

Bloomberg: Russia sends students from Africa to fight in its war against Ukraine

According to the #Bloomberg report, Russian officials have been threatening African students and young workers not to extend their visas unless "they agree to join the military." Such a tactic was first deployed by the Russian Wagner mercenary group, Bloomberg reported.

While Russia has also been enlisting convicts, some Africans on work visas "have been detained and forced to decide between deportation or fighting," Bloomberg cited an anonymous European official.

"Some of those people had been able to #bribe officials to stay in the country and still avoid military service," the report reads.

This is not the first time the Russian military is reported to have started bringing prisoners, migrants, and foreign nationals into its ranks.


#threats #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Africans #students #visas #Russian #blackmail #corruption


Merkel withheld information about Russia's intention to blackmail Europe with gas, German outlet reports

Russia aimed to accelerate the introduction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline into service without German authorities' certification by causing a gas deficit in Europe, Handelsblatt said, referring to a 2021 document from the German Economy Ministry.

The document also described Russian actions as threatening to cause "dramatic consequences," while the filling of gas storage facilities was called "very slow."

Gazprom filled its European gas storage only halfway by July 2021, according to the document.

Peter Altmaier, then-German economy minister, obtained the document and informed the cabinet of ministers, according to Handelsblatt. In October 2023, Merkel told the media that she did not see any signs of Russia cutting its gas supply to Europe.


#RussianAggression #blackmail #Germany #Merkel #gas #NordStream


WTAF: #US Secretary of State #Blinken warned if United Nations recognizes #Palestine as an independent State, United States, allies and affiliated businessmen will cut funding for #UN, thus cutting United Nations ability to run huminitarian aid for Global South countries.

He is threatening the world on behalf of #Israel, while pretending that they support a 2 state solution.

This is the most outrageous comment I've ever read from Blinken. I'm not sure if it's accurate, because the only source is the post on ShiTwitter:https://x.com/halalflow/status/1792944530389393422

#Politics #Blackmail #Inhumanity #FooAsWeapon #WTAF


Kremlin using coal subsidies to force Russian passports on residents in occupied Kherson Oblast

Moscow-installed illegal occupation authorities in Kherson Oblast are offering coal subsidies for heating purposes, but only to those residents who became Russian citizens, the Ukrainian military's National Resistance Center reported.

As part of its forced passportization strategy, Russia creates special incentives oriented toward residents in occupied Ukrainian territory to adopt Russian passports. At the same time, those Ukrainians who refuse Russian citizenship are often threatened with deportation or being forcibly mobilized into the Russian military.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #WarCrimes #heating #blackmail #coal #subsidies #HumanRights #Imperialism #passports #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


Surfer reports #harassment with #nude #photos taken with… Artificial Intelligence

Source: https://portugal.postsen.com/sport/432082/Surfer-reports-harassment-with-nude-photos-taken-with…-Artificial-Intelligence.html

#MarianaRochaAssis, 26 years old, says she is living in true “emotional hell”; ‘hacker’ asked for 5 thousand euros to not make the photographs public


The young Portuguese woman reports that it all started on November 17th, the day she received nude images of herself on her cell phone, generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

#ai #technology #blackmail #cybercrime #crime #problem #news #deepfake


for #freedom, here are a couple more #freedomquotes #goodquotes #quotes
What is the most important thing you could be working on in the world right now? … And if you’re not working on that, why aren’t you?” ~ Aaron Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) https://archive.org/details/TheInternetsOwnBoyTheStoryOfAaronSwartz #theinternetsownboy #rememberaaronswartz #aaronswartz

"The difference between tyranny and democracy. It's very simple. When the government knows everything about you, that's tyranny. I know how it is to live in tyranny. When you know everything about your government, that's democracy." ~ Cristian Terheș Oct 30 2021 https://doctors4covidethics.org/members-of-the-european-parliament-take-a-historic-stand-against-vaccine-mandates-medical-coercion-and-tyranny/ #CristianTerheș #christianterhes #mandates #coercion #blackmail #tyranny

#themostimportantthing #democracy

ps big thanks to @zeugma@diaspora.psyco.fr for https://dnext.societas.online/posts/ae3f71f060ae013c19f17054d219cb33 inspiring this post.


Inside the deadly instant #loan #app scam that blackmails with #nudes

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-66964510

A #blackmail #scam is using instant loan apps to entrap and humiliate people across #India and other countries in #Asia, #Africa, and Latin #America. At least 60 Indians have killed themselves after being abused and threatened.

#fail #crime #cybercrime #news #software #internet #suicide


The asshole is now threatening Europe : Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky: It is impossible to predict how millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries will react to the fact that their country was abandoned by its allies and was stabbed in the back.

