

The United States is kidding itself if it thinks it can fight China and Russia. Yet instead of trying to de-escalate tensions, the United States is acting more belligerent and threatening towards Beijing and Moscow. President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, who had been to war, understood the danger of a nuclear war and found a diplomatic solution that kept the peace. President Joe Biden suffers from dementia and does not appear to understand that his bombast and threats are making the world more dangerous.

#china #russia #usa #nuclear-war


"With Xi Jinping securing an iron grip on China's ruling party and political economy, longstanding debates about the sustainability of the country's astonishing growth have returned to the fore. Mounting evidence of stagnation suggests that, after coming so far, China's authoritarian model may not be so exceptional after all."

"Following sweeping regulatory crackdowns on Alibaba, Tencent, and others in 2021, Chinese companies are increasingly focused on remaining in the political authorities' good graces, rather than on innovating."

"The inefficiencies and other problems created by the politically motivated allocation of credit are also piling up, and state-led innovation is starting to reach its limits."

"My own recent research with Jie Zhou of MIT and David Yang of Harvard University shows that the top-down control in Chinese academia is distorting the direction of research, too."

China's economy is rotting from the head

#solidstatelife #china #geopolitics


Capitalism vs Socialism is NOT Markets vs Planning


#ProfWolff shows how the #economics of existing capitalist and socialist economies make use of both #markets and #planning. The opposition of markets and planning is largely false and has worked to distract students and observers of economic systems from better differentiations such as how they differently #organize their #workplaces: #hierarchical in the case of #capitalist, #democratic in the case of #worker-cooperatives. Some major implications of this critique of the "planning versus market" obsession are discussed in relation to the #US, #SovietUnion, and #China.

#richardwolff #economicupdate #capitalism #socialism #money #inflation #democracyatwork


#China Has Opened Up Secret #Police Stations in These Countries

source: https://www.newsweek.com/china-overseas-police-service-center-new-york-city-crime-1753242

In the United States, the report's open-source data indicated one such service center in #NewYork City. In #Canada, three were established in #Toronto.

In South #America, there was one each in #Quito and #Guayaquil, #Ecuador; #Rio de Janeiro and #SãoPaulo, #Brazil; #BuenosAires, #Argentina; and #Viña del Mar, #Chile.

Most of the Chinese overseas police stations were located in #Europe, including nine in #Spain, the most of any country on the list: three in #Madrid, three in #Barcelona, two in #Valencia and one in #Santiago de Compostela.

#Italy was hosting the second-most stations in Europe with four: #Rome, #Milan, #Florence and #Prato.

In #France, three service centers were operating out of #Paris. #Portugal also hosted one each in #Porto, #Lisbon and #Madeira. In United Kingdom, the report found two in #London and one in #Glasgow.

The #Netherlands was hosting two such centers in #Amsterdam and #Rotterdam, respectively, while the #CzechRepublic had two in #Prague. #Budapest, #Hungary, also had two, one for each of the #Fuzhou and #Qingtian police bureaus—a common phenomenon across Europe.

European countries each hosting only one Chinese police station included #Dublin, #Ireland; #Bratislava, #Slovakia; #Frankfurt, #Germany; #Athens, #Greece; #Stockholm, #Sweden; #Vienna, #Austria; #Odessa, #Ukraine; and #Belgrade, #Serbia.

In #Africa, #BeninCity, #Nigeria; #Maseru, #Lesotho; and #DarEsSalaam, #Tanzania, each hosted one.

In Asia, at least one police center was operating out of #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia; #Sirdaryo, #Uzbekistan; #BandarSeriBegawan, #Brunei; #Tokyo, #Japan; and #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia.

China wants to be the new world police 😱

#news #fail #law #problem #humanrights #international #crime #USA #UK


WK in Qatar, klimaattop in Egypte; we leven in een tijd waarin alles door rotlanden wordt georganiseerd

Teun van de Keuken (De Volkskrant)

Eerlijk is eerlijk, het is mij zwaar te moede. We zijn in een tijdperk van vervelende landen terechtgekomen en ik vind er geen bal aan. Over dat WK in Qatar heb ik nu al genoeg geschreven. (...)

Helaas beperkt de rotlandenopmars zich niet tot de sport. Nu moeten klimaattoppen er ook aan geloven. De klimaattop die deze week begint wordt nota bene gehouden in Egypte. Er vliegen tienduizenden mensen naartoe. Die moeten vanuit Caïro dan ook nog een binnenlandse vlucht nemen, want anders is Sharm-el-Sheikh niet te bereiken. (...)

Natuur en milieu lijken het repressieve regime ook niet heel belangrijk te vinden. Gisteren zag ik de documentaire The plastic Nile over de vervuiling van ’s werelds grootste rivier. Om te huilen hoeveel plastic er in de Nijl en daarna in zee verdwijnt. (...)

Net als het WK niet in Qatar wordt gehouden omdat het land een bloeiende voetbalcultuur kent, is Egypte niet organisator van de klimaattop geworden vanwege zijn mooi groen kloppend hart. Ook dit evenement is voor de organisatie vooral belangrijk om de eigen reputatie op te vijzelen. Wij werken er graag aan mee. Waar de volgende klimaattop wordt gehouden? De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. We leven in een tijd van rotlanden.

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Teun van de Keuken

Tags: #nederlands #mensenrechten #wk #wk_voetbal #gastarbeiders #moderne_slavernij #uitbuiting #stadions #sportswashing #sport #democratie #voetbal #onderdrukking #fifa #knvb #qatar #voetbal #cop #cop27 #egypte #rusland #sotsji #china #klimaattop #olympische_spelen #winterspelen #mh17 #brazilie #vea #verenigde_arabische_emiraten