Trains #Accident


Stefan Zweig en Michel de Montaigne zochten in afzondering naar individuele vrijheid in beestachtige tijden

Michel Krielaars (NRC)

Op 22 februari 1942 maakten de 60-jarige Oostenrijks-Joodse schrijver Stefan Zweig en zijn veel jongere, tweede vrouw Charlotte Altmann een einde aan hun leven. (...)

[I]n de nieuwe wereld kon Zweig niet wennen. Hij hoorde thuis in het oude Europa, dat, zoals hij beschrijft in zijn postuum verschenen autobiografie Die Welt von Gestern (1942), in de Eerste Wereldoorlog ten onder was gegaan en nu opnieuw in bestialiteit werd gedrenkt.

Opmerkelijk is dat Zweig in Zuid-Amerika zijn beste boeken heeft geschreven. (...) En nu is er ineens een ander werk uit die tijd in vertaling verschenen: Montaigne. (...)

Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Michel Krielaars
Michel Krielaars

In Montaigne (1533-1592) had Zweig een zielsverwant gevonden. Zo zocht de Franse filosoof in zijn essays net als hij individuele vrijheid. (...)

Waar Zweig op de vlucht was voor Hitler en zijn oorlog, wendde Montaigne zich op zijn 38ste af van de bloedige godsdienststrijd tussen katholieken en hugenoten, die Zweig ‘het pandemonium van woede en haat dat de mensheid onteert en vernietigt’ noemt. De ‘terugval van het humanisme in beestachtigheid’ was hun beider tragedie. Dat gold ook voor hun afkeer van, zoals Zweig schrijft, ‘het fanatisme van de dictators van de geest, die met onbeschaamde arrogantie de wereld hun nouveautés als enige en onomstotelijke waarheid willen opdringen en die niet geven om het bloed van honderdduizenden, zolang ze maar gelijk krijgen.’ (...)

Op zoek naar persoonlijke vrijheid maakten beiden zich tot op zekere hoogte los van de ellende om hen heen. In feite kozen ze voor de Innere Emigration. (...)

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #boeken #literatuur #montaigne #zweig #stefan_zweig #oorlog #godsdienststrijd #hitler #dictator #waarheid #propaganda #vrijheid #individuele_vrijheid


"Conspiracy Theory"



#weaponized #covertoperations #psychelogicaloperations #psyop #psyops #katiehalper #aarongood #orwellian #mindcontrol #crooks #afullyinformedpublic #democraticduty #democracy #propaganda #freespeech #freethought #tyranny #corporatism #fascism #totalitarianism #scrutiny

"conspiracy theorist" used to discredit those who do their democratic duty and scrutinise authorities.
"conspiracy theory" used to dissuade you from scrutinising authority.


it's your duty, in democracy.

any who try dissuade you from your democratic duty,
are opposed to you having a say,
and against a fully informed public (necessary for a functioning democracy),
are anti-democratic,
and are pro-tyranny,
and are attempting to totalitarianise you; attempting to induce #massformationpsychosis in you.

take care not to succumb to unwittingly using this weapon against your fellow people.

no #pitchforksvstorches, no #censorship.



Revealed: the hacking and #disinformation team meddling in #elections

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/15/revealed-disinformation-team-jorge-claim-meddling-elections-tal-hanan

Hanan told the undercover reporters that his services, which others describe as “black ops”, were available to #intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. He said they had been used across #Africa, South and Central #America, the US and #Europe.

#news #cyberwar #cybercrime #warfare #manipulation #propaganda #fake #politics #democracy #election #vote #society #journalism #press #Israel #president #government #economy #money


Remember #truth - or when "news" was based on factual reality? (Pre-Fox, with public protections).

Excellent short clip showing off the #Fox fascism and single-minded effort to present cult propaganda (very profitable!

"It's a must-watch and it's pretty shocking"

Mehdi Hasan:
So, you'll enjoy this: we put what Fox hosts Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham said, on air, side by side with what they were saying to each other on text, in private, when the cameras stopped rolling.

