

paste from a comment responding to a hypothetical question asking what if would happen LGBTQ+ took over everything...

taking over everything, is the principle article, a totalitarian fundamentalist ubiquity paradigm, in this flavour, "LGBTQ+", the separation (is the path to destruction)[inset quote krishnamurti's quote about calling yourself something and separation] divisiveness (to conquer by) i play through in my mind as having the effect of increasing bisexuality in the gene pool, after the hetrosexuals have been democided, and the L & G would have higher hurdles to reproduction, and the T are a diverse group of whome some are even more hampered, others, may be crypto-hetrosexuals maintaining the species naturally, just under a different cultural shrowd, and {is this still the same sentence? oh my grammar, ...} the Q, i understand about as much as the +, but i speculate a mix of capacities to reproduce. the hormonal balances, chromosomal standardised interfaceability would get further out of homeostatic regulatory snugness in our evolution, demanding a far higher population to have chances of making reproductively compatible connections, ever diminishingly, at the same time as population reducing from reduced reproductively compatible connection succeeding to reproduce... needs more, causes less, is an exctinction trajectory. these are the natural pressures that would be at play, so, technology would need advance a pace with this rapid extinction trajectory... presumably all kinds of cloning. presuming the species manages to find a way to survive, and the paradigm of taken over everything persists, the deeper paradigm of divisiveness and elimination of the other for being inferior, or for being a persecutor, would likewise persist, despite the professing, in orwellian inversion of meaning, of being about inclusion, the democides would proceed to trim, and simultaneously, the redivisions paradigm would continue to expand "+", eating itself from both ends, dividing and conquering, disempowering, in the name of empowerment, and so, if that paradigm persists, it would even accelerate the self destruction, so much that perhaps the reproductive problems would not even get a chance to take effect before the self destructiveness destroys the species from the infighting witchhunt of the one true sexual orientation to exclude, after the first, the main thriving arrangement, hetrosexuality, got eliminated, in the name of inclusivity, then the paradigm that took over everything, proceeds to eat itself... a sussceptability that if we succumb to, destroys us all, not just in this flavour, making us a "type zero civilisation", extincted, because we failed to not opposame, because we failed see the danger of anything taking over everything, the danger of any flavour of that, the danger of taking over everything.

so maybe we should not do that.

can i have a hormonally healthy environment please? no more dripping us in this transformatively strong hormone-disrupting corporate environmental soup imposing that on everything, oh look, taking over everything, so, not just a hypothetical already... enjoy the forever chemicals, and the codex alimentarius necessitated glyphosate blackmailed dose or die scam that risks total ecocidal collapse, to get a quick buck because (and i quote, from an insider, their own reasoning...) "homosexuals have more expendable income". enjoy the chemtrails, enjoy the chemical slop replacing the food supply. enjoy the (carcinogenic mutagenic) estrogenic plastics instead of natural safe wrapping. enjoy the lies that tell you to identify with an idea of your gender or sexuality so that you cannot think critically about it without the attack on your ignorance feeling like an attack on your very survival so you limbically reflexively attack anyone who offers ideas for your mind to entertain in an educated way, neither accepting necessarily nor rejecting necessarily, not reflexively, because, you understand that the ignorance that dies is not you, and the truth, the terrain, survives sound epistemological investigation and exploration, unblemished, but the maps we gett attached to rustle and make a lot of noise. enjoy the lies of maps we were tricked to believe the terrain, in our own voice tricked to believe it our idea and that we were tricked to believe "our"(/"my") idea my own. especially without introspecting on that possiblity. because of course since it's not true, it doesnt need introspected on at all to see if it's true. that's sound reasoning, right? ;)

but seriously, that quote's good... worth it, worth breaking my flow with mention of it, worth the wait past my rambles n rants... here, listen to the wisdom in this...

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

#digitsrants #separation #identity #inclusion #hypocrisy #paradigm #introspection #opposame #nonviolence #enlaketch #transcend #iseewhatyoudidthere


oh to clear up all the BPA, soy, and the countless other hormone disruptors, especially the forever chemicals, to leave people be as they are, and no more of the attempting to recondition people to rethink who they are, and no more of the aggro. attacking a victim's two wrongs. loving the wound rather than the wounded compounds the harm. love everyone, accept where they are, inflame no egos.

#trans #gender #identity
#bpa #soy #hormonedisruptors #separation #violence #victimblaming #twowrongs #twowrongsdontmakearight #lovethewounded #ego
#cleantheworld #depolutetheworld #foreverchemicals

comment inspired by https://iviv.hu/posts/0e5896e0a0d4013bca9e723c915ba918 / https://dnext.societas.online/posts/0e5896e0a0d4013bca9e723c915ba918


Fear is the primary force upholding structures of domination. It promotes the desire for separation, the desire not to be known. When we are taught that safety lies always with sameness, then difference, of any kind, will appear as a threat. When we choose to love we choose to move against fear—against alienation and separation. The choice to love is a choice to connect—to find ourselves in the other.

