

Die coolen Rüstungskonzerne von nebenan – „Pinkwashing“ und die Normalisierung des Tötens


[...] Der laut Medien größte Waffenfabrikant der Welt, die US-Firma Lockheed Martin, hat an der diesjährigen „Pride Parade“ in Washington DC teilgenommen ... laut dem US-Medium „Military News“ wurde auch ein Pride-Event in Texas von Lockheed gesponsert.

Eine solche Instrumentalisierung der Regenbogenkultur ist kein Einzelfall: Im Artikel Wenn der Regenbogen zur Farce wird hat Jens Berger bereits beschrieben, dass weitere Rüstungsfirmen, Autokonzerne, private Lobby-Gruppen oder staatliche Organe wie die deutsche Polizei oder die EU-Grenzschützer Frontex inzwischen auf den Regenbogen-Zug zur Eigen-PR aufgesprungen sind.

Russel Brand fragte anlässlich des aktuellen Vorgangs bei der Pride-Parade in einer seiner kürzlichen Sendungen treffend, ob es denn verwunderlich sei, dass Krieg gesellschaftlich so akzeptabel geworden zu sein scheint, wenn sogar ein Event, das doch einer Gegenkultur entstamme wie der „Pride-Month“, nun von Lockheed Martin gesponsert werden dürfe.

[...] Ein Twitternutzer bringt die massiven moralischen Doppelstandards auf den Punkt: „Lockheed Martin möchte, dass Sie wissen, dass sie – obwohl sie Saudi-Arabien mit Raketen und anderer Militärausrüstung bewaffnen – große Unterstützer von LGBT-Rechten sind.“

[...] Die einzelnen Mitstreiter der Bewegung selber können nichts für die Vereinnahmung ihrer Symbole und die Instrumentalisierung des reichen schwul-lesbischen popkulturellen Kapitals, das in Jahrzehnten kreativ aufgebaut wurde. Aber prominente Vertreter von LGBTQI+ könnten sich laut gegen Vereinnahmungen durch Kriegstreiber aussprechen (vielleicht ist das geschehen, dann bitte ich um Hinweise). Und wenigstens die Veranstalter der erwähnten Pride-Märsche hätten doch eingreifen können: Sie hätten die Instrumentalisierung ihrer Parade durch einen riesigen Rüstungskonzern verhindern müssen.

Autor: Tobias Riegel -- https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=99898

Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie Teilnehmer einer Pride-Demo Werbung für einen großen Rüstungskonzern machen können, dem Menschenrechte offensichtlich vollkommen egal sind.

#lockheed-martin #rüstung #aufrüstung #militär #propaganda #russellbrand #lgbt #lgbtiq #queer #militarismus #pridemonth #pride #polizei #bundewehr #frontex #heuchelei #pinkwashing #krieg #ukraine #russland #nato #usa #amerika #werbung #sponsoring


There’s something to be said here about the analytic model that prevails in our time - there’s a machine that instantly springs to life, taking in rumors and partial information in an environment of extreme uncertainty and spitting out formulaic results that match #ideological presuppositions. #Information is not evaluated neutrally, but forced through a cognitive filter that assigns it meaning in light of predetermined conclusions. #Russia is supposed to collapse and undergo regime change (Fukuyama said so) - therefore, #Prigozhin’s actions had to be framed in reference to this assumed endgame.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we saw some similar measure of aggressive model-fitting from “Trust the Plan” Russia supporters, who were confident that the #Wagner uprising was just an act - an elaborate ruse concocted in concert by Prigozhin and #Putin to fool Russia’s enemies and advance the plan. The analytic error here is the same - information is parsed only for the purpose of buttressing and advancing a pre-concluded endgame; except it is Russian omnicompetence which is assumed instead of Russian state collapse.

#news #facts #propaganda #wishes #manipulation #believe


Kommt mal auf den Teppich -- zum Umgang mit sexueller Andersartigkeit

Dass die politischen Führungen im Verein mit den großen Wirtschaftsakteuren des Westens in der Welt -- und speziell in der Ukraine, denn das ist der Anlass meines Posts -- nichts Gutes im Schilde führen, sollte klar sein.

