

Not from the Onion, "Terror attacks" against American military occupying Syria illegality while stealing their oil and selling then on black market.

Recently released U.S. Intelligence Documents suggest that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is working to Train and Arm a Network of Militant Groups in Syria with “Powerful Armor-Piercing Roadside Bombs” so that they can conduct Terror Attacks against U.S. Forces in the Country.

This reportedly is part of a “Broader Strategy” that has been created by Iran and àRussia to cause enough problems for U.S. Forces in the Region that they decide to Withdraw specifically from Positions in Northern and Eastern #Syria.
#Iran #Propaganda #NotTheOnion #Politics #WTF



Moscow said Tuesday that it had captured several German Leopard tanks and US Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, releasing footage showing Russian troops surveying the equipment supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

So the BS story they posted last week #France24 that the images shared on social media was photoshopped is all forgotten!

Our mainstream media is turning into an embarrassing version of #Soviet #Pravdae. It's just sad that we still live in an illusion of a free and democratic society and we have a free press while #EU has put a ban on #RT and other Russian media because they are "propaganda".

#Ukraind #Russia #UkraineWar #Propaganda #AFP #Leopard2 #Bradley #Politics #Military

PS. I posted it 5 days ago and got some nasty comments on Friendlica on my DM.



Just like the clock work of Cheney, Bush and Clinton propaganda scenario, the white house spoke person used the report from CNN as the "fact" that Iran is building a drone factory in Russia able to produce upto 5000 units per year.

Of course the they "know" that the "raw material" is provided by Iran because "Russia lacks the ability to provide those" because of sanctions (as if Iran is not under similar sanctions).

But hey, Iraq had mobile chemical weapons, Gaddafi was comitting Genocide in Ben Ghazi and Syria used gas against AlQaeda affiliated White helmet. So this must be true too.

#iran #Russia #Politics #Pentagon #WhiteHouse #propaganda


Media: One Side "Says" - The Other "Provides No Evidence"

The recent reporting on the conflict in Ukraine in 'western' media has reveled a deceiving scheme in which baseless claims from Kiev are taken for granted while everything Moscow says, even when based on facts, is put into doubt.

However, East or West are telling stories.
The Complete Defeat Of The Ukrainian-NATO Forces.
The title is not valid, because even though the Ukrainian Forces had loses, they are not completely defeated.
The first 18 min of the video give an overview about the fighting and destruction along the frontline, showing a lot of photos and videos.
The last minute of that report talks about a missile attack on the Ukraine and its response to that. There is no video confirmation of that missile attack, I wonder why it was placed at the end of that video?

The missile attack on the children camp is briefly reported by Tass.

#facts #evidence #proof #truth #propaganda


#propaganda #narrative #NarrativeControl #SocialConformity #GlennDiesen #RogerWaters



###Iran defense industries revealed another new long range missiles claiming to by "hypersonic" and "radar evading" with range of 4000km

The missile name Fattah is claimed to have the most advanced rocket system ever built by "Iranian engineers" that make it able to reach speed of Mach 15 during the first phase, Mach 8 after the first stage detached and hard to believe Mach 5 at impact.

They also claim that the missile has ability to evade and change altitude and direction during the operation phase without the need to be connected to a land based control system in order ro prevent detection and interception.

The most important aspect of the missile is that it uses solid fuel instead of liquid in the second stage that gives it #shelf life of minimum 20 years# after production.

During the extravaganza surrounding the release of the information they were having banners like "Jerusalem gate opener" and "Nightmare of Zionist regime"

So far no information about the weight of the unit, nor the weight and capacity of the head of the missile been released, but the design and shape of the head is almost identical to the previously prevailed #Khorramshahr -4 that can hold a payload of 1000kg or up to 80 smaller cluster munitions to target troops in battlefield or industrial targets.

#Military #Iran #IRGC #Missile #Fattah #Hypersonic #RadarEvading #Tehran #Israel #US #Politics #Technology #IrondDome #Patriot #Propaganda

اولین اطلاعات موشک فتاح «از منابع غیررسمی ولی ثابت شده و معتبر»:

🔹جهش نسلی
🔹اجرای مانور در داخل و خارج جو
🔹سرعت بسیار بالا «بیش از ۲۵ ماخ فاز میانه، بیش از ۸ ماخ فاز گلاید، بیش از ۵ ماخ فاز برخورد»
🔹ضربدر صفر کردن تمام سامانه‌های دفاع هوایی تاد، آرو، پاتریوت، اجیس، GBI «پیشرفته ترین ضدبالستیک یانکی‌ها» و خانواده استاندارد آمریکا، گنبدآهنین، فلاخن داوود و باراک
🔹ضمانت ده‌ها ساله فناوری
🔹نسل جدید سوخت جامد
🔹کلاهک مخروطی انفجاری با مانورپذیری عالی و سرعت بسیار بال


Abschied vom Altpapier. Der SPIEGEL hat fertig


Das Folgende ist ein gemeinsamer Text von Ulrike Guérot, Patrik Baab, Sucharit Bhakdi und Michael Meyen. Sie waren am 27. Mai gemeinsam Ziel einer SPIEGEL-Attacke

[...] Der SPIEGEL ist bei McCarthy angekommen. Es ist ein Weg nach unten. Das Blatt ist längst kein Sturmgeschütz der Demokratie mehr, sondern reiht sich ein in die Gruppe der Propaganda- und Konzern-Medien, die dem politischen Kurs des herrschenden Parteien-Kartells im Bundestag und der Konzerne folgen. Die Krise des Blattes ist eine Krise seines Journalismus. Es wird noch eine Zeitlang dauern, bis man das auch an der Ericusspitze in Hamburg merkt: Das Magazin hat abgewirtschaftet. Der SPIEGEL hat fertig.
Wir, die vier betroffenen Autoren dieses Textes, wir ärgern uns nicht über die Diffamierung, die uns hier – wieder einmal! – widerfahren ist. Aber wir sind traurig und fassungslos über das inzwischen unterirdische Niveau einst deutscher Qualitätsmedien und zugleich äußerst besorgt über den Zustand der bundesdeutschen Demokratie, deren Erosion der Grundfeste an diesem desolaten Zustand der Leitmedien ablesbar ist.

#Guerot #Baab #Bhakdi #Meyen #Journalismus #Propaganda #Denunziation #Presse #Spiegel #Leitmedien


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

-Walter Scott, c.1808

“You can fool all of the people some of time; you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.”

-Abraham Lincoln, c.1887

#deception #lies #manipulation #uk #westerncivilization #thewest #elites #19thcentury #quotes #sirwalterscott #abrahamlincoln #tangledweb #usa #propaganda #appliedpsychology #socialengineering #massmedia #informationwarfare #psyops #cia #intelligentsia #elitism #tavistock #elitescions #psychologicalwarfare #economicwar #geopolitics #mi6 #mossad #epstein #blackmail #nsa #surveillancestate #endlesswars #edwardsnowden #julianassange
