

Coming soon - Pause ads on YouTube

“In Q1, we saw strong traction from the introduction of a pause ads pilot on connected TVs, a new non-interruptive ad format that appears when users pause their organic content,” Schindler noted.

Read carefully the words used by Schindler. This is how you make a change which is bad for the consumer sound like something good. Excellent use of words. Don't be fooled!

YouTube first spoke about pause ads last year when it started trialing them in select regions. At the time, the company said that when you pause a video, it will shrink, and an ad will appear next to it.Schindler didn’t share any timelines for when pause ads will start appearing on YouTube, but we know they’ll first roll out on smart TVs. The nature of these ads, including their duration, skippability, and more is still unclear. We also don’t know if Google plans to introduce these ads on YouTube’s mobile apps.

Other article have stated that the "pause ads" can NOT be removed or turned off, and will be played automatically when a video has been paused. https://www.tek.no/nyheter/nyhet/i/Pp3PdX/youtube-skal-faa-pauseannonser

If they earn a lot of money on this, be sure it will appear on computer/phone platforms sooner rather than later. I can only hope users will protest.

#YouTube #Ads #PauseAds #Google #News
Google is feeling pretty pumped about a new way of showing you ads on YouTube


#Instagram Throttles 404 Media #Investigation Into #Drug #Ads on Instagram, Continues to Let People Advertise Drugs

source: https://www.404media.co/instagram-throttles-404-media-investigation-into-drug-ads-on-instagram-continues-to-let-people-advertise-drugs/

This means #Meta continues to take money from people blatantly advertising drugs on the platform while limiting the reach of reporting about that #content #moderation #failure. Instagram's Recommendation #Guidelines limit the reach of posts that "promotes the use of certain regulated products such as tobacco or vaping products, #adult products and services, or pharmaceutical drugs."

#economy #internet #socialMedia #Media #politics #news #business


Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

Ars Technica

Chrome now directly tracks users, generates a "topic" list it shares with advertisers.

(Text continues underneath the illustration.)

Version of Google name
Google's not looking as good as it used to.

Don't let Chrome's big redesign distract you from the fact that Chrome's invasive new ad platform, ridiculously branded the "Privacy Sandbox," is also getting a widespread rollout in Chrome today. If you haven't been following this, this feature will track the web pages you visit and generate a list of advertising topics that it will share with web pages whenever they ask, and it's built directly into the Chrome browser. (...)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation also argued this when it called Google's FLoC a "terrible idea", saying "[Google's] framing is based on a false premise that we have to choose between 'old tracking' and 'new tracking.' It’s not either-or. Instead of re-inventing the tracking wheel, we should imagine a better world without the myriad problems of targeted ads." (...)

Did any user in the world want a user-tracking and ad platform baked directly into their browser? Probably not, but this is Google, and they control Chrome, and this probably still won't make people switch to Firefox.

Complete article

Tags: #internet #ads #google #alphabet #tracking #cookies #browser #chrome #privacy #floc #firefox


This feels like a case where few adults create associative thoughts in their head and imposes those onto an otherwise innocent situation. Its more revealing of their mind and thought process not the commercials message. Why do some adults misinterpret the commercial into a "sexualization of children" thing?

My interpretation from this commercial is that H&M meant that the fashion clothes they sell are so cool and fashionable for the school kids to wear that other kids (presumably meant and aimed at that school kid age-range, NOT adults turning heads) will turn their heads and look at their clothing and be influenced to wanting to buy the same H&M clothes for themselves. Its about the clothes, not the girls.

That said, I generally don't like commercials aimed at children in any form or for any product, there is enough pressure for their attention as it is. Kids are easily influenced.

#Ads #H&M #fashion
EU retail giant accused of ‘sexualizing children’


YouTube begins new wave of slowdowns for users with ad blockers enabled

YouTube recently started slowing down its entire site whenever ad blockers are used. A new wave of slowdowns is hitting users, with the only resolutions being disabling the ad blocker or upgrading to premium.YouTube looks sickly whenever an ad blocker is enabled. Videos buffer incredibly slow, previews refuse to load properly, and entering theater mode or fullscreen is impossible without refreshing the website.