So yeah, Fox is oh-so-cute with its nonsensical dog-whistles, like "cancel culture", yet another projection (as this story illuminates) of Fox's non-stop spew of hate & lies. How do you spell #hypocrisy? #Disinformation? #sedition...

#Fox / #GQP #propaganda


USA: Flugobjekte wohl nicht Teil chinesischer Spionageballon-Flotte

Aha!! Diese UFOs waren also weder Vorboten der Alieninvasion noch “Teil [der] chinesische[n] Spionageballon-Flotte”.
Bedeutet aber dass es -laut Handelsblatt- eine “chinesischer Spionageballon-Flotte” geben muss…Beweise? Braucht´s nicht.

Der Focus wusste sogar zu melden, dass die Schlitzaug… meine die China-Kommunisten mit Ballons 40(!) Länder ausspionieren. Beweise, Faktenchecks? Braucht´s nicht, da dies “hochrangigen Mitarbeiter des Außenministeriums in Washington” US-Medien verzapfen. Jo…so sieht´ s aus, wenn´s Militärs lügt und schwurbelt, dann ist´s ok, aber wehe dem, der die Wahrheit über´s Militär (hüstel NS2/Irak/…) ausplaudert…dem wird die Fresse medial poliert.

Aber sei´ s drum → Wenn es diese sagenumwobene Spionageballon-Flotte gibt, die gezielt(!!!) bestimmte Gebiete ausspioniert, dann müssen die Objekte ja irgendwie gesteuert werden, richtig?, und da so ein Ballon bekanntlich keinen Motor hat und abhängig vom Wind fliegt, kann es nur eine Erklärung geben:
Der Chines´ kann den Wind kontrollieren!Ölf! :-D Das haben mir in aller Vertraulichkeit “hochrangigen Mitarbeiter des Außenministeriums in Washington” erzählt, jetzt in Echt und in Farbe. Wallah, isch schwör!!

#propaganda #medien #hysterie #krieg #china #usa #geschwurbel


Faktencheck: Wie falsche Narrative über ukrainische Flüchtlinge verbreitet werden | DW | 16.02.2023

Undankbar, gefährlich, parasitär - so werden ukrainische Geflüchtete in einschlägigen Medien und Social-Media-Kanälen dargestellt. Wir erklären, warum die Taktik oft verfängt und wie man sie dennoch erkennen kann.#Ukraine #Flüchtlinge #Fakenews #Propaganda #Faktencheck
Faktencheck: Wie falsche Narrative über ukrainische Flüchtlinge verbreitet werden | DW | 16.02.2023


Drohung von Putins »Bluthund«
#Tschetschenenchef #Kadyrow schwadroniert über Besetzung Ostdeutschlands
Tschetscheniens #Diktator Kadyrow ist für grobe #Propaganda bekannt. Nun teilte er in einem Interview gegen den Westen aus – und will in Teilen Deutschlands wieder russische Truppen sehen: »Das ist unser Territorium.«

#krieg #terror #FuckPutin


Man, wir hetzen die aber auch so stur in einen Krieg. Und die sind so bemüht....



#bias #behaviouralscience #psychology #groupthink #interesting #introspectioncueing

#confirmationbias #cognitiveillusions

#insuficientinformation #engagelogicalslowthinking #withholdprematureconclusion #tapthebreaks
#biastoeasyanswers #biastonarratives #narratives #inconsiderate #bullying #usvsthem #redvsblue
#cherrypicking #evidencecherrypicking #cherrypickingevidence
#seeingwhatyouwanttosee #usingreasoningtofitprejudice #illusions

#massformationpsychosis #howithappens
"We make many of our most important decisions based on what can only be called cognitive illusions. This is embarrassing for us to realise, but the evidence for it is undeniable."
so to that, i say:
"there is no shame in the truth." -- Minbari Religious Cast Elder to Student, Babylon5.
"head into the wave." -- me / old saying / unattributed
as in find your way to where you no longer defeat yourself with your subborn clinging to your self image as one who makes no such errors.
embrace the errors.
then you are on the path. then you are learning.
our confirmation bias, our cognitive illusions, are due eternal vigilance, to not succumb to their blinding arogance and mental/investigative/scrutinative sloth.