Aber im Osten und Süden ist deshalb noch lange nicht das politische Heil zuhause.

Es geht mir im Besonderen um eine Verharmlosung des Umgangs mit sexueller Andersartigkeit in Russland, der so genannten islamischen Welt und Ländern des globalen Südens. Das sehe ich nämlich hier um sich greifen, auch bei Leuten, die ansonsten weder die Geschichten des Westens noch des Ostens glauben, was diesen Krieg angeht.

Ein Eintreten für die Rechte von Minderheiten hat nichts mit Hedonismus oder Dekadenz zu tun. Menschen würden deshalb nicht fliehen, wenn es nur darum ginge. Die Unterdrückung sexueller Minderheiten hat historische Gründe und ist kein Naturgesetz und auch kein Zeichen besonders hochstehender Moral. Auch hat die Existenz dieser Minderheiten nichts mit Dekadenz zu tun.

Andererseits soll der Westen mal seiner Nase nicht so hoch halten, denn genau das ist der Ort, von dem diese Intoleranz in alle Welt exportiert worden ist.

Ja, der Westen ist dekandent. Ja, Russland ist auch dekadent. Aber diese Dekadenz liegt in der Rolle, die das große Geld spielt, und die Instrumentalisierung von Minderheiten, die beide unter unterschiedlichen Vorzeichen betreiben, ist ein Teil davon.

Ich benutze bewusst nicht die gängigen Begriffe, und zwar, weil mich der öffentliche Umgang damit hier im Westen mittlerweile anwidert. Es verdienen Leute Geld an der übermäßigen Sexualisierung der entsprechenden Szenen. Es verdienen Leute immer mehr Geld, je mehr Menschen von Medikamenten abhängig gemacht werden, weil sie ihren Körper nicht mehr leiden können. Und der Westen genau so wie Russland, die islamische Welt und vielleicht auch Länder des globale Südens benutzen diese Minderheiten, um mit dem Finger auf andere zu zeigen. Damit werden Kriege gerechtfertigt.

Darum, bitte, übernehmt nicht einfach die Propaganda Russlands. Denn die ist genau das, was sie ist, und genau wie im Westen: Propaganda.

#ukraine #russland #usa #westen #süden #osten #globalisierung #kolonialismus #wirtschaft #sex #sexualität #minderheit #krieg #dekadenz #pr #propaganda #teile-und-herrsche


Wagner chief says Ukraine never threatened to attack Russia

The head of the Wagner mercenary group has said Ukraine never threatened to attack Russia, as the #Kremlin claimed when attempting to justify its invasion.

The statement by Yevgeny #Prigozhin dramatically raises the stakes in his battle with Russian military chiefs.

In a video message, Prigozhin said: "We exchanged fire: we hit them, they hit us. This was happening all these long eight years, from 2014 to 2022.

"At some points, the number of strikes, the exchange of fire, was increasing, at others - it was decreasing. By February 24 [2022] there was nothing extraordinary.

"Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public; trying to deceive the president and is telling the story that there was insane aggression from Ukraine and they [Ukraine] were going to attack us, together with the entire #NATO bloc.

"The special operation that began on February 24 was launched for completely different reasons."


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #WagnerGroup #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianWarCrimes #propaganda #InformationWarfare #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #CivilWar #Russia


Convenient mythologies require neither evidence nor logic. - Edward S. Herman, Manufacturing Consent:

US Senators #LindseyGraham (R) and #RichardBlumenthal (D) introduced a bipartisan resolution declaring #Russia's use of nuclear weapons or destruction of the occupied #Zaporizhia Nuclear Powerplant in #Ukraine to be an attack on NATO requiring the invocation of NATO Article 5.

Senator Graham: "Our message is to those around Putin - If you do this, if you follow his order if he ever gives it, you can expect a massive response from NATO, and you will be at war with #NATO."

