

About the refuges and warmongers

Image/photokuchinster wrote the following post Tue, 04 Jan 2022 09:49:44 +0100


As a result of the wars unleashed by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, 38,000,000 civilians were displaced.

This is the second highest result in world history. Only World War II resulted in more refugees.

Direct military aggressions, the so-called "war on terror" which led to the creation of ISIS, and economic strangulation have all led to disastrous consequences for the people of a number of states in the Middle East and North Africa, forcing ordinary people to flee their homes, cities, villages and states to other countries.

According to a report https://t.co/MLXyekTZTQ by the Watson Institute for International Studies (an interdisciplinary research center at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA) and with the assistance of Boston University:

  1. #Afghanistan - 5.9 million refugees
  2. #Pakistan - 3.7 million refugees
  3. #Yemen - 4.6 million refugees
  4. #Somalia - 4.3 million refugees
  5. #Philippines - 1.8 million refugees
  6. #Libya - 1.2 million refugees
  7. #Syria - 7.1 million refugees

The report is based on data from 2001 to 2020 + some data collected in 2021.

It is based on the UN data, U.S. documents and information from public sources.

However, the report itself states that 38,000,000 is a very conservative estimate and in reality, the figure can reach from 49,000,000 to 60,000,000, which actually reaches the figures of World War II.


To these processes can be added the huge number of refugees from #Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup d'état and civil war that broke out there.


#nato #NATO #military #occupation #war #europe #eu #poland #USA #us #britain #germany #france #italy #canada #australia #qatar #refugees #poverty #Iraq #Libya #Afghanistan #western #warmongers #deepstate


Not from the Onion: Pentagon: The groups allied with the Islamic Republic of Iran have a specific goal, which is to force the American forces to leave the region.

We know that Iran provides arms, financial and intelligence support to Islamic movements in the region and orders them to attack.

These MFers think they actually have a right to invade any country in the world and then calling locals who resist their illegal occupation for terrorists.

I despise IRI and their religious followers, but I hate US and UK even more because those pigs are the reason the whole region is in such sad and horrible shape.

#Iran #Iraq #Pentagon #Occupation #Syria #Biden #Terrorism #Politics


In Biden’s case today, these are the actions of a desperado, a war-loving bumbling puppet who is over or under or out of his head as he feigns outrage at the killing of three soldiers who were placed in a spot where their lives were at risk because they were cogs in an imperial war machine.

Pawns in the game. A very dangerous game in which the Zionists leaders of Israel are as desperate as Biden and whose secret operatives are no doubt plotting a desperate scheme to try to expand the war. Who is jerking whose chain may be questionable, but the dogs of war are barking.

#zionism #imperialism #deepstate #warmongers #fail in #war

Image/photoSol wrote the following post Sun, 04 Feb 2024 21:18:51 +0100

Biden in Rags

#Biden in #Rags #Syria #Iraq #Yemen #Iran #Palestine #Gaza #genocide #Israel #US


#ISIS haa stepped up their disgusting criminal activities in the shadows of #Israel, #US, #UK and Europe war with axis of resistance.

The emboldened ISIS is gaining power and popularity in most places in west #Asia and north and central Africa.

It's really sad and upsetting to see that once again (just like Obama's time) these extremists are surging while the US is bombing and killing the people who defeated them last time in #Yemen, #Iraq and #Syria to safeguard the ongoing genocide in #Gaza and their illegal and immoral occupation in Syria and Iraq.

Explosive kills school children in north-east #Nigeria

At least six people, some of them school children, have been killed in north-east Nigeria by an explosive device which they had mistaken for scrap metal.

Police and local officials in Borno state said the blast occurred in a building at an Islamic school on Saturday.

Reports say pupils often collect and sell the metal to local communities.

Despite a ban on the practice, scavenging for scrap is still common in the area, which is plagued by Islamist violence.


F-16 “Fighting Falcons” with the Royal Jordanian Air Force are reported to have Participated in tonight’s U.S-Led Airstrikes against the IRGC and Iranian-Backed Groups in #Iraq and #Syria, likely a Response to the Drone Attack which took place against a U.S. Base on Jordanian Territory.

#Jordan has denied participating in the airstrikes and called the reports to be fake news.
Also no IRGC targets were hit by coalition forces.

#Biden #GenocideJoe #Politics


From Russian military blogger: Last night, the US Air Force conducted nearly a hundred strikes on various locations of pro-Iranian groups in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor and the adjacent part of #Iraq.

A total of 13 settlements that were formally occupied by pro-Iranian units were targeted. 26 people were killed in #Syria and 16 in Iraq, with 36 others injured. According to local sources, most of the casualties were civilians. The number of victims may increase as the rubble is still being cleared.

This comes as no surprise, as the United States has repeatedly stated its readiness for "retribution" since the attack on the base in Jordan, which served as the formal justification for these strikes. Accordingly, all valuable assets, including personnel, were evacuated from all deployment points in advance.

