


I'm really annoyed by the #Internet of today:

  • #Trackers and #data #collection everywhere
  • #JavaScript-heavy #Web #applications instead of document-oriented #websites
  • No #JavaScript most often translates to an empty page with a single sentence: "Please activate JavaScript"; the page content however is often nothing that actually requires JavaScript, the website creators just want to feel like actual #application #developers, so they re-build much of what the #browser already supplies with #inefficient and #bug heavy JavaScript code
  • Content almost always behind a #login wall
  • More often than not only very superficial #information
  • #Ads
  • Thousands of 3rd party JS files included, most of which have the only purpose of tracking you across websites
  • #Misinformation and #biased #information everywhere
  • Deliberately misleading advertisment, sich as "save 80% now", and artificial time pressure)
  • "Best viewed on #Google #Chrome"
  • "Login with Facebook"
  • Newsletter subscription and cookie pop-ups featuring #dark #patterns
  • #Search #engine #optimization ( #SEO ) acts in the worst interest of the user by skewing search results
  • Artificial restriction of web #app functionality to promote their native apps
  • Large parts of the Web are only accessible by #smartphone
  • You have to provide your #phone #number to login
  • If you didn't provide a phone number, your account is being blocked right after the initial login because we suspect you being malicious actor because why not (=> #Instagram, #Facebook)
  • #Proprietary #platforms are required to participate in public #online life (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)
  • One-sentence-paragraphs and sloppy language (especially found in #Medium #articles)
  • "We care about your #privacy" actually means: "We were forced by law to do this shit, we just want to collect and store as much information on you as possible to make money off of you now or in an undescript future"
  • JavaScript code minimizer
  • Large font sizes, much whitespace, large illustrative, but useless images, HD screen required to browse most websites
  • Lack of #government #regulation and #law #enforcement, too many malicious actors (#spam, #phishing, etc.)
  • Emotional content to increase #interaction, #clickbait

Once being an open platform geared towards information exchange and bringing people into contact, most of the public Internet today is nothing but annoying useless #marketing, #advertising and #data #collection. Providing information, connecting people, and making life convenient is definitely NOT the primary goal of whoever is big on the Internet today. It's shocking to see how much of it is only to sell you stuff or to sell your information.

And the worst is: we are even paying them to do this shit. #Marketing spending will be reflected in product prices, and with much of marketing being done in 1st world countries, a substantial amount of the price goes into this destructive industry.

I could go on with this for hours. Really sick of it.



#restrictfeatures #finegrained #ads #js #javascript #browsertechnology #poweruser #privacy #expertprivacy #firefox #firefoxextension #firefoxaddon #trackers #tracking #fingerprint #fingerprinting #browserfingerprint #tor

WebAPI Blocker, as the name suggests, is designed to block desired JavaScript APIs. This can help to protect your privacy and prevent chances of data breach, hacking or fraud. The extension is easy to use as it has an ON|OFF button. Once you have switched the button ON, it will start to block unwanted APIs and vice versa. Adding APIs is also not a tough task; all you have to do is to type the name of the API you want to block in the designated space and then click the add button next to it. For the convenience of users, there are some commonly used APIs pre-listed in the extension.

requires to have some knowledge related to the functions of the API. If they have mistakenly blocked an API that is important to load a website, the performance of that particular website may be impacted. It may not load completely or become unresponsive. If such an issue occurs, check the APIs you have blocked, try unblocking them, refresh the tab, and check whether the website loads correctly or not. All in all, installing WebAPI Blocker extension could be a viable way to protect your privacy; however, it is important to be aware of the functions of important APIs.


Spontaner #ADHD content.

Ich war vor einigen jahren mal mit meiner damaligen lebensabschnittsgefÀhrtin in einem (sog.) Dunkelrestaurant (in Hamburg). Ich weiss nicht mehr genau welches konkret oder welche aktion es seinerzeit war, is auch nicht ganz so wichtig.

