

New Israeli #Spyware Infects Targets via #Ads

Source: https://winbuzzer.com/2023/09/18/new-israeli-spyware-infects-targets-via-ads-xcxwbn/

The investigation by #Haaretz underscored the uniqueness of this case. “This is the first case in the world where a system of this sort is being sold as #technology, as opposed to a service,” journalist Omer Benjakob highlighted. Insanet has secured the green light from Israel's Defense Ministry to market #Sherlock internationally as a #military -grade product, albeit with stringent conditions. The company's roots trace back to 2019, with its founders having significant ties to Israel's defense and #cybersecurity sectors.

I don't link to the original source from Haaretz because it's behind a paywall.

👉 Don't surf without ad-blocker!

#security #software #internet #Israel #news #spy #surveillance #advertisement #economy


german atop, english follows:

Kennt ihr das? Also ihr nicht neurotypischen sondern eher ADHS gehirne.

Dieses zweite wach. Wenn der körper sich auspowern konnte und das gehirn insgesamt in einer leichten müdigkeit verweilt.

Und genau _deswegen_ dann hellwach ist? Weil auf einmal das gehirn auf einem gesamt-energielevel laufen kann, welcher "nicht normal ist für ein adhs gehirn"? Plötzlich funktioniert die vernetzung zwischen den einzelnen teilen des gehirns perfekt. Und das ergebnis davon ist. Du bist wach. Du bist voll und ganz auf der höhe. Vielleicht mit einem leichten anflug von körperlicher müdigkeit..

Aber dein gehirn ist gerade erst aus einem stundenlangem traumschlaf aufgewacht und ist jetzt voll da. Voll aktiv. Voller ideen. Voller kreativität.

Und voller klarheit .... die den ganzen tag über nur mühsam herstellbar war.....

Dieses zweite wach..... wenn alle anderen am einpennen sind, aber du selbst noch vollkommen wach und aufgepowert bist. Eben weil dein scheiss gehirn nur genau so funktioniert....

Manchmal hasse ich gewisse #neurodivergenzen


Do you know that? So you don't have a neurotypical brain, but rather and ADHD brain.

This second state of being awake. When the body has been able to exert itself and the brain as a whole lingers in a little tiredness.

And exactly _because of_ that it is wide awake? Because suddenly the brain can run at an overall energy level that "is not normal for an adhd brain"? Suddenly the network between the individual parts of the brain works perfectly. And the result of that is. You're awake. You are totally up to par. Maybe with a slight hint of physical tiredness..

But your brain has just woken up from hours of dreamy sleep and is now in full swing. Fully active. Full of ideas. full of creativity.

And full of clarity .... which was difficult to produce all day long.....

That second state of being awake.....when everyone else is falling asleep but you're still completely awake and totally energized to yourself. Just because your shitty brain only works that way....

Sometimes I hate certain #neurodivergences

#ADS #ADHS #ADD #ADHD #RandomShit #2ndStateOfBeingAwake


Ban Spying on the Internet

Information about you - what you buy, where you go, and even where you look - fuels the #digital #economy. On one hand, advertisements are directed at us and on the other, #information about us is collected and sold to the highest bidder, which can then be used to aim more targeted #ads and influence our choices and opinions.

read more here: https://banspying.org

#internet #cookies #spy #surveillance #tracking #freedom #society #business #advertisement #protest #criticism
Ban spying on the Internet


"Whenever you see the words “ads”, “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain”, “web 3”, or “AI”, just replace them with “farts” and you’ll know whether you want them or not.

“Can the fediverse survive without farts?”

Yes, perfectly well.

“Will farts replace people?”

I hope not.

“The European Commission embraces farts.”

That’s unfortunate.

“This new startup wants to improve your life with farts.”

I’m good, thanks.

#SiliconValley #BigTech #farts #buzzword #bullshit #ads #adtech #blockchain #ai #web3"


I'd replace"farts" with "hot steaming pigshit"

"Can I replace static text web pages with JavaScript (hot steaming pigshit)?
No. Just no.


For the love of all that is holy, Firefox is a great browser! Get off of chromium. Google and chrome is arguably worse for the internet than Microsoft's Internet Explorer was.

