Activists surprised?
It should have been expected.
Activists surprised?
It should have been expected.
I like this quote from the church committee
Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too much information has been collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power.”
“Groups and individuals have been harassed and disrupted because of their political views and their lifestyles. Investigations have been based upon vague standards whose breadth made excessive collection inevitable. Unsavory and vicious tactics have been employed—including anonymous attempts to break up marriages, disrupt meetings, ostracize persons from their professions, and provoke target groups into rivalries that might result in deaths. Intelligence agencies have served the political and personal objectives of presidents and other high officials.”
People roll out the line "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" but against the power of the state you have everything to fear, they can do anything they want irrespective of your actions.
Power is the problem.
Pretty much my thoughts.
I even read a comment about Polish revenge against Germany for WW2 and I do wonder.
There is no way germany can remain competitive with out cheap energy and that was Russian gas. Without this its economy will shrink and with it its influence over other countries.
I am glad I don't live in Europe and Germany in particular as I don't see anything positive. I feel sorry for all those people who are being drawn into this conflict but I suppose that is the government and the actions they voted for.
Should have thought a bit harder.
The Aspen Institute is yet another globalist NGO, receiving millions in funding from Western universities, NGOs, taxpayers & multinational corporations to pursue globalist, neoliberal, anti-West goals, to pay it's executives $400k to $700k each & to funnel money to other NGOs & to people who are not Indo-European.
#theaspeninstitute #aspeninstitute #giorgiameloni #italy #neoliberalism #globalism #neoliberalglobalism #uk #culturalmarxism #usa #antiwestern #antiwest #antiwhite #antieuropean #antinatalism #antinationalist #usa #propaganda #appliedpsychology #massmedia #childpsychology #eu #greenagenda #climatechange #un #anthropogenicclimatechangefraud #depopulation #manipulation #wef #expertocracy #elitism #nwo #elites
I'm getting so fucking annoyed by the local propaganda unit I'm literally having heart palpitations 😬 if they just published actual facts even if I didn't want to see those facts I don't care it is when they publish out right propaganda that makes my blood boil.
I got so angry I wrote another letter for what it's worth 🤔
Dear stuff.
You ran an article proudly proclaiming your organisation reports facts then you run a story like this.…
This article is not fact based and reading it I don't believe this has come from a trusted source unless you mean trusted to produce mid rate propaganda.
The world is heading towards a nuclear confrontation and the most important thing a alleged news outlet could do is print the truth and known facts.
I suspect your organisation must be paid quite well to publish this stuff to overcome the embarrassment you must feel to put it under your name.
If you want facts, how about this one. Joe Biden threatens the end of nord stream
Or Condleza Rice
Or this one with Victoria Nuland.…
As a real journalist Gonzalo lira says Putin has a tap, lefty loosy righty tighty. At the moment it's righty tighty so no gas, if the Germans capitulate and wanted their life and economy back then by negotiating they could have lefty loosy.
Who you do think has the motive and the means to commit this act of terror?
These are facts just like the 14000 mostly Russian speaking people the Ukrainian military killed by indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in the last 8 years.
Your organisation talks so much about history and historical injustice yet you are deliberately blind to history and injustice if it gets in the way of your grand narrative.
Evil reigns when good men stay silent so when you actively support a military agenda that can only end in mass death either through nuclear war or genocide what does that make you?
I am sick of writing these letters and I'm sure you are sick of receiving them but I look to people like Archibald Baxter, Sophie Scholl and Rosa Luxembourg for my inspiration to continue. Who are your hero's?
#WW3 #propaganda #manipulation #politics #power
Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."
— ABC News (@ABC) February 7, 2022
Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"
Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."
She met with four G7 leaders - Liz Truss, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron
What is the correct term for a bunch of these politicians? A fuckwit of politicians? A void of politicians? A zero sum of politicians?
What company she keeps.
Putin is a member of the unified global elite.
They are trying to transition us into a technocratic neofeudal socioeconomic system. They use geopolitical controlled opposition & fear-based manipulation to distract minds & control narratives.
We didn't vote for socioeconomic transition. Unelected elite scions are manipulating our societies through applied plutocracy & blackmail.
Putin has put the same technocratic systems in place in Russia, as Xi has in China & Western elites have & are putting into place in the West.
#structure #transition #neofeudal #system #geopolitical #manipulation #narratives #socioeconomic #elite #scions #plutocracy #blackmail #usa #putin #technocratic #russia #Xi #uk #china #west #global #unified #eu #nuclearwar #ukraine #propaganda
This is the nominal ruler of my land.
Her government gave 55 million dollars to the media to allow independent news, completely independent and unbiased.
She actually describes her own media when she talks about repeating a lie across different channels its how they work.
Democracy only works if people vote how they are instructed. If they go off path then actions need to be taken to ensure they get the government that they should have not the government they wanted.
This is happening in every western country. Why
Is a right wing extremist someone who sees the trashing of their culture or country for profit. Are they creating these bogeymen to further divide people.
From the doco can't get you out of my head Adam Curtis put forward the idea that the political class gave away power to the financial system so have little actual power themselves. Is this what is behind the demonisation of sections of the people.
The politicians have no power to change our fate but they can manipulate the people to give the impression they are in control. By creating an extreme group they can then go to war within each country to keep attention away from their failing vision. They will use this internal division to enrich themselves and their supporters.
I read an essay about the local and global. Local is democracy and global is economy or finance. They put forward the idea that you can have a thriving democracy but a lower level of economic output or you can have shiny consumption but at the cost of democracy.
To replace the lost democracy the power over the trivial is given to the people to keep the pretence of power. I think this is what is happening.