Wichtig ist eher, worum es geht. Essen im dunkeln. Wie eine blinde person.

Ich sags euch gleich, es wahr _SEHR_ anstrengend. Ich bin glĂŒcklicherweise in der lage die ganzen emotionalen bestandteile aus der damaligen zeit "herauszufiltern" und kann endlich ""sehen"" (erkennen;)) was und wie es war.

Und zwar schlichtweg _LAUT_.

Ich springe ein wenig, sorry, adhs. ;) Also es geht darum dort in einen vollstĂ€ndig verdunkelten raum gefĂŒhrt zu werden, jede/r wird an seinen/ihren eigenen platz gefĂŒhrt (je nach gebuchter reservierung halt) und dann werden einem neben ein paar verbalen instruktionen nach und nach ein paar gerichte gereicht.

Die gilt es nun rein durch taktile sensorik und hoffentlich einem ausreichenden vorstellungsvermögen (wo liegt jetzt was aufm teller?) zu genießen....

War eine interessante erfahrung.... Ebenso interessanterweise wesentlich weniger schlimm als mensch es sich vorstellt (naja es sieht eh niemand ĂŒberhaupt irgendwas ;))... Insgesamt eine interessante bis fast positive erfahrung.

WÀre da nicht der effekt, das offenbar alle in dem raum bei ihrem gesprÀch zu tisch immer lauter wurden.

Ich hab erst gedacht .. mh ... ok vielleicht ist das meine wahrnehmung..

Aber ich musste im gesprĂ€ch mit meinem gegenĂŒber tatsĂ€chlich irgendwann die stimme heben ... und wurde durch die gerĂ€uschkulisse massiv unter stress gesetzt so das mir das konzentrieren auf irgendwas anderes als den druck den mir das vermittelt immer schwieriger wurde..

Es schien tatsĂ€chlich so, als wĂŒrden die meisten der leute im raum ihre fehlende optische wahrnehmung durch eine verstĂ€rkte verbale intonation kompensieren.

Und das war so elendig grausam. 🙁 Anfangs ging es noch recht gut .. aber nach sicherlich 10 minuten war ich stress und konzentrationsmĂ€ssig echt auf.... Ich hab so schon extrem starke probleme verschiedene gleichzeitige verbale konversationen auseinanderzuhalten.. An dem tag dort ging einfach fast ĂŒberhaupt nichts mehr.. lediglich das ich so stark an einer bestimmten stimme hing machte ĂŒberhaupt noch eine kommunikation in irgend einer form möglich..

Ich hasse das ..... das sind dinge die leute ohne ADS/ADHS nicht verstehen können...... Die können das .... sich auf eine stimme konzentrieren wenn sie wollen .. und nurnoch genau das hören...

Ich bzw wir können das nicht unbedingt .. ich kanns garnicht..

Jedes gleichlaut gesprochene wort (also alles was gleich laut in meinen ohren einschlĂ€gt), wird vom gehirn gleichwertig aufgenommen und verwurstet.... Und das is dann genau der richtige begriff, denn verstehen kann ich da nichts mehr.... Das is so als wĂŒrde ich wzorwteie ĂŒber einander schreiben (es war 'zwei worte'), es kommt nurnoch wirrwarr durch.... Es gelingt dann ggf manchmal dem gehirn im nachhinein nochmal die bedeutung eines parts zu erkennen...
Aber das ist soo schweinemÀssig anstrengend...... auch das wiederrum kann mensch einem neurotypischen menschen einfach nicht vermitteln..

Wie denn auch...

Hrmpf ... #neurodivers zu sein ist manchmal einfach nicht so einfach.... *seufz*


#Dunkelrestaurant #Blind #Blinde #ADS #ADHS #Konzentration #Konzentrieren #Stress


"So Apple was perfectly fine with profiting off Facebook’s anti-privacy business model, and only when Facebook declined did Apple go on its holier-than-thou privacy crusade against Facebook’s ads business. Apple’s privacy position is pure marketing, and any time Apple needs to choose between money and privacy, money wins every time. Whether it’s Google paying Apple billions to be the default search provider on iOS, Apple handing over all Chinese users’ data to the Chinese government, or now, in dealing with Facebook, Apple will choose money over privacy every time."

