

Oh, Canada

This episode was recorded today, February 5th, 2022.

Dr. Julie Ponesse is a philosopher specializing in applied ethics, bioethics, and ancient philosophy. Unfortunately, 20 years in academia came to an end after failing to comply with a vaccine mandate at the University of Western Ontario.

Then, in a video response aimed at 1st-year ethics students, she spelled out her position on forced medical procedures.

Her response went viral.

Dr. Ponesse has since become the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund, through which she published My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates.

'My Choice' book by Dr. Julie Ponesse: https://www.mychoicebook.ca/

The Democracy Fund website: https://www.thedemocracyfund.ca/

Dr. Julie Ponesse's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZGk...

#protests #Canada #truckers #Jordan-Peterson #Dr-Julie-Ponesse #ethics #corrupt #governments


Mandatory Vote ID: Government Makes Astonishing Admission 3.5 Million Will Be Disenfranchised – Byline Times

“Users without ID, or users who are reliant on ID from family members, would experience a serious restriction of their…experience, freedom of expression and rights. Research from the Electoral Commission suggests that there are 3.5 million people in the UK who do not currently have access to a valid photo ID.”

#politics #UK #Tories #voting #corrupt #shambles