PS. An old saying in US, when do you know Lindsey Graham is lying? - His lips are moving

#ManufacriringConcent #Propaganda #QTFSroryOfTheDay #UkraineWar #Politics


When Truth Becomes Silence: Glastonbury’s Cancelling Of A Powerful Film About Jeremy Corbyn

Media Lens

(...) In this country, as in other western ‘democracies’, important truths are effectively being silenced. As we have written on many occasions, antisemitism was used as a weapon to destroy the chances of Jeremy Corbyn becoming the British Prime Minister. Labour HQ staffers, and even Labour MPs, actively conspired against him. Al Jazeera’s powerful series, ‘The Labour Files’, which was blatantly blanked by the establishment media, has documented all this in considerable detail.

And now the Glastonbury Film Festival has succumbed to similar pressure and cancelled a screening of a new film, ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie’. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Jeremy Corbyn adressing the festival
Jeremy Corbyn addressing Glastonbury in 2017

The makers of the film, first shown in London in February, describe the film thus:

‘Produced by award-winning radical film-maker Platform Films, with contributions from Jackie Walker, Ken Loach, Andrew Murray, Graham Bash and Moshe Machover, and narrated by Alexei Sayle, this feature-length documentary film explores a dark and murky story of political deceit and outrageous antisemitic smears. It also uncovers the critical role played by current Labour leader, Keir Starmer and asks if the movement which backed Corbyn could rise again.’

Reviewer Diane Datson wrote:

‘The real message conveyed in this film is that the Labour Party is no alternative to the Conservatives – it serves the ruling class and is led by someone every bit as devious as Boris Johnson, if not more so.’

She added:

‘However, I for one felt uplifted, as the film ended optimistically. Many of the interviewees think that all is not lost – those millions of people who were inspired and given hope by the Corbyn project haven’t gone away – they are to be found supporting the picket lines, protesting and fighting for many causes such as public ownership of the NHS and the right to strike and the establishment is STILL petrified.’ (...)

‘The Big Lie’ is, of course, right to address the important part played by the pro-Israel lobby. It includes clips from the Al Jazeera film, ‘The Lobby’, which exposed Israel’s determined attempts to interfere in Britain’s politics. (...)

‘The Big Lie’ also highlights the incessant establishment media attacks on Corbyn, particularly after the 2017 General Election which he came so close to winning. The ‘smear that stuck’ was the myth that antisemitism was supposedly rife in Labour under Corbyn. (...)

Avi Shlaim, an emeritus professor at Oxford University, observed in the foreword of a 2021 report on how the definition of antisemitism has been misrepresented:

‘[A] definition intended to protect Jews against antisemitism was twisted to protect the State of Israel against valid criticisms that have nothing to do with anti-Jewish racism.’ (...)

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, a founding member of Jewish Voice for Labour who was expelled from Starmer’s Labour Party for being the ‘wrong type of Jew’, [said] on Twitter:

‘Unbelievable that @glastonbury has bowed to demands from fans of Starmer’s @uklabour, banning a film exposing demonisation of @jeremycorbyn. The censors say the film conflates Zionists, Jews & Israel. No, actually, that’s what they do. See it & judge for yourself.’

US journalist Glenn Greenwald noted:

‘The @glastonbury Film Festival capitulated to pressure and cancelled the Corbyn documentary.

‘This illustrates the great crisis in the democratic world: an intense fixation on suppressing and silencing, rather than engaging, dissenting views. (...)

There was minimal reporting by the British state-corporate media and, crucially, no uproar about censorship and yet another step being taken towards suppression of free speech. (...)

The single significant piece refuting the specious, cynical charges was an article in the Independent reporting the reaction of Norman Thomas, the film’s producer. He said that the film’s cancellation had been caused by ‘vicious outside pressure’. He added:

‘An outside pressure group [BDBJ] has declared war on our film. They wrote to the festival’s sponsors… and whipped up huge storm of complaints about the film claiming, without any foundation whatsoever, that the film is antisemitic.’

He continued:

‘The claim that the film is antisemitic is a total smear.

‘The festival organisers even had a lawyer examine the film who pronounced it totally devoid of antisemitism. [Our emphasis]’ (...)

It is ironic indeed that Glenn Greenwald, a US journalist, is far more vocal in defending UK freedom of speech than British journalists. A great silence has fallen over the media in this country.

