

What Happens When a #Romance #Writer Gets Locked Out of #Google Docs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/what-happens-when-a-romance-author-gets-locked-out-of-google-docs/?esrc=AUTO_PRINT

In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear.

Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.


Generally speaking, files containing #violence, #abuse, child sexual abuse material, and gore violate the terms of service for Google Drive and its associated products, like Docs and Sheets.

Now many of you will be thinking, who is stupid enough to store everything in the Google #cloud? The problem is we know that, but many people out there don't. We urgently need to do more educational work and warn people about companies like Google and their practices. Tell all your friends and acquaintances and don't use the clouds of the big corporations.

#news #problem #fail #warning #danger #service #customer #internet #economy #security #wtf #omg #disaster


All my new videos shared on TikTok are flagged as inappropriate and can't be shared on FY flow.

I guess they caught my new account after a week to block it.

The only thing I can post is single Image or screen captures.

#TikTok sCensorship #Israel #Iran #WTF


Die Namen im #Krisenkabinett der #Union geben der #Krise ein Gesicht 😱

Siehe: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100357128/wenn-die-ampel-scheitert-geheime-kabinettsliste-aus-der-union.html

Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Jens Spahn (CDU)
Finanzen: Alexander Dobrindt (CSU)
Außenministerium: Johann Wadephul (CDU)
Verkehr: Steffen Bilger oder Sepp Müller (beide CDU)
Landwirtschaft: Dorothee Bär (CSU)
Frauen und Familie: Julia Klöckner (CDU)
Umwelt: Andreas Jung (CDU)
Justiz: Andrea Lindholz (CSU)
Bildung: Nadine Schön oder Nina Warken (beide CDU)

#politik #nieWiederCDU #niemehrcdu #wtf #aua #omg


In Iran today, smiling at dead IRI police or security forces is an offence!

This guy was recorded smiling while passing the dead body of an IRI police killed by Baluch separatist rebels earlier this week.

The IRI media reported that the guy was caught for the crimes of "disrespect, aggravating the police and creating a disrespectful environment ".

Even for me, this is something new.

#iran #WTF #Politics #Baluchistan


Another nasty accident right outside my apartment.

It was so loud I thought someone had dropped a huge item from the balcony.

3 people are injured, one seems to be critical. Police and ambulance are here. Don't feep like going down to look at what is happening. But I just can't understand how such accident can happen on a 50kmph road in a city right between 2 traffic lights.

I have seen more accidents on this road than I have seen in my entire life in all the places I have lived before.

#JuanLesPins #Accident #Traffic #WTF #France


What the hell happened? : Six months since Oct. 7, British PM Sunak says ‘terrible’ Israel-Hamas war ‘must end’

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says the “terrible” war between Israel and Hamas “must end,” six months since the terror group’s shock onslaught that initiated the fighting.

“We continue to stand by Israel’s right to defeat the threat from Hamas terrorists and defend their security. But the whole of the UK is shocked by the bloodshed,” he says in a statement.

“This terrible conflict must end. The hostages must be released. The aid –- which we have been straining every sinew to deliver by land, air and sea -– must be flooded in,” he adds.


#Israel #UK #WTF #Politics #Genocide #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #CeasefireNow


Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Standardsoftware von #Gnome mit der Zeit immer unbrauchbarer wird. Mit dem aktuellen #Fedora ist der Viewer für Bilder 'Eye of gnome'. Damit kann man Bilder nicht mehr auf die Schnelle um 90° drehen.
Alternativ gibt es noch den 'Bildbetrachter' - der kann drehen, aber dem fehlt die Möglichkeit, das Bild dann zu speichern.

Soll man jetzt für diesen Standardjob Gimp starten? Das ging doch ein Jahrzehnt lang out-of-the-box.

Nicht gut...