

The IRS "expansion" isn't an expansion at all. The aim is to restore the IRS to what it was before the Republicans gutted it to benefit their billionaire friends.

Notice who sponsors the flood of political ads: organizations like Americans for Prosperity, the propaganda outlet of the Koch Brothers.


#USPol #politics #IRS #GOP #republican #expansion


Parce qu'il n'y a pas que les élections dans nos vies

Que connaît-on vraiment des débuts de l’histoire de notre Univers ? Pourquoi la théorie de l’inflation pose-t-elle débat ? Y a t’il vraiment une accélération de l’ #expansion, ou faudrait-il plutôt anticiper une nouvelle #cosmologie ?

Au rang des modèles scientifiques les plus robustes, on peut citer, sans trop sourciller, celui du Big Bang. Proposé dès 1927 par l’abbé #GeorgesLemaître, confirmé quelques années plus tard par #EdwinHubble, il postule que l’ #univers était par le passé plus dense, et plus chaud, jusqu’à remonter à une singularité initiale.

Mais, pour que ce modèle tienne, il a fallu lui adjoindre au fil des années un certain nombre de concepts, comme celui de l’inflation, de la matière et de l’ #énergienoire, qui eux, sont pour le moment aussi spéculatifs qu’ils sont nécessaires à ce que le Big Bang soit cohérent. Et si la #physique faisait fausse route ? Et si le Big Bang empêchait de penser autrement l’origine de l’univers ?

"Big Bang, ça tangue !" c’est le programme dubitatif qui est le nôtre pour l’heure qui vient. Bienvenue dans #LaMéthodeScientifique !

Et pour questionner les apories de ce modèle jugé pourtant si robuste, nous avons le plaisir de recevoir #Jean-MarcBonnet-Bidaud, astrophysicien au CEA, et #ThomasLepeltier, docteur en astrophysique, chercheur indépendant en histoire et philosophie des sciences. Ils publient tous les deux “Big Bang, histoire critique d’une idée” aux éditions Folio.

Le reportage du jour
L’expansion #cosmique traduite par le #Redshift des galaxies est une des observations solides étayant le modèle du #BigBang. Mais la constante de Hubble, composante de la loi de #Hubble qui définit cette expansion, pose un problème dans sa mesure, et donc, fragilise ce modèle. #SilviaGalli, cosmologiste à l'Institut d’ #Astrophysique de Paris utilise depuis des années avec les données du satellite Planck pour comprendre d’où provient l’anomalie. Mais il faudra encore affiner les mesures, pour espérer sauver ou dépasser le modèle.
Par #CélineLoozen.

#FranceCulture #France-Culture #podcast #Baladodiffusion #science


Vladimir Poutine déclara en 2005 que la chute de l’URSS avait été la plus grande catastrophe géopolitique du XXe siècle.

L’idée que la renaissance impériale russe passe par le contrôle de l’Ukraine est au cœur de la conception poutinienne des relations internationales. Ce principe géopolitique explique l’opposition farouche de la Russie de Poutine aux présidents prooccidentaux Iouchtchenko, Porochenko et Zelenski et la politique agressive menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine après la révolution orange de 2004 puis surtout après la révolution de Maidan de 2014.

Après avoir réglé en grande partie la question tchétchène, la Russie n’hésita plus à recourir à des interventions armées au service de forces pro-russes au sein de certains États de l’ancien espace soviétique. C’est ainsi qu’en 2008, la Russie mena une guerre éclair contre la Géorgie afin d’empêcher la reprise de contrôle de Tbilissi sur l’Ossétie du Sud. La Russie reconnut alors l’indépendance de l’Abkhazie et de l’Ossétie du Sud, mettent en cause l’intégrité territoriale de la Géorgie.

En 2014, la Russie annexa la #Crimée et #Sébastopol qu’elle venait de prendre à l’ #Ukraine puis elle intervint dans le #Donbass afin de protéger les républiques autoproclamées de #Donetsk et de #Lougansk contre l’offensive ukrainienne. La Russie évita toutefois de reconnaître l’indépendance de ces deux républiques du Donbass afin d’en faire une monnaie d’échange dans le conflit en cours.

La Russie n’a pas hésité à annexer la Crimée, un territoire officiellement ukrainien. C’est aussi dans cette perspective que, dans le cadre du conflit ukrainien en décembre 2021, la Russie a demandé d’une part que les USA retirent leurs troupes et leurs matériels des pays d’Europe de l’Est, et ce alors même que ceux-ci font partie de l’OTAN ; et d’autre part que l’Ukraine ne puisse jamais faire partie de l’Alliance Atlantique.

La Russie apparaît ainsi comme une puissance révisionniste, mais a-t-elle les moyens de ses ambitions ? L’avenir proche le dira sans doute.


Vu que personne n'a réagit, Poutine a décidé de reconnaitre l'indépendance des républiques de Donetsk et Lougansk puis d'attaquer l'Ukraine et de marcher vers Kiev pour en destituer son président.