#gafam #ads #meta #facebook #apple



Google Allowed a Sanctioned Russian Ad Company to Harvest User Data for Months


Of particular concern, the analysis showed that Google shared data with RuTarget about users browsing websites based in Ukraine. This means Google may have turned over such critical information as unique mobile phone IDs, IP addresses, location information and details about users’ interests and online activity, data that U.S. senators and experts say could be used by Russian military and intelligence services to track people or zero in on locations of interest.

Google doesn't care. They just want more money.

The root problem is that the hardware, software, and protocols people use don't minimize the amount of information they exfiltrate. There is no excuse for allowing hardware devices to uniquely identify themselves with mobile advertising IDs. There is no excuse for including useragent and referer headers in the HTTP protocol. These are self-evidently terrible ideas. If we want any privacy at all in 2022 we must never access any network with a phone. As for HTTPS, I think we need to move to simpler, more privacy-friendly protocols like Gopher and Gemini.

Someone comes up with a good idea, and the billionaires "monetize" it into another Orwellian nightmare.

I want to use and control my computers, but I don't want to be used and controlled by them.

#privacy #security #surveillance #google #russia #ukraine #war #surveillance-economy #ads #advertising #smart-phones #trackers #tracking


If you want to use a secure #browser but have no idea at all, which one do you use?

I don't mean the following text in a negative way, because you can't expect every Internet user to have studied #computer #science beforehand in order to be able to evaluate the security of #software correctly. Safety, like truth, is in the eye of the beholder. Some people think it's great to get targeted #ads and just don't want to be trojanized when paying for online shopping. A #whistleblower, on the other hand, would prefer not to leave any usable traces on the #Internet at all.

How can you decide now, even without studying, whether one browser is more secure than another?

Some time ago I recommended #Librewolf ( https://librewolf.net ) as a browser and immediately got disagreement in the comments: https://despora.de/posts/ddc445606a79013af2e2543d7eeced27

Here is the article out of the comments that now really clearly states that Librewolf is not a secure browser: https://www.unixsheikh.com/articles/choose-your-browser-carefully.html#librewolf <- I think the whole article is bad unprofessional propaganda :(

Every software contains more or less serious security vulnerabilities in certain versions. Without an indication of which version was tested and whether these vulnerabilities were closed in the next version, the accusation is worthless. Every browser makes contact with numerous IP addresses, which is the whole point of its existence. Without knowing what is behind these IP addresses and whether they offer useful services, a beginner cannot evaluate whether they are dangerous. An example: The browser checks every web page for viruses at #Google. This increases the #security for the surfer to get Trojans or worse, but Google also gets the entire browsing #history and can evaluate it. You have to classify the whole thing and also say why you rate things as bad or good.

So instead of Librewolf, #GNU #IceCat is recommended there, among other browsers. Is this a good advice?

I don't think so, since IceCat itself always adds important security #updates very late due to an complex build process ( https://www.mail-archive.com/bug-gnuzilla@gnu.org/msg03934.html ).

So let's use the #TOR browser, which is always up to date and is even recommended by #Snowden.

You can do that and I have also recommended the TOR browser in certain situations. But if you have no idea for which specific problem the TOR browser was developed in the first place and you can't understand the term #darknet, you might end up with more problems than you gain in security. But if you know that TOR stands for the #onion router and that the onion is just a metaphor for a routing protocol, then you surely know how to set up a secure exit node and how to minimize dangers.

If you question everything, you never come to a conclusion?

