

The guardians of morality sometimes give voice, but it's a pity it's rare and late.

Archbishop Viganò Denounces Globalist Elite’s ‘Coup d’état’ at National Congress: A Call for Resistance Against New World Order

We are now facing an epochal threat, in the form of a coup d’état perpetrated by the globalist elite. This coup d’état has only recently appeared in full evidence, but the rambling statements of the participants in the Davos Forum that has just ended are the result of a subversive project carried out for decades. A project that is based on lies, blackmail, and corruption.

Lies. All the reasons given by the globalist network to legitimize their action are false, or rather: they are false pretexts that deliberately hide other unmentionable reasons.


#western #us #eu #globalists #corruption #lie #lies for #power of #capitalism #imperialism #deepstate #anti-humanity


The President and the Press ~ The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists’ “Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy” and Their Censorship Regime


The US is at a crossroads with its waning #political and #economic #power in this new #geopolitical landscape. #JulianAssange and #EdwardSnowden were targeted by Washington for exposing Western foreign and domestic crimes, they themselves were #censored and charged for various crimes. The #Pulitzer-prize-winning-journalist, #SeymourHersh is also being censored for his reporting on the #US-Norway terrorist attack on #Russia’s #Nord-Stream-gas-pipelines

#president #jfk #johnfkennedy #speech #the-president-and-the-press #27april1961 #press #globalists #monolithic-and-ruthless-conspiracy #censorship #us #cia #secrecy #journalism #truth #freepress #freespeech #freeassange #address-to-the-american-newspaper-publishers-association


...from the globalist perspective, J6 was worse than 9/11 as 9/11 was instrumental in ushering in the Constitution-violating surveillance state required to undermine American sovereignty in pursuit of political globalism.

J6 was an ostensibly non-violent expression of profound dissatisfaction with the Federal political establishment & J6 helped highlight how much Americans have been disenfranchised by globalists who have usurped American organs of state.

#uspolitics #globalism #january6th #j6 #j6footage #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlson #nineeleven #911 #dc #washingtondc #federalgovernment #government #disenfranchisement #usurpation #globalists #globalagenda #elites #elitism #youtube #markdice



The #globalists have realised their #plan to bring the entire #planet under one #government right away is too #ambitious, so they have now fallen back to their secondary position of #global #regionalisation.

Ostensibly, the idea is to create #supranational regional #governance structures in #Asia, the #Americas, #Europe, the Middle-East, #Oceania and #Africa.

Each region will move progressively towards #regional #regulatory #alignment of the #nations within it, culminating in regional, supranational #governments.

After this is achieved, these regional governments will then be gradually brought into alignment under a global #supraregional government.

#middleeast #USA #uk #america #eu #globalism #globalagenda #theelite #globalelites #newworldorder #elites #nwo #un


Free #Documentary CRY FOR FREEDOM reveals the publicaly promoted agenda of globalist organizations to create a new species of "humanoids" or "cyborgs": humans that will be genetically engineered and technologically enhanced, to greatly increase their physical and mental abilities.
https://stopworldcontrol.com/cry-freedom/ #wef #documentary #globalists #sorenson #freedom #surveilance #technocracy