The militias in Iraq suffered even greater losses. Their bases in Akashat and Al-Qaim were also targeted. Several infrastructure sites, including the Mobile Operations Headquarters in Anbar and the Issam al-Baldawy Hospital, were destroyed or damaged. In addition, military installations were destroyed.

🔻Given the expectation of further #US strikes, and with at least five American bases already attacked by pro-Iranian proxies during the day, it is likely that the strikes will continue tonight. This is generally acceptable to all parties involved in the current confrontation.

#Biden #Occuoatiin #GenocideJoe #Politics #AirStrike #Military


What we know about the U.S. strikes in Iraq and Syria:

  • The first strikes started in Eastern Syria around 23:30 local time. These initial strikes were likely carried out by the Royal Jordan Air Force, which took part in the attacks in coordination with the U.S. per WSJ.

  • U.S. strikes in Syria and Iraq started at approximately 00:00 local time (4pm EST) and lasted for about 30 minutes.

  • B-1 bombers that took off directly from the U.S. participated in the bombings alongside U.S. fighter jets.

  • They struck 3 facilities in Iraq and 4 in Syria, using 125 precision munitions to strike 85 specified targets within those 7 facilities.

  • The U.S. informed the Iraqi government before the strikes took place.

  • Most of the targets had already been completely evacuated, leading to a preliminary toll of 13 deaths and mostly material damage to the facilities.

Update: Total casualties of the U.S. aggression on Iraq and Syria: 39 deaths, and at least 25 wounded.

An informed Iranian source told Al Jazeera:

  • There are no #IRGC/Quds Force bases in the areas that have been bombed by the US in Syria.

  • Washington's talk abt Quds Force attacks in Syria are false. US bombing is an open & declared aggression against Syria & Iraq.

Video of the attack against Iraqi armed depot is shared on telegram channel.

#Iraq #Syria #Iran #Biden #US #Occuoation #GenocideJoe #Polotics #Jordan


Officials with U.S. Central Command have stated that several A-10C Thunderbolt II “Warthog” Close-Air Support Attack Aircraft with the 354th Fighter Squadron from Davis–Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona have Participated in tonight’s Airstrikes against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iranian-Backed Groups in Iraq and Syria.

All because of US illegal invasion of Syria.

#GenocideJoe is truly showing his ugly and disgusting face.

PS. No attacks against Iran RGC in Iraq or Syria was reported.
#Iraq #Syria #Iran #IRGC #US #Military #Occupation #WarMonger #Polotics


#death #cult usa

February 3, 2024

US Airstrikes Over Eastern #Syria Kill Civilian, Military Personnel - Defense Ministry

CAIRO (Sputnik) - US airstrikes on eastern Syria have resulted in civilian, military personnel casualties and caused great damage to public and private property, the Syrian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"Today, the US occupation forces committed an undisguised aerial aggression against a number of positions and cities in eastern Syria and near the Syrian-Iraqi borders. As a result, a number of civilians and military personnel were killed and wounded, and great damage was caused to public and private property," the Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“The US air strikes "cannot be justified" and are considered as "an attempt to weaken the capabilities of the Syrian army and its allies in the fight against terrorism," the statement read.


Have you ever wondered why Isis never attacked Israel ?

Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis

Iraqi security sources are warning of an #ISIS revival in the country, which coincides all too neatly with the spike in Iraqi resistance operations against #US bases in #Iraq and #Syria, and with widening regional instability caused by #Israel's military assault on #Gaza.

More than six years after declaring victory over the terrorist organization, Iraqi intelligence reports now indicate that thousands of ISIS fighters are emerging unscathed, under the protection of US forces in two regions of western Iraq.

Full article: https://thecradle.co/articles-id/19089


#Iran IRGC general Major General Salami: We do not leave any threat unanswered

Sometimes enemies make threats and even these days we hear some threats from the words of American officials, we tell them that you have tested us and we know each other, we do not leave any threat unanswered.

We are not looking for war, but we are not afraid of war, and this is the truth that is going on in our society.

The sword of Jihad is the guarantor of our honor, we are not belligerents, but we defend ourselves and our glory.

#Politics #Military #Biden #Iraq #Syria #Jordan #Military


"USA is saying it was their Jordan outpost Tower 22 that was hit, while Amman and Iraqi Resistance said it was in Syria. Why is there a contradiction here?"

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi: "The Americans want to save themselves from the embarrassment that they occupy one third of Syria."

PS. I made an exception sharing RT this time, because no one else seems to be interested in telling the other side of the story.
Video shared on telegram channel.

#Iran #Syria #Jordan sUS #Occupation #Iraq #DroneSrrike #Biden #StopTheLies #StopTheWar #PeaceNow #NoWarForIarael #Genocide #Gaza