

Taipei replica in remote Chinese province fans Taiwan invasion fears

The satellite images show a detailed replica of the heart of Taipei – albeit surrounded by the arid landscape of Inner Mongolia instead of Taiwan’s lush vegetation.

First posted on social media by a Taiwanese data analyst, on March 26, they were later picked up by the website Taiwan News, under the ominous headline: “China creates Taipei mockup to train for invasion”.

FRANCE 24 was able to verify the existence of the mockup, located some 1,200 kilometres west of Beijing.


#China #Taipei #Taiwan #Invasion #war #ChinaAggression #aggression #Imperialism #Mongolia


(from extreme right telegram channel) The #Argentine Armed Forces have launched Operation Griffon XVII in South Atlantic waters to strengthen their fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, while hundreds of fishing vessels, mainly Chinese-flagged, prey on the region’s fish stocks

➡️Griffon XVII is under the authority of the Joint Maritime Command (COCM), which through the Argentine Navy, in collaboration with the Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA), monitors maritime traffic in the southern Atlantic.

➡️Defense Minister Luis Petri told the press on the day of the start of Griffon XVII that there are between 450 and 500 vessels, mostly Chinese, coming from the Pacific, passing through the Strait of Magellan and positioning themselves at mile 201, just outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

➡️The Chinese boats operating in Latin America are mostly fishing trawlers, which specialize in squid fishing and intentionally disable their Automatic Identification System (AIS) devices, a practice frequently used to avoid detection in areas where IUU fishing takes place.

⚠️ According to Washington, D.C.-based think tank the Stimson Center, China and its state-owned enterprises have the world’s largest distant water fishing fleet, with nearly 3,000 vessels. That fleet is three times larger than the fleets of #Taiwan, #Japan, #SouthKorea, and Spain combined.

“There must be coordination between the different nations adding efforts and capabilities and exchanging information against illegal fishing. China subjugates the sovereignty of Latin America in a cleary imperialist attitude, in a world where it is considered that 93 percent of the fishing reserves are already exploited to the limit.”

Source https://dialogo-americas.com/articles/argentina-launches-operation-against-chinese-iuu-fishing/

#SouthAmerica #China #Politics #Fascism


Things are heating up again in the waters south of the PRC. First there was a strange incident in which two people drowned. The PRC says it was a fishing boat that had been in the waters around Kinmen, an island belonging to Taiwan/the ROC, but very close to the PRC. However, a fishing boat can 1) not outrun a coastguard boat and 2) does not capsize easily, unless Godzilla drags them down. Another article mentioned a speedboat, which is much more likely, as it is sufficiently fast and unstable for the described incident. So very likely people from the PRC were speeding into waters they didn't belong to and then ran - and did so in a way that made their boat capsize and got two people drowned.

However, the PRC is now very "concerned about the safety of Chinese fishermen", which led to them sending their own coastguard into waters around Kinmen and stopping a tourist boat there, checking the papers of every person on board. Basically they officially entered waters belonging to Taiwan and claimed authority there. But it's not just about #Taiwan.

There is still the problem with the second Thomas Shoal. The PRC escalated their bullying of Philippine supply boats heading to a grounded ship in the Second Thomas Shoal. This is in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the #Philippines, less than 200km from their coast, while being 1000km from the PRC coast. (EEZ is defined as everything within 200nm from the coast.) The PRC called the supply run an "intrusion into their territory" and this time, coast guard ships from both sides bumped into each other. Please observe that only the PH sailors put out fenders, while the PRC sailors were busy filming.

That's the current level of escalation, so use your imagination for the next one.


Niemand in Europa kan nu nog achterover leunen

Caroline de Gruyter (NRC)

(...) Als de poging van Vladimir Poetin om Oekraïne in te lijven in een herrezen Russisch rijk inderdaad een test is van de Amerikaanse wil om zijn invloedssfeer te verdedigen, wordt het signaal nu duidelijk: Washington wil niet vechten. Het stuurt zijn bondgenoten aan de frontlinie, die voor het Westen vechten en doodgaan, niet eens genoeg wapens. Voeg daarbij het feit dat de VS elke controle heeft verloren over zijn bondgenoot langs die àndere frontlinie – Israël – en de trend wordt duidelijker. Driemaal raden welke les China, lonkend naar Taiwan, hieruit trekt.

