

🧐 "Studie von Verbraucherorganisation: Facebook-Nutzer als Ware - Fast 200.000 Firmen [u.a. Amazon, Etsy, Paypal] geben einer Studie zufolge persönliche Nutzerdaten an Facebook weiter. Die Betroffenen können das nur auf Umwegen herausfinden" (taz)


"Das Online-Netzwerk Facebook sammelt pro Nut­ze­r:in persönliche Daten von mehreren tausend Unternehmen. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie der US-Verbraucherorganisation Consumer Reports.

Die Organisation hat dafĂŒr die Daten von 709 Facebook-Nutzer:innen ausgewertet, die diese fĂŒr diesen Zweck gespendet haben. Grundlage dafĂŒr war, dass Nut­ze­r:in­nen sich die personenbezogenen Daten, die jeweils von ihnen bei Facebook gespeichert sind, bei der Plattform herunterladen können. Untersucht wurden dabei die Daten der vergangenen drei Jahre.

Im Durchschnitt wurden die Daten je­de:r Stu­di­en­teil­neh­me­r:in demzufolge von 2.230 Unternehmen an Facebook gesendet. Insgesamt wurden in der Studie knapp 200.000 Unternehmen gefunden, die persönliche Daten ihrer Nut­ze­nden an Facebook weitergeben. Spitzenreiter war ein Fall, bei dem zu einem Nutzer Daten von rund 48.000 Firmen gefunden wurden. Die Stu­di­en­au­to­r:in­nen vermuten, dass es sich hier um eine Person handeln muss, die fĂŒr die Werbebranche besonders interessant ist.

Da die Nut­ze­r:in­nen mit ihrem #Datenspenden freiwillig einem Aufruf folgten, ist das Ergebnis nicht reprĂ€sentativ – im Durchschnitt aller Nutzenden kann die Zahl höher oder niedriger liegen. Dennoch weist sie zumindest auf die GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung hin, in der Facebook Daten sammelt.

Consumer Reports zufolge ist diese Art des Trackings, also der digitalen Nachverfolgung, fĂŒr die Nut­ze­r:in­nen in der Regel unsichtbar. Der Facebook-Mutterkonzern Meta setzt daneben auch Tracking ein, das die Nut­ze­r:in­nen – gegebenenfalls mit ein paar technischen Kenntnissen – erkennen und verhindern können. Zum Beispiel, wenn Inhalte von #Facebook bei anderen Webseiten eingebunden sind.

Meta sieht Firmen in der Pflicht

Nut­ze­r:in­nen können selbst die Informationen ĂŒber die eigenen gespeicherte Daten herunterladen. Zu finden ist die Funktion im Bereich „Einstellungen“ – eine Anleitung von Facebook findet sich hier.

Dabei könnte aber einer der Kritikpunkte der #Verbraucherschutzorganisation zum Tragen kommen: Denn die Firmennamen, die in der Studie gefunden wurden, sind nicht unbedingt solche, die Nut­ze­r:in­nen ĂŒblicherweise kennen dĂŒrften. Sondern kleine, außerhalb der Branche unbekannte #DatenhĂ€ndler. DarĂŒber hinaus hĂ€tten sich jedoch auch bekannte Unternehmen gefunden: unter anderem Amazon, Etsy, Paypal und in den USA große EinzelhĂ€ndler wie Walmart und Macy’s.

Ein Meta-Sprecher verwies auf Anfrage darauf, dass laut den Nutzungsbedingungen die zuliefernden Firmen dafĂŒr verantwortlich seien, die Erlaubnis zu der entsprechenden #Datenverarbeitung und -weitergabe einzuholen. Meta selbst biete „eine Reihe von Transparenz-Tools an“, mit Hilfe derer die Nut­ze­r:in­nen dabei unterstĂŒtzt werden sollten, die Datenverarbeitung zu verstehen."

