

“I hope that the discussion about good Russians and bad Russians will be completed with a short conclusion: a good Russian or just a Muscovite, (Moskal) is a dead Muscovite.” […] “But bad Russians are like that from birth, and you shouldn’t talk about them at all.” Interview with Ex-Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine (2016-2019), Volodymyr Omelyan on Ukrainian Lviv NTA TV channel earlier in 2022. There are so many instances of vile hatred at all levels, here are a couple others:

Government funded bodies saying Russians are impure half castes on Twitter;
Ukrainian ambassador to Germany praising #Azov and other neo-Nazis;
Social media is peppered with these kinds of statements, taken directly from Ukrainian media or social media channels. So, it isn’t Russian propaganda at all, although Western airheads try to convince the public otherwise.

Effectively the goalposts for being Ukrainian have shifted, “to get out” if you can’t accept the new ideologies and historical revisionism put into place after #Maidan. How well would this kind of thinking be accepted if it were applied to French speaking Canadians or French speaking people in Belgium? Or even Hungarian speakers in Slovakia?

#ukraine #russia #propaganda


»Faschisten gehören zum Strafapparat«

Über die Unterdrückung der Opposition und den rechten Terror in der Ukraine unter der Knute des Westens. Ein Gespräch mit Wolodimir Tschemeris

Beamte des ukrainischen Sicherheitsdienstes SBU

Wolodimir Tschemeris hat lange für die Unabhängigkeit seines Landes und gegen die Verletzung von Bürger- und Menschenrechten sowie der Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit gekämpft. Nun ist er selbst ins Visier des Staates geraten und aggressiven Einschüchterungsversuchen des Sicherheitsdienstes der Ukrai­ne (SBU) ausgesetzt. Susann Witt-Stahl sprach für junge Welt mit dem Oppositionellen, der akut von willkürlicher Kriminalisierung und Verhaftung bedroht ist. (jW)

Ein erschütterndes Interview, selbst wen nur die Hälfte davon wahr ist, was dieser Mann sagt, aber ich fürchte, er hat auf der ganzen Lihie recht.


#ukraine #krieg #frieden #diktatur #demokratie #rechtsextremismus #interview #politik #faschismus #antisemitismus #pogrom #rassismus #menschenrechte #russland #donbass #maidan #selenskyj #polizei


The private military company (PMC) Wagner has once again made international headlines with the arrival of around 1,000 of its employees on battlefields in #Ukraine. For its supposed owner Evgeny #Prigozhin, this is a return to a familiar environment: his companies began their disinformation activities in Ukraine during the #Maidan #revolution. However, the #PMC is no longer limited to making war or business: it is also involved in a broader strategy of branding #Russia in the eyes of foreign, as well as domestic public opinion. This new activity is not so surprising if we recall that Prigozhin himself specializes in Russia’s image abroad and can therefore offer #Wagner many of his contacts in the worlds of public relations and #showbusiness.
While Russian soft power has been probably irreparably destroyed in the West by the invasion of Ukraine, Wagner's recent film productions, all dated 2019-2021, have not necessarily been rendered outdated by the #war in Ukraine. On the contrary, they continue to speak to European circles that admire #survivalism, mercenaries, and non-Asian martial arts, as well as to the #GlobalSouth. They illustrate how the codes of #popculture have been adopted to enhance and justify the #Putin regime’s political objectives and, in particular, to heroize mercenary activity, the “subliminal” message being that Russian heroes fight for the good of all humanity and will inevitably be victorious.

https://russiapost.net/politics/wagnerverse #lybia #CAR #mozambique #donbass #mali #afghanistan #syrien #media


Der ukrai­ni­sche Poli­ti­ker Stepan #Bandera stand an der Spitze der 1940 gespal­te­nen Orga­ni­sa­tion Ukrai­ni­scher Natio­na­lis­ten (OUN), die während des Zweiten Welt­kriegs Wider­stand gegen die sowje­ti­sche Beset­zung der West­ukraine leis­tete und in ver­schie­de­nen Peri­oden mit dem natio­nal­so­zia­lis­ti­schen Deutsch­land zusam­men­ar­bei­tete. In der sowje­ti­schen Geschichts­auf­fas­sung werden Bandera und die OUN vor allem mit Ver­bre­chen und #Terror gegen die „fried­li­che sowje­ti­sche Bevöl­ke­rung“ asso­zi­iert und als reine Mario­net­ten der Deut­schen prä­sen­tiert. Auf dieser Grund­lage stellen staat­lich gelenkte rus­si­sche #Medien eine Ana­lo­gie zwi­schen dem Ein­marsch der deut­schen Wehr­macht im Sommer 1941 und den Pro­tes­ten auf dem Kyjiwer #Maidan her: Die „neuen ban­de­rowzy“ in #Kyjiw sind aus dieser Sicht Kol­la­bo­ra­teure der #USA und der Euro­päi­schen Union, die sich gegen rus­sisch­spra­chige Men­schen und über­haupt gegen alles Rus­si­sche wenden.

https://ukraineverstehen.de/stepan-bandera-hintergrund-einer-symboldfigur-jilge/ #ns #geschichte #deutschland #ukraine #krieg #propaganda #polen #nationalismus #faschismus #antisemitismus


This is not a #Maidan, although many political analysts are trying to present it this way. Where did such amazing #self-organization come from? This is the experience and tradition of the workers. Strikes have been shaking the #Mangistau region since 2008, and the strike movement began back in the 2000s. Even without any input from the #Communist Party or other leftist groups, there were constant demands to nationalize the oil companies. The workers simply saw with their own eyes what privatization and foreign capitalist takeover was leading to. In the course of these earlier demonstrations, they gained enormous experience in struggle and #solidarity. The very life in the wilderness made people stick together. It was against this background that the working class and the rest of the population came together. The protests of the workers in #Zhanoazen and #Aktau then set the tone for other regions of the country. Yurts and tents, which protesters began to put up in the main squares of the cities, were not at all taken from the “Euromaidan” experience: they stood in the Mangastau Region during the local strikes last year. The population itself brought water and food for the protesters.
In Kazakhstan today there is no legal #opposition, the entire political field has been cleared. The Communist Party of #Kazakhstan was the last to be liquidated in 2015. Only 7 pro-governmental parties remained. But there are plenty of #NGOs working in the country, which actively cooperate with the authorities in promoting a pro-Western agenda. Their favorite topics: the famine of the 1930s, the rehabilitation of participants of the Basmachi movement and collaborators of World War II, and so on. NGOs also work on the development of nationalist movement, which in Kazakhstan is completely pro-government. Nationalists hold rallies against #China and #Russia which are sanctioned by the authorities.

https://lefteast.org/a-color-revolution-or-a-working-class-uprising-an-interview-with-aynur-kurmanov-on-the-protests-in-kazakhstan/ #uprising #left #work #strike #islamism #nationalism #takayev #belarus #armennia