

French #court blocks popular #porn site… #subdomain

Source: https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/28/french-court-blocks-popular-porn-sites-subdomain/

As a result, the court ordered blocking of “fr.xhamster.com,” including the “fr.” prefix. This means internet service providers have complied with the order and blocked xHamster at the DNS level but only with the “fr.” prefix. So #xHamster remains accessible in France — until regulator, Arcom, finds a way to close this embarrassing loophole.

#news #internet #knowlege #Knowhow #justice #technology #dns #block #web #www #uri #access #provider #fr #France #fail #omg #wtf


Lieber einen schlechten Deal als gar keinen <- das neue Motto und der Anspruch der Politik 🤮

Siehe: https://www.zeit.de/wissen/umwelt/2024-11/un-klimakonferenz-cop29-baku-klimafinanzierung-einigung

Die Krisen werden immer schlimmer, Autokratien auf dem Vormarsch aber seht her, unsere Herrscher schaffen noch schlechte Deals zu beschließen. Daran noch irgendwas zu retten, oder das Ruder runzureissen, glaubt doch eh Keiner mehr. Nach mir die Sintflut und das Letzte macht das Licht aus... 😐

#politik #krise #klima #zukunft #Menschheit #Demokratie #Rettung #Perspektive #Problem #erde #aua #wtf #omg


Within this assessment, the red team (also referred to as ‘the team’) gained initial access through a web shell left from a third party’s previous security #assessment.

Source: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa24-326a

Today's #security measures therefore tend to reduce security rather than increase it. 🤔😖

#news #Software #vulnerability #bug #fail #cybersecurity #Problem #omg #wtf #web #webshell #internet


Trump’s new ‘Director of National Intelligence’, Tulsi Gabbard, belongs to a secretive cult https://edzardernst.com/2024/11/trumps-new-director-of-national-intelligence-tulsi-gabbard-belongs-to-a-secretive-cult/

Tulsi Gabbard has long been known for belonging to the above-mentioned weird cult, the ‘Science of Identity Foundation’ (SFI). The cult has been described as an alt-right branch of Hare Krishna and reportedly developed thousands of followers across Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia and worships its founder as an extention of god. Former members of the SFI and others close to Gabbard have said the group’s influence could be affecting her political motives. People have said the SFI forbids people to speak publicly about the group, requires people to lie face down when their guru, Chris Butler, enters a room and even sometimes eat his nail clippings or “spoonfuls” of the sand he walked on



#Merz will an die #Macht koste es was es wolle. Olaf dachte wirklich man könnte mit ihm reden...

Siehe: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/merz-vertrauensfrage-102.html

Ich sehe schwarz für die rot-grüne Minderheitsregierung. Da werden jetzt wahrscheinlich wichtige Gesetze nur für Machtsspiele blockiert. #BSW und #AfD werden davon profitieren und die Demokratie verliert.

Die #FDP könnte doch #Lindner rauswerfen und der Regierung wieder beitreten 🤗 man wird doch noch träumen dürfen.

#Demokratie #politik #niewiedercdu #niemehrcdu #neuwahl #Problem #zukunft #Perspektive #Gesellschaft #system #Regierung #wtf #aua #omg


The "Liberal" Swedish Dagens Nyheter Editor: #Trump is a president for #US, #Harris is going to be the president of the whole world!

I am truly going to vomit.

The propaganda and extent of BS on Swedish media covering the US election have reached a new level of disgusting low. Swedes have always had inferiority complex towards Americans, but ever since the election of Obama, it has turned into a ridiculous not-so-funny embarrassing level.

#Sweden #USElection #USPol #Politics #Media #WTF


Peanut the Squirrel Euthanized, Says Owner: 'Sorry I Failed You' https://people.com/peanut-the-squirrel-euthanized-says-owner-sorry-i-failed-you-8738672


To test for rabies, both animals were euthanized. The animals are being tested for rabies and anyone who has been in contact with these animals is strongly encouraged to consult their physician," the statement continued.

Why do they need to euthanize them?
If they had rabies the owner would have already been infected.
Does not make any sense


Hanno Hauenstein on X summarised about a coming German parliamentary resolution titled «Never again is now: Protecting, preserving and strengthening Jewish life in Germany»

“Germany is pushing a parliamentary resolution linking residency guarantees, asylum and public funding for arts and science to a loyalty oath to a state currently facing genocide charges at the International Court of Justice. This deserves international attention.”

https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ampelfraktionen-und-union-einigen-sich-auf-resolution-gegen-antisemitismus-a-7ab67476-a762-410a-a8cb-67e2c2601168 (in German)

#GermanyLost #Antisemitism #NieWiederIstJetzt #Israel #WTF #Germany


Wenn ich das richtig verstehe haben die Deutschen Autobauer ihre Gewinnmarge nach oben geschraubt, davon aber nichts in Elektroautos investiert und lieber den #Dieselskandal provoziert und jetzt wo die Autos so teuer sind, dass sie sich niemand mehr leisten kann wollen die vom Staat auch noch Hilfe 🤔

Können wir die Mafia nicht einfach pleite gehen lassen? Regelt doch der Markt oder Herr #Lindner?

Siehe: https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/verbraucher/kosten-autos-deutsche-hersteller-100.html

#auto #krise #politik #wirtschaft #Problem #profit #Kapitalismus #Frechheit #Industrie #Gewinn #umwelt #wtf #aua