

#Vaccine #Crimes
Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
March 18, 2023

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7WO5d0iQ0ApV/

Former #BlackRock fund manager #EdwardDowd is bringing attention to the surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the #COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out
Group life policyholders, who are typically healthier than the general population, experienced mortality spikes of 40% in 2021
Disability numbers among the workforce reached a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up — a highly unusual increase
Central banks, pharmaceutical companies, Big Tech and the media all benefited from the pandemic and have an interest in covering up what Dowd describes as a “large #global #murder scene”
Dowd believes there’s enough alarming data to warrant the COVID-19 shot program being stopped immediately, as the death and disability from the shots could easily exceed that from COVID-19
Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd is one of the brave few who have been trying to get the word out about dangers of COVID-19 shots. While I've interviewed him twice — once about the mathematical certainty of a financial collapse and a second time about his book, "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," — his #information is finally getting #mainstream #media #attention.

In an #interview with #TuckerCarlson, he explains that media outlets like Yahoo have picked up on the undeniable increase in deaths among young, healthy adults. However, they're quick to state that such deaths are not due to COVID-19 shots.1 But Dowd isn't deterred. As A Midwestern Doctor noted on Substack:2

"Ed Dowd has focused on utilizing a narrower set of evidence and tying it to one of the most persuasive arguments currently available for shifting the narrative. A statistically impossible spike in sudden deaths has occurred in the healthiest segment of the population and has happened in tandem with a spike in disability (this is why we are now having labor shortages)."

Dowd is intent on bringing global attention to this surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out, and he's not willing to let anyone, or any entity, stop him. "We have the data. We have the evidence," he says, "and there's a large global murder scene that just occurred."3

Insurance Company Data Reveal 40% #Death #Surge
"Cause Unknown" details data showing the shots are a #crime #against #humanity. #vaccinescam #virusscam #healthscam scam after scam


Edward Snowden exposes US surveillance & Intelligence Ops - Rewind 2017


This video is a talk with former #CIA and #NSA officer #EdwardSnowden about #US #surveillance and #covert-operations. We also talk about the importance of #privacy to #democracy and what citizens can do to #protect it. This #interview was originally conducted in #2017. We are #republishing it today, as this topic has completely disappeared from #mainstream discourse.

0:00 Introduction * 1:26 History of US Covert Ops * 11:45 Past Whistleblowers * 19:52 US Surveillance Program * 34:35 Is Tyranny here? *
45:13 Snowden's Normal Day

#snowden #zainraza #intelligence #fbi #privacy #russia #germany #uk #whistleblowers #tyranny


08.03.2023 Fake News im Mainstream

Zu viel oder zu wenig Erneuerbare?

Wenn in den "Main Stream Medien" über Fake News berichtet wird, dann stehen Veröffentlichungen in rechtsradikalen oder verschwörungstheoretisch verdrehten Artikeln im Mittelpunkt. Dabei sind es die "Main Stream Medien" selbst, die uns fast täglich ein Weltbild servieren, was mit der Wirklichkeit wenig zu tun hat.

Dabei wollen wir nicht in hochpolitische Themen einsteigen, wie die angeblich durch Russland gesprengte (eigene) Nord Stream Pipeline - eine "Theorie", die durch die Veröffentlichungen von Pulitzerpreisträger Seymour Hersh und die gestrigen Veröffentlichungen der Investigativjournalisten der öffentlichen Medien sich als falsch herausgestellt haben.

"Strommangel im Januar"

Wir wollen stattdessen auf ein ganz profanes Problem im Januar diesen Jahres zurückkommen. Armin Simon berichtet in .ausgestrahlt Nr. 57, Frühjahr 2023, über folgende Zeitungsmeldungen:

  • In Baden-Württemberg aber ruft der Netzbetreiber TransnetBW via App und Pressemitteilung zum Stromsparen auf.
  • "Zwischen 17 und 19 Uhr droht Stromengpass in Baden-Württemberg", titelt welt.de.
  • "Droht Baden-Württemberg jetzt der Black-out?", fragt echo24.de.
  • Die Bevölkerung solle Strom sparen, "um einen Engpass zu vermeiden", meldet bild.de, und zwar "wegen zu viel Windstrom!"
  • Der SWR erklärt zwei Tage später: "Zu viel Windenergie in Norddeutschland sorgt für höheren Energiebedarf in BW.
  • "Im Südwesten ist es beinahe zu Stromabschaltungen gekommen", resümiert agrarheute.com.
  • Und die "FAZ" schreibt Ende Januar, TransnetBW habe "Strom aus dem Ausland einkaufen" müssen.

