

#Climate #Change: #Journalism’s Greatest #Challenge

source: https://wblau.medium.com/climate-change-journalisms-greatest-challenge-2bb59bfb38b8

One climate journalist said to me: “I have the full support from my chief editor. I have even been given a budget increase. My #problem is now the foreign editor who doesn’t give me access to our foreign bureaus when I need them because my stories — supposedly are never as urgent as other breaking news stories — and my other and bigger problem are the news desk editors who don’t give my story a prime time slot or never quite promote it on social #media at the right time of day because they think it won’t perform well”.


In the most extreme of this behaviour, news organisations need to ask themselves whether this doesn’t amount to a form of editorial #greenwashing itself: To produce climate journalism so you can say you are doing it and so you can point to the URL’s of each published story while never really throwing the full #authority and distribution power of your news organisation’s brand behind it.


Given the foreseeable vehement conflicts over climate #policy in many countries, newsroom managers would do their staff and their journalism a favour if they now reviewed or updated their editorial codes of conduct to make sure there is at least a shared understanding in their #newsroom, a shared language on what they think the typical indicators of editorial activism are and — more importantly — of what clearly isn’t #activism in covering the accelerating climate #crisis.


At Agence France #Press, one of the world’s largest news agencies, their Global Chief Editor Sophie Huet is in the process of making sure that their bureaus around the #world include possible climate aspects in every story as naturally as they would already include possible financial angles of a #story.

#news #future #environment #politics #pollution #atmosphere #greenhouseEffect #science #nature #earth


A classic - Tobias Wolff's "Hunters in the Snow"

What is the story Hunters in the Snow about?
The story deals with three characters hunting together in the woods; Kenny, who is hard and brutal; Tub, who is fat, a target of ridicule, and lags behind the rest of the party; and Frank, who is the most "frank" of the group. Each character has a distinct personality which changes as the story progresses.

here: https://www.classicshorts.com/stories/huntsnow.html

#literature #story #shortstory


Pulp book cover reimaginings of the original Star Wars trilogy

It is an inaccuracy to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Its true genre is Planetary Romance. Star Wars is an adventure story in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars, Michael Moorcock's Michael Kane of Old Mars, C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy or—quite self-consciously—Flash Gordon. A farmboy stumbles across secret information that leads him to rescue a princess, aided by his two servants, his wizard mentor, a pirate and a friendly giant.

I instantly fell in love with these imaginary book covers by Timothy Anderson, which to me perfectly capture the feel and intention of the original Star Wars film.

(Artwork lifted from this blog post).

#starwars #scifi #sciencefiction #planetary #romance #pastiche #pulp #pulpfiction #book #story #art #timothyanderson



It’s a holiday I deserve. I look around as the ferry glides gently into the familiar harbour and approaches the simple wooden piers. Nearly ten years have passed since I left, though it looks like nothing has changed here. I think back to that last long summer on the island.

I was taking my first steps as a man. I got a job at the harbour, which mainly consisted of greeting the yachts and small ferries that came to the island, securing the ropes and leading the tourists to their accommodation. Smile and help them with their bags, we were told; you’ll get a nice tip, and they might ask you to run errands for some extra cash. They weren’t filthy rich, the tourists; they were the ones who wanted an affordable paradise.

I was only a week on the job when he arrived: the handsome stranger, as I thought of him. I unnecessarily helped with his small amount of luggage and led him up the hill to his bed and breakfast.

“Will you show me around the island?” he asked.

“There’s no need,” I laughed. “You can’t really get lost. There’s the one shop up the hill from the harbour, and–”

I stopped when I saw the smile on his face. My throat went dry.

“Sure, I finish work in a couple of hours. Or an hour and three quarters, even.”

I went back after work, nervous. We walked around the island, I led the way. Pointing out the obvious sites calmed me. Then we went back to his, and I was easily seduced. We spent the night together, and the next, and most of my time off work, really. He didn’t tell me about his life at home, but we discussed films and music and travel.

“I’ve never been to Spain, I’d love to go,” I said after he told me about his time on the Catalan coast. We were lying in bed.

“Go to Barcelona if you like the sea. Beautiful city, strong local culture. And the gay scene is amazing,” He said, running his finger down my back.

“Maybe we could go together,” I ventured.


But a week and a half later, he told me his holiday was over and he had to go home. He wasn’t single, it turned out. He was my first love, I was his summer holiday fling. In retrospect, it was obvious. Still, I will always remember him.

