

#Who #Rules The #World And Starts #Wars And #Pandemics? This Mep Has The Answer:
Who rules the world? Who starts wars and pandemics? Is it Biden? Is it Putin? Believing that the pharmaceutical industry wants healthy citizens is like believing that the military industry strives for world peace, #MEP #MislavKolakusic said in the #European# Parliament.

#BlackRock, #Vanguard and State Street — investment funds most #people have #never heard of — manage more than $15 trillion in assets. These asset managers have interests in all major pharmaceuticals, #media, #transport companies, #arms #manufacturers and #banks.

#Insatiable #Greed
They are the largest shareholders of #Pfizer, #Moderna and Johnson & #Johnson, among others. They have a majority stake in six of the 10 largest pharmaceutical giants. They have a majority stake in all the companies that have manufactured corona vaccines.

The fact that we are experiencing skyrocketing #inflation, which affects ordinary citizens the most, is not an economic phenomenon, but the result of the insatiable greed of the owners of these asset managers who set prices, Kolakusic argues.
Completely clear
They also have the #military industry in the pocket. BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street own the largest weapons manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman.
It's absolutely clear who rules the world and makes all the important decisions, be it wars or pandemics, says Kolakusic.
Blackrock & Vanguard are both connected to #WEF #Agenda2030 & #NetZero2050 #Tyranny!


Climate fanatics are funded by .. and supported by ..

👉 https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/grants

We fund the movement’s leading edge.
In 2022 so far, we have made $4.5 million in #grants to 43 brave, ultra-ambitious groups.

🤨 "ultra-ambitious groups" ... i'd say "left-extremists groups". And they're paid for by the OnePercent

#destabilization #agenda2030 #climate #climatechange #co2 #scamdemic #onepercent


SDG / Agenda2030 employs religious infiltration to "shape" communities 😖⚠

Between November 6th and 18th, 2022, the UN climate conference COP 27 will take place on the Sinai Peninsula, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Religious communities and religious leaders have a key role to play in addressing climate change and climate justice, which requires deep transformation within society....

We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest. We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence, and we seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that humanity needs to hear today. In this spirit, the project partners will bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: “T*en Universal Principles for Climate Justice.*”

We, religious clergy and members of faith communities based in Israel, gathered here at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem on November 3, 2022, hereby make the following declaration to people of faith across the Earth, and to the governments, UN entities, civil society, and all stakeholders of COP 27 now opening at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

#religious #blasphemy #sinai #agenda2030 #sdg


"World Economic Forum" 101

Klaus being proud their ‘your global leaders’ have infiltrated governments;

He's correct. e.g. Take the latest appointed UK agent Rishi Sunak's relationship with W.E.F.

#WEF.. That organization/front which is working towards a #global #technocrat #tiranny.

‘Famous’ clip from 2017 (not available on youtube anymore/censored)

Notice that they are promoting the goals ‘equality’ ‘sustainability’ etc etc, in their #Agenda2030 #SDG 'Sustainable Development Goals', but not the means.
That's because they're implementing a tiranny to reach the goals, and generally people don't want that.

This particular man #harari doesn't mind theorizing and explainging the means though..


#Karim #Aachboun
Juridisch Adviseur & Fiscalist Quote 500 & DGA’s - 4d Edited

Hierbij #verbreek ik de #radiostilte over mijn rol voor premier #Mark #Rutte

Achter de schermen heb ik jarenlang met premier Rutte gewerkt op gevoelige zware dossiers binnen het bedrijfsleven. Wij hebben samengewerkt bij opdrachten voor uitsluitend bedrijven, waarbij de betreffende bedrijven mijn opdrachtgevers waren.

Na de vele blunders van premier Rutte in de zogenaamde ‘hoofdpijndossiers’ (zoals de Toeslagenaffaire, de stikstofcrisis en de Groningse gaswinningcrisis) heb ik besloten om mijn banden met premier Rutte per direct te beëindigen. Ook heb ik mijn VVD lidmaatschap opgezegd.

De handelswijze van premier Rutte is zodanig onaanvaardbaar en onrechtmatig dat zijn positie als premier volstrekt onhoudbaar is geworden. Wat betekent dit nu?

Namens cliënten zal ik een procedure starten tegen premier Rutte. Ik zal volgende week (dinsdag 4 oktober 2022 om 09:00 uur) mijn brief aan premier Rutte online publiceren, waarin ik meer details bekend zal maken en wat nu van de premier verwacht wordt.

Bent u, of kent u, een gedupeerde van de Toeslagenaffaire, de stikstofcrisis of de Groningse gaswinningscrisis dan vraag ik u het volgende te doen:

  1. Stuur een e-mail met de relevante stukken naar: info@taxeco.nl
  2. Share & Like deze post en laat hieronder een reactie achter.
  3. Tag in uw reactie ook andere gedupeerden.
  4. Er zal contact met u worden gelegd.

Wordt vervolgd …..

Hartelijke groet,

Karim Aachboun

PS Meer info over mijn rol voor premier Rutte: https://lnkd.in/etaVDVHe

#whistleblower #kaag #rutte #wef #tiranie #misleiding #propaganda #agenda2030 #klokkenluider
source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/karimaachbounlinkedin_hierbij-verbreek-ik-de-radiostilte-over-mijn-activity-6980410883508203520-pYO4