As I said, safety is in the eye of the beholder but there are some guidelines that are universally valid when evaluating. The browser should be made of free open source #software ( #FLOSS ), even if this alone is not a security feature. Free software just means that anyone can search the source code for security holes and backdoors, and that independent trusted vendors can compile the browser for me. However, in order to maintain this safety gain, this work must be done. Since it is time-consuming and usually poorly remunerated, this unfortunately happens far too rarely.

That is why automated tests are used. These are better than nothing, but only find known security problems. An automated test cannot find a backdoor injected by a secret service. The results of such automated tests can be found here: https://privacytests.org/private.html

Looking at the security of the TOR browser in the test result, one might conclude that it is better to use another more secure browser on the darknet. This is dangerous because one security feature on the darknet is that everyone has the same browser fingerprint, and if you don't use the TOR browser you are easier to track because of a different fingerprint.

Long speech short sense. I trust you and take the Librewolf.

On #Windows, Librewolf is a poor choice because it has no automatic #update process. Let's face it, beginners tend to forget to keep their software up to date. On Windows, it's better to use the original #Firefox, which updates itself automatically.

Firefox or Librewolf can be further improved in terms of security with add-ons.

One thing in mind is that every add-on slows down the browser and increases the probability of catching additional security vulnerabilities. Software is always complex and more software increases complexity and decreases security.

If you have no idea, please use only verified add-ons. Fortunately, this is very easy with Firefox, because you only have to check for this sign:

recommended add-on

I have gathered here some add-ons that are verified and increase your security. Please install them only if you know exactly what these add-ons do and if you need them.


#knowledge #privacy #surveillance #tracking #news #Recommendation


The biggest problem with targeted ads is that they don't work.

When those who pay for these ads realize it, the whole industry will crash.

This is the track I followed. First I read this by Cory. https://pluralistic.net/2022/04/22/mesmer-2-point-oh/#thanks-obama

That led to this. https://www.wired.com/story/ad-tech-could-be-the-next-internet-bubble/

And that led me to download the book, Subprime Attention Crisis by Tim Hwang. I also found this unnecessarily large book talk at the Internet Archive. https://archive.org/download/subprime-attention-crisis/subprime-attention-crisis.mp4 I've started listening to this. I'll listen some more later.

I'll get to the book soon.

#ads #advertising #targeted-ads #targeted-advertising #surveillance-capitalism #surveillance #privacy #tim-hwang #subprime-attention-crisis #book #books #book-talk #internet-archive


#ACCC takes #Meta to #court over #Facebook #scam #ads depicting Australian identities

source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/18/accc-takes-meta-to-court-over-facebook-scam-ads-depicting-australian-identities

The ads, which include the promotion of #investment in #cryptocurrency, have plagued the platform since 2020. Each ad depicts an image of a prominent Australian such as David Koch, Dick Smith or Andrew Forrest, claiming to have made it big with the investments in a #fake #news article that directs people to the scam investment website.

#crypto #bitcoin #btc #bitcoins #fail #economy #advertisement #crime #Australia #justice #politics #money #finance


Nearly a third of TV ads play to empty rooms: study

Their findings—including the fact that nearly a third of TV ads play to empty rooms, and that viewers are four times more likely to leave the room than change the channel—

The whole advertising industry is broken. And already was. I mean, it has been pretty common to do a toilet break when there is an ad on TV..

#tv #ads



Privacy Preserving Attribution for Advertising

Mozilla is teaming with Facebook to allow them to improve the way ads can be kept without actually tracking individual users. Waiting to find a better business model for the web than advertisement, to be able to do it respecting privacy would be a nice improvement.


