

First Grader Gets #Government #Approval to Keep Pet #Unicorn: Needs 'Regular Access to Rainbows'

source: https://uk.style.yahoo.com/first-grader-gets-government-approval-123844773.html

The little girl, identified only as #Madeline, wrote a letter to the Los Angeles County Department of #Animal #Care and Control on Nov. 14 asking for #permission to "have a unicorn in my backyard if I can find one" — and received approval a couple of weeks later.

enter image description here

#USA #LA #news #children #kids #fantasy


«Je suis en thérapie car mon mec ne veut pas en faire une» | Slate.fr

Mais, il paraît que le #féminisme a terminé sa mission. Les femmes et les hommes sont à égalité dans la société! Sauf....que....non. Dans le couple hétéro, c'est encore et toujours la femme qui endosse la plus grosse charge de maintien de la relation et du confort. Elle ne s'occupe pas que du foyer, mais aussi de la santé physique et mentale de son compagnon. Le plus souvent, ce dernier ne se soucie absolument pas de sa santé à elle, sauf si ça a un impact sur lui.

Dans la revue Recherches familiales, la sociologue Irène Jonas a publié en 2006 un article intitulé «Un nouveau travail de “ #care” conjugal: la femme “thérapeute” du couple». Le titre est déjà incisif, mais représentatif d'une réalité qu'elle constate: «Le travail de pacification des couples est avant tout un #travail féminin.» Elle dénonce ce qu'on retrouve dans une grande majorité d'ouvrages de psychologie destinés au grand public, qui considèrent comme naturel ce rôle chez la femme et lui donnent toute une série de conseils pour mener ce travail au sein de son couple, «en travaillant sur elles-mêmes pour se comprendre et les comprendre», mais aussi pour aider leurs conjoints à verbaliser leurs émotions.

«En pointant l'incapacité “naturelle” des hommes à s'exprimer émotionnellement, ces ouvrages ne sont-ils pas en train d'avaliser l'idée favorable au maintien d'un #rapportsocial de domination, que les femmes sont des formidables thérapeutes?», interroge-t-elle.

L'éducation genrée et le #sexisme de notre société ont des conséquences sur la vie de couple hétérosexuel. «J'ai été éduquée comme une fille, à prendre soin des autres, être arrangeante, relate Manon. Ce n'est que très récemment que mon compagnon a réalisé et admis que les psys que j'ai vues durant ces années l'avaient aidé lui aussi, à travers ce que je lui racontais et apprenais. C'était une situation confortable de ne pas avoir à faire d'efforts et que l'autre les fasse.»


Avec ce conditionnement genré, on capte mieux le fonctionnement des relations de couple à l'âge adulte: «Les hommes ne comprennent pas l'importance du dialogue dans le couple, tandis que les femmes ne s'autorisent pas à consacrer autant de temps que les hommes à des activités et loisirs. L'objectif que la société leur a donné n'est pas de penser à elles et leurs envies, mais de se mettre en couple et de le faire tenir. C'est le schéma que l'on retrouve le plus dans toute la culture –patriarcale– qui nous environne.»

#genres #patriarcat #couple #hétéronormativité #psychologie

👉️ https://www.slate.fr/story/229799/therapie-psychologue-charge-mentale-genre-hommes-refus-consulter-femmes-couple-heterosexuel#Echobox=1665411451


we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. why are you still harking on marx (who'd not heed bakunin), when you berate those stuck on adam smith? come along with buckminster fuller. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. when 1 in 10,000 of us can innovate to care for all else, why pin all value on the labour and make everything harder and slaves of us all? come along with buckminster fuller. we've got spooks holding us down, we've had spooks holding us down. the youth of yesterdays and today are still right to reject the spurious notion we each have towork and toil to earn our right to life. 1 in 10,000. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. when we rise to say "we're not doing that anymore", we may reframe all our petty chores. when we see to educate ourselves and re-remember we may educate others, we may reframe all our petty chores. yet you may be listening from while still we've got crooks holding us down, while still we had crooks holding us down, reeling in suffering ignoramy or agony of knowing. join me in the agony of knowing, they know not what they do. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. no emancipation from hanging your worth on your toil. you are worth inately, to be and experience, to bare witness, to feel, and care, to be aware, to dare to dare, to be free and loving.

#pointsouttheinsanityofitall #adamsmith #marxism ##marx #bakunin #economics #buckminsterfuller #innovate #value #crooks #spooks #harder #slaves #theyouthoftoday #rise #listening #reremember #educate #emancipation #emancipationtechnology #cathartic #yearning #thinkwise #10000 #1in10000 #youth #holding #chores #pettychores #ignorance #bliss #agony #knowing #ifignoranceisblissgivemeagony #educateothers #toil #worth #free #inately #be #experience #witness #feel #care #aware #loving #dare :)

#digitspoems #digitslyrics #crif


Doctors Without Borders: OUR WORK IN MALI

Doctors Without Borders
palliative care and oncology service in Bamako

An upsurge in armed #conflict and intercommunal #violence in the first half of 2020 in central #Mali, resulted in more than 2,840 #deaths, and forced thousands of people to flee their homes.

