

Statistical improbability, mass murder, societal control systems, oppression, ideological weapons, depopulation, usurpation, applied psychology, geopolitical controlled opposition, supranational elite scions, covert mass surveillance, crimes against humanity, global power structure.

#statistics #massmurder #china #societalcontrolsystems #oppression #ideologicalweapons #depopulation #usurpation #appliedpsychology #un #geopoliticalcontrolledopposition #supranationalelitescions #usa #ccp #masssurveillance #criminals #uk #crimesagainsthumanity #power #globalism #elites #puppetpoliticians #judeoangloamericanestablishment #judeoangloamericanempire #study #xijinping #maozedong #jewish #jew #jews #henrykissinger #billgates #klausschwab #disenfranchisement


It suits #Supranational #Elite #Scion #puppeteers to have intellectually indolent, credulous & #foolish people in positions of #power because they are easy to #control.

This is why they fund #political campaigns of low-calibre people & leverage their ownership of mass #media to thwart political campaigns of high-calibre people.

It isn't much to do with the left/right #dichotomy, but more to do with an Elite/The People dichotomy. Elite #Scions fund & #manipulate "both" "sides" of #politics to suit their interests, regardless of how that impacts the rest of us.

The #problem with the #USA is that it has #mutated from a #Republic into an Imperial #Plutocracy.

#corruption #uk #globalism #massmedia #uspolitics #judeoangloamericanempire



Release the Epstein / #Maxwell pedophile #blackmail #honeypot intel agency scion control system client list now.

#Epstein didn't kill himself, he was snuffed out by private or intel agency assassins. Stop sacrificing our #children to protect powerful child #rapists.

Disclose who Epstein & Maxwell's clients & honeypot #victims are & bring them to #justice. No more child #rape control systems. No more child rape #trafficking. End this #horrific practice now.

#epsteinclientlist #epsteinmaxwell #honeypotblackmail #elitescions #uk #intelagencies #cia #fbi #nsa #mi6 #mi5 #gchq #mossad #puppeteers #puppetpoliticians #childtrafficking #childsacrifice #publishtheclientlist #endchildtrafficking #endchildrape #saveourchildren #usa #globalism #judeoangloamericanempire #crime


Monopoly capitalism isn't free market capitalism, it's a failure of government to umpire free markets to prevent monopoly formation.

Free markets are the best system of resource management we have, but their major flaw is progressive consolidation of capital to the extent of monopolies, duopolies, triopolies etc.

Government corruption such as cronyism has led to the failure of government to umpire free markets which has led to the monopoly capitalism of today.

#capitalism #cronyism #monopolies #corruption #economics #capital #uk #government #freemarketcapitalism #freemarkets #corporatism #usa #eu #corporatocracy #wef #builderberg #davos #ygls #younggloballeaders #progressivecapialconsolidation #un #globalism #neoliberalism #elitism #usurpation #disenfranchisement


#America’s ‘Neoliberal’ #Consensus Might Finally Be Dead

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/opinion/neoliberal-consensus-china-trade.html

On the domestic front, the implication is clear: a recognition that the free-market policies of the past several decades have punished the American working and middle classes, particularly in politically sensitive areas of the Rust Belt. Or, in the language of the campaign trail: Trade deals need to benefit the people of Pennsylvania and Michigan rather than those of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

#Neoliberal #globalism #politics #market #economy #finance #money #poverty #capitalism #news #usa #trade


A quotation from Dyson, Freeman

There is no such thing as a unique scientific vision, any more than there is a unique poetic vision. Science is a mosaic of partial and conflicting visions. But there is one common element in these visions. The common element is rebellion against the restrictions imposed by the locally prevailing culture, Western or Eastern as the case may be. It is no more Western than it is Arab or Indian or Japanese or Chinese. Arabs and Indians and Japanese and Chinese had a big share in the development of modern science. And two thousand years earlier, the beginnings of science were as much Babylonian and Egyptian as Greek. One of the central facts about science is that it pays no attention to East and West and North and South and black and yellow and white. It belongs to everybody who is willing to make the effort to learn it. And what is true of science is true of poetry. Poetry was not invented by Westerners. India has poetry older than Homer. Poetry runs as deep in Arab and Japanese culture as it does in Russian and English. Just because I quote poems in English, it does not follow that the vision of poetry has to be Western. Poetry and science are gifts given to all of humanity.

Freeman Dyson (1923-2020) English-American theoretical physicist, mathematician, futurist
The Scientist as Rebel, Part 1, ch. 1 “The Scientist as Rebel” (2006)

#quote #quotes #quotation #culture #globalism #humanity #poetry #science #transnationalism #West
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/dyson-freeman/59737/


...from the globalist perspective, J6 was worse than 9/11 as 9/11 was instrumental in ushering in the Constitution-violating surveillance state required to undermine American sovereignty in pursuit of political globalism.

J6 was an ostensibly non-violent expression of profound dissatisfaction with the Federal political establishment & J6 helped highlight how much Americans have been disenfranchised by globalists who have usurped American organs of state.

#uspolitics #globalism #january6th #j6 #j6footage #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlson #nineeleven #911 #dc #washingtondc #federalgovernment #government #disenfranchisement #usurpation #globalists #globalagenda #elites #elitism #youtube #markdice



So... Supposedly Klaus Schwab has had a heart attack.

Certainly not vax related since there's no way he got any clot shot.

Hope its painful and fatal, but his kids and other stooges will continue his evil... That jewfag Yuval Noah Harari is his 2nd in command and a real globohomo pedophile.

#WEF #globalism #EatZBugs


When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.

#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc


The #globalists have realised their #plan to bring the entire #planet under one #government right away is too #ambitious, so they have now fallen back to their secondary position of #global #regionalisation.

Ostensibly, the idea is to create #supranational regional #governance structures in #Asia, the #Americas, #Europe, the Middle-East, #Oceania and #Africa.

Each region will move progressively towards #regional #regulatory #alignment of the #nations within it, culminating in regional, supranational #governments.

After this is achieved, these regional governments will then be gradually brought into alignment under a global #supraregional government.

#middleeast #USA #uk #america #eu #globalism #globalagenda #theelite #globalelites #newworldorder #elites #nwo #un



#WEF #TDS #NWO #globalism #fear-porn