Derzeitiger Stromhandel gehört abgschafft!

Was war wirklich passiert? Rechnerisch decken die Erneuerbaren in manchen Momenten den kompletten Stromverbrauch Deutschlands. In den windstarken Tagen Anfang Januar war durch ein Überangebot von Windstrom im Norden der Preis an der Leipziger Strombörse so niedrig wie lange nicht mehr und Netzbetreiber in der Schweiz, Österreich und Italien orderten viele MW Leistung (die genauen Zahlen und auch das real zur Verfügung stehende Angebot der verschiedenen Stromarten sind akribisch bei .ausgestrahlt aufgeführt) zu diesem günstigen Preis.

Da die Stromtrassen in den Süden - auch durch die bauliche Untätigkeit von Bayern und Baden-Würtemberg - diese Leistung nicht in den Süden übertragen können, steht dort im wesentlichen nur fossil erzeugter Strom und Strom aus Pumpspeicherwerken zur Verfügung. Dann geschieht folgendes, wie .ausgestrahlt schreibt:

Nach den geltenden Strommarktregeln sind nun die Netzbetreiber in der Pflicht, die Fehler des Marktes über einen sogenannten Redispatch zu korrigieren. Sie ordnen also an, dass Strom, der verkauft wurde, aber nicht transportiert werden kann, näher beim Kunden produziert werden muss. Indem etwa Windparks im Norden aus dem Wind drehen und im gleichen Umfang konventionelle Kraftwerke im Süden hochfahren.

Der einzige Unterschied ist, dass ihr Betrieb nun nicht vom Stromabnehmer, sondern vom Netzbetreiber bezahlt wird. Der legt die Kosten dafür plus die Entschädigung für die Betreiber der abgeregelten Kraftwerke plus seine eigenen Kosten samt Gewinnaufschlag auf die Netzgebühren um.

Tatsächlich sah an diesen Tagen so aus, dass Deutschland in der Schweiz Strom kaufen musste, um ihn "anschließend" wieder über Leitungen in die Schweiz ung Österreich zu verkaufen! Das Herz und Gehirn jedes Physikers kann da nur weinen und die betroffenen Elektronen werden auch den Kopf geschüttelt haben.

Und anstatt, dass wir in Zeitungen, Radio und Fernsehen die Wahrheit lesen:

So kommt es, dass Pumpspeicherkraftwerke im Schwarzwald am 15. Januar 200 bis 550 Megawatt billigen Windstrom an der Börse erstehen können, real aber teuren Kohlestrom aus mehreren eigens dafür laufenden Reservekraftwerken verbrauchen. Damit pumpen sie Wasser den Berg hinauf - finanziert von Verbraucherinnen, die der Netzbetreiber zur selben Zeit auffordert, ihr Handy nicht zu laden und den Sonntagsbraten kalt zu essen.

... wird uns von den Profiteuren aus den Energiekonzernen und den konservativen Medien Angst vor der Energiewende gemacht.

Wir hatten uns in anderen Artikel bereits über die seltsamen Stromkosten in Deutschland und die damit zusammenhängende "Merit-Order" Gedanken gemacht. Die Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien war jedenfalls noch nie so günstig wie im letzten Jahr (5-7ct/kWh).

Mehr dazu in .ausgestrahlt Nr. 57 Frühjahr 2023, https://www.ausgestrahlt.de
und mehr zur verhängnisvollen "Merit-Order" beim Strompreis https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=Merit&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3sS
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8329-20230308-fake-news-im-mainstream.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8329-20230308-fake-news-im-mainstream.htm
Tags: #MainStream #FakeNews #Energiepreise #Kosten #Photovoltaik #Windenergie #Umverteilung #Marktwirtschaft #Übergewinnsteuer #Ungleichbehandlung #Transparenz #Profit #Informationsfreiheit #Strompreis #Merit-Order #Stromtransport #Stromexport


Sy Hersh can literally be labelled the most prominent #investigative #journalist of the past fifty years.

He won a Pulitzer Prize back when they were still only awarded based on accuracy and credibility. He literally exposed horrific incidents in both the Vietnam war and the second Iraq war. His findings were irrefutable.

Now suddenly Western Mainstream Media wants to act like he is a nobody whose journalism doesn't warrant coverage.

Western #Mainstream #Media only wants to feed us Propaganda and Narrative Control. They truly are 'The #Enemy #of the #People.'

