

#photons of #light

1 hour and 5 mins long:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=W7scYmxnW9M
"The #Energy #Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active #life enhancing energy fields, including “ #scalar waves” which can allow #cell #regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels."

"There appears to be some form of #inter-dimensional or high super scalar energy being generated, which when a person sits in a room with the #EESystem technology running, their entire life force improves."
#quote`s from their website
Dr Michael Interview with Jason Shurka


well, if these two are managed opposition shills buying trust, they're succesfully making a fairly large purchase here with me and those #healthy #rants.

"This _Deregulation is what makes this wealth transfer happen

  • absolutely dont become a victim of fear-mongering
  • rebuild community
  • see through the deceptions that generate fragmentation
  • rebuild innovatively for life and freedom
  • better ideas, diversely
  • become aware, eating well, eating good food, is the single most important ingredient to health
  • grow food in the right way, and combine with this awareness of good food eaten well for health
  • taking care
  • love all people
  • respect your butterfly wings, flap them well, in civildisobedience
  • develop strategies to get rid of the robber barons
  • acknowledge we dont have the luxury to be hopeless
  • cultivate hope
  • saveseeds
  • grow your own food, know your farmer
  • do what you can. help those who cant
  • invigorate lived democracy for when electoral democracy fails us.
  • remain hopeful

#vandanashiva #mercola #drmercola #navdanya #liveddemocracy #electoraldemocracy #mediacontrol #narrativemanagement #earthdemocracy #freedom #peoplesfreedom #illusionoffreedom #deregulation #selforganising #health #evolution #fractal #choices #justice #freedomandjustice #legalframework #practical #subsidies #look #equity #imposition #scaredbunchoftrillionaires #trueeconomies #cbdc #forcevaccination #nochoicenodemocracy #preservechoicepreservedemocracy #preservedemocracypreservelife #preservechoicepreservelife #globalisationisderegulation #democraticlaw #environmentalprotectionlaws #healthprotectionlaws #righttoeducation #workersrights #labourlaws #blacklivesmatter #justicematters #wakeup #narrative #divideandconquer #securitiesofdemocracy #societalprotectionlaws #freedomtodestroy #insurancecompanies #bigpharma #deregulationofourtimes #community #democraticsystems #sovereignty #monopoly #biofortification #ayurveda #problemreactionsolution #ruthless #vicious #money #dictatorship #technologybarons #barons #personalgreed #violentsystems #agrichemicals #hitler #genocide #domination #exploitation #notneutral #progressives #hierarchy #technologyasservant #convergentinterests #crisis #bookburning #ruthless #embraceextendextinguish #merger #destroyedentireindustries #intention #deregulation #globalisation #onenessvstheonepercent #investment #lifesciencesindustry #monsanto #bayer #financialtools #digitaltools #billionaires #assetfunds #controllingtheworldseconomy #corporations #psychopaths #owned #thetwelve #blackrock #vanguard #wealthtransfer #amazon #microsoft #fauxlanthropy #topdown #foodwithoutfood #toxic #control #nofreedom #weareinalotoftrouble #wakeup #lookup #mendthis #ecocide #finalissue #justice #shutdown #lockdown #deathofbirth #codexalimentarius #waronlife #themostvulnerable #vulnerable #therightstep #class #billionhungry #capitalism #monopolism #anthrocide #WHO #regulatorycapture #governments #philanthropy #hunger #sickness #humancull #nocullnecessary #forprofit #forweathextractionmaximisation #wealtextraction #wealthextractionmaximisation #homelessness #intentional #calous #throwawayclass #genocide #softkill #hardkill #panopticon #distraction #dumbdown #lobotomy #morecontrol #moreconcentration #centralisation #withoutrepresentation #withoutdemocracy #patriarchy #arrogance #billgates #zuckerberg #jeffbezos #destroying #planetaryscale #planetary #humanity #worsethingsthandeath #homeless #homelesspopulation #twoclasssystem #threeclasssystem #fourclasssystem #comorbidities #socialills #moneyoverpeople #greed #consequences #causality #society #nosociety #destruction #ecologicalcrisis #industrialism #pandemic #plandemic #colonialism #wellfare #dismantlingofprotection #dismantlingofsocialprotection #inequality #endofsociety #oneness #united #brutalviolence #poverty #criminals #apartheid #trusts #orwellian #taxdeduction #interesting #rockerfella #messcatalyst #molecularbiology #intelectualcapture #puppets #greenrevolution #greenwashing #corporateterrorism #stateterrorism #fascism #corporatism #controlleddebate #controlledclimatedebate #compulsorydigitaltransactions #nationaltaxsystems #nationaltaxsystemsusurped #gatesglobaltotalitarianresearch #agnotology #mostdevious #imaginationless #singularfocus #inhuman #inhumane #aware #facethehorror #therearepsychopaths #embraceextentextinguishonlife #mothernature #symbiosis #momentum #scamplan #worlddomination accounting #accountability #noaccountability #serious #extractiveeconommy #peoplemining #statesystem #wepaidforit #theyprofit #wedie #notinourname #reversetax #trickleup #imbalancedredistribution #iniquitous #collapse #intentionalinflation #strategicinflation #undemocraticinflation #WEF #greateconomicreset #imposed #notanaccident #wetriedtowarnyou #butyoucalledusconspiracytheorists #psyop #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #ecologicaldestruction #ripoffnature #disempowerment #wecanmendthis #empowerment #empowereverybody #pitchforksvstorches #languageappropriation #soil #neglect #regreen #recycle #earth #naturally #healthily #regenerate #regeneration #runfromthecure #noosphericattack #spin #organic #GMO #geneeditting #crispr #geneticallymodifiedorganism #fakelife #latteralgenetransfer #terminatorgenes #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #seriously #theplantoownalllife #includingyou #financialisationofnature #manufacturingdisposablepeople #circularreasoning #nocullnecessary #manufacturedscarcity #tyranicaltautology #suffering #youdeservebetter #theylie #theylietheylietheylie #fuckthat #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #declareindependence #patents #patentfraud #wipo #reductivism #totalitarianism #users #spyware #biospyware #allocation #vaers #worthy #humanrights #undoingwhatgenerationsfaughtfor #alert #bealert #myiopia #myopiclossofwealth #terrormyopia #usory #economicsuicide #suicide #suicideeconomy #defysuiciding #stay #mendthis #democracy #economy #humanity #startthinking #startthinkingaboutit #defendfeircly #freedomandlife #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #attercoparchy #createlocalmarkets #scientistssay #pestcontrol #illegal #illegalineffectivepestcontrol #apatientcuredacustomerlost #forprofitmedicine #forprofitpestcontrol #racket#protectionracket #biologicalprotectionracket #soarrogant #1000sofwaysofdoingfarming #gatesag1 #totallycontrolled #controlledseeds #farmerbrainscontrolled #staringdownthebarrelofeternaltyranny #bigdemand #manufactureddemand #hehadagraph #donttrusthim #distrusthim #ruthlesspsychopath #notphilanthropist #consciousness #consciousnessrising #awakeningconsciousness #lifejusticehumanity #vs #deathdestructiongreed #civilisation #culture #disease #social #individual #civildisobedience #robberbarons #worsethingsthandeath #growyourown #knowyourfarmer #solidarity #confidently


