

100 Milliarden für die #Bundeswehr: #Merz von der #Union will mitbestimmen was mit dem Geld passiert

Jetzt dachte ich erst die Union ist selbst für Oppositionspolitik zu blöde, weil das müsste doch voll in deren Interesse sein wenn die Bundeswehr aufgerüstet wird. Doch dann viel es mir wie Schuppen aus den Haaren, der Merz will den #Friedensnobelpreis indem er mit seinen blöden Einwänden verhindert, dass die Bundeswehr überhaupt Geld bekommt! Zum Hintergrund die #Schulden für die Bundeswehr sollen als #Sondervermögen ins #Grundgesetz geschrieben werden und das geht nur mit 2/3-Mehrheit. Die Stimmen der Union sind also notwendig dafür.

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#CDU #Politik #Rüstung #Finanzen #Budget #Geld #Waffen #Deutschland #Bundestag #Opposition


Scholz sagt Ukraine Solidarität und Hilfe zu | DW | 23.03.2022

Zugleich zog Kanzler Olaf Scholz erneut eine scharfe Grenze zu einer Verwicklung der NATO in den Krieg in der Ukraine. Unionsfraktionschef Friedrich Merz stellte Forderungen für die Zustimmung zur Bundeswehr-Aufrüstung.#Deutschland #Berlin #Bundestag #Generaldebatte #Bundeskanzler #OlafScholz #Opposition #FriedrichMerz #Ukraine #Bundeswehr
Scholz sagt Ukraine Solidarität und Hilfe zu | DW | 23.03.2022


Russie : l'opposant Alexeï Navalny condamné pour escroquerie et outrage à magistrat

Nouvelle illustration de la répression croissante en Russie. Alexeï Navalny, principal opposant à Vladimir Poutine, a été déclaré coupable "d'escroquerie" et "d'outrage à magistrat" mardi 22 mars par une juge russe. De quoi ouvrir la voie à une nouvelle lourde peine de prison contre le militant et avocat, jugé depuis mi-février derrière les murs de sa colonie pénitentiaire, à 100 km à l'est de Moscou, dans un tribunal improvisé.

Les enquêteurs accusent le militant d'avoir détourné des millions de roubles de dons versés à ses organisations de lutte contre la corruption et d'"outrage au tribunal" au cours d'une de ses précédentes audiences. Lui dénonce des accusations fictives et commandées par le Kremlin pour le maintenir en prison le plus longtemps possible.

Le parquet avait requis la semaine passée que la peine de deux ans et demi de détention que l'opposant purge depuis un peu plus d'un an soit portée à 13 années d'emprisonnement.

#fr #russie #opposition #repression #navalny #poutine


Manifestants arrêtés et torturés, justice muselée... En Russie, la deuxième guerre de Vladimir Poutine

C'est là un peu l'autre guerre de Vladimir Poutine : celle qu'a déclaré le président russe à son peuple, du moins à ceux qui s'opposent à l'intervention en Ukraine. Les arrestations sont violentes et la police n'a aucune retenue, comme on peut l'entendre dans un document recueilli par une ONG qui défend les droits de l'Homme. On peut y entendre un policier expliquer à une manifestante qu'il sait que Poutine est derrière lui. ll l'accuse ensuite d'être une ennemie de la Russie.


#fr #ukraine #russie #guerre #opposition #presse


Excellent article on legal status of conscientious objection in Israel

Here is a short quote:

In 2002, the #Israeli High Court of Justice clarified #ConscientiousObjector status. While #refusal to serve based on one’s #conscience is legal, it is very difficult to prove. What is not legal is “selective refusal,” which is based on #opposition to government policy regarding specific #military or #political actions (e.g., #occupation). Other disallowed categories include “absence from service without permission,” with a maximum #punishment of three years, and desertion, which carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison and a permanent criminal record. There is no statute of limitation. Being out of the country is not an acceptable excuse. Citizens can be arrested upon return.

The procedure for declaring #ConscientiousObjection status goes through military channels. It is handled as that of a #soldier refusing to obey orders. On the scheduled day of military induction, a person declares that s/he refuses to enter the military compound based on conscience. The person is sent immediately to the Military Conscience Committee. Usually, the panel is not convinced of the conscientious objector argument and the young person goes to military #prison for 10 to 15 days. Afterwards, they reappear in front of the committee. The process repeats itself and the young man or woman is returned to prison to work and think further about their decision. This process repeats over and over, with some spending months in prison. Finally, those who do not change their minds are commonly referred to the Medical Corps to be declared mentally unfit. Some agree to military service in noncombat positions. Those who prefer to quietly avoid this prison process entirely will find a doctor or psychiatrist who is willing to have them diagnosed as mentally or physically unfit previous to the induction process.