Access to #medical #care remains very limited in the north and center of Mali due to a lack of medical staff and supplies and spiraling #violence between armed groups.

#DoctorsWithoutBorders #humanitarian


Here is a short video just know make you belive in your fears and how to overcome them
Am I afraid ?
The answer will always be YES.
Accepting your fear is the only way to overcome them. A lot of times denial can only cause difficulties and problems. By giving yourself the time and awareness about your feelings and your fears you will eventually be able to accept adapt and move on or work toward what you want. Becoming aware of your fear is the next step, so began to ask yourself

Why am I afraid ?
The one common answer will be not fitting in. It is always easier to choose the Parth Which leads us the easy way out. Which helps us fit in with people, society and everything else, but why do you want to fit in if you don’t want to do what makes you fit in with your own self. Being unsure about yourself is not good but it always is the easy way out. It’s not easy to take the first step but it always is about the first step. Being afraid of being judges and unloved and being an outsider will always come to you but being different from the rest will make you feel sure about yourself.
Now that you know you are afraid and why you are afraid ask yourself..

So what if I am afraid ?
It’s okay to be afraid all it means is there is something you care deeply about. It’s okay to have fears as long as you are willing to explore them it’s okay to have fears. You will always be afraid of being unsure, being loved, wanting to fit in wanting to be accepted. You will always be afraid of not having them. But just give it a step take the step and see what is meant for you. Take that step and see where you are leading yourself. Lying on the bed with the same old thing you are doing is going yo be safe but it’s not going to make you fit in with yourself. It’s all about taking the chance and giving it a shot.
You might fail but these failures are the little things that will teach you to do the right thing next Time. Go for what ever makes you happy go for what you want to do. Do all the crazy stuff you’ve been wanting to do from your childhood chase your dreams your crazy amazing dreams chase them !!!
#love #care #fear #motivation #positive


A quotation by Vauvenargues, Luc de

It is of no use to possess a lively wit if it is not of the right proportion: the perfection of a clock is not to go fast, but to be accurate.

Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues (1715-1747) French moralist, essayist, soldier

Reflections and Maxims [Réflexions et maximes] (1746) [tr. Lee (1903)]

#quotation #quote #accuracy #care #precision #speed #wit

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/vauvenargues-luc-de/22641/



a simple protective mask.

too simple, i fear.

i recall reading the instructions on the masks’ packaging, including the warning insisting it does not provide protection.

so… canny how you present that. wouldn’t want to lure people into false sense of security. dont need a bunch of typhoid marys magnanimously swanning around thinking they’re doing a good thing, wafting out spray from both sides of their incubation layer, rather than a single directable cone, not back across their flesh and into their hair and mucous membranes, as well as whoever’s either side of them and behind them, as well as whatever then rains down from being redirected like a plume upwards. … seems wise reason they have warnings on the instructions on the packaging, to say they do not provide protection… but… i imagine in the churn to produce so many, there was less and less regulation and such instructional advisory packaging going around. not a lot of seweing machine made masks coming with that established best medical/legal practice warnings about them not offering protection. nor about how isolating yourself weakens the immune system… like we’ve forgotten the lessons from history about that. live in a sterile bubble, lose your immune system. similarly, live with constant stress and fear, harm your biome and lose your immune balance that way too. so… to get people to do both… very lucrative, for the oxymoronic “for profit healthcare”. whole lot of repeat custom, atop their now captive market. dont have to wait for people to get sick. perfect to keep this business with its insane mark-up alive. and with “no liability” bought a while ago, they can do no wrong. stocks going up. but, of course these ruthless greedy eugenicist megalomaniacal mysanthropic ecocidal monopolists and oligarchs have our best interest at heart, they really care, so, we should just obey, and participate in the victim-co-perpetration corporate-state terrorism to help build totalitarianism, because, they really care. they’re not doing this for the massive gains in wealth, power, or for furthering their stated plans of depopulation, even though it does, no, it’s because they care. obey.

#DigitsRants #Triggered #Mislabelling #MissingInstructions #YOUAREDOINGITWRONG #OBEY #masks #immunesystem #PsyOpComplicity #InASeaOfMisinformationEverybodysAShill #consider #anotherperspective #forprofithealthcare #oxymoronic #falsesenseofsecurity #villainswhoclothethemselvesingooddeeds #flowdynamics #economics #sociology #immunology #anthropology #psychology #care #obey #doyourownthinking #questionmore #whenthewholeworldgoesmad #catharticrant #goodrant #sarcasm #satire
