

Perhaps you've seen the word "longtermism" in your social #media feed. Or you've stumbled upon the New Yorker profile of William MacAskill, the public face of #longtermism. Or read MacAskill's recent opinion essay in the New York Times. Or seen the cover story in TIME magazine: "How to Do More Good." Or noticed that #ElonMusk retweeted a link to MacAskill's new book, "What We Owe the Future," with the comment, "Worth reading. This is a close match for my #philosophy."
As I have previously written, longtermism is arguably the most influential #ideology that few members of the general public have ever heard about. Longtermists have directly influenced reports from the secretary-general of the United Nations; a longtermist is currently running the RAND Corporation; they have the ears of billionaires like #Musk; and the so-called Effective Altruism community, which gave rise to the longtermist ideology, has a mind-boggling $46.1 billion in committed funding. Longtermism is everywhere behind the scenes — it has a huge following in the tech sector — and champions of this view are increasingly pulling the strings of both major world governments and the business #elite.

https://www.salon.com/2022/08/20/understanding-longtermism-why-this-suddenly-influential-philosophy-is-so/ #technology #transhumanism #economics #holocaust #climatechange #poverty #religion


UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ #Conspiracy Theories: ‘The #World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global #Elite

source: https://libredd.it/r/conspiracy/comments/wf6sr7/un_declares_war_on_dangerous_conspiracy_theories/

I guess the biggest conspiracy is that it's not happening in secret and it's all on the internet and the vast majority of society is ignoring it and playing along.

#Manipulation #Propaganda #Media #Fake #News #Internet #society #politics


Fossil fuel elite conspires against clean energy

The CEO of the biggest power company in the US had a problem. A Democratic state senator was proposing a law that could cut into Florida Power & Light’s (FPL) profits. Landlords would be able to sell cheap rooftop solar power directly to their tenants – bypassing FPL and their monopoly on electricity.

“I want you to make his life a living hell … seriously,” FPL’s CEO Eric Silagy wrote in a 2019 email to two of his vice-presidents about state Senator José Javier Rodríguez, who proposed the legislation.

Within minutes, one of them forwarded the directive to the CEO of Matrix, LLC, a powerful but little-known political consulting firm that has operated behind the scenes in at least eight states.

Rodríguez was ousted from office in the next election. Matrix employees spent heavily on political advertisements for a candidate with the same last name as Rodríguez, who split the vote. That candidate later admitted he was bribed to run.


#conspiracy #FossilFuel #elite #capitalism #ClimateCrisis


Russia’s war against #Ukraine initially obscured tensions within the Russian #elite but then exacerbated them. Both the Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National #Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Vladimir Mau, and three influential police generals from #StPetersburg have recently come under criminal investigation. An influential businessman from Vladimir #Putin’s entourage, Yevgeny #Prigozhin, harshly criticised St Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov, although such a situation had been impossible earlier due to unspoken rules within the power vertical. Prior to that, the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Andrey Turchak, and the Chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, had argued in public. Conflicts among high-profile politicians and the siloviki are a sign of the collapse of the old system and its body of laws and rules. The elite are fumbling around in search of the outlines of an emerging new order, and it is already clear that the creation of such an order will be preceded by inter-elite #war|s and #repression|s.

https://ridl.io/playing-by-new-rules/ #russia #fsb #wagner #syria #donbas #society


A quotation by Diamond, Jared

Why weren’t these problems obvious to the Maya kings, who could surely see their forests vanishing and their hills becoming eroded? Part of the reason was that the kings were able to insulate themselves from problems afflicting the rest of society. By extracting wealth from commoners, they could remain well fed while everyone else was slowly starving. What’s more, the kings were occupied with their own power struggles. They had to concentrate on fighting one another and keeping up their images through ostentatious displays of wealth. By insulating themselves in the short run from the problems of society, the elite merely bought themselves the privilege of being among the last to starve.

Jared Diamond (b. 1937) American geographer, historian, ornithologist, author

“The Ends of the World as We Know Them,” New York Times (1 Jan 2005)

#quote #quotation #civilization #collapse #crisis #elite #insulation #mutuality #oligarchy #society #wealthy

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/diamond-jared/53689/


Caitlin dares to say things that are hard to hear. That's why I listen.

They’ve lied about every war, and they’ve openly acknowledged lying about this very war, but you’re a Kremlin agent if you say they’re lying to us about this war.

#Caitlin #Johnstone #mainstream #media #lies #capitalist #elite #corruption #power #war



A quotation by Diamond, Jared

A blueprint for disaster in any society is when the elite are capable of insulating themselves.

Jared Diamond (b. 1937) American geographer, historian, ornithologist, author

“Choosing Success,” interview by Catherine Sepp, National Review (30 Jun 2005)

#quote #quotation #consequences #disaster #elite #insulation #motivation #wealthy

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/diamond-jared/53586/


There is an attempt underway to cede the national #sovereignty of 193 nations to the World #Health Organisation.

If successful, this would permit the W.H.O & those who puppeteer it, to suspend the #economic activity, #rights, constitutions & #laws of it's member states in the event the W.H.O decides to declare a "Public Health Emergency of #International Concern".

