

Boris gloats about free bus passes after hearing pensioner rides them all day to keep warm

source: https://metro.co.uk/2022/05/03/boris-johnson-gloats-about-free-bus-passes-during-cost-of-living-crisis-question-16575525/

‘She goes to the supermarket at the end of the day to buy yellow sticker discounted items. She gets up early in the morning to use her Freedom bus pass to stay on buses all day to avoid using energy at home.


‘I just want to remind you, the 24 hour freedom bus pass was something I introduced’, he said.

#poverty #GB #politics #fail #wtf #omg #finance #problem #energy #heating #money #HumanRights


#finance #eBooks #entrepreneurship

   On US yields, gold falls to a two-week low

Gold costs declined in European exchange for one more meeting, checking fourteen day lows as US depository yields ascend, while dollar keeps up with gains against significant adversaries.

Gold costs fell 0.5% to $1,828 an ounce, a May 19 low with an intraday high at $1,838.

Gold costs lost 1.1% on Tuesday, the first misfortune in quite a while as dollar powers up.

Gold costs declined 3.25% in May, the second month to month misfortune in succession as worldwide national bank send off another way of climbing loan fees to control expansion.

US Bonds:
US 10-year depository yields revitalized 1.5% on Wednesday for one more meeting, hitting fourteen day highs at 2.888%.

Higher US yields pressure non-yielding gold prospects as they become a less appealing venture.

The bonds are reinforced areas of strength for by gains against significant adversaries, including the yen, as money related approaches separate.

US dollar rose 0.3% today for one more meeting against significant opponents, compelling gold costs.

Gold property at the SPDR gold trust fell 1.45 tones yesterday, the principal decline since May 17, to a sum of 1,068 tones.


Travail de mémoire courageux et salutaire pour la #Suisse, le #RapportBergier a déjà 20 ans

👉🏻 https://www.rts.ch/info/suisse/13120037-travail-de-memoire-courageux-et-salutaire-pour-la-suisse-le-rapport-bergier-a-deja-20-ans.html

Le rapport #Bergier constitue un travail d'historiens d'autant plus remarquable qu'il a été sollicité dans des circonstances très pénibles, à savoir au cours de l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence. À l'époque, plusieurs grosses banques suisses faisaient l'objets de plaintes collectives aux USA, lancées par des avocats de familles juives dont des parents avaient été victimes de Ia #Shoah et qui étaient dans l'incapacité de récupérer le contenu de comptes ouverts dans des banques suisses avant ou pendant les années 40, généralement par manque de pièces justificatives nécessaires. Or, nombre de celles-ci s'étaient simplement perdues pendant le chaos de Ia 2nde Guerre Mondiale. Il s'est alors avéré qu'outre le peu de velléité des dites banques à essayer de reprendre contact avec les détenteurs de ces comptes après le conflit, elles avaient aussi collaboré avec des institutions bancaires allemandes durant la période nazie. De plus, la banque nationale était aussi impliquée dans ces échanges financiers avec l'#Allemagne nazie. Déjà que les travaux des historiens des années 70 avaient commencé à montrer le côté sombre du rôle de Ia Suisse à cette période, notamment Ie refoulement de milliers de réfugiés juifs allemands, français, italiens et autrichiens, alors qu'elles savaient parfaitement le sort réservé à ces malheureux. Mais là, c'était le pompon! On touchait à l'un les symboles récents, et pourtant déjà bien ancré dans les mentalités, de la réussite économique du pays!

Et que vole alors en éclats le mythe du petit pays, vaillamment neutre, seul contre tous, qui a su tenir les puissances ennemies à distance, grâce aux bras noueux et à l'arbalète de #GuillaumeTell! À ce moment. Là, deux attitudes radicalement opposées ont émergé:

- l'une consistant à exiger, au nom du respect de la mémoire populaire et de ceux toujours vivants ayant vécu ces événements, qu'on ferme prudemment le couvercle sur ces indices et premiers éléments risquant de noircir l'historiographie hagiographique de la Suisse;

- l'autre, au contraire, consistant à ouvrir grand le couvercle et à plonger les bras jusqu'aux épaules dans les faits historiques cachés par es mythes nationalistes. C'est ce qui a motivé la décision de monter la commission Bergier, du nom de l'historien responsable de superviser les travaux dans les archives des banques privées et de la banque nationale.