If our allies start curtailing aid to Ukraine, it will only prolong the war, and this will create risks for the West in its own backyard

Ukrainian people generally behaved well and are very grateful to those who sheltered them. But it will not be a good story for Europe and its countries if it pushes these same people into a corner by doing it.

People read, people discuss, people make up their minds and people push. It was public opinion that drove politicians to increase arms supplies to Ukraine in the early days of the war. Scaling down that help may anger not just Ukrainians but also Western voters.

Western Voters will start asking what the whole effort was for. People will not forgive if NATO loses Ukraine to Russia

A negotiated deal would not be permanent. The Russian Dictator has a habit of creating frozen conflicts on Russia’s borders. See in Georgia, for example. Not as ends in themselves but because his goal is to restore the Soviet Union.

The mistake is not diplomacy. The mistake is diplomacy with Putin. He negotiates only with himself

#Ukraine #Zelensky #Europe #Blackmail #UkraineWar #Russia #NATO #Refugees #Politics #Russia #SropTheWadr #PeaceNow


Release the Epstein / #Maxwell pedophile #blackmail #honeypot intel agency scion control system client list now.

#Epstein didn't kill himself, he was snuffed out by private or intel agency assassins. Stop sacrificing our #children to protect powerful child #rapists.

Disclose who Epstein & Maxwell's clients & honeypot #victims are & bring them to #justice. No more child #rape control systems. No more child rape #trafficking. End this #horrific practice now.

#epsteinclientlist #epsteinmaxwell #honeypotblackmail #elitescions #uk #intelagencies #cia #fbi #nsa #mi6 #mi5 #gchq #mossad #puppeteers #puppetpoliticians #childtrafficking #childsacrifice #publishtheclientlist #endchildtrafficking #endchildrape #saveourchildren #usa #globalism #judeoangloamericanempire #crime


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

-Walter Scott, c.1808

“You can fool all of the people some of time; you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.”

-Abraham Lincoln, c.1887

#deception #lies #manipulation #uk #westerncivilization #thewest #elites #19thcentury #quotes #sirwalterscott #abrahamlincoln #tangledweb #usa #propaganda #appliedpsychology #socialengineering #massmedia #informationwarfare #psyops #cia #intelligentsia #elitism #tavistock #elitescions #psychologicalwarfare #economicwar #geopolitics #mi6 #mossad #epstein #blackmail #nsa #surveillancestate #endlesswars #edwardsnowden #julianassange


As of 26th April 2023 it has been 1,356 days since Epstein didn't kill himself & 1,029 days since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.

In this time, Law Enforcement & Judicial authorities have prosecuted zero people who were entrapped by the Epstein/Maxwell pedophile blackmail honeypot.

#epstein #jeffreyepstein #maxwell #ghislainemaxwell #epsteinmaxwell #epsteindidntkillhimself #honeypot #blackmailcontrol #childtrafficking #blackmail #intelagencies #control #informationcontrol #pedophillia #paedophilia #coverup #corruption #theelite #elites #jewish #jews #uk #afroasiatic #usa #moloch #law #justice #lawenforcement #judiciary #powerstructure #powerhierarchy #judeoangloamericanempire #power #judeoangloamericanestablishment


The Monarchy should pay precisely zero in "reparations." KC3 is not responsible for any slavery, neither was his mother, or her father. The Monarch's government of the early 19th century outlawed slavery and used the empire's power, wealth and influence to fight against it worldwide.

Instead of endless recriminations, let's focus on stopping the slavery going on today, such as sex/rape slavery of children and women in the West and traditional slavery still going on in Africa today, perpetrated against Africans by Africans and Afroasiatics like Arabs.

#uk #usa #monarch #monarchy #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #kciii #kc3 #slavery #slavetrade #reparations #recriminations #gbnews #westerncivilization #thewest #africa #arabia #europe #indoeuropeans #europeans #africans #afroasiatics #guilt #innocence #history #money #blackmail #grift #britishempire #empire #law #justice



quick-n-dirty copy-pasta repost from 2 year old joindiaspora post:

~Before we begin, I suggest you put on some inspirational uplifting radio for this… maybe mpv http://somafm.com/thetrip.pls or mpv --no-video https://www.youtube.com/user/RazNitzanMusic/video

We never needed “jobs” (enslavement). #jerbs

We never needed “rockets”. #wecandobetter #notthebest

This economy is a lie.
And why?
Once out of the box, the self-fulfilling circular-reasons for it disappear.
Even the “richest” among us, can be ever better off.
It’s maddening to watch humanity/humans keep doing this to itself/humans. Shooting selves in the foot. Just no need. Lost in the momentum of past poorly-informed overly-misled un/mal-imaginative schemes of domination, under the indoctrination that to do so was the highest ideal.