Vu que personne ne réagit....pourquoi s'arrêter en si bon chemin ?

#poutine #nouvellerussie #urss #neocolonialisme #expansion #guerre #otan


Some experts saw the danger and warned us...

Chris Hedges introduces his latest article for Scheer Post, titled “Chronicle of a War Foretold”, with the following:

“After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail.”

#NATO #expansion #Europe #Russia #war



Another observational failure for the mainstream model.....
"We discovered that a massive bulge, a regular rotating disk, and possibly spiral arms were already in place in this galaxy when the Universe was just 10% of its current age," said lead author of the study Dr. Federico Lelli, who undertook the work at Cardiff University's School of Physics and Astronomy.
"In other words, this galaxy looks like a grown adult, but it should be just a little child."

Any other theory in science would have been shot and put out of it's misery by now after failing so many crucial and important so called "tests" of the model. The whole concept of galaxy evolution is the most important so called "prediction" of the expansion model, and yet every single time we get a new observation from further back in time, it shows massive and mature galaxies as far as we can see. There is zero evidence of a bang, none. It's all fabricated nonsense. The expansion dogma simply doesn't jive with the observations.

#thunderbolts #mainstream #galaxy #Universe #Physics #Astronomy #big_bang #expansion #dogma #corruption #regressive #astrophysics #science


Are You a Settler?

Settler- #colonialism, #Capitalism and #Marxism on #Turtle Island

by Brian Ward
Source: https://newpol.org/issue_post/are-you-a-settler/

We have an urgent need to bring the fight against Native oppression into all the #economic and #social struggles of today. And that means grasping, as clearly and firmly as possible, that the struggle for Native liberation means keeping the question of land rights central.

Understanding the history and ongoing process of Settler-colonialism adds to our understanding of capitalism, while ignoring it perpetuates the erasure from #history of Native peoples and their resistance to that process.

Hundreds of different social organizations existed on Turtle Island prior to the arrival of capitalist markets, but one common feature was that most #Indigenous Nations treated the land as something held in common. The idea of nonhuman life being someone’s “private #property” was almost literally unthinkable.

Writing in the Communist Manifesto in 1848, Karl #Marx said, “The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere.” From an Indigenous perspective, that expanding market transformed abundance into scarcity.

Exploitation, expropriation, and extraction of the land’s riches created #wealth for those colonizing land and enforcing their claim to it by violence. Marx’s term for this process as it had occurred in Europe is usually called “primitive accumulation,” although it might be better translated as “primary” or “original” #accumulation.

"The historical process of primitive accumulation thus refers to the violent transformation of noncapitalist forms of life into capitalist ones."

With a wider perspective, we see that what the textbooks recall as Manifest Destiny was really capitalist accumulation through colonial #expansion—taking the particular form of the settler republic. (Other examples include #Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and #Israel.)

Land grants, and the willful misreading of treaties as real estate transactions, to paraphrase Vine Deloria, were central to the growth of the United States as a continental and then global imperial power, central to waging war at ever-greater scales.

Settlers are a tool, but capital is the system that drives this process and ultimately benefits. This is an important point to clarify, for capitalism is always ready to abandon a tool when it has served its purpose and create a new one, as need be.

Estes defines settler-colonialism as the specific form of colonialism whereby an imperial power seizes Native territory, eliminates the original people by force, and resettles the land with a foreign, invading population.

As treaties are broken and #resources are extracted on Indigenous land, it’s important to know that two-thirds of uranium, one-third of low-sulfur coal, as well as major hydroelectric, oil, and natural gas reserves are located in Indigenous communities.

“According to a 2002 report by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), white settlers own 96 percent of private agricultural lands in the United States, and 98 percent of all U.S. private lands overall.”

The Bureau of Indian Affairs argued how the flooding of Indigenous land would speed up termination and force Indigenous people into the capitalist economy

... that most Indigenous communities in the area relied on the “free goods of Nature,” such as hunting, trapping, and gathering. Forcing them to rely on a cash income is what Marxists, if not the Bureau of Indian Affairs, would call #proletarianization.

The project of stealing indigenous land remains fundamental to the United States and its success. Settler-colonialism and its ideological companion of Manifest Destiny are baked into the development of the United States much like slavery and racism and cannot be extracted without completely overhauling the entire system

I would argue that a future decolonized Turtle Island is looking toward a #socialist #society that puts forward Indigenous self-determination and liberation and counters racism, white supremacy, settler-colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism

The #Indian and Metis movement must focus primarily on the destruction of #imperialism and on the process of decolonization. There is no longer any question of where the native struggle should pursue a capitalist or socialist path of development. Liberation can take place only within a true socialist society.

We will not succeed in slowing, let alone stopping, #climate #change and #devastation, and in having clean air, water, and land unless we stand for Indigenous rights, sovereignty, and the enforcement of treaties. If we do not have a left that understands this and puts the question of land, imperialism, and conquest at its center we will perpetuate the same old song of class reductionism. Indigenous liberation is about liberation for all.

read the full text

#canada #usa