Google’s nightmare “Web Integrity API” wants a DRM gatekeeper for the web

Google’s newest proposed web standard is… DRM? Over the weekend the Internet got wind of this proposal for a "Web Environment Integrity API. " The explainer is authored by four Googlers, including at least one person on Chrome’s “Privacy Sandbox” team, which is responding to the death of tracking cookies by building a user-tracking ad platform right into the browser.

The intro to the Web Integrity API starts out: “Users often depend on websites trusting the client environment they run in. This trust may assume that the client environment is honest about certain aspects of itself, keeps user data and intellectual property secure, and is transparent about whether or not a human is using it.”

The goal of the project is to learn more about the person on the other side of the web browser, ensuring they aren’t a robot and that the browser hasn’t been modified or tampered with in any unapproved ways. The intro says this data would be useful to advertisers to better count ad impressions, stop social network bots, enforce intellectual property rights, stop cheating in web games, and help financial transactions be more secure.

Perhaps the most telling line of the explainer is that it “takes inspiration from existing native attestation signals such as [Apple’s] App Attest and the [Android] Play Integrity API.” Play Integrity (formerly called “SafetyNet”) is an Android API that lets apps find out if your device has been rooted. Root access allows you full control over the device that you purchased, and a lot of app developers don’t like that. So if you root an Android phone and get flagged by the Android Integrity API, several types of apps will just refuse to run. You’ll generally be locked out of banking apps, Google Wallet, online games, Snapchat, and some media apps like Netflix. You could be using root access to cheat at games or phish banking data, but you could also just want root to customize your device, remove crapware, or have a viable backup system. Play Integrity doesn’t care and will lock you out of those apps either way. Google wants the same thing for the web.

. . .

#Google #Chrome #browser #monopoly #DRM #WebEnvironmentIntegrityAPI #internet #ads #adBlocker #intellectualProperty


Take Back Your Privacy and/or save money on licensing fees.


Switching.Software's Guide to a Better You.
#Ethical, easy-to-use and #privacy conscious alternatives to well-known software.

This How-To Guide is a...
How To Switch From #google, #microsoft, #facebook, #amazon, #adobe, etc

If you are #graphics #artist, #multimedia guru, average user of #email, instant messaging #IM, #socialmedia, word processors, spreadsheets, production of #music #videos, post #production, #nonprofit, changemaker, #business owner, #entrepreneur. Do you enjoy paying licensing fees to big #telemetry corps? Save your #money. Check https://switching.software to cover your needs.

#foss, zero #ads, zero #tracking, zero #data #surveillance #software for all types of uses, spaces industries. Enjoy #opensource software today. You and/or your business will be glad you did.


#community #cloud #storage #collaboration #illustration #videoediting #streaming #gaming #mobile #phone #photos #VoIP #analytics #desktoppublishing #vectorgraphics #events #imaging #fediverse #mastodon #twitter #friendica #diaspora #hubzilla #Canada #usa #EU #Commonwealth


Microsoft is now injecting full-size ads on Chrome website to make you stay on Edge

"Being the default out-of-the-box browser on Windows 10 and 11 makes Microsoft Edge a go-to utility for downloading Chrome or another browser. That upsets Microsoft so much that it constantly comes with more aggressive and user-hostile methods to make customers stay on Edge. An attempt to install Chrome using Edge Canary now results in the browser displaying two ads: the first (tiny one) will pop on the screen when the Chrome website loads, and the second, a humongous full-size banner, will appear once the download starts. Yikes!"


#microsoft #windows #edge #chrome #capitalism #ads #intrusive #patronising



I'm really annoyed by the #Internet of today:

