

Americans' #Trust in #Media Remains at Trend Low

Trust in political and civic institutions highest for local and state #governments, lowest for media and #Congress

Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/651977/americans-trust-media-remains-trend-low.aspx

In an age of #fake news, #propaganda, #maga, #Twitter #bots and Russian #troll factories, we actually need trustworthy journalism. I must once again explicitly point out that the principle of "trust nobody" does not mean no longer believing official sources and only consuming unfiltered news from Russian-controlled #Telegram channels and basing your world view on them.

"Trust nobody but don't stop thinking - if you belive the earth is flat you are far beyond a border no one should pass!"

#news #Problem #society #government #journalism #Press #fail #usa #conspiracy #deepstate #future #politics #internet #fakenews #russia #trump #bot #trolls


Russian disinformation 'more sophisticated' in election lead-up

According to him, Russia is using artificial intelligence and funding companies in the U.S., including an unnamed Tennessee-based company, identified by the media as #far-right propaganda outlet #TenetMedia.

“It's not just about #Russian #bots, #trolls, and fake personas in social networks, although that's part of it too, but they've become much more sophisticated," Kirby said.

He claimed there is “no doubt” the Kremlin is using propaganda and disinformation to “sow discord” among the U.S. population. He urged citizens to take the threats seriously.


#HybridWar #RussianPropaganda #Election22024 #disinformation #misinformation


Marre des #fachos sur #Diaspora et des copains de fachos, genre #Souverainistes et autres #Trolls #troll soit-disant Ă  gauche !!
Je cherche un #RĂ©seauSocial avec une rĂ©elle #ModĂ©ration du #racisme ainsi que tout ce qui dĂ©diabolise le racisme. Par exemple, Ă  exclure les gens qui se font passer pour ĂȘtre de de #gauche, mais qui sont en fait de #droite (les fameux trolls Ă  gauche) et potes avec les fachos, vu leur dĂ©lire #Souverainiste.

#Mastodon ? #Friendica ?

Je ne veux pas juste une #instance qui dit vouloir lutter contre le #racisme, je veux une #instance qui BLOQUE les #Puants.
J'ai des pistes (des #instances), mais je ne veux pas me fixer à la légÚre, vos avis comptent.

J'avoue, une personne ici, en particulier (que je ne nomme pas), j'attends son avis... :)
(précision : une instance avec les inscriptions ouvertes, + dans le #Fediverse !)

A pluche. :)


. Rage farming or rage-baiting is internet slang that refers to a manipulative tactic to elicit outrage with the goal of increasing internet traffic, online engagement, revenue and support. The 2010s' neologism, clickbait, refers to sensationalist content on the internet that focused on attracting click-throughs at the expense of accuracy and quality.[3] Unlike clickbait, rage bait and rage farm almost always have a negative connotation. Rage baiting and rage farming manipulate users to respond in kind to offensive, inflammatory "headlines", memes, tropes, or comments. Rage-farming, which has been cited since at least January 2022, is an offshoot of rage-baiting where the outrage of the person being provoked is farmed or manipulated into an online engagement by rage-seeding that helps amplify the message of the original content creator


#Facebook #trolls


#ExtrĂȘmeDroite, #FakeNews, #Justice, #MĂ©diasDominants

đŸ“ș Le profil des trolls d’extrĂȘme droite enfin dĂ©voilĂ© đŸ“ș

Vous vous ĂȘtes souvent demandĂ© qui Ă©taient les #trolls #racistes, #sexistes, #fascistes qui pullulent sur #internet ? Qui prend plaisir Ă  appeler Ă  tuer les manifestants, les musulmans, les profs ? Qui est assez mauvais, stupide et haineux pour publier ce genre de commentaires ? Un procĂšs au tribunal de Paris a donnĂ© un bon dĂ©but de rĂ©ponse : des #retraitĂ©s intoxiquĂ©s par #CNews.

«Je vais tenter de parler bien fort» annonce le prĂ©sident du tribunal de Paris au dĂ©but du procĂšs, face aux personnes, la plupart ĂągĂ©es de plus de 70 ans, qui comparaissent. Un article de MĂ©diapart offre un compte rendu d’audience Ă©difiant, avec des retraitĂ©s isolĂ©s, qui utilisent leurs claviers pour publier des menaces de viol et de mort, des insultes et des propos racistes trĂšs violents.

L’affaire concernĂ©e est une polĂ©mique lancĂ©e par les mĂ©dias des milliardaires en mars 2021. CNews et BFM font alors les gros titres sur une controverse Ă  Science Po Grenoble. Une enseignante y avait organisĂ© une journĂ©e de dĂ©bats nommĂ©e «Racisme, antisĂ©mitisme et islamophobie» dans le cadre d’une «semaine pour l’égalitĂ© et la lutte contre les discriminations». Dans ce cadre, un autre enseignant avait refusĂ© l’usage du terme «islamophobie». Ce dernier est connu pour «fustiger les musulmans et hiĂ©rarchiser les religions en disant prĂ©fĂ©rer le christianisme». À l’époque, ce professeur Ă©tait dĂ©noncĂ© par les Ă©tudiants, qui avaient collĂ© des affiches l’accusant d’islamophobie.

Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que les habituels chiens de garde s’excitent et tournent en boucle sur la «cancel culture», «l’islamogauchisme dans les universitĂ©s» et autres dĂ©lires fabriquĂ©s par les mĂ©dias dominants. Pascal Praud et Caroline Fourest avaient accusĂ© Ă  tort une enseignante d’avoir dĂ©noncĂ© le professeure visĂ© par les affiches. À l’antenne, le nom de cette enseignante Ă©tait livrĂ© en pĂąture par le chroniqueur de Cnews, qui l’accusait d’ĂȘtre «une militante» pratiquant le «terrorisme intellectuel». Quant Ă  Fourrest, elle avançait que la professeure avait «excitĂ© les Ă©tudiants». Il a depuis Ă©tĂ© prouvĂ© que tout est entiĂšrement faux et que cette professeure n’avait rien fait de cela et avait Ă©tĂ© diffamĂ©e. Mais le mal Ă©tait fait.

La directrice de recherches recevait immĂ©diatement des centaines de messages d’insultes et de menaces de mort. Un flot de haine raciste et sexistes, postĂ©s par des seniors :

Jacques L., 79 ans : «Quand ils la violent elle aura compris Ă  moi que ça lui plaise !! [
] DĂ©jĂ  pour la violer, il faut vraiment le vouloir beurk!!»
Alain B., 73 ans : «Qu’elle crĂšve le cul bourrĂ© de chiffon rouge et la gueul ouvert.»
Annick L., 73 ans : «Horrible nana!! Le caillou rasĂ© ! Pauvre tĂąche. Un jour viendra oĂč tu devras te repentir !»
Jean-Marie C., 60 ans : «Salope à butté»
Dominique B., 74 ans : «Il faut lui trancher la gorge»
Wilfrid B, 65 ans : «A l’échafaud (
) Regardez la gueule de la bavure. A expĂ©dier au pays du Maghreb»
Christian D., 58 ans : «Pauvre conne ton tour viendra»
Ronan M., 56 ans : «Grosse connasse on va te butter»
Dominique V., 56 ans : «Il faut tondre cette collabo de merde.»

Au procĂšs, ces personnes ĂągĂ©es disent qu’elles ne se souviennent plus. Pourtant, lors de leurs arrestations, plusieurs avaient dĂ©clarĂ© leur haine contre les «islamo-gauchistes» et leur proximitĂ© avec Zemmour ou Le Pen. Annick, 73 ans, avait parlĂ© des «gens poignardĂ©s

pour rien» et des «faits divers» qu’elle voyait : «franchement c’est horrible, toutes ces jeunes femmes qui se font tuer». Bref, les prĂ©venus sont des seniors rivĂ©s devant leurs tĂ©lĂ©s, intoxiquĂ©s par les horreurs et la dĂ©sinformation quotidienne de chaĂźnes en continu. D’ailleurs l’avocat d’un prĂ©venu dĂ©nonce Ă  l’audience la responsabilitĂ© des journalistes : «Mon client a pu se dire que Caroline Fourest, qui elle, est journaliste, a recoupĂ© ses sources avant de tweeter.» Pourtant, ni Pascal Praud ni Fourest ni les patrons de ces mĂ©dias semeurs de haine ne sont sur le banc des accusĂ©s. ImpunitĂ© totale.

VoilĂ  donc le profil mystĂ©rieux de ces milliers de trolls fascistes. Des personnes vulnĂ©rables, sĂ©niles, parfois sous curatelle, qui se font pourrir le cerveau par les chaĂźnes d’extrĂȘme droite. Ce pays bascule Ă  cause d’une poignĂ©e de milliardaires qui ont fait main basse sur l’information. Nous sommes beaucoup Ă  connaĂźtre un oncle, un grand-pĂšre, un ami d’ami ĂągĂ© ou des parents retraitĂ©s Ă  avoir vrillĂ© progressivement ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, Ă  force de regarder ces chaĂźnes. Parlons-leur, proposons-leur de sortir, aidons-les Ă  se dĂ©sintoxiquer. Et organisons-nous pour mettre hors d’état de nuire BollorĂ© et ses amis.


I am not sure into which category I might fall.

Someone about people discussing #Russia and the war in #Ukraine.