Perhaps the “domination of nature” seemed a high ideal a few hundred years ago when nature seemed a greater oppressor, and there was (understandable but wrong-headed) push to present hostility and dominator parasitism competition as superior to friendliness and mutual symbiotic synergy, as per that misrepresentation of Darwin, which contorted and obfuscated out the cooperation being the fitest, in favour of separationist rigid hostile individualism. An abhorrently harmful notion that’s been re-upped and amplified these past 40 years. All while hand-in-hand with the goodie-goodie goodness-advocacy goodness-boasting magnanimous airs from preening hypocrites. Accompanied by abusive deployment of virtue-signalled social-indoctrinations of Christian “forgiveness”. Now I’ll happily advocate loving the sinner and hating the sin, but that’s not what gets done by the dominator crooks. They’ll use it in a way to simply carry on getting away with worse and more.
… at least until they managed to break through their wells of perception and addiction.
… and that’s not to propose the power is with them and you’re disempowered.
You exist here too, your potential…
your brain’s potential for example… in some portions at some (of many) levels can work like a quantum computer… if you add another qubit to a quantum computer you multiply its calculating potential… your brain has how many neurons? how many connections?
… and that’s just your brain in your head…
consider then also you have neurons in your heart, and in your gut, and then consider even the communicative & sensing capacities of your other signal carrying membranes… and then how much energy you generate… you’ve immense creative capacity beyond your ken. far, far beyond your ken. :D we have so much potential to mend this world still.

“if you don’t have time to meditate for 1 hour each day, meditate for 2 hours each day.”

Sure, it’s so easy to get lost and misdirected in the spray of noise. Even all these words can become twisted and language itself contorted, to suite aims stuck in boxes. But there’s still that little hint beyond… you can still sense it right? … the immense burgeoning potential… and all the stretching of the karmic elastic is only further contributing to that pressure pot that will eventually release.

there’s an immensely deep ocean of energy upon which our ripple of (for want of a better term) “reality” sits. this vast energy we see, but a ripple on its deep surface. all the biggest pops of stars, all the black holes, all the nuclear furnaces (stars and artifices), just in the ripple. And the technology to tap into that has many times been invented and suppressed, or even a few times utilised quietly, and even witnessed in nature (e.g. geckos’ use of casimir effect with higher pressure of wavelengths excluded from smaller cavities ~ for a surface effect).

Your thoughts, your projections, your imaginings, your calculations, your perceptions, that you share with others overtly, or merely through the akashic records, harmonics and percussive entertainments of morphic resonance.

means you, just in your thoughts right now, have influence on the world, even in the “woo” sounding ways. that includes those whom you’ve considered the biggest monsters. so in the space of “love the sinner, hate the sin”, and forgiveness, you can sublimate past that to imagine them better, to imagine offering them better ways, to imagine growing their neuropathways to better easily see better ways, to facilitate habituations to their better ways, recursively rebuilding in them the pathways that induce building the wisdom and the breadths that foster such wisdom… neurogenesis in others by imagination… someone should run some experiments on that to help reveal it. … i say like i’ve certainty it’s already a thing. hehe. but… have not some experiments not already shown that? if not directly neurogenesis in other people by imagination/intent, then at least other spooky actions at distance.

I swear, we’re not done yet. We’ve immense potential.

Go meditate for an instant,
then carry on for a second more,
and then a breath more,
and then carry on for a minute of breathing more,
and carry on in that same instant,
that same instant we call “now”,
until many more minutes have passed…
… maybe even hours will be eaten in presence of the now, and allowing your consciousness to expand through the now, into the longer now, and the deeper now, simultaneously, softened into the richness, the abundance in the no thing.
Go out.
Go out into the world,
however you feel then,
and spread the #mendwards.

Meditation can help the clarity and balance.

Getting out into pinene-rich nature helps augment the clarity even further.

Some meditation and breathing techniques are better than others, for helping your physiology generate #homeostasis -inducing/maintaining/helping #Cannabinoids.

These will help rekindle seeing greater potentials, dispelling limiting misconceptions born of the confirmation bias of suffering.

Exogenous Phyto-Cannabinoids can perhaps be even more advantageous, for many, or at least more readily advantageous. … But perhaps much of that is also as much of our imposed ignorance of our own body/self/existence/purpose/function, as our imposed ignorance of #mansbestfriend ( #cannabis / #hemp / #sativa (… try expose your mind to some Jack Herer if you dare contraire)).

Point being… with the imbalances reoriented back into balances, the potential I speak of gets more restored and availed.

Can’t launch your rocket if your launch pad is wonky, let alone get beyond to realise we never needed rockets, and sublimate to #spaceshipsforeverybody (as per “We never needed “rockets”.”)

Just to pass the time of day, God & Marley share a J
Bob tells God of his great visions.
God takes notes, and plans revisions.

So toke up, and mend the world.

They could only do the best they could do. Now you can imagine greater capacity for them to do better.

When opening a box, to liberate a mind from it, sometimes it seems impossible, since each flap is held down by the next, in a loop, until you realise, they can all lift together.

