

Now we know what they mean by "Critical Race Theory". They are not talking about the legal-academic term. They mean any "theory" or doctrine that is critical of racism or white supremacy.
How do we know? Because they have just cloned the idea into something they call "Critical Energy Theory", and by that, they mean anything that is critical of the giant corporate energy behemoths, or the executive elites who control them. Watch them. You'll see.
#koch #alec #propaganda #corporate #rightist


There are no corporate criminals in America

The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20 times more crimes than natural persons

corporate criminals


Corporate personhood serves an convenient fiction, in keeping with Frank Wilhoit's observation that conservativism consists of one proposition: "there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."\
Or as Robert Reich once put it: "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."

And while the US may not have a corporate criminal system, it has a fuckton of corporate crime. The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20x more crimes than natural persons, crimes committed on a vast scale that even the most prolific human criminal can't touch, thanks to the enormous resources that corporations can mobilize to criminal ends.

Boeing was a repeat offender that had killed people before with faulty products that resulted from these corporate defects. It had already settled corporate criminal cases related to these murders.\
You couldn't ask for a corporate criminal defendant more deserving of punishment. Instead, Boeing paid a fine equivalent to 3.3% of its revenues (12.7% of its profits) – if Boeing was the median American, that would be a fine of $4,315 – for killing 346 people.

#corporate #crime #criminals #corporation #corporations #impunity #corporate-personhood #corporate-criminals


Operation EpikFail

Anonymous leaks gigabytes of data from alt-right web host Epik

Clients include 8chan, Parler, and Gab, among others.

DDoSecrets will, when they have they have the whole leak, release it to us in a more practical way. In the mean time, here's the page where this will eventually appear. Watch this space!



180 gigabytes of user, registration, forwarding and other information behind the "privacy" web hosting and registrar service Epik, known for hosting fascist, white supremacist and other right-wing content as well as harassment and doxing websites.

Original torrent

The original torrent is presented [here](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7870f10ce71afa3fee1d986b839bd19e80713cba&dn=EpikFail&tr=https://tracker.bt-hash.com:443/announce) as-is and was created and released by the source independent of Distributed Denial of Secrets. Due to its size, it's incompatible with most torrent clients and many users will have difficulty downloading the data. When we're able, we'll release a more accessible version of the data.


According to the hackers, the contents include:

  • Domain purchases
  • Domain transfers
  • WHOIS history
  • DNS changes
  • Email forwards, catch-alls, etc.
  • Payment history
  • Account credentials
  • Over 500,000 private keys
  • An employee's mailbox
  • Git repositories

- /home/ and /root/ directories of a core system

#anonymous #corporate #fascist #hack #lead #ddosecrets #epik


Mobilising Against the Corporate Hijack of Agriculture and the UN Food Systems Summit

#Mobilising #Against the #Corporate #Hijack of #Agriculture and the #UN #Food #Systems #Summit #UNFSS #politics

"And these processes are accelerating: the high-tech/data conglomerates, including #Amazon, #Microsoft, #Facebook and #Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants in a quest to impose a one size fits all type of agriculture and food production on the world. Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and other technologies are serving to promote a new wave of resource grabbing and the restructuring of food systems towards a total concentration of power."



A Better #Corporate #Tax for #America

source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-better-corporate-tax-for-america-11617813355

The tax plan not only ends U.S. participation in the race to the bottom, it also gives the whole world an incentive to give up the race. Destructive tax #competition will only end when enough major economies stop undercutting one another and agree to a global minimum tax.

#politics #economy #money #capitalism #capital #trade #globalization #news #usa


Michael Parenti ~ Democracy for the Few


'This #textbook shows how #democracy is repeatedly violated by #corporate #oligopolies, how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the #system. By focusing on the relationship between #economic power and #political #power, discussing actual #government practices and #policies, #conspiracies, #propaganda, #fraud, #secrecy and other #ploys of government and #politics, this #book stands apart in its analysis of how #US Government works.'
#michaelparenti #parenti #democracyforthefew #pdf