— bell hooks

#quote #fear #separation #domination #anxiety #love #loving-kindness #empathy #bellhooks


Restoring the Family Ties Broken by Residential School


… the destruction of Indigenous people’s knowledge of their own family relations didn’t start with the residential school system. Family relationships were emphasized in Oral Tradition at the beginning of every potlatch, an important ceremony for many B.C. First Nations. Potlatches were banned by the Canadian government between 1885 and 1951 as part of a colonial effort to destroy Indigenous culture.

#life #family #relations #residential #schooling #residential-school #residentialschool #potlatch #separation #assimilation #Indigenous #culture #thetyee



How can we, #together as one #human #family, mend our severed ties to the #Earth? How can we reshape #society in a way that #balances #collectivism and #individualism? How can we, as #individuals, reclaim our #joy and #spirit in what often feels like a #broken #world?
#Separation breeds #violence. #Interconnectedness encourages #compassion.

#ChiefSeattle of the #Suquamish and #Duwamish #tribes reminds us: “We know the sap which courses through the #trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed #flowers are our #sisters. The #bear, the #deer, the great #eagle, these are our #brothers. The rocky crests, the #dew in the meadow, the body heat of the #pony, and #man, all belong to the same family.”



When you are confident, secure and sovereign in your truth, your knowingness, you will not be threatened or insecure by anyone else’s truth. This means your truth is stemming from you not from the outer world.

Turning your back on someone, canceling someone, bullying, name calling, belittling are all behaviors stemming from trauma, programming and deep insecurity.

It’s a response from someone that is threatened by another’s truth.

When you are solid, sovereign, aligned and at peace with your truth, I promise you, the above behaviors will never resonate with you. You just won’t do them.

Confidence in who you are and what you believe breeds compassion and empathy for any other truth outside of yours.

You don’t have to accept it, obviously, but you can be the sovereign human you incarnated as and allow free will and diversity to exist amongst you.

Pay attention to divisive behavior disguised as honor. Anything that pulls humanity apart creating segregation is part of the problem not the solution.

We are here to rise above division. Cancel culture is division in the most deceptive way.

We aren’t here to cancel anyone. We are here to allow our hearts to remind us that this game we are playing is designed to be beat. We will see through the illusion of separation and eventually remember we have alway been unified.

Do not forget, this is the evolution in our human consciousness. This is not physical but energetic. Playing in the illusion of separation and divide is only perpetuating the collective shadow.

Stay in your heart ❤️

#lorieladd #cancel-culture #human #separation #unity #compassion #empathy #quote


There's a meme floating around engaged in shame tactics on one mode of threat-response advice

It's a bad meme, and precisely as, if not more, manipulative and ill-advised as that which it argues against. It concerns a recent high-profile death, probably a murder, though the specifics really don't matter.

One of the best tactics when faced with a specific threat is to put distance beween it and you.

When you’re experiencing an active threat is NOT the time to be attempting to change the threat landscape. Ignoring the advice to seek safety is an excellent way to get hurt or dead.

(Both approaches have merits. Demonising one over the other does nobody any good. Knowing the proper place for each is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.)

Personal relationships are complex. The narratives we all want to believe and/or are familiar with … sometimes bear out, and sometimes don’t. I make a point of suspending judgement until those with better information and greater access to events speak. My history here should bear that out.

Being lead by emotional appeals no matter how well-justified still leaves you vulnerable to manipulation, and may well be denying someone justice.

Toxic relationships are widespread. They are often hard to recognise, from both within and without, the roles we may be prepared to believe could well be reversed, and complex codependencies are also common. You would do well to look around you, here and now, and consider who it is that you know who might well be in the midst of one right now.

What I would very much like to see in relationship disputes is an approach that looks at mutual separation without prejudice to either party. This should be in the interests of the safety not only of the parties directly involved but others around them. Greater support for independence and exits from toxic situations would also help immensely. Far too often all involved are blamed for their various victimhoods and circumstances rather than given the (often very slight, but hugely impactful) help that would make a tremendous difference.

(Failure to comply with such terms, or a continuation of hostilities by either or both parties could lead to stronger isolation and more punative responses.)

Most jurisdictions are, sadly, a very long way from such practices. Even landmark and primary legislation concerning such circumstances is often explicit in assigning perpetrator and victim roles with no consideration of facts. This should be a national cause for shame.

We know that in this instance at least one person is dead, and another hasn’t been talking (in part perhaps given the presumption of guilt that’s been imposed on him). There are both cases where early presumptions have been born out (Laci Peterson) and others where they have not (Chandra Levy, the Central Park Five).

Truth and justice out slowly. Give them time.

That mutual, nonprejudicial separation and support I mentioned above would have spared at least one life here. Quite possibly more.

I’ll note as well that this meme does precisely what it chastises others for: explicitly and specifically exploits an event to sell its narrative. I’m pretty sure its author(s) think they’re justified. They should harbour the suspicion that they are in fact mistaken.