Draft Resisters

#HumanRights #antiwar #peace #pacifist #pacifism


The #messenger #Telegram is gaining popularity, but is Telegram an option for you?

The protesters in #HongKong or the Belarusian #opposition use it but also #QAnon or drug dealers.

You can find out whether the messenger is suitable for you by answering these #questions:

  1. Did you use a mobile number that is not traceable to you to sign up?
  2. Do you know how to avoid that other users can see your mobile number?
  3. Do you know how to prevent strangers from adding you to any groups?
  4. Did you use your real first and last name when registering and wrote your real address in the description to your profile?
  5. Do you know what are the outstanding unique features of Telegram?
  6. Why are these features not copied from #WhatsApp?
  7. Do you know how to start an encrypted #chat?
  8. Do you use the encrypted chat with all your friends?
  9. Do you know how to report suspicious activity and that probably nothing will happen?

10. Have you installed the messenger from #FDroid?

(The further questions are only for suspected terrorists or freedom fighters.)

  1. Do you know how the police can still trace your untraceable mobile number back to you even if you have switched it to hidden?
  2. Do you know that probably only the cannon fodder is activated here and really secure communication takes place elsewhere?
  3. Do you know how to get around a ban by your #government?
  4. Do you know how to program a bot to make congressmen afraid?
  5. Do you know how to set up a bridge to communicate with other more secure messengers from Telegram?

16. Have you uploaded your manifesto yet?

(Last questions are for @All.)

  1. How to start an encrypted chat with the desktop application?
  2. Great questions but where are the answers?

Please post your score in the comments. For each answered question you get one point.

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#communication #internet #freedom #censorship #surveillance #monitoring #police #cybercrime #crime #activism #hacktivism #knowledge #wisdom #community #politics #account #software #mobile #smartphone #encryption


New York’s Stylish Slide Into #Despotism - The Return of the Roaring #Twenties

Source: https://modernheretic.com/

The text is so fitting that this time I have to reproduce very long passages.

concern about the supposed risk posed by “the unvaccinated,” who apparently no longer merit consideration as human beings worthy of compassion; we’ve become in the minds of people like him just a filthy amalgam of contagion and stigma.

They are not, as they have styled themselves in their own delusional minds, the hip Cagney-esque mobster with a heart of gold making gin in the bathtub or the wild flapper dancing the charleston on the roof with a skirt short enough to scandalize the matronly landlady below; they are the scandalized landlady who will snitch to the #police the first chance she gets or the sanctimonious #politician who is building his profitable career on compelled temperance.

#Rebels and #Posers

Despite lusting after subversive non-conformity, these mere re-enactors are content to live in the shadows of their rebel icons, resigned to merely creating the palest imitation of the lives of truly adventurous people from the past instead of having the courage to live their own adventures today. With their obsession for safety, these people can only infuse their lives with the adventure they still crave by living vicariously through others more daring than themselves.

That is why when finally faced with the #opportunity to rage against the machine, these imposters got behind the machine and helped push it along instead. Lacking the moral courage to stand for their supposed convictions, they sublimate their own desire to be deviant into movies and make-believe. From the #punk enthusiast with a shaved head and ripped pants to the John Waters fan who identifies with the Drapes in Crybaby–many of these people who lust after subversive non-conformity and style themselves after countercultural icons are ironically, laughably, pathetically devoted to fitting in.

When it comes to the dichotomy of maestro versus tribal character types, they are #tribal people through and through. In essence, the tribal personality is the #conformist who is conventional, strives to fit in with others, and is great at tasks requiring unity and standardization. The maestro is the aloof non-conformist who is comfortably on their own wavelength, who is not afraid to think outside the box, and prefers to work independently. According to a popular career guidance book, the vast #majority of the population are tribal types, and maestros comprise a tiny minority.

It is easy to see this dichotomy illustrated in the #pandemic. We see it amply demonstrated in mask compliance, with tribal individuals basing the strictness of their mask-wearing, not on any supposed concern about germ prevention— but solely based on what others around them are doing. They are stringent about mask wearing when around others who also appear to be strict in their compliance. But when around others who defy the custom, they let their masks slip down to their chins or even take it off altogether because they know the risk of social ostracism is low. For most people, the mask serves as a social tool rather than a tool of supposed #hygiene.

