

I don't understand the Ukrainian language but I sure have learned what BAVOVNA means.

Ukraine War Bulletins and News - 2024-09-07 02:36:34 GMT

⚠️🇷🇺Loud explosions near Voronezh in russua - a warehouse with ammunition is detonating after the arrival of an unmanned aerial vehicle
• On the night of September 7, loud explosions were heard in the Voronezh region of Russia, probably from the (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow


A True Shock? Economist Jeffrey Sachs Reveals Secret at Heart of U.S.-Russian Relations

Image/photobrainwavelost@nerdpol.ch wrote the following post Thu, 05 Sep 2024 12:19:12 +0300

It seems that the interest in #peace is secondary. Greed for power and resources is more important. Therefore, there will be #war as long as the warmongers face no real resistance and are strong enough to stir up trouble.

Leading US diplomats, led by the great stateman-scholar George Kennan, warned at the time that the NATO enlargement would lead to disaster: “The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding #NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.” So, it has proved.

Here is not the place to revisit all of the foreign policy disasters that have resulted from US arrogance towards #Russia, but it suffices here to mention a brief and partial chronology of key events. In 1999, NATO bombed #Belgrade for 78 days with the goal of breaking #Serbia apart and giving rise to an independent #Kosovo, now home to a major NATO base in the #Balkans. In 2002, the US unilaterally withdrew from the #Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty over Russia’s strenuous objections. In 2003, the US and NATO allies repudiated the UN Security Council by going to war in #Iraq on false pretenses. In 2004, the US continued with NATO enlargement, this time to the Baltic States and countries in the Black Sea region (Bulgaria and Romania) and the Balkans. In 2008, over Russia’s urgent and strenuous objections, the US pledged to expand NATO to #Georgia and #Ukraine.


#history #NATO #USA #US #europe #coldwar #Western #deepstate #warmongers #IMF #neocons #expansion #war against #soviet #economy #USSR #russian #Russia


It seems that the interest in #peace is secondary. Greed for power and resources is more important. Therefore, there will be #war as long as the warmongers face no real resistance and are strong enough to stir up trouble.

Leading US diplomats, led by the great stateman-scholar George Kennan, warned at the time that the NATO enlargement would lead to disaster: “The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding #NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.” So, it has proved.

Here is not the place to revisit all of the foreign policy disasters that have resulted from US arrogance towards #Russia, but it suffices here to mention a brief and partial chronology of key events. In 1999, NATO bombed #Belgrade for 78 days with the goal of breaking #Serbia apart and giving rise to an independent #Kosovo, now home to a major NATO base in the #Balkans. In 2002, the US unilaterally withdrew from the #Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty over Russia’s strenuous objections. In 2003, the US and NATO allies repudiated the UN Security Council by going to war in #Iraq on false pretenses. In 2004, the US continued with NATO enlargement, this time to the Baltic States and countries in the Black Sea region (Bulgaria and Romania) and the Balkans. In 2008, over Russia’s urgent and strenuous objections, the US pledged to expand NATO to #Georgia and #Ukraine.



According to the Polish Foreign Minister, Poland and its allied neighbours are obliged to intercept Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace before they enter #NATO airspace, even if there is a fear of escalation of the situation.

According to him, intercepting missiles on Ukrainian territory is a "legitimate act of self-defence" to protect the civilian population from harm.

#Poland #Russia #Ukraine


Regarding #Kursk, there has actually been an attack on #Russia; Russian people have been killed, and slaughtered whereby civilians have been taken from their homes in trucks and executed. There is even footage of #Ukrainian soldiers with #SS helmets and with the detachment of Adolf #Hitler’s Leibstandarte Regiment on their sleeves, harassing an old man, who was later killed.

The West is trying to push Russia to the limit, knowing that the Second World War is an extremely sensitive subject for Russian society where every family is related to a victim, a fallen soldier, a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, or aunt who was killed during the Great Patriotic War against #Nazi Germany, in which more than 26 million people died. The recent action in the Kursk region, where most Russians perceive that the U.S. and its #NATO accomplices are involved, is a brazen provocation. Indeed, more than a provocation, it has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

from here


02.09.2024 "Nein zu Krieg und Hochrüstung!"

Antikriegsmarkt vor dem Roten Rathaus

"Nein zu Krieg und Hochrüstung!" - unter diesem Motto fand gestern die zentrale Veranstaltung der Berliner Friedensbewegung statt.

Mit einem bunten Antikriegsmarkt haben gestern mehr als 40 Initiativen und Gewerkschaften am Neptunbrunnen gegen die Kriege und für eine andere Politik demonstriert. Mit einem 4-stündigen Programm aus Diskussionen, Reden und Musik wurden auch die vielen Berlin-Touristen angelockt und hörten aufmerksam zu.

Auch wir, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. waren mit Informationen zu unseren Themen dabei und konnten viele interessante Diskussionen führen. Mit unseren Flyern zu den völkerrechtswidrigen Tötungen durch US-Drohnen in Afghanistan, Pakistan und dem Jemen konnten wir aufzeigen, dass automatische und KI-gestützte Waffensysteme geächtet gehören.