John Miranda

#NordStream 💥 #SABATOGE 💥
#BidenAdministration 💥


naive ?
devastating verdict about #Baerbock and #German-policy #Grüne haha
preventing a stall of the war in March -not by BJ but by #USA according to #Bennett

#public #mainstream media w/o any importance at all - wonderful wesstern #democracy
at the moment over 200k signatures in Germany via change.org demanding negotiaions
(I dont like change.org - but signed anyway....)


#MEDIAS, #RETRAITES, #EUROPE : RIEN NE VA PLUS ! ( #NicolasVidal) [Pas content avec Tabibian ! #S02E06]

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:58 - Dans cet épisode
00:02:05 - (Tentative) de Présentation de l'invité
00:02:46 - La Fermeture de #RTFrance & l' #avenir des #médias #indépendant
00:14:23 - Quand des #journalistes " #mainstream" rêvent d' #indépendance
00:19:32 - Es-tu pour la #privatisation du #ServicePublic ?
00:25:39 - #Journalistes ou #éditorialistes ?
00:30:34 - Le traitement #médiatique de la #réforme des #retraites / L' #effondrement de la #Grèce
00:40:20 - La réforme des retraites : une #injonction #européenne ?
00:55:01 - Si la réforme des retraites passe, cela sera un #viol #démocratique plus grand qu'en 2005
01:08:09 - Conclusion
▇ LIEN VERS LA CHAINE DE NICOLAS : https://www.youtube.com/@PutschMedia

#politique #macron #ue #PCAT #GOPE


The #Out #Of #Shadows #documentary lifts the mask on #how the #mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the #masses by spreading #propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

quote: "Home of Out of Shadows Official Documentary
#Banned by Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Paypal"


COMPACT.Der Tag: Leipzig: 6.000 fordern „Ami go home“!



6.000 forderten am Samstag „Ami go home!“ vor dem US-Konsulat in Leipzig. Aufgerufen hatten mitteldeutsche Bürgerinitiativen mit Unterstützung von COMPACT. In einer konzertierten Aktion drückten die Systemmedien hinterher die Teilnehmerzahl auf 900 bis 1.000 herunter.

Das sind einige unserer Themen:

• Ami go home: Das Fanal von Leipzig
• Checkpoint Charlie: Brennpunkt im Kalten Krieg
• Advent: Die Wirtschaft brennt
• Perfider Plan: So läuft die Umerziehung

#COMPACT #Leipzig #forderung #Amigohome #28112022 #COMPACTTV #USKonsulat #Konsulat #Bürgerinitiativen #Systemmedien #Medien #Mainstream #CheckpointCharlie #KalteKrieg #Advent #Wirtschaft #PerfiderPlan #Umerziehung


Updates from #dr #John #Campbell indicate where ' #mainstream' is at the moment,way behind in seeing the bigger picture ofcourse ,but even as useful idiot questioning the numbers & statistics wich makes him (and his huge audience)wonder whats goin on...a slow but #rude #awakening?lets hope the collective mind will start to begin to connect the dots ,and will be able to break the #spell of #mass #hypnosis,overcome the cognitive dissonance and face the monster hangin above the fate of #humanity.

High excess deaths in #Australia And other countries.

Provisional Mortality Statistics.16.10/22--11 min-

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xRCv_Wh5njM


Ye, formerly known as #KanyeWest, to acquire #Parler #platform

Source: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ye-formerly-known-as-kanye-west-to-acquire-parler-platform-301650579.html

Parlement Technologies CEO George Farmer welcomes Ye as a compatriot in the fight for #free #speech. "This #deal will #change the #world, and change the way the world thinks about free speech. Ye is making a groundbreaking move into the free speech media space and will never have to fear being removed from social media again. Once again, Ye proves that he is one step ahead of the legacy media narrative. #Parlement will be honored to help him achieve his goals."

I am sure that in their fight for #freedom of speech, they will provide access on their platform to suppressed socialist opinions that do not find a hearing in the #mainstream.

#fail #economy #internet #news #problem #altright #hate #humanRights #media


We all knew, long live Dhan

As Gov’t Tells Us to ‘Follow the Science’, Remember the ‘Consensus’ Once Rejected Hand Washing…

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a phrase has been thrown around by blowhards in the mainstream media and politicians alike. That phrase is “we follow the science.” However, many of the folks who constantly repeat this phrase don’t seemed too excessively concerned with actually following any science at all.
The World Health Organization and others have come out for months saying that schools are safe and that school closures are leading to a slew of horrifying childhood problems.
“Schools can reopen safely,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, back in December.
Yet those who claim to “follow the science” continue to keep children locked down and out of school — leading to an epidemic of childhood suicide. This is just one of many examples.