The End Of Imprisonment In The Box Is Nigh.

It sublimates fast. Wont be so much piecemeal, even though it will seem like a lot of strain and effort fruitlessly at first.

We can mendwards… NOW. :)

A choice, no savings or money, a choice, between fear and love.
The eyes of fear want us separate, buying locks and guns.
The eyes of love see us all as one.

… imagine a few more had such realisations? imagine we were already at the tipping points where the flood mendwards was already upon us, and enough of it build in already, the silent transcendence from re-problemating victim co-perpetration, the rejection of the misery of crookedness seeking company in crookedness; rejection of the #mandate and #coercion and #duress and #blackmail to become a #worthyvampire, the people seeing through that, feeling its wrong, hearing the wisdom beyond, enlightened, realigned to their “higher self”, perhaps even as high as realising #atmanisbrahman, without standing in-front of the light and projecting ego shadows, really genuinely having the humility in extending the insight to the revelation all else are god reincarnated too, to learn.

So… do what you will with my prescriptive portions here… (as tautological/sub-textual as that (and this) may seem) … as you tickle your god-brain’s toes. … … … … or pick up the #magicmushroom phone and call back in to the mycelial brain’s song reminding all things. and not just a heroic dose of 5 dried grams. go for a legendary dose of >25g, >100g, >300g? just basically get as much in you as you can before the first purge. Remember to do Psilocybe Magic Mushrooms responsibly, ensuring proper mindset and setting. … Though, if you’re doing a legendary dose (presumably/advisably with #LemonTek on an empty stomach), you’ll be intently heading for high level 4, and level 5 trips. And in Level 5 trips, in some ways, set & setting kinda lose meaning. Set & Setting’s really only relevant for Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 trips. Level 1, it’s so mild, just some giggles, barely trails and colours, perhaps no more emotional vulnerability and impressionability to encourage taking care of your mindset and inputs and surroundings than you’d warrant for “every day life” without the use of such substances. Level 5, you’re not even there anymore, so it does not really matter, since you’re thrust so far beyond whatever you were with prior to dosing and the dose taking effect.

But… Even without taking to such extremes deviating from the dominator prescribed life, the point remains, even as you are now, you have so much immense potential to help mend the world. Even without lifting a finger. Now imagine how much more, atop that, if you did lift a finger, too.

:) Carry on with better dreams than this.

Because remember,

Once out of the box, the self-fulfilling circular-reasons for it disappear.
Even the “richest” among us, can be ever better off.

#NoEnemiesHere #AllParadoxesResolveAtHigherTopologies

#DigitsRambles #ThyDailyBong #ThyDailyBongSong

#akashicrecords #harmonics #percussiveforce #entrainment #morphicresonance #CannabisCanSaveTheWorld #YouCanSaveTheWorld #WeCanMendThis #WeCanStillMendThis #ThisIsTheDawningOfTheAgeOfAquarius #LearningToBalance #LearningToBalanceSelfAndAll #LearningToBalanceAuthorityAndLiberty #LearningToBalanceTechnologyAndNature #LearningToBalanceHarmonyAndFreedom #mendwards



#WhitneyWebb of UnlimitedHangout.com joins James once again, this time to discuss her new, epic, 900-page, two-volume tour de force, One Nation Under #Blackmail. In this #conversation, #Webb and #Corbett dive into the sordid tale of Epstein and his compatriots and begin to unravel the incredibly complex web of the intelligence/organized crime/blackmail syndicate.

Show Notes:

EXCLUSIVE: Ms. Popularity! Ghislaine Maxwell's life behind bars is hardly bleak as the sought-after ex-socialite strolls with a prison pal, is chosen to lead 'Battle of the Units' checkers competition and guides inmates to the best romance books in library

One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb - UnlimitedHangout.com / TrineDay

Who Is Bill Gates?

'The Bachelor Billionaire' - New York Magazine 1985

Wexner Israel Fellowship

Harvard Center for Public Leadership

Klaus Schwab 2017 Young Global Leaders clip

Ghislaine Maxwell attended Cuomo, Kennedy wedding in 1990

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage


Putin is a member of the unified global elite.

They are trying to transition us into a technocratic neofeudal socioeconomic system. They use geopolitical controlled opposition & fear-based manipulation to distract minds & control narratives.

We didn't vote for socioeconomic transition. Unelected elite scions are manipulating our societies through applied plutocracy & blackmail.

Putin has put the same technocratic systems in place in Russia, as Xi has in China & Western elites have & are putting into place in the West.

#structure #transition #neofeudal #system #geopolitical #manipulation #narratives #socioeconomic #elite #scions #plutocracy #blackmail #usa #putin #technocratic #russia #Xi #uk #china #west #global #unified #eu #nuclearwar #ukraine #propaganda