  • #Trackers and #data #collection everywhere
  • #JavaScript-heavy #Web #applications instead of document-oriented #websites
  • No #JavaScript most often translates to an empty page with a single sentence: "Please activate JavaScript"; the page content however is often nothing that actually requires JavaScript, the website creators just want to feel like actual #application #developers, so they re-build much of what the #browser already supplies with #inefficient and #bug heavy JavaScript code
  • Content almost always behind a #login wall
  • More often than not only very superficial #information
  • #Ads
  • Thousands of 3rd party JS files included, most of which have the only purpose of tracking you across websites
  • #Misinformation and #biased #information everywhere
  • Deliberately misleading advertisment, sich as "save 80% now", and artificial time pressure)
  • "Best viewed on #Google #Chrome"
  • "Login with Facebook"
  • Newsletter subscription and cookie pop-ups featuring #dark #patterns
  • #Search #engine #optimization ( #SEO ) acts in the worst interest of the user by skewing search results
  • Artificial restriction of web #app functionality to promote their native apps
  • Large parts of the Web are only accessible by #smartphone
  • You have to provide your #phone #number to login
  • If you didn't provide a phone number, your account is being blocked right after the initial login because we suspect you being malicious actor because why not (=> #Instagram, #Facebook)
  • #Proprietary #platforms are required to participate in public #online life (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)
  • One-sentence-paragraphs and sloppy language (especially found in #Medium #articles)
  • "We care about your #privacy" actually means: "We were forced by law to do this shit, we just want to collect and store as much information on you as possible to make money off of you now or in an undescript future"
  • JavaScript code minimizer
  • Large font sizes, much whitespace, large illustrative, but useless images, HD screen required to browse most websites
  • Lack of #government #regulation and #law #enforcement, too many malicious actors (#spam, #phishing, etc.)
  • Emotional content to increase #interaction, #clickbait

Once being an open platform geared towards information exchange and bringing people into contact, most of the public Internet today is nothing but annoying useless #marketing, #advertising and #data #collection. Providing information, connecting people, and making life convenient is definitely NOT the primary goal of whoever is big on the Internet today. It's shocking to see how much of it is only to sell you stuff or to sell your information.

And the worst is: we are even paying them to do this shit. #Marketing spending will be reflected in product prices, and with much of marketing being done in 1st world countries, a substantial amount of the price goes into this destructive industry.

I could go on with this for hours. Really sick of it.



#restrictfeatures #finegrained #ads #js #javascript #browsertechnology #poweruser #privacy #expertprivacy #firefox #firefoxextension #firefoxaddon #trackers #tracking #fingerprint #fingerprinting #browserfingerprint #tor

WebAPI Blocker, as the name suggests, is designed to block desired JavaScript APIs. This can help to protect your privacy and prevent chances of data breach, hacking or fraud. The extension is easy to use as it has an ON|OFF button. Once you have switched the button ON, it will start to block unwanted APIs and vice versa. Adding APIs is also not a tough task; all you have to do is to type the name of the API you want to block in the designated space and then click the add button next to it. For the convenience of users, there are some commonly used APIs pre-listed in the extension.

requires to have some knowledge related to the functions of the API. If they have mistakenly blocked an API that is important to load a website, the performance of that particular website may be impacted. It may not load completely or become unresponsive. If such an issue occurs, check the APIs you have blocked, try unblocking them, refresh the tab, and check whether the website loads correctly or not. All in all, installing WebAPI Blocker extension could be a viable way to protect your privacy; however, it is important to be aware of the functions of important APIs.


Spontaner #ADHD content.

Ich war vor einigen jahren mal mit meiner damaligen lebensabschnittsgefährtin in einem (sog.) Dunkelrestaurant (in Hamburg). Ich weiss nicht mehr genau welches konkret oder welche aktion es seinerzeit war, is auch nicht ganz so wichtig.

Wichtig ist eher, worum es geht. Essen im dunkeln. Wie eine blinde person.

Ich sags euch gleich, es wahr _SEHR_ anstrengend. Ich bin glücklicherweise in der lage die ganzen emotionalen bestandteile aus der damaligen zeit "herauszufiltern" und kann endlich ""sehen"" (erkennen;)) was und wie es war.

Und zwar schlichtweg _LAUT_.

Ich springe ein wenig, sorry, adhs. ;) Also es geht darum dort in einen vollständig verdunkelten raum geführt zu werden, jede/r wird an seinen/ihren eigenen platz geführt (je nach gebuchter reservierung halt) und dann werden einem neben ein paar verbalen instruktionen nach und nach ein paar gerichte gereicht.

Die gilt es nun rein durch taktile sensorik und hoffentlich einem ausreichenden vorstellungsvermögen (wo liegt jetzt was aufm teller?) zu genießen....