Inutile de dire que les partisans de ces deux attitudes irréconciliables se sont bagarrés dans des polémiques monstres pendant toutes les années qu'ont duré les travaux (1997-2002) et qu'ils se regardent en chiens de faïences depuis la publication de ces travaux en 2002. Les opposants aux recherches de la commission n'ont d'ailleurs eu de casse de tenter de les discréditer, alors que ces travaux ont été presque unanimement jugés exemplaires, au sein de la communauté internationale des historiens. Ils font largement consensus.

Ces polémiques reflètent aussi une problématique assez ancienne en histoire et qui concerne Ia possibilité de reconstituer des faits historiques à partir de bribes plus ou moins nombreuses du passé. Au coeur de ce questionnement, on trouve aussi cette opposition entre mémoires historiques et faits historiques, qui semble d'ailleurs toujours préoccuper les historiens ou on tout cas, les historiens de l'histoire, en tant que discipline scientifique. C'est notamment l'objet du livre très dense de Richard J. Evans, in Defense of History, que je recommande vivement (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/348350.In_Defense_of_History).

D'autres sources sur le sujet:

👉🏻 https://www.unige.ch/lejournal/analyse/printemps-2022/rapport-bergier-20ans

👉🏻 https://notrehistoire.ch/galleries/le-rapport-bergier

👉🏻 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_Bergier

#nazisme #finance #banque #secondeguerremondiale

Tags: #dandelíon

via dandelion* client (Source)


the root of all evil - mankind has a culture crisis - better technology, does not mean "better people culture" (ethical, moral, social competence)

do smart phones make mankind smart?

no of course not.

thanks to capitalism, everyone has developed into maximally individual assholes

better technology, does not mean “better people culture” (ethical, moral, social competence)

mankind has a culture crisis

all the other crisis directly stem from this crisis

it’s no fun

everyone could develop as human being

but those most successful in capitalism actually stop developing as human beings because “why change? the banks love me”

everyone can do something, everyone could contribute something to society

but the current system does not value it

it (wrongfully) “values” the evil doers

and there we are, “stuck” with people you won’t want to spend time with and loads of evil & unsolved problems

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #thinker #think #mankind #crisis

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/05/29/the-root-of-all-evil-mankind-has-a-culture-crisis-better-technology-does-not-mean-better-people-culture-ethical-moral-social-competence/


Ban #Spying on the #Internet

The internet has transformed our lives. But while we use the internet to access information and talk to our friends and family, we are exposed to extensive commercial tracking #online. This #tracking is another way of saying #surveillance. Not from governments, but from private companies, who only wish to use it to manipulate us.

source: https://banspying.org

#privacy #problem #economy #advertisement #manipulation #politics #capitalism #finance #knowledge #news


In #Germany, people without #cash are currently starving in front of full supermarkets because the electronic #payment system has failed nationwide due to an expired #certificate.

#FirstWorldProblems at their best. And there are still weirdos who believe they will survive the end of the world with #Bitcoins when not even much simpler #technology runs smoothly.

enter image description here

#btc #fail #software #banksters #money #pay #supermarket #trade #economy #problem #security #finance #news


#Pfizer to offer all its #drugs not-for-profit to 45 lower-income countries

source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/may/25/pfizer-to-offer-low-cost-medicines-to-45-lower-income-countries

“We are living in a time where science is increasingly demonstrating the ability to take on the #world’s most devastating diseases,” Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive, said. “Unfortunately, there exists a tremendous #health #equity gap in our world that determines which of us can use these innovations and which of us cannot.”

Piggy smart calmly pronounces an obvious #problem only what are the causes?

Is there a more obvious contradiction in #capitalism than in health care? The profit motive of pharmaceutical companies does not make it profitable to help poor people. Already with the help for #Aids, #Africa was simply forgotten. In the case of #Ebola outbreaks, Western aid only arrives when the #disease threatens to spread to the West via airports.