this is true whether stupid, or oh so much more clever.
especially if you are oh so much more clever.
because if you really are oh so much more clever, you will suffer more fuel on that fire.
and also, thinking you're oh so much more clever, is improbably true. not that i'm saying truth's always derivable, or even aproachable, through simple statistical analysis, but... since we're always going on a little information, and the dangerousness of how little that information is, can be worsened by how much littler we make it by our confirmation-biasing, cognitive illusions, our slothful lazy hastey grasp on shortcuts, we dont even realise, we're doing it, we dont even realise how little we have, and we tell ourselves we have a lot, we tell ourselves as much as we have, is a lot of what there is, even to the extreme, that it's all there is. unwittingly, we become know it alls, with next to nothing. and we think we're the smarty-est.

there's no shame in the truth.

we're not that smart.

we're not as smart as we think we are. no shame in the truth, that we think we're smart, and that we think that's smarter than we are.

knowing this,

helps us get smarter.


wise enough to continue learning.

wise enough to catch ourselves from short-handed thinking.

wise enough to see when we have, and wise enough eagerly accept that, and even point it out to others. wise enough to accept we'll likely never absolutely be beyond this, and even more likely are not beyond it right now, and so reapplies the humility introspective vigilance, not to identify as one who has risen above it, but to persist in plucking away and batting away all the times it has happened already, and all the times more oncoming.

"all i know is i know nothing, and sometimes i forget even that much." -- Me, often, but not often enough without vanity, not often enough really heeding what i (and socrates) mean by it.


still vulnerable to us-vs-them'ing. like you.

(ps, i forget where i got that link from, but thanks again to whoever shared it. ^ all that from merely first 20 minutes. .... lets see where it goes.)

#autopilotbiases #vulnerabletoattack #targetcues #pavlovsdog #socialmediacompanies #datamining #trolling #attentionseizing #mindcontrol #attentionplundering #sensationalism #cunninghamslaw #clickbait #fictionasfact #tabloids #attentionhacking #customerasproduct #attentionasproduct #theyareusingyou #polarisation #trustbuying #divideandconquer #uniteandconquer #familiariseandconquer #algorythm #algorythmicbias #algorythmicechochamber #echochamber #inducedignorance #comfortingignorance #ignorancesquared #arogance #appealmirror #insidetheappealmirrorball #othering #rippingappartthesocialfabric #nodiscourse #misinformation #mistruth #discourseevasion #discourseaversion #moralistic #outrage #hyperjudgementalism #hypernormalism #bonding #hypermoralism #hypermoralistic #witchhunt #redscare #introspectionevasion #introspectionaversion #disinformation #enflamingexistingbiases #existingbiases #biasmanufacturing #circularreasoning #falseflag #duped #outrage #outrageaddiction #fakenews #propaganda #hate #strengthasweakness #weaknessasstrength #irrational #irrationality #copiedirrelevancies #distraction #pantomime #monkeyseemonkeydo #smarterthanhumans #lackfilterforbadinformation #learningerrors #managedoppositions #economiccoercion #sockjocks #shockingestjockwins #clickbaitencouragement #usandthem #usandthemline #quickerthanwerealise #fearreflex #feartheother #they #cartoongeneralisation #generalisation #bigotry #poverty #unconsciousdistinctions #sympathy #iknow #autopilotprocesses #humanpotential #raisethebedrock #scarcitymindset #povertyprocupation #moneyimpoverishment #povertyiqreduction #povertystress #everybodysayingthesamethingjustdifferently #demagog #demagogs #demagoggery #conditioning #subconscious #mindhackers #sidelearnings #intentionalharms #unintentionalharms #fliesintheointment #FLYINTHEOINTMENT #hypocrisy #politicalcorrectness #freedomofspeech #makingourlivesbetter #freespeech #freethought #freewisdom
#cognitiveoverload #worry