The Supranational #Elite #Scions have #viruses #engineered & ready to release, they can start a "Public Health #Emergency of International Concern" any time they like & then use the W.H.O, mass #media, #information industries & usurped #governments to suspend rights & impose conditions on the #world that will lead to #tyranny & deliberate mass #depopulation of #humanity.


i-War Defiance: (1997) how to setup (windows 7 and windows 10) with 3D acceleration - a old but genious scifi space ship simulator with real mass drifting inertia

Have the player ever marveled at the pretty looks of the stars (suns) in the “Elite Dangerous” universe… they are gorgious.

the player can almost feel the heate of this star’s fusion reaction…

Whoever says “Elite Dangerous” is a realistic simulation of how spaceships move in space… got things pretty wrong…

“Elite Dangerous” is simulating flight like “airplanes” fly…

Wherese iwar and SpaceEngineers actually simulates the inertia of massive objects much better… which ALSO makes for interesting space fights. (they do not need to be like dog fights within an atmosphere, but yes, inertia & thrust play a critical role in this and as can be seen in the intro… inertia can be one’s friend).

i-War: how to setup?


the intro

[video width=”624″ height=”262″ mp4=”https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/i-war-independence-war-defiance-intro.mp4″\]\[/video\]

how to run a 16Bit setup?

tested and the setup can be made to work with win 7 pro 64bit

via this trick:

“have Independence War Deluxe Edition (IWDE) original discs.

After installing nGlide

(backup here: nGlide210_setup.exe.zip)

managed to install it:

  1. Copied disk 1 of IWDE and/or Defiance disk to a temp directory (depending on what you will install) (e.g. C:\games\iwar\)
  2. Downloaded IS3engine. It is a zip that contains a file called setup32.exe. I unzipped setup32.exe to temp directory
    • backup: Is3Engine.zip (sha512sum: 79d43bf8fc63d5ae4ed4c8902ce371bd2ba713a2b8fcb0b247eabd32782b5e30ba493303826303c7f946f784df9b497cb8bd741be974adc3b7ad8e649cfca1d7 Is3Engine.zip)
  3. Run setup32.exe
  4. It installs like a charm.
    Now for compatibility…
  5. Right click on the Iwar.exe (for defiance it would be IWDE.exe)
  6. Properties > Compatibility
  7. Check Run this program in compatibility
  8. Select Windows XP SP3 in the dropdown list
  9. Press Ok
  10. not done yet: Creating registry entries so the game find’s the “Next Disc 2”
    • When IS3engine installs, it adds your install directory as the CD drive
    • need to correct registry entry to read the proper drive
    • In this example will use drive D: as CD-ROM drive. Feel free to modify this to adapt to your drive letter.
  11. Open notepad and post the following text, depending on what you installed.
  12. If you installed only Independece War, paste this

start registry editor with: Start -> run -> regedit

(needs to be run as Administrator)

(D: is the drive letter of the real or virtual cdrom that is the source if iwar installation)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


If you installed Independece War and Defiance, paste this too

<pre class="quote_container">[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Particle Systems\IWDE]

If you installed only Independece War, and you have a 64bit machine, paste this

<pre class="quote_container">Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Particle Systems\I-War]

If you installed Independece War and Defiance, and you have a 64bit machine paste this too



So, for example, if you install both Independence war and defiance, your registry file should contain this…

<pre class="quote_container">Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Particle Systems\I-War]


10. Save text file and close notepad

11. Rename the text file so instead of TXT extension it should have REG extension.

12. Double click the file you just created. This creates the registry entry to registed drive D: as your CD-ROM. If your drive letter is different, edit the text above to assign the proper drive letter.


Now fingers crossed & run the game 🙂

13. Double click on the Iwar.exe or iwde.exe

Update. Check posts down below for additional steps ”


to run iwar.exe in 3DFx mode r-click on the iwar.exe -> new link

r-click on the link -> properties

iwar.exe -b -16 800x600 -english

managed all of this? congratz

the game should now work full screen, full res in all it’s 1997 beauty.

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #elite #dangerous #games #game #simulation #iwar #space #flight #universe #simulator

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/04/19/i-war-defiance-1997-how-to-setup-windows-7-and-windows-10-with-3d-acceleration-a-old-but-genious-scifi-space-ship-simulator-with-real-mass-drifting-inertia/


For years, #Russia’s official #ideology has revolved around the myth that the country is in danger and its enemies are trying to destroy it. The #war in #Ukraine is the logical continuation of this myth. To learn how deep the historical foundations for this conflict go, #Meduza turned to Andrei Zorin, a professor at the University of #Oxford who studies the #history of Russian state ideology and the cultural and political myths that support it.

https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/04/04/suddenly-these-outdated-ideas-are-being-used-to-justify-mass-murder #postmodernism #kyiv #putin #propaganda #ussr #politics #stalin #elite #europe #crimea #religion #nationalism


Krokusse - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#1000de #Krokusse

Aktion unserer #Elite am #Gymnasium:

Man sammelt #Geld beauftragt eine #Spezialfirma, lässt von dieser die #Blumenzwiebel in die #Erde bringen damit die Bienchen was zu #Futtern haben und kommt in die #Zeitung!

Mal abgesehen davon, dass dies schon fast #Monokultur ist, finde ich, dies zeigt wie unser kaputtes #System läuft:

Hast du Geld, spendest du und hast ein reines #Gewissen, wenn du dich in deinen #SUV setzt!

Heute mal #Cognac mit #Kaffee!

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!

#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


Beware the #distraction #value to #Western #elites of the #Ukrainian situation. #Putin is very likely a member of the #unified #global #elite & his foray into #Ukraine, if indeed it's occurring at all, is very likely planned & has been launched now to move people's attention from the #Covid #crimes of Western elites, onto Putin.

Their #mandates forced #injections into 100s of millions, of which at least 1% died. Their genetically engineered #virus infected billions, of which at least 0.1% died. The percentages are small, but the numbers murdered are in the millions. The numbers injured, some with life-changing injuries, are in the 10s if not 100s of millions.

#vaccinemandates #vaccinedeaths #medicalmandates #vaccineinjuries #massmurder #humanrights #law #USA #UK