I learned quickly. People who came to the island on holiday weren’t looking for ‘the one’, they were looking to get away from it all. ‘It all’ often included a spouse and even children. So I had several more flings with tourists that summer to help me get over him.


It was near the end of the season when I met her. She was an artist. I helped carry her things to one of the farthest cabins. She wanted privacy, time alone. I smirked to myself; I’ve heard that one before!

“Would you like to paint me?” I asked, thinking I knew it all.

“I’m more into landscapes. The views to the sea here are exquisite.” she said.

I turned to leave.

“Wait, can you get me some things from the store?” she asked.

Over the next two weeks, I bought food and art supplies when she needed, and found excuses to come by and watch her paint. She didn’t mind as long as I was quiet. I’d never before seen someone take a blank canvas and create a realistic picture of the view in front of them. I was mesmerised.

She stayed for a third week; few people did. It was then that we got involved. I think she was looking for a distraction, a break from her painting; I was young and obviously interested. Nonetheless, it became more than sex. I was eager to learn from this worldly woman, this creator of paintings. She enjoyed the attention and grew to like me.

When autumn arrived, she asked if I’d like to come with her. I immediately agreed. I packed up and moved to the mainland with her. We spent a year and a half happily together, sometimes travelling, sometimes staying home.

Then things soured. Her art became popular, and she wanted to travel to shows and hobnob with her sophisticated friends. I didn’t feel welcome, and though I was the younger one, I felt ready to settle down. I realised this wasn’t the future I’d been hoping for. Looking back, it was my first serious relationship; yet I knew it wouldn’t be my last.


I stayed on the mainland. I had been working as an assistant event manager, and I liked the job. I was good with people and eager to learn. The pay wasn’t great, but it had a future. Two years later I started my own business, managing conferences and exhibitions. I was finally ready to stand on my own two feet, and soon had a few people working for me.

It was hard work though, with little time or money for holidays, let alone love. Now, with my business more secure, I can finally leave things with my assistant for a few weeks. It’s a holiday I deserve.

So here I am, finally able to relax and visit the affordable paradise. Where else would I go? As the ferry gently slows to a stop, I see the eager young faces securing it in place and offering us help to get off the boat. This time, I am the handsome stranger, I tell myself as I step ashore.


#story #fiction #island #love #loss #comingofage
This is from my wordpress blog Story Stag
Note: This story was inspired by Germain’s song ikaría, and especially the line, “This time, I am the handsome stranger”.


Blood glacier and creative #climate #storytelling for an uncertain #future

source: https://phys.org/news/2021-12-blood-glacier-creative-climate-storytelling.html

Stories about climate change often lean on what Tegelberg called "icons" of climate change, like a lone polar bear balancing on a melting iceberg, which distances the public from this reality due to how often this image is shared in mainstream media. Using time-lapse photography, however, brings an audience up close to the real impacts of a warming world, showing how much geological time is eroded from just a few hundred years of human activity.

#science #politics #environment #story #movie #communication #nature #humanity #earth


Happy #wintersolstice , and also there is another #special day #today
Today is also the #happy #birthday of #Indian #mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan, regarded as one of the greatest of Indian genii...
He was a blend of innate #talent and platonic #love towards #mathematics.
At an early age, he was taken to #Cambridge by another genius of Britain, Godfrey Harold Hardy. Together, they made several #beautiful discoveries. The #story of Ramanujan's life is indeed a wonderful piece to read, full of romance and thrills :)


A quotation by Montgomery, Lucy Maud

It is never quite safe to think we have done with life. When we imagine we have finished our story fate has a trick of turning the page and showing us yet another chapter.

Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) Canadian author

Rainbow Valley, ch. 13 (1919)

#quotation #quote #change #continuation #life #narrative #story

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/montgomery-lucy/49811/


#Pokimane Has Done Enough — and Has So Much Left to Do

#Anys, 25, is uniquely good at being a #Twitch star. So good, in fact, that her followers—8 million as of July 2021—have a #meme about it: She is not a doe-eyed #gamer #girl but instead “Twitch #AI,”⁠ designed from birth to succeed on the #game - #streaming #platform with machine-like efficiency. Pokimane’s persona is so polished, and Anys’ success so complete, that this origin #story does feel almost plausible.

source: https://www.wired.com/story/pokimane-has-done-enough-and-has-so-much-left-to-do/

#Internet #hate #success #youth #entertainment #letsPlay