Complete article

Tags: #media #mass_media #labour #labour_party #corbyn #jeremy_corbyn #starmer #keir_starmer #journalist #journalism #antisemitism #racism #al_jazeera #forde_report #mainstream_media #msm #propaganda #censorship #defamation #corporate_media #state_media #platform_films


370 pro-Russian disinformation sites discovered in Bulgaria

An analysis by the Sofia-based Human and Social Studies Foundation identified 370 websites spreading Russian propaganda and disinformation, Euractiv wrote on June 20.

The research, presented last week in Sofia, indicated that the fast growth of the so-called "mushroom sites" is one of the causes of the rapid spread of Russian propaganda in the country.

Mushroom sites are online media websites created in bulk by malicious actors to spread propaganda and disinformation.

"In 2022, Russian propaganda spread powerfully in the Bulgarian online space. Compared to the previous year, 2021, by the end of 2022, it rose almost 20 times. Propaganda increased in two periods – at the beginning and the end of the year," Euractiv cited the analysis.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #InformationWarfare #misinformation #propaganda #disinformation #RussianPropaganda #Bulgaria #websites #media #MediaWebsites #OnlineSpace #SocialMedia #RussianAggression #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


#Arab #League Visits #China’s #Xinjiang Region, Rejects #Uyghur Genocide

— "China is using a recent visit by an Arab League delegation to Xinjiang to highlight what it says is support of its policies in the region.

Experts, however, say the praise that Beijing has reportedly received from #diplomats and officials who took part in the trip is nothing more than "Chinese #propaganda" and an attempt to #whitewash human rights #violations there.

China’s treatment of Uyghur and other #Muslim minorities in Xinjiang is a major source of international concern. Western countries have raised allegations of forced labor, religious persecution and some, including the #UnitedStates, have classified what is happening in Xinjiang as genocide, an accusation #Beijing denies."



Propaganda explained : 'Controlled spontaneity': The secret UK government blueprints shaping post-terror planning

After the 2017 London Bridge attack, local officials were told: 'We're sending you a hundred imams.'

The British government has prepared for terrorist incidents by pre-planning social media campaigns which are designed to appear to be a spontaneous public response to attacks, Middle East Eye has learned.

#Hashtags are carefully tested before attacks happen, #Instagram images selected, and “impromptu” street posters are printed.

In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, #vigils and inter-faith events are also negotiated and planned in readiness for any terrorist attack.
#UK #Terrorim #Propaganda #SocialMedia #PsyOps #politics



Meanwhile... in the world of vile and blatantly defamatory #disinformation gushing from #Fox #Propaganda Net

Fox News shocks with ‘wannabe dictator’ graphic during Biden speech

Wonder if that's not only the "normal" #FakeNews from the #GQP / #Fox net, but pretty straightforward defamation - or at the least "opinion", though not stated as such. "Disgraceful" to see on public sources of "news".

#News??? #Truth???

Fox Replacement of Reality with BS


Oh what fun! (I so believe maybe the pendulum is beginning to swing back from extreme #GQP / #Fox #disinformation

Gavin Newsom Gives Sean Hannity Blunt Fact-Checks In Fiery Fox News Clash

Yahoo News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) pierced the Fox News bubble on Monday, pushing back on host Sean Hannity’s claims about President Joe Biden, mocking House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and ripping Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over his treatment of migrants.

Hannity tried to defend DeSantis, who has been shipping migrants around the country in what critics have ripped as a political stunt done to raise his profile as a 2024 presidential candidate.

But Newsom wasn’t having it.

“Why do you use people as pawns?” Newsom asked. “What faith tradition teaches you to treat human beings like this ― to belittle them, to demean them?”

Hannity suggested a TV debate ― moderated by himself, of course ― between Newsom and DeSantis.

“I’m all in, count on it,” Newsom said.

“You would do a two-hour debate with Ron DeSantis?” Hannity said.

“Make it three,” Newsom said. “Do it with one-day notice with no notes, I look forward to that. We could talk about his zest for demonization, we could talk about his assault on free enterprise.”

He also made a 2024 prediction about DeSantis.

“Donald Trump is going to clean his clock,” he warned.

#Fox #Hannity #sedition #propaganda #DeathSantis