


Strategic Patience Can Secure Victory in #Ukraine
The West must overcome fatigue, avoid the cease-fire trap, and restore its resolve.
DECEMBER 18, 2023
Kristine Berzina
Jackson Janes

..."When cease-fire advocates argue that political willingness to support Ukraine is eroding, others need to be clear that such willingness is within the #Western #allies’ ability to control. Western leaders can shape the narrative of what is happening in Ukraine and what is at stake, and not meekly accept the idea—actively and persistently encouraged by #Putin’s misinformation machine—that a battlefield stalemate is an advantage for Russia. Those who cite polls highlighting eroding public support must acknowledge that political leadership is shaping public views, and the more leaders equivocate and undermine support for Ukraine, the more their partisans will embrace such skepticism. Even then, support for Ukraine funding, when compared to support for funding anything else in the United States at home or abroad, remains relatively strong and bipartisan.

Those insisting that the West needs to press Ukraine to seek a cease-fire and pursue a diplomatic solution need to acknowledge the reality of the choice they are advocating. They would hand Putin an unearned victory, prevent Ukraine from living free from fear of the next attack, undermine European security for years to come, and convince China and other autocratic challengers that Western resolve to defend its interests is fickle and easily distracted. By rejecting the false narrative of fatigue and reaffirming our political willingness to support Ukraine, we in the West can, in contrast, diminish Russia’s threat to its neighbors and to the United States, send a clear message to China on Taiwan, reinforce global stability and order, and strengthen a young and vigorous democracy against a nefarious autocratic neighbor that seeks its demise."...


My Name is Nobody 🤫| #Film #Western En #Français (1973) 1080p - #CinéWestern


« Mon nom est Personne » _ Un jeune aventurier facétieux (Hill) révère et rivalise avec un as de la gâchette sur le retour (Fonda) qui veut seulement prendre sa retraite.
► Acteurs: #TerenceHill, #HenryFonda, #JeanMartin
► Réalisation Tonino Valerii

infos: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mon_nom_est_Personne
#cinéma #italien


The West's governments have access to excellent #intel, #demography, national #statistics, #anthropology & other #info describing the people-groups, cultures & #societies of the #people they have imported into #Western nations.

The West's #governments used #NATO, #UN, #paramilitary & intel agencies to kick proverbial wasp nests in the Middle East, #Africa & South-West #Asia & then opened the West's borders to hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures.

None of the #political, #corporate, #academic, #plutocratic or #aristocratic #elites have been harmed. The #victims have been the peoples of the #West who had little to no say in #geopolitical affairs. The West’s elites are at #war with Western peoples.

#theelite #westerncivilization #thewest #middleeast #islam #uk


Concerns about Wikipedia

I have been concerned about political articles on #Wikipedia and how they effect people reading them

From what i've seen the #bias in them is so obvious and common that i don't put any value in what they say at this point and i've stopped reading them. (In areas that are not connected with politics or economic interests i sometimes use Wikipedia though)

In my view wikipedia
* reflects #corporate/mainstream #western #narratives and #propaganda (which comes with problems described by #Chomsky and #Herman in their work on the #PropagandaModel)
* uses language that mixes #facts and #evaluations (ex using the term "conspiracy theory"), and in that way communicates to the user what they "should" believe

(The first issue is something that you would see in a normal encyclopedia, but the second issue is unique to Wikipedia in my experience. A normal #encyclopedia would be more objective in their descriptions)



Africa just SHOCKED the world with this and Putin is watching

The #unipolar #world #order is crumbling faster than ever before just look at #Africa which just shocked the world this weekend with country after country standing up to #Western #imperialism. #Russia President Putin has made #military deals and trade deals all across #Africa and protestors are raising Russian flags across the continent. No wonder the west is on high alert sending weapons and troops to the border of Niger. Africa is on the brink of a revolution.

Mal wieder ein #Filmtip von mir:

Feinde - Hostiles ist ein #Western, der 2017 veröffentlicht wurde.
Er gehört zum Genre der "Spätwestern", die sich meist kritisch mit dem Mythos des 'Wilden Westen' und dessen Darstellung in Western-Filmen der 70er und 80er Jahre auseinandersetzen.

Ähnlich wie der bekannte Spätwestern "Der mit dem Wolf tanzt" behandelt er Themen wie Kolonialismus, Rassismus, Schuld, Reue, Toleranz, Erkenntnis und Akzeptanz.
Die Handlung des Films hat mehrere Aspekte und Ebenen, die aber alle immer logisch und nachvollziehbar in den Plot eingefügt sind und nie offene Fragen hinterlassen.

Der Film ist ein optisch und thematisch abwechslungsreicher Spätwestern, absolut empfehlenswert.
Ich vergebe 11 von vollen 10 Punkten - ein Bonuspunkt für die herausragende Performance von Christian Bale in der Hauptrolle des "Captain Blocker".


Daniel #Radcliffe is a knowing or unwitting #neoliberal #globalist #propagandist pursuing a #depopulation agenda directed by Supranational Nietzschean Elite #Scions.

Study Indo-European (White) #birthrates in the #West plus mass #migration. An agenda to destroy the West by destroying the Indo-European people-group from which #Western #civilization comes.

#Culture, #jurisprudence, #language, #political #philosophy & so on are a product of people & people are a product of #genetics modified by environmental pressures.

No Indo-Europeans, no Western civilization. Study domestic, supranational & #foreign adversaries like the #CCP. See the WEF's #geopolitical bi-pole / multi-pole #NWO. There is a #war upon Western civilization.



The #political #battle for #gay #rights is over & won. #Homosexuals now have all the same rights & protections as #heterosexuals in nearly all (if not all) #Western nations. #Time to stand down. #Equality under secular #law has been #achieved & there is no longer a political battle to #fight. We can't force people to like #homosexuality, but we have ensured that #homosexual rights are enshrined in #secular law.

#Government cannot offer more than #equality under the law. Pushing for #social #acceptance of homosexuality using government #power is an #abuse of government power. Promoting homosexuality to #children is highly #inappropriate & #counterproductive. #Obnoxious, overly-sexualized "#pride parades" are antagonistic & as a political #tool are #superfluous.


#Western #world #politics

"Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that humankind has been able to build – the three things together….Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden."

"Josep Borrell, Head of EU Foreign Policy, 17 October 2022"


It's a clear #night and #Jupiter and #Venus are bright in the #western #sky and getting closer together in their apparent positions. This is a #photograph of the pair with a 1.6 s exposure. It is also difficult to get a sharp #focus manually as autofocus doesn't really work with objects at infinity and yet effectively points of light. This taken with a 400 mm #telephoto #lens.
Venus and Jupiter in conjunction

Also with long exposures and a heavy lens, even a the tiniest #vibration on the tripod can blur the image, even with the sharpest focus. Here's the same image but cropping around Jupiter. You can see its four biggest satellites, (left to right: #Europa, #Io, #Ganymede and #Callisto, information courtesy of #Stellarium)
Jupiter and its moons

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #BackyardAstronomy #JovianSystem #Moons