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Caroline de Gruyter
Caroline de Gruyter

Daarom bewapent Polen zich nu tot de tanden – 4 procent van het bbp gaat naar defensie. Daarom geeft de Litouwse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Gabrielius Landsbergis, keiharde, deprimerende tv-interviews over geopolitiek. Geen oeverloze discussies over zaken- of extraparlementaire kabinetten, maar hard talk over de existentiële dreiging, het „verblindende optimisme” en strategische onbenul van West-Europeanen en hoe een landje tussen Rusland en Wit-Rusland dit kan overleven. (...)

Het is niet verloren. Maar dan moeten Amerikanen en West-Europeanen uit hun luie stoel komen en, net als Litouwers en Polen en de andere frontstaten, erkennen dat dit gemeenschappelijke buitengrenzen zijn, die verdedigd moeten worden. Het is dáár dat het naderende onheil moet worden gestopt.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #oorlog #poetin #putin #rusland #oekraine #ukraine #europa #eu #europese_unie #wapens #zware_wapens #trump #internationale_rechtsorde #oorlogseconomie #@eurocaro@mastodon.social #israel #china #taiwan #gaza


I almost forgot this screenshot I took on Monday evening.
enter image description here
I took it after I heard that our lowest night temperature was supposed to be 24C, which I couldn't quite believe. These are the tropics, but even here February is usually cold - at least our "cold", which means 10-15C at night or lower. I switched to Summer now: Shorts, t-shirt and no more jacket on the bike.

I wonder though: If this is February, what will the real Summer be like?
#climatecrisis #climatechange #Taiwan


Perhaps you would be kind enough to allow me to declare a few theses on the #geopolitics of the U.S.

1) If #Ukraine loses the war, it would be a step backwards towards a liberal #world order. Autocracies would be on the rise and #China could feel empowered to invade #Taiwan.
2) If the #West had not supported Ukraine, the #war would already be over. It seems immoral to only half-heartedly #support Ukraine and thereby prolong the suffering for #power games.
3) If #Biden now denies Ukraine #military support for tactical #election maneuvers and fails to deliver urgently needed #ammunition, then his office is more important to him than the well-being of the world and the #future of #freedom.
4) If Biden were to supply the ammunition and thus lose the election, not only would #Trump win but #democracy would be damaged.
5) Geopolitics is a cynical #dilemma that costs many lives.

#nato #europe #Russia #politics #problem #humanRights #justice #cynicism #terror #business #warfare #ethics

                                                                                                 Silent home 

I often lack the fitting words, like a silent observer in a busy world. It has always been my belief that silence often says as well as the endless chatter that surrounds us. In this world where people talk incessantly I find more exhaustion than enrichment. Their words shower down on me like a constant rain and I seek refuge in silence. Again and again I am drawn away, far into the unknown. There, where language falls silent, lies a peculiar form of peace, and in the distance I recognise home.

#streetphotography #cityscapes #taipei #taiwan #travel #mywork #life #sunset #thoughts


enter image description here
#Taiwan is currently celebrating Chinese New Year, which means a few days off and much eating. For this purpose I followed the same procedure as every year and bought a pot of Laksa at Costco., plus a few additional goodies to "extend" it from the local market.

If you don't know Laksa, there are several versions of it, I think Costco is selling the Singapore flavor. You should definitely give it a try one day, it's simply wonderful.


Les dominateurs occidentaux en bout de course veulent une guerre mondiale, et je suppose qu'ils vont tout faire pour la provoquer au "bon" moment....

#NATO is preparing the population for a situation when the Ukrainian conflict escalates into a world war.
This is evidenced by the fact that NATO Secretary General #Stoltenberg is trying to connect #Ukraine with the #Taiwan question, writes the Global Times.
Moreover, the definition of the Ukrainian conflict is no longer limited to Europe. It is now being touted as a symptom of a "broader global geopolitical conflict".
Now the alliance is making it clear that its main target is Russia, and China is also a potential adversary. Against this background, Stoltenberg continues to promote the need for NATO expansion, for which war is a necessity.
"Without war, this military organization would lose the meaning of its existence. NATO must have a clear goal. If it does not have one, it must create one," writes the Global Times.
Speaking at the non-governmental Heritage Foundation in Washington in January, Stoltenberg said a Russian victory would allow other countries such as North Korea, #Iran and #China to use force. In an interview with Fox News, he then unequivocally emphasized: "Today it is Ukraine, tomorrow it could be Taiwan."
Hans Helffer

#GlobalWar #Russia #US #USA