#relationship #abuse #risk #separation #prejudice #vawa #safety #HelpYourNeighbours


[this piece struck me strong throughout, no guarantees of great revelations for you, maybe you already know]



jaw dropping stuff, long before any mention of the topic in the title.

the spine stuff :O

the anxiety stuff :O

startlingly elucidating insights.
perspective shifting stuff. :)

the #autonomicnervoussystem became #disregulated
so it turns out
#anxiety #bipolar #depression #schizophrenia
are all #inflamatoryprocesses.

it's inflamatory.
it is #notpsychelogical.

jaw dropped yet? :)

#fascinating #perspective to entertain.

ther's far more in there than just that. well worth a watch. well worth paying attention to.


20,000,000 information bits in the subconscious, 40 information bits in the conscious.

:O why "mind over matter" and "willpower" struggles.

ps, [i add] the wim hof method, and cannabinoids, and natural sourced vitamins, and joyous laughter and relaxation, seem wise to deploy every day. :)

pps, that was also kinda astonishing (but should be already fully known and aknowledged), how, physicians/doctors/surgeons/etc dont get educated about diet in medical school.
... and we've been flipping out that they dont get educated about the endo-cannabinoid system (the main regulatory system of all the body's regulatory systems, with more receptors than any other system)!? they've far deeper problems yet. corporate capture, inducting "profitable" lies and lies of ommission.

#mercola #drdavidhanscom #spine #inflammation #anxiety #panic #panicattacks #stress #cytokines #susceptability #immunology #polyvagultheory #vagusnerve #cellbiology #pain #biochemsitry #time #chemicalcommunicators #enzymes #sympathetic #parasympathetic #gliolcells #threat #safety #chemical #viruses #bacteria #cancer #bully #difficultboss #thoughts #emotions #physical #neurodegenerative #neurodegenerativedisease #cardiacdisease #adultonsetdiabetes #obesity #parkinsons #altzheimers #inflammatorydissorder #fearless #chronicpain #glucose #carbohydrateexcess #diet #ocytocin #heartrate #restingheartrate #metabolism #humansocialise #coregulation #facialexpression #autonomicnervoussystem #cytokinestorm #stressmanagement #stressmanagementmisnomer #environment #environmentalstimulation #setting #physiological #calmdown #symptoms #remarkablejourney #mindfullness #bodyeffect #goodforyou #relaxation #inflamatorycytokines #responses #importantpieceofthepuzzle #stresschemicals #viralload #accademicperformance #expressivewriting #neuroplasticity #awareness #separation #meditation #sleep #forgiveness #anger #forgiveyourself #intermittantfasting #supplements #inflammatorymarkers #bmi #weight #metabolicflexibility #pinchednerves #humming #directedneuroplasticity #deepbreathing #directstimulationofthevagusnerve #mantras #feedback #psychelogical #slowbreathing #ketones #allcausemortality #vitamind #vitaminddeficiency #magnesium #zinc #disease #illness #wellness #notillness #lifestyle #lifestyles #autoimmunity #thrive #body #survive #train #heartdisease #suicide #pandemic #toxic #technocracy #toxiceconomy #fear #engineeredfear #lockdowns #masquerade #resources #brainwash #motive #worthyvampire #kleptarchy #revolution #wethepeople #play #gimmieback #spiritualjourney #oneconsciousnessexperiencingitselfsubjectively #resiliance #stubmytoe #normalresponse #psychologytoday #anxiety #anothernameforpain #unconsciouspowerfulcircuits #discover #nottrained #nutritionalinformation #outofpain #anxietydropstothefloor #reallythriveatalevelyneverknownexisted #remarkabletransition #healer #knowledgeablehealer #higherlevel #pronoia #deeplyappreciative #welcomechallenge #challenge #profound #profoundlybeneficial #massgrattitude #extremelyhonoured #painfree #wtfaredrsdoingthen #helping #helpingsomanypeople #example #thinkhard #why #conventional #failing #honest #objective #ntt #numbertotreat #preventive #preventative #profilactic #publicengagement #healthforward #technology #data #behaviour #ai #brainwashed #abusedtech #narrative #hypnosis #saturation #grateful #oportunity #issuereporting #welcome #psychology #psychologicalbenefit #directphysiologicalbenefits #positivity #mendwards #optimisinghealth #optimizinghealth #health #somaticwork #veryeffective #keepupthegoodwork #thegoodwork #goodwork #good #work #endeavor #play #playmore #hummore #sorryforsomanyhashtagsijustgottooenthusedbythiscontent #download #beforecensored #lol

might be worth a look... idk. make your own mind up. in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill.


My absence

#Absence #Moving #Separation #Yuma #AZ #MyArt #MyWork #Fractal #JWildfire #DigitalArt #RenderedArt

Just in case anyone was wondering . . . . I've been absent from social media because I am both in the process of getting separated and preparing to move to Yuma, AZ. Between dealing with official separation paperwork and organizing and packing my stuff, I've been quite busy. I'll probably continue to be a bit busy even when I first get to Yuma. However, I do plan to come back in the event that anyone misses me. It will probably be early August though. We'll see. In the meantime, stay safe and be well everyone!

By the way, the image is called Approaching Fireball. It was created in April 2014. Feel free to use it as wallpaper