

Man Whose Job Never Involved the Use of Firearms Fired for not Knowing How to Use a Firearm.

A US Navy ship's captain was relieved of duty for not knowing how to use a rifle.

Those who fired this captain are the ones too stupid and ignorant to keep their jobs.

In my entire 6 years in the US Navy I never touched a firearm. Why would I? What do firearms have to do with standing watch in the engine room of a submarine?


#ignorance #unfairness #stupidity #pig-ignorance #idiocy #us-navy #government #foolishness #firearms #rifle



Many know that several UK Army units were training elements of officers in #weapons and #door to door search tactics. Army have confirmed the same faces on refugee boats..
nextontheagenda - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nextontheagenda/
mirror : https://twitter.com/Charlie7678/status/1710982623256842240

Guy claims he’s getting pallets of #firearms #delivered to #Refugee #Hotel in UK


Black 4-Year-Old Shot Dead after Mistaking White Woman for his Mother

This could be tomorrow's headline anywhere in the southern US, from Florida to Arizona.

Fear of young black people, even among black cops, is a raging epidemic in the United States. Almost every day we read about another atrocity. Right-wingers say mental illness, not the easy availability of firearms, is the problem. Well the racist paranoia of far too many white Americans is a mental health problem. So what, right-wingers, is your solution?

Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States
The New England Journal of Medicine


Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States

#shooting #shootings #guns #firearms #arms-control #gun-control #racism #usa


The number one cause of unnatural human death and suffering throughout history is government in one form or another.

Giving government the monopoly on force is simply giving a small, powerful group of people the ability to kill or tyrannize everybody else, and then hoping they won't do so.

#1776 #USA #2ndamendment #2a #usconstitution #secondamendment #monopolyonforce #selfpreservation #selfdefense #seventeenseventysix #government #tyranny #freedom #uk #liberty #liberté #godgivenrights #1a #naturalrights #humanrights #guns #firearms #defenserifle #assaultrifle #america #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstates #guncontrol #law #eu #jurisprudence #rightsofman #truth #justice #sovereignty #usconstitution


Coercive Control is a Pattern of Coercive Behaviors used to Gain or Maintain Power and Control of One Person over Another.

Coercive control is a strategic form of ongoing oppression and terrorism used to instill fear.

It is illegal in some countries.

"Coercive control creates invisible chains and a sense of fear that pervades all elements of a victim’s life. It works to limit their human rights by depriving them of their liberty and reducing their ability for action. Experts like Evan Stark liken coercive control to being taken hostage. As he says: “the victim becomes captive in an unreal world created by the abuser, entrapped in a world of confusion, contradiction and fear.”

#DomesticAbuse #GovernmentAbuse #Activism #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Equality #Diversity #Pluralism #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Organize #Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration #Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #CulturalPluralism #CulturalDiversity #HealthyCulture #Theory #Philosophy #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #Scientism #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #Economics #EconomicJustice #Law #Journalism #News #History #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #USA #Canada #America #Europe #Asia #Africa #Environment #Environmentalism #EnvironmentalJustice #EcoActivism #EcologyActivism #Nature #Climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateActivism #ClimateActivist #ClimateChange #Carbon #AirQuality #WaterProtectors #Water #Pollution #Sustainability #Gender #LGBT #LGBTQ #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #Violence #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Hate #Racism #WhiteSupremacist #WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #Misogyny #Chauvinism #Chauvinist #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #AntiSemitism #TransPhobia #HomoPhobia #QueerPhobia #XenoPhobia #Nationalism #Nationalists #MonoCulture #Discrimination #StopDiscrimination #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #NoNazis #KnowThyEnemy #Privacy #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #KnowThySelf #Health #HealthCare #HealthInsurance #Food #Nutrition #Diet #FoodJustice #FoodSecurity #FoodSupply #FoodShortage #FoodShortages #Famine #SupplyChain #Agriculture #AvianFlu #H1N5 #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology #Power #Control #Sustainability #COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Pandémie #Pandemie #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccins #InformedConsent #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #Pfizer #BionTech #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #PasseVaccinal #VaxPass #Mandates #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #LongCOVID #PostCOVID #PostCOVIDSyndrome #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #SelfCare #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #Police #PoliceBrutality #PoliceReform #Cops #CopWatch #ExcessiveForce #DefundThePolice #DefundTheMilitary #LawEnforcement #LEO #BLM #PublicSafety #ReImaginePublicSafety #Guns #GunControl #GunSafety #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #AssaultRifle #MassShootings #Crime #Firearms #Homeless #Homelessness #Houseless #Housing #HousingJustice #InformationJustice #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #Luddite #Union #Science #BioTech #Tech #IT #CBDC #DigitalCurrency #Currency #Democrat #Republican #Progressive #WEF #Anonymity #Cybercrime #Encryption #Eugenics #Genocide #BioTerror #Resistance #Transportation #PublicTransportation #Bus #Buses


Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States | NEJM

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released updated official mortality data that showed 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2020 — a new peak.1 Although previous analyses have shown increases in firearm-related mortality in recent years (2015 to 2019), as compared with the relatively stable rates from earlier years (1999 to 2014),2,3 these new data show a sharp 13.5% increase in the crude rate of firearm-related death from 2019 to 2020.1 This change was driven largely by firearm homicides, which saw a 33.4% increase in the crude rate from 2019 to 2020, whereas the crude rate of firearm suicides increased by 1.1%.1 Given that firearm homicides disproportionately affect younger people in the United States,3 these data call for an update to the findings of Cunningham et al. regarding the leading causes of death among U.S. children and adolescents.4

#children #firearms #guns