Man Spends 30 Years Turning Degraded Land into Massive Forest – Fools & Dreamers (Full Documentary)

The incredible story of how degraded gorse-infested farmland has been regenerated back into beautiful New Zealand native forest over the course of 30 years.

Fools & Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest is a 30-minute documentary about Hinewai Nature Reserve, on New Zealand’s Banks Peninsula, and its kaitiaki/manager of 30 years, botanist Hugh Wilson. When, in 1987, Hugh let the local community know of his plans to allow the introduced ‘weed’ gorse to grow as a nurse canopy to regenerate farmland into native forest, people were not only skeptical but outright angry – the plan was the sort to be expected only of “fools and dreamers”.

Now considered a hero locally and across the country, Hugh oversees 1500 hectares resplendent in native forest, where birds and other wildlife are abundant and 47 known waterfalls are in permanent flow. He has proven without doubt that nature knows best – and that he is no fool.

#documentary #Fools-and-Dreamers #Hugh-Wilson #land #regeneration

Man Spends 30 Years Turning Degraded Land into Massive Forest – Fools & Dreamers (Full Documentary)


The Food Forest Farmers

Syntropic farming is a new and ancient regenerative agriculture practice that can be implemented in any region, in any climate, in limitless ways – even in your own back yard. For over a decade the Lotz-Keegan family have been implementing permaculture practices to regenerate a degraded hillside into an abundant food forest of native and exotic trees that feed their family, their community, the wildlife, the soil, and their souls.

Combining the practices of syntropic agroforestry with the principles of permaculture and their own deeply thoughtful approach to land regeneration, food growing, and lifestyle, this family is partnering with nature to create a humming diversity on the land and a positive story about the role of humans in an eco-system.