#mozilla #facebook #privacy #ads #IPA #PATCG #web #w3c


selling cookies: privacy madness: the "short" list of companies that want to know what forbes article a user clicked on (and god knows what else)

everyone hates em
. cookie banners

the much hated EU-GDPR created cookie banners slowing down everyone's browsing X-D https://gdpr.eu/cookies/

the much hated by everyone (even Elon (can’t find the tweet)) EU-GDPR created cookie banners slowing down everyone’s browsing X-D https://gdpr.eu/cookies/

it’s “funny” (no actually not and forbes.com is not a site this user is visiting very often, it was this article that the user was interested in: https://www.forbes.com/sites/elizabethhowell1/2022/01/04/spacex-starship-orbital-launch-delayed-further-into-2022/), https://www.space.com/author/elizabeth-howell is actually writing for space.com, so how did that article get into forbes?)

So as soon as a user visits a site that “sells cookies” to Facebook, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, they all know the user with IP wanted to know the launch date of the next Starship launch.

What Facebook will do with that data? Sell it to even more companies.

Required Cookies

These cookies are required to enable core site functionality. This is Required.

CompanyDomainForbesd.newsletter.forbes.com, email.forbes.com, esp.forbes.com, forbes.com, newsletter.forbes.com, uk.forbes.com, www.store.forbes.com, images.forbes.com, learn.forbes.com, thumbor.forbes.com, www.forbes.com

Functional Cookies

These cookies allow us to analyze site usage so we can measure and improve performance.


Adgravityadno.cdnwebcloud.com, bucket.cdnwebcloud.com, neural33.cdnwebcloud.com, neural40.cdnwebcloud.com

Akamaiakamaized.net, bcbolt446c5271-a.akamaihd.net, ccforbes.akamaized.net, forbes.akamaized.net, lgforbes.akamaized.net

Amazon (Cloudfront)d20b5zp0cx3lpw.cloudfront.net

Amazon (Web Services)dice-ui-static-assets.s3.amazonaws.com, webresources-savingforcollege.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com

Amazonamazon.com, static-na.payments-amazon.com

Bootstrap CDNmaxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com, stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com

Brightcovecdn.vee.brightcove.services, forbes.brightcovecdn.com, forbes-campaign-service.brightcove.services, house-fastly-signed-us-east-1-prod.brightcovecdn.com, metrics.brightcove.com, players.brightcove.net, vjs.zencdn.net

Cerosassets-s3-us-east-1.ceros.com, creative-services.ceros.com, labs.ceros.com, media-s3-us-east-1.ceros.com, sdk.ceros.com, view.ceros.com

Chartbeat, Inc.ping.chartbeat.net, static.chartbeat.com

CloudBeesanalytic.rollout.io, statestore.rollout.io


CyberAgentad.as.amanad.adtdp.com, adtdp.com

Datawrapper GmbHstatic.dwcdn.net


Duo Securityapi.duosecurity.com

Elfsightfiles.elfsightcdn.com, static.elfsight.com


EverQuote, Inc.javascript-sdk.everquote.com

Forbesaccount.forbes.com, forbes.com, forbesinfo.forbes.com, auth.forbes.com, bertie.forbes.com, d.email.forbes.com, embedly.forbes.com, i.forbesimg.com, se.email.forbes.com

FullStoryedge.fullstory.com, fullstory.com, rs.fullstory.com

Google Inc.ajax.googleapis.com, csi.gstatic.com, drive.google.com, google.com, imasdk.googleapis.com, mts0.google.com, ssl.google-analytics.com, storage.googleapis.com, www.google-analytics.com, www.google.com, www.google.ie, www.googletagmanager.com, www.googletagservices.com, www.gstatic.com

Hotjarscript.hotjar.com, static.hotjar.com, vars.hotjar.com


HubSpotapp.hubspot.com, cdn2.hubspot.net, f.hubspotusercontent40.net, hubspot.com, js.hsadspixel.net, js.hs-analytics.net, js.hs-banner.com, js.hsleadflows.net, js-na1.hs-scripts.com, js.usemessages.com, perf.hsforms.com, static.hsappstatic.net, track.hubspot.com