Next, I want to offer a tentative nomenkulature of the folks I will be referring to. They are not a single, monolithic group, but rather a type of “PYSOP choir” with different voices. Here is how I see them:
* Paid for #trolls and other US PSYOP talking point pushers: they are the real deal, folks who do that for a living.
* People who, for whatever reason, hate Putin, Russia or both. For them, literally any event, decision, statement is immediately grabbed and used to “prove” that Putin is weak and indecisive, Russia is losing the war (and has been losing since day 1 and sooner rather than later the Almighty West will defeat Russia. Let’s call these the #haters.
* Then there are those who are in purely for the money. They need to announce all sorts of major defeats, catastrophes, hidden conspiracies, etc. because that generates traffic and money. Let’s call these folks the #clickbaiters.
* Next come the folks who do not have access to the information Putin, the Kremlin and the Russian general staff has, but who feel sufficiently informed (and educated) to explain to the world what the Russians should be doing instead of what they are actually doing. I call them the #geniuses.
* Then they are those who, trained by Hollywood and Tom Clancy, simply know that the West is the shining and most advanced civilization in history and everything it produces, be a people or technology, is just so superior to anybody else’s that an eventual victory of the West against any foe or even coalition of foes is inevitable. I think we can call them #racists (as in racial supremacy).
* Next we have those who really are trying to understand what is going on but simply lack the education/training/expertise to understand. These are the folks who recently smoothly transitioned from being armchair virologists/microbiologists/epidemiologists to armchair generals and marshals. These folks have an opinion on everything, and having that opinion on everything give them this warm feeling of being the real experts. So let’s * Last, but not least, we have to also mention people with no applicable education/training and who are too stupid to realize that they are stupid. We can call them the #imbeciles.


Meanwhile, on #Twitter - maybe its end days as an open platform - Tsar Elon has said rules are coming, but meanwhile, seems to have hired back at least one person to message a disclaimer that maybe some claims might not be 100% true, or complete.

This on the heels of his posting a Nazi meme and telling people to vote Rethuglican ... So much for neutrality. (or #truth)

#Musk #Media #election #trolls



▶ Fabrice EPELBOIN est un #spĂ©cialiste des #mĂ©dias #sociaux, #entrepreneur et #enseignant. Depuis des annĂ©es, il alerte sur les effets de l' #astroturfing : la #manipulation de l' #opinion #publique via les #outils #numĂ©riques.

Dans ce #contexte de #crises sociale et #politique majeures, #FabriceEpelboin a livrĂ© sur ÉLUCID son #analyse des #enjeux en cours : du #Metaverse #Zuckerberg Ă  la #surveillance de masse des #populations, comment l' #hĂ©gĂ©monie du #numĂ©rique a complĂštement bouleversĂ© notre rapport au monde, et assĂ©nĂ© le coup fatal Ă  nos #dĂ©mocraties...


0:00 - 9:42 : La #dĂ©mocratie face Ă  la #polarisation de l’ #opinion
9:42 - 19:57 : L' #astroturfing dans la #campagne de #Trump
19:57 - 28:14 : Le #génie des #trolls #russes
28:14 - 34:37 : #Affaire #Pegasus
34:37 - 41:32 : Le #hacking #cognitif par #Trump et #Poutine
41:32 - 46:17 : La #lutte contre la #haine sur #Internet
46:17 - 1:00:06 : Les #chasseurs de #complotistes
1:00:06 - 1:07:13 : Le #flop de la #révélation des #interceptions obligatoires #légales
1:07:13 - 1:13:13 : Rien Ă  cacher, et demain ?
1:13:13 : Le #progrùs #technique et l’ #abandon du #progrùs #social

#facebook #numĂ©rique #Élucid #gafam #politique #RĂ©seauxSociaux


There is quite a bit of talk about "Russian #trolls", "Russian #propaganda" etc. Israel is doing the same btw, but a little more subtle. And also #China has their own state bloggers, the so-called "50 cent army", named after the fact that they allegedly get paid 0.5 RMB for each comment. Usually that "50 cent army" is thought to be working inside China, but from time to time on the internet you may encounter a number of people suddenly and vehemently supporting the CCP view - and you may wonder why they do that.

The German TV program "Story im Ersten" got their hands on documents showing the requirements the Security Bureau of a smaller city in China's northeast has issued to "service providers" in China. To counteract quickly and affect public opinion efficiently, they demand a posting frequency of 1000 posts and more per second, support of more than five million IP addresses, at least 1000 accounts on news sites, a million forum accounts, at least 1000 accounts on each Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Since the last three are blocked in China, it is pretty clear that these measures are also directed to the "outside". This is for the Security Bureau of a relatively small city in China. Imagine what the Security Bureau in cities like Shanghai may demand. This is the first time I've seen actual figures for China. The figures I saw for Russia once make Russian state bloggers seem like amateurs compared to this. The Chinese embassy was contacted and presented with these requirements. They didn't deny them, instead stating that "social media are of course a place for cultural exchange". If you like to watch it as video, the China part starts at about 36 minutes. Both the written article and the video are German only, sorry.


NaturalNews Pod Stats

First the good news: the pod is presently offline. Whether that's a temporary or permanent thing isn't clear, but it's a positive development.

Second: it appears that there are around 725 active users (monthly), 12,000 or so over six months.

Just for a "scope of problem" comparison.


See also: https://share.naturalnews.com/

#NaturalNews #disinformation #misinformation #fraud #hoax #trolls