Tribal people’s sense of values is relative and changes based on their social environments. All the societal evils that have taken place in the United States (and elsewhere) have occurred by the hands of an #establishment with the consent and complicity of masses of otherwise good, tribal-minded people who lacked the #independence and courage to be deviant. If it looks like the majority are going along with something, even something in retrospect that would clearly be deemed wrong or evil, the tribal person will go along with it as well by rationalizing their guilt and responsibility away. These rationalizations, collectively, become mass delusions that are later used to excuse the complicity in the wrong-doing. “We did not now any better,” or “it was a different time,” they will say. Hogwash. They knew exactly what they were doing, but they lacked the courage to stand apart from the crowd. For every mass atrocity that was committed, there was a strident minority that not only knew better but tried to hold the majority to task for its actions. These minorities were #historically and are currently dismissed, ignored, laughed at, socially ostracized, or even penalized.

Progressive #ideology teaches that we are better than previous generations, that we have learned our lessons from past mistakes, and that we will not repeat those mistakes. This is a load of crock, and the past two years have shown that humans are no more evolved now than they were at any previous period, that they are more willing than ever to persecute others for their differences and to subjugate people into #conformity. If nothing else, the pandemic revealed that most people today have no deep understanding of why various past persecutions were wrong, and if persecution today does not look exactly like a persecution of yesterday they cannot recognize it for what it is. Their understanding of persecution as a moral wrong is a reductionist list of rote memorization rather than an innate value borne of an underlying moral #philosophy.

These tribal-minded people, these supposed lovers of #rebellion and #subversion, are going to rationalize their culpability and cowardice away. They always do. They will say that they were operating on the best information they had at the time, that no one could have known, that even the experts were fooled, that they simply followed the leaders and experts.

We cannot let them get away with these lies.

Their complicity was not an innocent mistake as they will try to make us believe, but a willful effort to persecute the rebel #opposition.

Declared emergencies are the most expedient way for governments to seize power and the method by which many military dictatorships come into existence. A medical #dictatorship is a new twist on an old classic. Emergency powers enable politicians to do things they otherwise do not have the power to do and to severely trample on the rights of the citizenry

#history #society #today_like_yesterday


This is not a #Maidan, although many political analysts are trying to present it this way. Where did such amazing #self-organization come from? This is the experience and tradition of the workers. Strikes have been shaking the #Mangistau region since 2008, and the strike movement began back in the 2000s. Even without any input from the #Communist Party or other leftist groups, there were constant demands to nationalize the oil companies. The workers simply saw with their own eyes what privatization and foreign capitalist takeover was leading to. In the course of these earlier demonstrations, they gained enormous experience in struggle and #solidarity. The very life in the wilderness made people stick together. It was against this background that the working class and the rest of the population came together. The protests of the workers in #Zhanoazen and #Aktau then set the tone for other regions of the country. Yurts and tents, which protesters began to put up in the main squares of the cities, were not at all taken from the “Euromaidan” experience: they stood in the Mangastau Region during the local strikes last year. The population itself brought water and food for the protesters.
In Kazakhstan today there is no legal #opposition, the entire political field has been cleared. The Communist Party of #Kazakhstan was the last to be liquidated in 2015. Only 7 pro-governmental parties remained. But there are plenty of #NGOs working in the country, which actively cooperate with the authorities in promoting a pro-Western agenda. Their favorite topics: the famine of the 1930s, the rehabilitation of participants of the Basmachi movement and collaborators of World War II, and so on. NGOs also work on the development of nationalist movement, which in Kazakhstan is completely pro-government. Nationalists hold rallies against #China and #Russia which are sanctioned by the authorities.

https://lefteast.org/a-color-revolution-or-a-working-class-uprising-an-interview-with-aynur-kurmanov-on-the-protests-in-kazakhstan/ #uprising #left #work #strike #islamism #nationalism #takayev #belarus #armennia


Hongkonger lassen Wahl links liegen | DW | 19.12.2021

Es war die erste Parlamentswahl seit dem Aus für die Demokratiebewegung. Viele Bürger blieben der Abstimmung fern, weil Hongkongs Opposition keine Chancen hatte. Regierungschefin Lam sieht einen anderen Grund.

Es war die erste Parlamentswahl seit dem Aus für die Hongkonger Demokratiebewegung. Viele Bürger blieben der Abstimmung fern, weil die Opposition keine Chancen hatte. Regierungschefin Lam sieht einen anderen Grund.#Hongkong #Parlamentswahl #China #Demokratiebewegung #Opposition #Peking #CarrieLam
Hongkonger lassen Wahl links liegen | DW | 19.12.2021