This is mostly due to an artificial timeout written within YouTube’s code to act as a laggy internet connection. While this action taken by YouTube isn’t brand-new, more users are starting to see the tactic in use.

Without adblocker youtube is unwatchable. We transitioned away from TV and cable because of the constant interruption of ads pre-during-after programs. Internet and youtube became a sort of refuge, for a while. Then the same ad struggle began to appear, gently at first, more intrusive later, to full blown maniac together with inn-house video ads by the video-creators. Too much!!! So adblock and script blocks became the needed tool to reduce this annoyance. Who's to blame for the adblock necessity use?

Youtube is an amazing site, it has basically become the video version of wikipedia. You can find a video just about anything, any topic and problem, any curiosity and entertainment. Its a huge resource and help. For that reason alone, youtube should be as free as wikipedia is free and ad-free. I wish nations government would enter and simply buy youtube premium access for all its citizens to keep its service free, ad-free and accessible to all.

Lacking that, there are options to avoid the annoying ads. I have not experienced the site-slowdown yet so I've not tested out these possible solutions, however, its good to know there are ways to get around the slowdown tactic by youtube. These are tools for Firefox and Edge.

One popular way to do this is by using the User-Agent Switcher and Manager add-on.A more secure way to switch your user-agent is to do so manually. To start, open a new tab, type about:config in the URL and hit Enter. Accept the warning pop-up, type general.useragent.override, hit String, then hit the (+). Now, open Chrome on your computer, place a search for "my user agent," and copy and paste the results in the text field. Hit Enter once again, and your Firefox browser now appears like Chrome to the world wide web.

you can try this uBlock Origin workaround. Once you have uBlock Origin installed in your browser, open it, open Dashboard, then head to My filters. Paste the following into the field:


Now, hit Apply changes, and open YouTube in a new window to see if the delay is still present.


#Youtube #Ads #Slowdown #Adblocker #News
YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave


Inside the 'arms race' between #YouTube and ad blockers

Source: https://www.engadget.com/inside-the-arms-race-between-youtube-and-ad-blockers-140031824.html

Keeping pace with YouTube will likely become even more challenging next year, when Google’s #Chrome browser adopts the Manifest V3 standard, which significantly limits what #extensions are allowed to do. #Modras said that under Manifest V3, whenever an ad blocker wants to update its blocklist — again, something they may need to do multiple times a day — it will have to release a full #update and undergo a review “which can take anywhere between [a] few hours to even a few weeks.”

“Through #Manifest #V3, #Google will close the door for innovation in the ad #blocking landscape and introduce another layer of #gatekeeping that will slow down how #ad #blockers can react to new #ads and #online #tracking methods,” he said.

Anyone who knows #Firefox and still uses Chrome out of conviction is beyond help.

#software #news #browser #internet #block #adblocker #advertisement #economy #business #money #marketing #problem #surveillance #web #www #evil #extension #addOn


Freetube : Youtube videos, trackers and ads free for desktop computers

FreeTube is a YouTube client for Windows, Mac, and Linux built around using YouTube more privately. You can enjoy your favorite content and creators without your habits being tracked. All of your user data is stored locally and never sent or published to the internet. FreeTube grabs data by scraping the information it needs (with either local methods or by optionally utilizing the Invidious API). With many features similar to YouTube, FreeTube has become one of the best methods to watch YouTube privately on desktop.