Despite brutal lockdowns, mandates, the complete destruction of the economy, and putting the police state on steroids, cases still shot to record levels through December and early January. Every time they rise, the politicians take to their podiums and blame the citizens for not following their arbitrary and often entirely unscientific dictates close enough. More force is threatened and more arbitrary rules rolled out. Despite the utterly horrifying effects of the lockdowns, politicians across the world keep forcing them on the citizens. Why is that?

Are they really following the science? Does following The Science™ mean that scientists and experts who disagree with The Science™ ought to be banned, silenced, and cancelled? If not, then why is that happening despite many of these disagreements being proven right?

Throughout history, The Science™ has been resistant to skeptics. Anyone who challenges the established narrative is cast out, ridiculed, and shunned. Now, Big Tech has joined in and helps to silence those who are skeptical — even if they are Harvard educated experts.
It has been a week since our @Facebook page was deleted.

This happened after we posted a comment in full support of a voluntary Covid19 vaccine plan.

There has been no option to review this decision.

There is no route to appeal available for @gbdeclaration. pic.twitter.com/yTz0ue2jNk

— **_Great Barrington Declaration (@gbdeclaration) February 7, 2021_**
To be clear, a scientific consensus is not to be easily discounted. Thousands of people all coming to similar conclusions through varying applications of the scientific method is a powerful means of explaining and understanding our environment and presence on this planet and in the universe. Coming to a consensus allows humanity to make better decisions about fostering a more sustainable future and helps us figure out how to progress as a species and deal with the various woes we face — like COVID-19.

That being said, the collective is often dangerously — and deadly — wrong. Do not mistake this for a stance on vaccines, the pandemic, or any health measures. That is a moot point for the purpose of this issue. However, indoctrinating people to unquestioningly accept what The Science™ says as fact, through various means of information manipulation can and will have damning consequences.

Without people questioning our very reality, science would likely still be stuck in the stone ages.

This current method of cancelling, censoring, and banning, sets out to grow the herd of consensus, simply by convincing people that doing anything but unquestioningly accepting the consensus is wrong.

“Consensus messages don’t ask people to change their beliefs — they ask them to change their opinion about what other people believe, so they’re not a direct threat to their identity,” says Sander van der Linden, a psychology professor at Cambridge, who has tested the strength of “inoculation messages” in a program to manipulate people into being less skeptical.
Once people view the consensus as non-threatening, they will readily accept the science on the matter. Seems harmless enough, right?Well, it does if you haven’t studied history at all.

#consensus #eugenics #mainstream #science #lockdown #covid 19 #corruption #genocide #fraud #pandemic #censor #manipulation #disinformation



How a #Billionaire’s “Attack #Philanthropy” Secretly Funded #Climate +Denialism and Right-Wing Causes

source: https://www.propublica.org/article/barre-seid-heartland-institute-hillsdale-college-gmu

Last month, The Lever and ProPublica as well as The New York Times detailed how Seid secretly handed a $1.6 billion fortune to a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority that recently eliminated federal protections for #abortion rights.

Steven Baer, a longtime friend and former adviser to Seid, said the businessman has long been “the major patron” for the Heartland Institute, a small Chicago-area think tank which for decades has attacked #mainstream climate #science. A top executive at Seid’s former company, Tripp Lite, served as the chairman of the group. Among the recent claims on the institute’s website: “US #Temperature Readings Are Junk, Negating Climate Science” and “96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted.”

#BarreSeid #politics #finance #altRight #news #money #propaganda #fake #fail #problem #future #emissions


(Gegen den #Mainstream*)*
Ganz frisch -Ein #Gedicht
Ich trinke Kaffee mit Milch,
und Zucker dazu.
Mit anderen Sachen,
lass mich in Ruh
Die Pizza ist mein täglich Brot,
ein Rotwein dazu
das macht mich nicht tot.
Gemüse möchte ich aber auch nicht verächten.
Am liebsten aber schlafe ich;
den Schlaf der Gerechten
Spät aufstehen kann ich am besten um 12 Uhr.
Dann kommt mir die Sonne gleich auf den Pelz.
Ist im Winter der Tag doch dann schon vorbei;
koche ich mir eben abends ein Ei.

gedicht #prosa #nonsens #mywork #nackt #anders #modern #hallo