IAB Europetrustarc.mgr.consensu.org

Infogramatlas.jifo.co, e.infogram.com, images.jifo.co, s.infogram.com


Intercomjs.intercomcdn.com, widget.intercom.io


LiveRamp, Inc.rlcdn.com


Microsofta.clarity.ms, b.clarity.ms, d.clarity.ms, e.clarity.ms, f.clarity.ms, g.clarity.ms

New Relic Inc.bam-cell.nr-data.net, js-agent.newrelic.com, nr-data.net

Nielsen International SAt.myvisualiq.net

Piano Inc.buy.tinypass.com, cdn.tinypass.com, piano.io, tinypass.com, www.npttech.com

Piano Software Inccdn.cxense.com

Pingdomrum-collector-2.pingdom.net, rum-static.pingdom.net


Polyfill Servicepolyfill.io

Qualtricssiteintercept.qualtrics.com, zndpq7uw2elr2st9z-forbesbi.siteintercept.qualtrics.com


Scorecard Researchsb.scorecardresearch.com, scorecardresearch.com


Shopifycdn.shopify.com, fonts.shopifycdn.com, godog.shopifycloud.com




Stripem.stripe.com, m.stripe.network

Survicatesurveys-static.survicate.com, survey.survicate.com

TrustArcchoices.trustarc.com, choices.truste.com, consent-pref.trustarc.com, consent-st.trustarc.com, consent.trustarc.com, consent.truste.com, prefmgr-cookie.truste-svc.net


Vimeof.vimeocdn.com, i.vimeocdn.com, vimeo.com

Wistiadistillery.wistia.com, fast.wistia.com

Wix.com, Incecom.wixapps.net, static.parastorage.com, static.wixstatic.com, www.wix.com

WordPresspixel.wp.com, stats.wp.com



Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used by advertising companies to serve ads that are relevant to your interests.

CompanyDomainActiveCampaigndiffuser-cdn.app-us1.com, prism.app-us1.com

“PRISM” well
 have heared that before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_((NSA) surveillance_program) (it’s probably not the same prism
 but can’t be ruled out either)

Acuity Schedulingacuityscheduling.com, app.acuityscheduling.com, cdn-custom.acuityscheduling.com, cdn-marketing.acuityscheduling.com, embed.acuityscheduling.com

https://acuityscheduling.com/ online appointment scheduling

Adelphic LLCipredictive.com

Amazon (Cloudfront)d12xoj7p9moygp.cloudfront.net, d1rx8vrt2hn1hc.cloudfront.net, d1tprjo2w7krrh.cloudfront.net, d1uhlocgth3qyq.cloudfront.net, d2m2wsoho8qq12.cloudfront.net, d2wy8f7a9ursnm.cloudfront.net, d3k81ch9hvuctc.cloudfront.net, d3t3ozftmdmh3i.cloudfront.net, dhe4oz50378wj.cloudfront.net, drrytbc0y8ui4.cloudfront.net

CloudFront competes with larger CDNs, such as Akamai and Limelight Networks.

as the word “Front” shows: it’s a cloud-war out there.

Amazon (Web Services)ads.avct.cloud (obviously Amazon)

American Home Shield Corporationwww.ahs.com “keep your home up and running and your budget on track”

Anchor FM Inc.anchor.fm the easiest way to make a podcast

Appwikiappwiki.nl, static.appwiki.nl https://appwiki.nl/

Art19content.production.cdn.art19.com, web-player.art19.com https://art19.com/ an Amazon Company

Bankrateelf.bankrate.com, www.bankrate.com

Bannerspaceclient.bannerspace.net https://bannerspace.net/

Betterbetter.com, media.better.com https://better.com/ “the right mortgage could save you thousands”

Bizzaboaccounts.bizzabo.com, bizzabo.com https://www.bizzabo.com/

Buzzsproutassets.buzzsprout.com, storage.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/

Centropixel-sync.sitescout.com https://basis.net/

Cheetah Digitalsts.eccmp.com

Cognitiv Corp.beacon.lynx.cognitivlabs.com https://cognitiv.ai/

ConsumersAdvocaters.consumersadvocate.org, s3.consumersadvocate.org, www.consumersadvocate.org

Crediblecredible.com, sdk.credible.com, www.credible.com “Compare rates from multiple lenders in minutes.”