Nachdem die USA diese Büchse der Pandora geöffnet haben, mussten wir die schrecklichen Folgen in den Kriegen von Aserbaidschan-Armenien, Ukraine-Russland und Gaza-Israel erleben.

Wir möchten an dieser Stelle noch einmal auf die Kampagne "Frieden verhandeln" mit der dazugehörigen Flugzeugbanner-Aktion hinweisen.

Sie startete am Samstag, 31. August, in Köln/Bonn/Aachen. An jetzt fünf Terminen wird das Flugzeugbanner mit der Forderung nach einem Ende des Ukraine-Kriegs über deutschen Großstädten bis zum UN-Friedenstag am 21. September fliegen.

  1. August ► Bonn/Köln/Aachen (5 Stunden)
  2. September ► Göttingen/Kassel/Erfurt (6 Stunden)
  3. September ► Stuttgart (3 Stunden)
  4. September ► Hannover (3 Stunden)
  5. September ► Leipzig (3 Stunden)
  6. September (UN-Weltfriedenstag) ► Berlin (3 Stunden)

Demnächst werden wir an dieser Stelle die Reden verlinken sobald sie verfügbar sind und auch weitere Bilder zeigen.

Mehr dazu bei https://frikoberlin.de
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Cy
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8891-20240902-nein-zu-krieg-und-hochruestung.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8891-20240902-nein-zu-krieg-und-hochruestung.html
Tags: #Antikriegsmarkt #Friedensdemo #NATO #Bündnis #Ukraine #Russland #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Alles klar?
Welt: UKRAINE-KRIEG: Russen preschen weiter an der #Ostfront vor! Ukraine droht Einkesselung im Donbass
Scott Ritter: #Ukraine on the Brink of Total Collapse as #NATO Crumbles Before Our Eyes!
WELT Netzreporter: UKRAINE-KRIEG: Schock für #Putin! Massiver ukrainischer Drohnenangriff trifft Moskau!
HistoryLegends: The Ukrainian #Front in Donbas is Collapsing...
Russen erleiden Verluste in #Kursk | BILD-Lagezentrum
Larry C. Johnson: The #US is Failing on Two Fronts?
Bereitet die Ukraine eine Invasion #Weißrusslands vor? ‪@VisualPolitikDE‬
Harvest Time🔥Heavy Clashes Near Vuhledar⚔️#Kharkiv And #Belgorod Under Fire💥Military Summary 2024.09.1


​Ukrainian F-16s Get Latest EW Capabilities from the USA to Withstand russia’s Air Defenses

US Air Force has officially announced that the #Ukrainian F-16 #FighterJets have got reprogramming of their EW subsystems. These updates were made specifically to make EW subsystems of Ukrainian F-16 to be effective against evolving russian threats in the spectrum.

Aore important is that the official message clearly states, that "this case will provide combat-tested data to improve capabilities". It means, that the US Air Force will receive information from Ukrainian colleagues regarding the use of these #ElectronicWarfare devices in real combat. This will make it possible to make further updates to the operation of the systems, not only for Ukraine, but also for the United States as well as other #NATO members.


#StopRussianAggression #AirForce


National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine

The NED played a pivotal role in helping to trigger the conflict with Russia by supporting two color revolutions directed against Ukraine’s pro-Russian (not really - note mine) leader Viktor #Yanukovych — a potential successor to Vlodymyr #Zelensky if Russia wins.

The 2004 color revolution replaced Yanukovych with Viktor Yushchenko, who favored admitting Ukraine to NATO and adopted an International Monetary Fund (IMF) structural adjustment program that benefitted U.S. investors while cutting social programs.

NED activists employed a broad public relations strategy that included: a) busing paid out-of-town protesters into Kyiv; b) creating an online TV protest station and agitation paraphernalia; and c) providing offshore training to the anti-Yanukovych student leadership. The strategy was based on the writings of Gene Sharp and a template that the NED had successfully employed in Serbia with a youth group called “Otpor,” which helped secure the defeat of socialist Slobodan Milosovic in September 2000 elections.


As a sign of the NED’s influence, Ukrainian President Petro #Poroshenko (2014-2020)—a main beneficiary of the #Maidan coup currently awaiting trial on treason charges—bestowed the Order of Princess Olga, one of Ukraine’s highest honors, on Dr. Nadia Diuk,[42] a former vice president and senior adviser to the NED for Europe and Eurasia.


#USA #US #american #democracy #CIA #IMF #NATO #deepstate #intelligence #NED #propaganda #fraud #psyops #ukraine #war against #Russia #russian #ukraine #ukrainian #history


Verteidigungsexperte kritisiert deutsche Langsamkeit

Verteidigungsexperte - Kleine-Brockhoff: Bundeswehr muss "abschreckungsfähig" werden

Man laufe auf eine Budget-Klippe 2028 zu, wenn das Sondervermögen aufgebraucht sei. Fragen nach der Bedrohungslage kämen zu kurz, sagt Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff.#USA #NATO #Waffen #Aufrüsten #Deutschland #Verteidigungspolitik #Militär #Europa #Sicherheitspolitik #BUNDESWEHR
Verteidigungsexperte kritisiert deutsche Langsamkeit