Power is held by capital and the continued extraction of wealth and increasing cost of fuel is decreasing the living standards of people. Migration is used to drive down wages and all these things are combining to create disenchanted blocks. The government's are creating the extreme right to drive a wedge between the people to prevent change and maintain compound accumulation of capital.
As the ability to extract wealth decreases the government's will become more desperate and their actions more extreme.
This might become another inquisition with the devil's being in power
This is interesting
I wonder how this will play out. There are several things going on here. One is the finger on the balance of scholarships for woman and the deliberate promotion of woman and the flipside of the ignoring of men. On top of this is the failure of education so only those children with educated parents get a good education.
Then there is the changing job market in that there are lots of jobs in new zealand right now that don't need a higher education.
What will be interesting is what the growing number of woman in tertiary education study? There are still very low numbers in engineering but high numbers in law and education.
Also traditionally University is where more liberal attitudes come to the fore. If less men go there are they less likely to take more liberal path and will their ideas become more conservative.
Our health minister can't say the word fat which is a problem in a country with about 30% of the population being obese.
He can't say the word crisis either or staff shortages or failing standards or backlogs or waiting lists.
In fact I wonder if he can say the word hospital, medicine or health.
He's ex union and was moderately useful in that role now he is just a useless dick who manages the privatisation of a public system for the benefit of those with money.
N'ayez pas peur du Metaverse...
Il est déjà là.
#manipulation #réseaux #liberté #conscience #liberté #confinement #enfermement
Alle ohne Strom und 200.000 ohne Wasser
Das sind die aktuellen Nachrichten aus Puerto Rico, einem "Außengebiet" der Vereinigten Staaten, nachdem ein Hurrican die Insel heimgesucht hat. Trotz der Verwüstungen dort und den Waldbränden in Kalifornien, den Überschwemmungen im Landesinnern und und ... ordnen US Bürger den Klimawandel unter den Bedrohungen auf dem letzten Platz ein.
Nur 54% "glauben" überhaupt an den Klimawandel, womit die USA mit Israel und Malaysia auf den letzten Plätzen landete. Dieses Ergebnis erstaunt, denn 2021 zählte die US-Regierung, laut Spiegel, 20 Extremwetterkatastrophen, die Schäden von jeweils mehr als einer Milliarde Dollar verursacht haben. Die Gesamtrechnung nur für 2021 liegt bei 145 Milliarden Dollar.
Der "Glaube" oder "Nichtglaube" läßt sich in den USA recht genau an der Parteipräferenz der Menschen ablesen. Während bei den Demokraten 78% den Klimawandel für eine große Bedrohung halten, sind es bei den Fans und Sympathisanten der Republikaner nur 23%.
Es scheint, dass beide "Glaubensrichtungen" in verschiedenen Welten leben und kaum ihren Alltag und vor allem ihre Informationsmedien miteinander teilen. Ölkonzerne haben mit ihren "Stiftungen", "Thinktanks" und gekauften "Fachleuten" der Koch-Brüder und anderer fossiler Propagandisten jahrzehntelang mit Milliardeninvestitionen über die Medien Einfluss genommen. Auch das ist glasklar dokumentiert und nachweisbar. Neben der Parteizugehörigkeit gibt es zusätzlich den auch in anderen Ländern, allerdings dort weniger stark ausgeprägten Unterschied der Meinungen nach Alter getrennt. So beträgt in den USA der Abstand zwischen den unter 30- und den 50- bis 64-Jährigen 13%.
Der von Präsident Biden groß angekündigte "Green Deal" ist nur in deutlich abgespeckter Version durch den Kongress gekommen und was davon verwirklicht werden kann, wird sich nach den Zwischenwahlen im November entscheiden. Die Menschen in Puerto Rico und anderswo in den USA werden noch lange warten müssen - solange der Klimawandel als eine Frage des "Glaubens" gesehen wird.
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Passing off the regression towards the confused whole for a progression, an elevation of the individual constitutes the ultimate fraud.
#propaganda #manipulation #marketing #wokism #meditation #spirituality
How to manipulate people.
We have been graciously given a day off to mourn our beloved Queen, may she rest in peace along with all the other royals, but the day given is our local area anniversary day so we need to decide if we move our other day.
It's only once and won't be an annual affair but to see this you have to read the article not just the headline. It was pointed out to me that most of the Facebook comments on this were by people who clearly didn't read the article. This was interesting because I had been looking at the feeds I get on my phone and the headlines on one of our news sites.
I have concluded that one, people don't read the articles only the headline and two, there is a deliberate policy to mix serious news with pointless trivia and near pornography. What they do is put what they want you to think in the headline and in the first few lines of the article just in case you do click on it. They will put any actual facts near the bottom where they are mostly unread.
They mix the trivia to keep you clicking so you will see something ike "Russia shells nuclear plant" and above and below will be some sport, fashion or music headline. So the person sees the "Russia shelled nuclear plant" but above and below will be some trash gossip. If you read the article the first few lines will repeat the headline but at the very bottom will be some statements saying that both sides are shelling and the information is supplied by the Ukrainian government and is unverified. But they never get near the bottom because Prince Harry got caught in bed with the nanny and that's far more interesting.
I'm using Ukraine because I complained to the news site and they changed the headline but this tactic is used on any item where they want to lead the public to their conclusion. You might say doh we know that! but it has become very clear after covid and now with Ukraine.
Faire passer la regression vers le tout confus pour une progression, une élévation de l’individu constitue la fraude par excellence.
#meditation #société #nudge #fraude #piratage #hacking #spiritualité #consience #manipulation #esprits #psychologie
When you have a company called gold money you do expect the discussion to be about gold as money but I think there are valid points in here.
We are starting to spin out of control and those who think they run the system will plunge us into an abyss soon