Datawrapper GmbHdatawrapper.dwcdn.net https://www.datawrapper.de/

DoubleVerify Inc.tps20227.doubleverify.com, tps20230.doubleverify.com, tps20231.doubleverify.com, tps20238.doubleverify.com, tps20240.doubleverify.com


EQ Workseqads.com


Evidonc.betrad.com, c.evidon.com, l.betrad.com

Facebookad.atdmt.com, atdmt.com, connect.facebook.net, facebook.com, www.facebook.com

FileStack (formerly Filepicker)dialog.filepicker.io, www.filepicker.io

Flourishflo.uri.sh, public.flourish.studio

Font Awesomepro.fontawesome.com

Forbes Magazine Subscriptionforbesmagazine.com, subs.forbesmagazine.com, www.forbesmagazine.com

Forbesadvisor.uk.forbes.com, broadband.uk.forbes.com, businessenergy.uk.forbes.com, petinsurance.advisor.forbes.com, petinsurance.uk.forbes.com, profiles.forbes.com, travelinsurance.uk.forbes.com, councils.forbes.com, mobiles.uk.forbes.com

Google Inc.docs.google.com, www.youtube.com, youtube.com


Infogrambranding.jifo.co, cdn.jifo.co

Instagraminstagram.com, platform.instagram.com, www.instagram.com

Jornaya (formerly LeadID)create.leadid.com


Klaviyoa.klaviyo.com, klaviyo.com, static-forms.klaviyo.com, static.klaviyo.com

LifeRoc Direct, LLCliferoc.com

LinkedInads.linkedin.com, linkedin.com, platform.linkedin.com, px.ads.linkedin.com, snap.licdn.com, www.linkedin.com





Microsoftaz416426.vo.msecnd.net, bat.bing.com, bing.com, c.bing.com, c.clarity.ms, clarity.ms, laffiles2.azureedge.net, petinsurer-staging.azurewebsites.net, www.clarity.ms

MyFinanceimages.myfinance.com, static.myfinance.com, www.myfinance.com

Narrativ (Formerly BAM)bam-x.com

NextInsurecdn.nextinsure.com, www.nextinsure.com

Nielsen International SAmyvisualiq.net

Oracle AddThisaddthis.com, cw.addthis.com, x.dlx.addthis.com

Outbrainoutbrain.com, sync.outbrain.com


PARS International Corp.parsintl.com, www.parsintl.com

Pardotpardot.com, pi.pardot.com



Picreelassets.pcrl.co, system.picreel.com


PulsePoint, Inc.bh.contextweb.com


RhythmOne DBA Unruly Group Ltd1rx.io

Salesforce DMP (formerly Krux Digital, Inc.)krxd.net

Saving for College, LLCsfc-external-widgets.savingforcollege.com

Sleeknoteanalytics.sleeknote.com, images.sleeknote.com, sleeknotecustomerscripts.sleeknote.com, sleeknotestaticcontent.sleeknote.com




TPMNad.tpmn.co.kr, tpmn.co.kr


TikToktiktok.com, www.tiktok.com

Trussle02.cdn.trussle.com, trussle.com

Twitterabs-0.twimg.com, platform.twitter.com, syndication.twitter.com


U.S. Global Investors, Inc.www.usfunds.com

Unknownc.p2r14.com, mon-va.byteoversea.com, uk.widget.fmpplatform.com, widgets.app.fmpplatform.com

Vidyardassets.vidyard.com, cdn.vidyard.com, play.vidyard.com

Wix.com, Incecom.wix.com, frog.wix.com, siteassets.parastorage.com, wix.com

Yahoo Inc.analytics.yahoo.com, sp.analytics.yahoo.com, yahoo.com


Zendeskforbescouncils.zendesk.com, widget-mediator.zopim.com

Zocdocwww.zocdoc.com, zocdoc.com


mbr targeting GmbHm6r.eu


View each purpose below for a full definition of that purpose.