War eine interessante erfahrung.... Ebenso interessanterweise wesentlich weniger schlimm als mensch es sich vorstellt (naja es sieht eh niemand überhaupt irgendwas ;))... Insgesamt eine interessante bis fast positive erfahrung.

Wäre da nicht der effekt, das offenbar alle in dem raum bei ihrem gespräch zu tisch immer lauter wurden.

Ich hab erst gedacht .. mh ... ok vielleicht ist das meine wahrnehmung..

Aber ich musste im gespräch mit meinem gegenüber tatsächlich irgendwann die stimme heben ... und wurde durch die geräuschkulisse massiv unter stress gesetzt so das mir das konzentrieren auf irgendwas anderes als den druck den mir das vermittelt immer schwieriger wurde..

Es schien tatsächlich so, als würden die meisten der leute im raum ihre fehlende optische wahrnehmung durch eine verstärkte verbale intonation kompensieren.

Und das war so elendig grausam. 🙁 Anfangs ging es noch recht gut .. aber nach sicherlich 10 minuten war ich stress und konzentrationsmässig echt auf.... Ich hab so schon extrem starke probleme verschiedene gleichzeitige verbale konversationen auseinanderzuhalten.. An dem tag dort ging einfach fast überhaupt nichts mehr.. lediglich das ich so stark an einer bestimmten stimme hing machte überhaupt noch eine kommunikation in irgend einer form möglich..

Ich hasse das ..... das sind dinge die leute ohne ADS/ADHS nicht verstehen können...... Die können das .... sich auf eine stimme konzentrieren wenn sie wollen .. und nurnoch genau das hören...

Ich bzw wir können das nicht unbedingt .. ich kanns garnicht..

Jedes gleichlaut gesprochene wort (also alles was gleich laut in meinen ohren einschlägt), wird vom gehirn gleichwertig aufgenommen und verwurstet.... Und das is dann genau der richtige begriff, denn verstehen kann ich da nichts mehr.... Das is so als würde ich wzorwteie über einander schreiben (es war 'zwei worte'), es kommt nurnoch wirrwarr durch.... Es gelingt dann ggf manchmal dem gehirn im nachhinein nochmal die bedeutung eines parts zu erkennen...
Aber das ist soo schweinemässig anstrengend...... auch das wiederrum kann mensch einem neurotypischen menschen einfach nicht vermitteln..

Wie denn auch...

Hrmpf ... #neurodivers zu sein ist manchmal einfach nicht so einfach.... *seufz*


#Dunkelrestaurant #Blind #Blinde #ADS #ADHS #Konzentration #Konzentrieren #Stress


"So Apple was perfectly fine with profiting off Facebook’s anti-privacy business model, and only when Facebook declined did Apple go on its holier-than-thou privacy crusade against Facebook’s ads business. Apple’s privacy position is pure marketing, and any time Apple needs to choose between money and privacy, money wins every time. Whether it’s Google paying Apple billions to be the default search provider on iOS, Apple handing over all Chinese users’ data to the Chinese government, or now, in dealing with Facebook, Apple will choose money over privacy every time."

#gafam #ads #meta #facebook #apple



Google Allowed a Sanctioned Russian Ad Company to Harvest User Data for Months


Of particular concern, the analysis showed that Google shared data with RuTarget about users browsing websites based in Ukraine. This means Google may have turned over such critical information as unique mobile phone IDs, IP addresses, location information and details about users’ interests and online activity, data that U.S. senators and experts say could be used by Russian military and intelligence services to track people or zero in on locations of interest.

Google doesn't care. They just want more money.

The root problem is that the hardware, software, and protocols people use don't minimize the amount of information they exfiltrate. There is no excuse for allowing hardware devices to uniquely identify themselves with mobile advertising IDs. There is no excuse for including useragent and referer headers in the HTTP protocol. These are self-evidently terrible ideas. If we want any privacy at all in 2022 we must never access any network with a phone. As for HTTPS, I think we need to move to simpler, more privacy-friendly protocols like Gopher and Gemini.

Someone comes up with a good idea, and the billionaires "monetize" it into another Orwellian nightmare.

I want to use and control my computers, but I don't want to be used and controlled by them.

#privacy #security #surveillance #google #russia #ukraine #war #surveillance-economy #ads #advertising #smart-phones #trackers #tracking