PermaDynamics https://www.permadynamics.net/

#food #food-growing #food-forest #syntropic #agroforestry #syntropic-agroforestry #food-forests #regenerative-agriculture #permaculture #regeneration #food-growers #KlausLotz #PermaDynamics #HappenFilms


How Regenerative Agriculture Can Impact Soil Erosion


The word “regeneration” has been somewhat of a buzzword in the environmental movement. But what does it really mean? To us, it means renewal and restoration within the limits of existing ecosystems. Regeneration can have positive implications for the agricultural industry, which is in desperate need of an overhaul, one that will center on soil health.

“Regenerative agricultural practices can be a means of reducing soil loss, building soil structure, and limiting the number of chemicals in soils. They advocate for a return to practices akin to Indigenous peoples’ ways of farming that preserve local ecosystems and maintain balance.”

#food #food-growing #regenerative-agriculture #regeneration #environment #biomimicryinstitute



Water is Love

The climate crisis is changing everything, and humanity finds itself at a crossroads.

Unprecedented wildfires, floods and droughts rage across the planet; millions rise for radical climate action; and still, governments continue to prioritize short-term profits over everyone’s future.

​​Will our species continue our current trajectory towards extinction or will we enter into a synergistic cooperation with Earth?

​This documentary will invite us to make sense of the climate crisis as a moment of possibility for regeneration and systemic change. We go on a journey to discover how a renewed relationship to water and each other can enable us to regenerate damaged ecosystems and and heal trauma, in the face of a radically changing world. We explore how healing love and restoring the broken relations between one another and healing our broken relation with the Earth are mutually interdependent.

Featuring stories of Indigenous elders and community leaders, regenerative design experts and activists.

#waterislove #documentary #film #series #narture #environment #ecosystem #climate #crisis #regeneration #systemic #change #waterislife #interdependence #Sankalpa #FenwickFoundation #Tamera #TameraMedia #docu-films


The Full (Eco)System Effect: Regenerating Soil


Soils are the “complex, dynamic, biogeochemical systems that are vital to the life cycles of terrestrial vegetation and soil-inhabiting organisms—and by extension to the human race.” Soil is composed of minerals, water, gas, organisms, and other organic matter in various states of decomposition. The three types of minerals that make up soil are clay, silt, and sand. The percentage of each of these minerals in the soil determines soil texture.

#nature #environment #ecosystem #soil #regeneration #BiomimicryInstitute





Sustenance is a feature-length documentary about food’s journey around the world, exploring controversies revolving around food and its interconnectedness with justice, climate change, and sustainability.

Breaking bread during a reunion, a group of friends become curious about the sustainability of their eating regiments. They instigate a challenge and send the filmmaker on a quest to investigate the credibility and ethicality of their eating ideologies. The friends come from different backgrounds and live in Toronto, Canada; a multicultural megalopolis. What follows takes the filmmaker on a global odyssey, far beyond the borders of Canada. As she digs deeper she realizes the inconvenient truths not only about the environmental catastrophes caused by our dependence on mainstream food production methods, but also by the cataclysmic social justice impact of our eating habits in the global south.

During her quest for Sustenance the filmmaker comes vis-à-vis the inevitability of our reliance on animal-source foods if we want to tackle the sustainability problem and live harmoniously with the other sojourners of our planet. She meets some of the most renowned contemporary food activists that elucidate this critical concept and provide their solutions; figures such as Lierre Keith, Allan Savory, Joel Salatin, Nora Gedgaudas, and Derrick Jensen.

The documentary unfolds many popular myths on topics such as plant-based diets, healthy and nutritional foods, ethical eating, food politics, industrial agriculture, and how to attain a sustainable lifestyle. Sustenance focuses on an outspoken socio-political approach to discovering where our food really comes from and how it genuinely affects the health of other people, other species, and ultimately our planet. While the documentary’s content focuses on an informative yet shocking look at the history of food politics, the meditative cinematic journey around the world allows spectators to reconnect with nature and Earth’s sustenance.

#Sustenance #documentary #film #nature #food #food-growing #food-growers #organic #organics #sustainableliving #sustainablelife #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarming #holistic-management #permaculture #sustainability #resilience #regeneration #waterislife #naturelover #interconnectedness #LierreKeith #JoelSalatin #NoraGedgaudas #AllanSavory #DerrickJensen #YasiGerami #SustenanceDocumentary #BluearthFilms #CounterMedia #docu-films