ConsentLegitimate Interest

    1. Store and/or access information on a device
    1. Select basic ads
    1. Create a personalised ads profile
    1. Select personalised ads
    1. Create a personalised content profile
    1. Select personalised content
    1. Measure ad performance
    1. Measure content performance
    1. Apply market research to generate audience insights
    1. Develop and improve products

Special Purposes

  • 1. Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
  • 2. Technically deliver ads or content


  • 1. Match and combine offline data sources
  • 2. Link different devices
  • 3. Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features


  • 1. Use precise geolocation data
  • 2. Actively scan device characteristics for identification


View our partners below for Purposes/Features activities the partner engages in.

ConsentLegitimate Interest

  • Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a VDX.tv
  • Roq.ad Inc.
  • Index Exchange, Inc.
  • Quantcast International Limited
  • BeeswaxIO Corporation
  • Sovrn Holdings Inc
  • RTB House S.A.
  • N Technologies Inc.
  • The Trade Desk
  • Amobee Inc.
  • Epsilon
  • Yahoo EMEA Limited
  • TripleLift, Inc.
  • BidTheatre AB
  • Xandr, Inc.
  • ADITION technologies GmbH
  • Taboola Europe Limited
  • Smart Adserver
  • Adform
  • Magnite, Inc.
  • GumGum, Inc.
  • Sizmek by Amazon
  • OpenX
  • Roku Advertising Services
  • Simplifi Holdings Inc
  • PubMatic, Inc.
  • Flashtalking, Inc.
  • MediaMath, Inc.
  • Sharethrough, Inc
  • Smaato, Inc.
  • Semasio GmbH
  • Crimtan Holdings Limited
  • Tapad, Inc.
  • Criteo SA
  • Adloox SA
  • Blis Media Limited
  • Lotame Solutions, inc
  • GroupM UK Limited
  • Fifty Technology Limited
  • Sonobi, Inc
  • DoubleVerify Inc.​
  • Teads
  • Platform161 B.V.
  • Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC
  • Connatix Native Exchange Inc.
  • Admedo Technology Ltd
  • Unruly Group Ltd
  • Bombora Inc.
  • SpotX, Inc
  • Bidtellect, Inc
  • advanced store GmbH
  • Revcontent, LLC
  • AcuityAds Inc.
  • StackAdapt
  • Triton Digital Canada Inc.
  • Improve Digital
  • Adobe Advertising Cloud
  • A.Mob
  • Bannerflow AB
  • Integral Ad Science, Inc.
  • Weborama
  • Comcast International France SAS
  • zeotap GmbH
  • Rockabox Media Ltd t/a Scoota
  • Celtra, Inc.
  • Knorex
  • Optomaton UG
  • MGID Inc.
  • Permutive Technologies, Inc.
  • Nielsen Marketing Cloud
  • Pixalate, Inc.
  • Oracle Data Cloud
  • Piano Software Inc
  • travel audience GmbH
  • DynAdmic
  • Targetspot Belgium SPRL
  • TAPTAP Digital SL
  • Salesforce.com, Inc.
  • AdsWizz Inc.
  • Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform
  • Sportradar AG
  • Mediaforce LTD
  • OnAudience Ltd
  • Google Advertising Products
  • Oracle Data Cloud – Moat
  • AdGear Technologies, Inc.
  • Amazon Advertising
  • Nielsen International SA
  • Trinity Audio
  • jsdelivr.com
  • Kargo Global Inc.

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Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/01/31/selling-cookies-privacy-madness-the-short-list-of-companies-that-want-to-know-what-forbes-article-a-user-clicked-on-and-god-knows-what-else/