#moral #ethics #money #finance #profit #economy #Pharmacy #medicine #help #politics #HumanRights #poverty


#Capitalism and #health care - the eternal #contradiction ...

The #series "The #Dropout" is about the huge #scandal surrounding #ElizabethHolmes and her startup #Theranos.

More info here: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/122066-the-dropout

In Elizabeth's childhood her parents got into financial difficulties and she had to move because of that. This strengthened her will to become successful and always financially independent. She dropped out of #university to start her medical startup. However, it quickly became clear that her #idea of #blood tests was appealing but not technically feasible. Instead of admitting this to herself, she raised more and more #venture #capital and continued her #research. The research, however, did not go into a finished product but into a #scam to simulate a working product. She justified the #fraud to herself by saying that it would allow her to continue researching and that her research would eventually benefit #society. In the process, she created an environment of non-trust in her #company. Employees were actively prevented from exchanging information and there was a company secret service that monitored and spied on employees. Employees were intimidated and silenced with non-disclosure agreements.

#economy #pharmacy #technology #fail #science #problem #finance #crime


In the new season 3 of "Love, Death & Robots", episode one gives us the most realistic #future #dystopia for #humanity at the moment.

In the episode we accompany 3 robots that are on a pleasure trip to learn more about humans. The humans wiped themselves out several years ago. We already know the 3 robots from season 1 episode 2.

enter image description here

Preppers have built camps in the wilderness with 'lots of guns and ammo. First they exterminated all the wild animals and then slaughtered each other.

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Tech millionaires have converted former drilling rigs into homes. They wanted to live by fishing. However, the seas were overfished and polluted, so they starved to death on their artificial islands.

enter image description here

The #government took refuge in underground bunkers.

enter image description here

In the bunker, the artificial production of #food bogged down after a while, so they switched to #cannibalism.

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This is the #spaceport from where the billionaires left for #Mars.

enter image description here

Those who could not afford a ticket were dealt with by the #defence #system.

The robots conclude that humanity has acted illogically. With all the money that they have put into actions to allow only a small group to #survive, they could have saved the whole #planet.

#aramgeddon #apocalypse #endtime #entertainment #series #robot #AI #technology #earth #problem #environment #nature #extinction #finance #capitalisms #politics #economy #robot #climate #space


#finance #eBooks #business

   The EU is investing 300 billion euros to phase out Russian fossil fuels

The European Union intends to mobilise up to 300 billion euros of investments via 2030 to quit its reliance on Russian oil and gas, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday.

The investments will consist of 10 billion euros for fuel infrastructure, 2 billion euros for oil, with the rest for clean energy, von der Leyen informed reporters, including that Brussels was once additionally proposing greater legally-binding EU objectives for renewable power and power savings by way of 2030.

"RePowerEU will assist us to keep extra strength to speed up the phasing out of fossil gasoline and, most importantly, to kickstart investments on a new scale," she said. "So I would say this will be the speed-charging of our European Green Deal."


The Biggest #Data Breach - #ICCL report on the scale of Real-Time Bidding data broadcasts in the U.S. and #Europe

source: https://www.iccl.ie/digital-data/iccl-report-on-the-scale-of-real-time-bidding-data-broadcasts-in-the-u-s-and-europe/

  • #RTB is the biggest data breach ever recorded. It tracks and shares what #people view online and their real-world location 178 Trillion times every year in U.S. & Europe.
  • On average, a person in the U.S. has their online activity and location exposed 747 times every day by the RTB #industry.
  • 4,698 companies are allowed by Google to receive RTB data about people in the U.S.
  • In Europe, RTB exposes people’s data 376 times a day.
  • #Google sends 19.6 million broadcasts about German #Internet users’ online behaviour every minute that they are online.
  • Europeans and U.S. Internet users’ private data is sent to firms across the globe, including to #Russia and #China, without any means of controlling what is then done with the data.

#surveillance #privacy #www #web #advertisement #economy #tracking #news #bigdata #problem #finance #market