

#Iran’s #rebellion spreads, despite lethal #repression

source: https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2022/09/26/irans-rebellion-spreads-despite-lethal-repression

In seeking to shore up the #regime, though, the men in power have also undermined it. If it survives this round of #protests, it has no redress for the grievances that caused it; more will follow. With no prospect of reform, Iranians have no choice but to take the streets and demand radical #change. With no hope for a better economy and a measure of integration into the #world, they feel they have nothing to lose.

#politics #Islam #Religion #HumanRights #Democracy #riot #protest #news #future #problem


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=divqlwQDKg8


22 Starved to Death in One Day in Xinjiang; Blinken Meets Chinese Counterpart in New York

China in Focus - NTD

⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉https://ept.ms/StarvedtoDeath_FULL

"At least 22 people died in a single day. With #QuarantineOrders still locking down #Xinjiang, locals blame the losses on lacking food and medical care.

Chinese and U.S. foreign ministers met in New York for their first face-to-face talks since President Joe Biden said the United States would defend Taiwan against an #Invasion.

Florida's governor is working to counter the Chinese #communist #regime, taking aim at foreign influence and espionage with a new order.

A treasury official is taking aim at Beijing—the world’s largest creditor. He says #China’s failure to act could impact low- and middle-income countries.

00:00 Intro
00:58 Report: 22 Starved to Death in One Day in Xinjiang
02:48 Blinken Meets Chinese Counterpart in New York
04:30 Gov. Desantis: ‘Stop China Influence’
06:33 Southeast Asia Outpacing Chinese Economic Growth
07:41 Treasury Official Aims at China’s Lending Practices
10:31 Hong Kong to End Mandatory Hotel Quarantine for Travelers "


#China streamers scrub #KeanuReeves titles over his #support for #Tibet

source: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2022-03-24/china-streamers-scrub-keanu-reeves-titles-over-his-support-for-tibet

In the wake of his show of support for Tibet earlier this month, the “John Wick” and “Matrix” star has fallen afoul of the country’s strict #censorship #regime, placing his future career in the world’s largest #film market in jeopardy.

If they were serious about their #moral values in the West, all Western films would have to be banned in China.

#ethics #freedom #humanrights #politics #Hollywood #capitalism #profit #entertainment #protest #news #movie #industry


Was Hong Kong once free? Well, I have never heard of a democratic #colony.

Under British rule, Hong Kong residents were second-class citizens and rebelled against the rulers on several occasions.

Now you may be able to quietly guess how bad the #regime in #Beijing really is when Hong Kong felt freer as a British colony. While voter participation is falling here, in Hong Kong people even get themselves beaten up in order to be allowed to vote. The Western hemisphere believes it has a duty to export freedom to countries such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but only those have a faint idea of what freedom really is who have hopelessly lost it. We should all be aware of how many people have to live in unfreedom so that we can even think about the eternal mantra of freedom.

Source for the image: https://www.deviantart.com/cellar-fcp/art/Umbrella-Revolution-514342256

#hongKongProtest #protest #hongkong #china #freedom #democracy #conflict #politics #solidarity #uk #colony #riot #revolution #umbrellaRevolution #police #violence #tyranny #humanRights #society


Handlanger für Autokraten

Ehemalige Spitzenpolitiker verdingen sich in Europa als Lobby autoritärer und korrupter #Regime. Demokratien brauchen daher starke Regeln, um das zu verhindern.

Siehe: https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2018-02/lobbyismus-demokratie-politiker-robert-mueller-gesetze/komplettansicht

Der Artikel ist schon älter aber was hat sich getan?

Die Union hat eine weitere Affäre produziert in dem Schmierenspiel: Aserbaidschan-Affäre

Siehe: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aserbaidschan-Aff%C3%A4re

Geändert hat sich deswegen nichts, da siech die Politiker diese lukrativen Töpfe anscheinend nicht verschließen wollen.

Würden so Demokraten handeln?

#Diktatur #Frechheit #Lobby #Lobbyismus #Korruption #Demokratie #Politik #CDU #CSU #SPD #Anstand #Menschenrechte #Freiheit #Justiz #Skandal


The #Taliban are megarich – here’s where they get the #money they use to wage #war in #Afghanistan

source: https://theconversation.com/the-taliban-are-megarich-heres-where-they-get-the-money-they-use-to-wage-war-in-afghanistan-147411

The Taliban militants of Afghanistan have grown richer and more powerful since their fundamentalist #Islamic #regime was toppled by U.S. forces in 2001.
In the fiscal year that ended in March 2020, the Taliban reportedly brought in US$1.6 billion, according to Mullah #Yaqoob, son of the late Taliban spiritual leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who revealed the Taliban’s income sources in a confidential report commissioned by #NATO

#finance #news #terror #politics #usa #military


Cuba ~ End the Embargo

‘If #JoeBiden or frankly any US politician #cared about the #Cuban #people, they’d push for an end to the US’s #crippling #economic sanctions on Cuba.’

‘All people have the right to #protest and to live in a #democratic #society. I call on the Cuban government to #respect opposition rights and refrain from violence. It’s also long past time to end the #unilateral #US #embargo on #Cuba, which has only #hurt, not #helped, the Cuban #people.’ …. #BernieSanders

‘It’s important to remember that before the #Cuban #Revolution, Cuba was a #colonial #piggy-bank for #American #capitalists to #exploit. The revolution stopped the United States from treating Cuba like its little plaything, which the United States has never been able to accept.’

‘The US continually punishes #Haiti & Cuba because these are nations that successfully #revolted against #white #supremacist #empires in generations past.’

‘The #whole #world has spoken against the US embargo against Cuba. In the #UN #GeneralAssembly, 184 countries voted to #condemn the #blockade. Only two, the US and #Israel, voted not to. Cuba loses $9.1 billion a year due to the blockade.’

‘Not only is the US blockading Cuba, they are claiming #veto #power over any other country which wishes to send Cuba #food and #medicine.’

‘The choice is clear. Which side are we on? The US, which continues to #violate #international #law by decades of crippling #sanctions even in the face of a #pandemic, or Cuba, which has created five different vaccines and sent thousands of #doctors to #heal #people around the world?’

‘Nobody is charged a dime in Cuba for their #treatment. But in the US, people are denied treatment unless they have tens of thousands of dollars to pay for medical bills. Again, which side are you on?’

‘In addition, Cuba has: – #Guaranteed #salaries; – #Nationalized #BigPharma; – #Distribution of #food, #electricity, and piped #water.’

‘The US is trying to create a #self-fulfilling #prophecy with Cuba. Cripple it with #decades of sanctions, then try to initiate an #astroturf #regime #change operation. This is typical M.O. for the #PoliceState.

'Never forget the explicitly stated goal of the US government’s murderous, #illegal, 60-year blockade on Cuba: to " #weaken the economic #life of Cuba," and " #decrease #monetary and #real #wages, to bring about #hunger, #desperation and #overthrow of #government."

#EndTheEmbargo #HandsOffCuba #VivaCuba! #VivaLaRevolucion! #VivaElPuebloCubano!
