

The Eyes Have It

The_ London Eye,_ is a newer addition to the skyline & 'icons of London', plus a great spot to survey some of the wonders of the Queen's great land.

And here's a bit of top-notch British "boooogie wooogie" from a very British legend, just because.... (popped into mind along with Kinks as a British legacy) . And it is "blues", consistent with what many feel at the moment. From "It Ain't Easy". Long Live the King!

"Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie On The King of Rock & Roll"

#myphoto #LondonEye #London #UK #music #JohnBaldry #King #rock #British #musica #musique #Fenfotos


#UK population share by #ethnicity 2007 to 2069, using UK government fertility & #population data 2007 to 2019 & projected to 2069 using linear #growth modified by #population growth #trends derived from the 2007 to 2019 #data.

When did the #British people #vote for demographic change? When was the #referendum? Which party ran on a platform of demographic change & was subsequently #elected to office?

#britain #ukpopulation #info #demographics #ukdemographics #ukethniccomposition #ethnography #ukethnography #england #white #black #asian #indoeuropean #african #multiculturalism #birthrates #demographicchange #analysis #graphs #charts #mathematics #statistics #stats #ukgovernment #britishgovernment #immigration #multiracialism #demography #ethnicgroups #populationdata


British PM wannabe Liz Truss is a disgrace!

Liz Truss has promised a further crackdown on trade unions, widening restrictions to a significant new number of industries, but her proposals were immediately criticised as the “biggest attack on civil rights” since the 19th century.

Truss said she would legislate for minimum service levels on critical national infrastructure in the first 30 days of government under her leadership. The pledge would go further than the Tories’ 2019 policy, which promised a minimum service should operate during transport strikes.

The new law proposed by Truss would potentially restrict teachers, postal workers and the energy sector. Tailored minimum thresholds, including staffing levels, would be determined with each industry.

Mick Lynch, general secretary of the RMT said unions would organise mass resistance if the plans went ahead, calling it “the biggest attack on trade union and civil rights since labour unions were legalised in 1871.”

“Truss is proposing to make effective trade unionism illegal in Britain and to rob working people of a key democratic right,” he said. “If these proposals become law, there will be the biggest resistance mounted by the entire trade union movement, rivalling the General Strike of 1926, the Suffragettes and Chartism.”

#British #transportation #workers #union #strike

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (commonly known as the RMT)



#Ukraine claims 60 dead, 100 wounded, in blasts on #Crimea as satellite images show destroyed Russian aircraft

Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to the Ukrainian minister of internal affairs, claimed on Thursday that 60 pilots and technicians had been killed and 100 people wounded in a series of explosions at a Russian #Saki air base on the Black Sea Crimean Peninsula on Tuesday. Since #Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, the air base has housed the Russian 43rd Independent Naval Assault Air Squadron.

The Saki air base is at least 125 miles or 200 kilometers from the closest Ukrainian military position and none of the weapons and ammunition officially in the arsenal of the Ukrainian army can strike targets that far away. The ammunition for the American-made #HIMARS rocket system, which the US has been officially delivering since May, can only hit targets of a distance of up to 50 miles.

The #German magazine Spiegel surmised that the blasts could have been caused by a Ukrainian Grim-2 short range missile, which has been in development since 2003 and could strike targets at a distance of up to 280 kilometers. Alternatively, the #Spiegel noted, Ukraine could have used a modified #Neptun missile which may have also caused the sinking of the #Moskva. In either scenario, Russian missile defense systems on Crimea could have only been circumvented by American #AGM-88 #anti-radar #missiles. Remnants of such a missile were recently found on Ukrainian territory even though the US has not confirmed that AGM-88 missiles were among the weapons and ammunition that #Washington has officially delivered to Ukraine.

The Spiegel wrote, “This could mean that Kiev’s most important partners may have delivered also other weapons to Ukraine in secret, such as the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (#ATACMS). The ATACMS can be used by the American HIMARS as well as the German and #British M-270 multiple launch rocket systems, which have been deployed in Ukraine for the past several weeks and have been causing serious problems, especially for Russian logistics. Currently, they [these rocket systems] can only reach up to 80 kilometers with the GMLRS-rockets, but with ATACMS they could reach up to 300 kilometers, which theoretically could make strikes on Crimea possible.”



UK Birthrates by Ethnic Group per 100,000 of Population from 2007 to 2019 based on UK government data.

This analysis demonstrates that African & Asian heritage citizens of the UK have reproduced at an average 1.89x (189%) greater rate than Indo-European (White) autochthonous British heritage citizens.

#birthrates #indoeuropean #asian #african #whitebirthrate #ukbirthrate #europeanbirthrate #europeans #brits #british #england #english #whites #whiteprivilege #fertilityrate #fertility #fertilitycrisis #lowbirthrate #study #information #stats #statistics #data #analysis #charts #graphs #un #wef #autochthonous #reproduction #uk #baby #children #offspring #white #pregnant #pregnancy #immigration #multiculturalism #multiracialism


The big #problem with #British #politics is that it doesn't exist. #Read some #political #history and #philosophy and you'll soon realise there is a de facto one party state in the #UK.

#Conservatives = neoliberal-globalists.
#Labour = neoliberal-globalists.
#LibDems = neoliberal-globalists.
#Green = neoliberal-globalists.
#ScotsNats = neoliberal-globalists.

The only real choice is the #colour.