FreeTube est un client YouTube pour Windows, Mac et Linux conçu pour une utilisation plus privée de YouTube. Vous pouvez profiter de votre contenu et de vos créateurs préférés sans que vos habitudes soient suivies. Toutes vos données d'utilisateur sont stockées localement et ne sont jamais envoyées ou publiées sur Internet. FreeTube recueille les données en récupérant les informations dont il a besoin (à l'aide de méthodes locales ou en utilisant l'API Invidious). Avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités similaires à celles de YouTube, FreeTube est devenu l'une des meilleures méthodes pour regarder YouTube en privé sur un ordinateur de bureau.


#freetube #youtube #videos #desktop #libre #opensource #freesoftware #adsfree #trackersfree #ads #trackers #desktop #invidious


New Israeli #Spyware Infects Targets via #Ads

Source: https://winbuzzer.com/2023/09/18/new-israeli-spyware-infects-targets-via-ads-xcxwbn/

The investigation by #Haaretz underscored the uniqueness of this case. “This is the first case in the world where a system of this sort is being sold as #technology, as opposed to a service,” journalist Omer Benjakob highlighted. Insanet has secured the green light from Israel's Defense Ministry to market #Sherlock internationally as a #military -grade product, albeit with stringent conditions. The company's roots trace back to 2019, with its founders having significant ties to Israel's defense and #cybersecurity sectors.

I don't link to the original source from Haaretz because it's behind a paywall.

👉 Don't surf without ad-blocker!

#security #software #internet #Israel #news #spy #surveillance #advertisement #economy


german atop, english follows:

Kennt ihr das? Also ihr nicht neurotypischen sondern eher ADHS gehirne.

Dieses zweite wach. Wenn der körper sich auspowern konnte und das gehirn insgesamt in einer leichten müdigkeit verweilt.

Und genau _deswegen_ dann hellwach ist? Weil auf einmal das gehirn auf einem gesamt-energielevel laufen kann, welcher "nicht normal ist für ein adhs gehirn"? Plötzlich funktioniert die vernetzung zwischen den einzelnen teilen des gehirns perfekt. Und das ergebnis davon ist. Du bist wach. Du bist voll und ganz auf der höhe. Vielleicht mit einem leichten anflug von körperlicher müdigkeit..

Aber dein gehirn ist gerade erst aus einem stundenlangem traumschlaf aufgewacht und ist jetzt voll da. Voll aktiv. Voller ideen. Voller kreativität.

Und voller klarheit .... die den ganzen tag über nur mühsam herstellbar war.....

Dieses zweite wach..... wenn alle anderen am einpennen sind, aber du selbst noch vollkommen wach und aufgepowert bist. Eben weil dein scheiss gehirn nur genau so funktioniert....

Manchmal hasse ich gewisse #neurodivergenzen


Do you know that? So you don't have a neurotypical brain, but rather and ADHD brain.

This second state of being awake. When the body has been able to exert itself and the brain as a whole lingers in a little tiredness.

And exactly _because of_ that it is wide awake? Because suddenly the brain can run at an overall energy level that "is not normal for an adhd brain"? Suddenly the network between the individual parts of the brain works perfectly. And the result of that is. You're awake. You are totally up to par. Maybe with a slight hint of physical tiredness..

But your brain has just woken up from hours of dreamy sleep and is now in full swing. Fully active. Full of ideas. full of creativity.

And full of clarity .... which was difficult to produce all day long.....

That second state of being awake.....when everyone else is falling asleep but you're still completely awake and totally energized to yourself. Just because your shitty brain only works that way....

Sometimes I hate certain #neurodivergences

#ADS #ADHS #ADD #ADHD #RandomShit #2ndStateOfBeingAwake


Ban Spying on the Internet

Information about you - what you buy, where you go, and even where you look - fuels the #digital #economy. On one hand, advertisements are directed at us and on the other, #information about us is collected and sold to the highest bidder, which can then be used to aim more targeted #ads and influence our choices and opinions.

read more here: https://banspying.org

#internet #cookies #spy #surveillance #tracking #freedom #society #business #advertisement #protest #criticism
Ban spying on the Internet


"Whenever you see the words “ads”, “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain”, “web 3”, or “AI”, just replace them with “farts” and you’ll know whether you want them or not.

