

Just a quick reminder that the people listed on the attached image are complicit in the mass murder, mass medical assault & battery & mass rights violations of millions of people.

Some of them are guilty of producing & deploying biological weapons.

These people must be arrested, tried & when found guilty, executed.

Link to a higher resolution image:

#covid #covid19 #wuhan #wuhanlab #biologicalweapons #gainoffunction #geneticengineering #massmurder #medicalassaultandbattery #usa #uk #nuremberg2 #massmurderers #eu #informedconsent #medicalrights #commonlaw #magnacarta #ICCPR #billofrights #humanrights #freedom #biologicalweaponsconvention #who #justice #law #namenames #crime #mrna #mrnavaccines #criminals #un #mrnaexperiment #genevaconvention #mrnadeaths #mrnasideeffects


#Update: 142 names, occupations & nations, responsible for creation & deployment of the engineered #Covid #virus &/or creation &/or deployment of #mRNA #injections, &/or #illegal #lockdowns, #mandates & other violations of #law relating to Covid.

Including #government officials, #corporate executives & others. All of these individuals are complicit in the mass #murder of millions of people #worldwide & must be brought to #justice.

Please reply with additional #names if you can #think of any not included.

#corporations #pfizer #biontech #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #eu #massmedia #socialmedia #usa #uk #un #nuremberg2 #canada #australia #newzealand #massmurder #ngo #criminals #criminalconspiracy #who #crime #astrazeneca #janssen #johnsonandjohnson #massmurder


Ukraine is, apparently, a major #global center for #child #rape, child #prostitution, child #pornography production & child rape #tourism.

Ukraine's capital #Kiev / #Kyiv is both The major center in #Ukraine for the sexual #exploitation of #children & home to #Jewish #Ukrainian president Volodymyr #Zelenskyy.

I find child rape, especially the #systematic & #commercialised versions of it to be the most vile & egregious of #crimes. Perhaps #Putin will bring an end to this abomination?

#ukrainecrisis #childtrafficking #nwo #childabuse #ukraineconflict #russia #volodymyrzelenskyy #kiev #kyiv #globalism #newworldorder #davos #criminals