The Conservatives #conserve nothing, grow #government, permit mass #immigration, support #speech crime, support thought #crime, increase #regulations, support "#multiculturalism", support "LGBTQIA+", hate #autochthonous British people, borrow #money at interest, print #currency, support #globalism, support foreign #wars, support net zero, support offshoring #industry, take part in #cronyism, don't support free market #capitalism, want to give illegal #migrants #amnesty, support the #corrupt #Ukraine puppet government, supported illegal #lockdowns, supported illegal #medical #mandates, supported #unscientific mask wearing, support illegal on-the-spot #fines, support #biometricID, support ignoring #paedophilia, support ignoring crime #statistics regarding #race, support the World Economic Forum, support #agenda2030, support "the great reset", support low #birthrates, support #miscegenation and support #depopulation.

Labour support everything the so-called Conservatives do and they don't support the #working classes and in-fact appear to hate the autochthonous British working classes and consider them, in the words of Jack Staw, a people "not worth saving."

Lib Dems are neither #Liberal, in the classical sense, or #Democratic. They wanted to overturn the #EU #referendum and reject the Democratic #vote on membership and they're #neoliberals, which is a philosophy that includes attacks on classical Liberal concepts like free speech, free thought and free inquiry. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives and Labour party do.

#Greens support the the reduction of #CO2 from the current 400ppm to zero, which will kill all life on #Earth as it will prevent #photosynthesis occurring, therefore preventing #plants growing and eliminating them as a food for #humans, #insects and #animals, destroying the food chain and the Earth's #biosphere. They don't understand how the #climate or biosphere works and are ostensibly useful idiots for plutocratic #elites and big #corporations. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives, Labour party and Lib Dems do.

The #SNP wants to take #Scotland out of the UK union and give the Scots "#independence" by signing them up to EU union. Essentially all this does is transfer dependency from #London to #Brussels and exchanges the #English for the Franco-Germans. Scotland will be no more independent and in some ways even more dependant. The SNP also support everything the other neoliberal-globalist parties do too.

In short, there is no political #choice beyond colour because there is no meaningful differentiation between political philosophies, or outcomes of voting. Whatever party you vote for, you get the same policies, the same lies, the same #corruption, the same #cronyism, the same #sophistry, the same national trajectory, the same everything, only with some minor and ostensibly superficial differences in packaging and delivery.

British politics is a total #farce that doesn't even engage in any recognisable political #debate because other than faux ad hominems, jeering and lip-service to non-existent political #principles there's nothing to debate, because they all agree...


The creation of the state of #Israel on May 15, 1948, was achieved by the #Haganah and other Jewish groups through the ethnic cleansing of the #Palestinians and #massacres that spread #terror among the #Palestinian population.

The Haganah, trained and armed by the #British, swiftly seized most of #Palestine.

It emptied West #Jerusalem and cities such as #Haifa and #Jaffa, along with numerous towns and villages, of their #Arab inhabitants.

Palestinians call this moment in their history the #Nakba, or the #Catastrophe.

#violence #apartheid #genocide #abuse #HumanRights #history



One of the central tenets of the #Zionist and #Israeli #colonization is the denial of an authentic, independent #Palestinian #identity.

During the #British control of #Palestine, the population was officially divided between Jews and “non-Jews.”

“There were no such thing as #Palestinians … they did not exist,” onetime Israeli Prime Minister #GoldaMeir quipped.

This erasure, which requires an egregious act of #historical amnesia, is what the Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling called the “politicide” of the Palestinian people.

Khalidi writes, “The surest way to eradicate a people’s right to their land is to deny their historical connection to it.”

#history #freedom #HumanRights



The early #Zionists bought up huge tracts of fertile #Palestinian land and drove out the #indigenous inhabitants. They subsidized #European Jewish #settlers sent to #Palestine, where 94% of the inhabitants were #Arabs. They created organizations such as the Jewish #Colonization Association, later called the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, to administer the #Zionist project.

But, as Khalidi writes, “once #colonialism took on a bad odor in the post-World War II era of decolonization, the #colonial origins and practice of Zionism and #Israel were whitewashed and conveniently forgotten in Israel and the West. In fact, #Zionism — for two decades the coddled step-child of #British colonialism — rebranded itself as an anticolonial movement.”

#history #apartheid #violence #HumanRights


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds. It is the tragic clash between two peoples with claims to the same land. It is a manufactured #conflict, the outcome of a 100-year-old #colonial #occupation by #Zionists and later #Israel, backed by the #British, the #UnitedStates and other major #imperial powers.

#Palestine #Palestinian #freedom #HumanRights



On this day, 14 May 1938, the players of the #England football team raised their arms to give the #Nazi "Heil #Hitler" salute before a match in Berlin. They had been instructed to do so directly by the #British Foreign Office. Reportedly the players at first refused, until the British ambassador and Football Association secretary intervened and ordered them to do so. At the time the British government was pursuing a policy of appeasement of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, and shortly after signed an agreement permitting Germany's annexation of parts of then-Czechoslovakia. Much of the British ruling class supported Hitler, as well as the dictatorships in #Italy, #Spain and #Portugal, as bulwarks against communism and an organised working class. According to his biographer one of the players, Stan Cullis, would not perform the salute and was dropped from the team for that match as a result.

Image censored to avoid it being taken down by Facebook/Instagram

And today, UK special forces are fighting together with Azov battalion nazi thugs against Russia.