“Can the fediverse survive without farts?”

Yes, perfectly well.

“Will farts replace people?”

I hope not.

“The European Commission embraces farts.”

That’s unfortunate.

“This new startup wants to improve your life with farts.”

I’m good, thanks.

#SiliconValley #BigTech #farts #buzzword #bullshit #ads #adtech #blockchain #ai #web3"


I'd replace"farts" with "hot steaming pigshit"

"Can I replace static text web pages with JavaScript (hot steaming pigshit)?
No. Just no.


For the love of all that is holy, Firefox is a great browser! Get off of chromium. Google and chrome is arguably worse for the internet than Microsoft's Internet Explorer was.

Google’s nightmare “Web Integrity API” wants a DRM gatekeeper for the web

Google’s newest proposed web standard is… DRM? Over the weekend the Internet got wind of this proposal for a "Web Environment Integrity API. " The explainer is authored by four Googlers, including at least one person on Chrome’s “Privacy Sandbox” team, which is responding to the death of tracking cookies by building a user-tracking ad platform right into the browser.

The intro to the Web Integrity API starts out: “Users often depend on websites trusting the client environment they run in. This trust may assume that the client environment is honest about certain aspects of itself, keeps user data and intellectual property secure, and is transparent about whether or not a human is using it.”

The goal of the project is to learn more about the person on the other side of the web browser, ensuring they aren’t a robot and that the browser hasn’t been modified or tampered with in any unapproved ways. The intro says this data would be useful to advertisers to better count ad impressions, stop social network bots, enforce intellectual property rights, stop cheating in web games, and help financial transactions be more secure.

Perhaps the most telling line of the explainer is that it “takes inspiration from existing native attestation signals such as [Apple’s] App Attest and the [Android] Play Integrity API.” Play Integrity (formerly called “SafetyNet”) is an Android API that lets apps find out if your device has been rooted. Root access allows you full control over the device that you purchased, and a lot of app developers don’t like that. So if you root an Android phone and get flagged by the Android Integrity API, several types of apps will just refuse to run. You’ll generally be locked out of banking apps, Google Wallet, online games, Snapchat, and some media apps like Netflix. You could be using root access to cheat at games or phish banking data, but you could also just want root to customize your device, remove crapware, or have a viable backup system. Play Integrity doesn’t care and will lock you out of those apps either way. Google wants the same thing for the web.

. . .

#Google #Chrome #browser #monopoly #DRM #WebEnvironmentIntegrityAPI #internet #ads #adBlocker #intellectualProperty


Take Back Your Privacy and/or save money on licensing fees.


Switching.Software's Guide to a Better You.
#Ethical, easy-to-use and #privacy conscious alternatives to well-known software.

This How-To Guide is a...
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If you are #graphics #artist, #multimedia guru, average user of #email, instant messaging #IM, #socialmedia, word processors, spreadsheets, production of #music #videos, post #production, #nonprofit, changemaker, #business owner, #entrepreneur. Do you enjoy paying licensing fees to big #telemetry corps? Save your #money. Check https://switching.software to cover your needs.

#foss, zero #ads, zero #tracking, zero #data #surveillance #software for all types of uses, spaces industries. Enjoy #opensource software today. You and/or your business will be glad you did.


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Microsoft is now injecting full-size ads on Chrome website to make you stay on Edge

"Being the default out-of-the-box browser on Windows 10 and 11 makes Microsoft Edge a go-to utility for downloading Chrome or another browser. That upsets Microsoft so much that it constantly comes with more aggressive and user-hostile methods to make customers stay on Edge. An attempt to install Chrome using Edge Canary now results in the browser displaying two ads: the first (tiny one) will pop on the screen when the Chrome website loads, and the second, a humongous full-size banner, will appear once the download starts. Yikes!"


#microsoft #windows #edge #chrome #capitalism #ads #intrusive #patronising