#Datenschutz #Tracking #Plattformökonomie #Überwachungskapitalismus
@taz #taz @taz @taz (inoffiziell)
@Datenschutz - Privacy - Digitale Selbstverteidigung


Stefan Garthe und Ulrike Kubetzki informieren in ihrem lesenswerten Buch ĂŒber Methoden, mit deren Hilfe sich Vögel in ihrer natĂŒrlichen Umgebung erforschen lassen. Eine Rezension

Dieses lebendig verfasste Buch informiert ĂŒber Methoden, mit deren Hilfe sich Vögel in ihrer natĂŒrlichen Umgebung erforschen lassen. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Tracking – Der glĂ€serne Vogel von Stefan Garthe und Ulrike Kubetzki)#Vögel #Vogel #Tracking #Ornithologie #Verhalten #Datenlogger #Logger #Klimawandel #BiodiversitĂ€t #Artenschutz #Artensterben #Biologie #ErdeUmwelt
»Tracking – Der glĂ€serne Vogel«: Dem geheimen Leben der Vögel auf der Spur


No Surprise: Each Facebook User is Monitored by Thousands of Companies

Cartoon depiction of a smartphone with a user head protruding from it, with various eyeballs around it
By now most internet users know their online activity is constantly tracked. No one should be shocked to see ads for items they previously searched for, or to be asked if their data can be shared with an unknown number of “partners.”

Using a panel of 709 volunteers who shared archives of their Facebook data, Consumer Reports found that a total of 186,892 companies sent data about them to the social network. On average, each participant in the study had their data sent to Facebook by 2,230 companies. That number varied significantly, with some panelists’ data listing over 7,000 companies providing their data.

The study was able to examine a form of tracking that is normally hidden: so-called “server-to-server” tracking, in which personal data goes from a company’s servers to Meta’s servers.

One company appeared in 96% of participants’ data: the San Francisco-based data broker LiveRamp.

“This type of tracking which occurs entirely outside of the user’s view is just so far outside of what people expect when they use the internet,” Caitriona Fitzgerald, Deputy Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told The Markup in an interview. Fitzgerald said that while users are likely aware that Meta knows what they are doing while they are on Facebook and Instagram, “they don’t expect Meta to know what stores they walk into or what news articles they’re reading or every site they visit online.”

The very sad part about this is, the data being sourced (and where it comes from) has little to nothing to do with Facebook. This is just Facebook buying data for it to create more comprehensive profiles and context about its users. It’s also pretty certain that none of these users expected this data to find its way back to Facebook, as it is 3rd parties actually collecting the data and passing t on to Facebook.

How this is still legal in 2024, with all the privacy protections and laws that many countries have in place, is also quite a mystery.

Interestingly, Google is not in the top 10 of companies found passing data to Facebook. But this could also be because Google itself does not really sell user data to others. They collate data more for advertiser effectiveness (reach), and various ads are embedded by 3rd party app developers in their free apps on Google platforms.

See https://themarkup.org/privacy/2024/01/17/each-facebook-user-is-monitored-by-thousands-of-companies-study-indicates
#Blog, #facebook, #privacy, #technology, #tracking


Inside the 'arms race' between #YouTube and ad blockers

Source: https://www.engadget.com/inside-the-arms-race-between-youtube-and-ad-blockers-140031824.html

Keeping pace with YouTube will likely become even more challenging next year, when Google’s #Chrome browser adopts the Manifest V3 standard, which significantly limits what #extensions are allowed to do. #Modras said that under Manifest V3, whenever an ad blocker wants to update its blocklist — again, something they may need to do multiple times a day — it will have to release a full #update and undergo a review “which can take anywhere between [a] few hours to even a few weeks.”

“Through #Manifest #V3, #Google will close the door for innovation in the ad #blocking landscape and introduce another layer of #gatekeeping that will slow down how #ad #blockers can react to new #ads and #online #tracking methods,” he said.

Anyone who knows #Firefox and still uses Chrome out of conviction is beyond help.

#software #news #browser #internet #block #adblocker #advertisement #economy #business #money #marketing #problem #surveillance #web #www #evil #extension #addOn


Facebook Watches Teens Online As They Prep for College: Facebook And WhatsApp Still Spy On User Behaviour

Illustration of a kid pointing at a giant sized book in from of them, and to the left and behind the book is the dark figure of some creepy ghoul with two dark eyes, and it's arm extending out to touch the book.
Here’s what the student doesn’t know: Although she surfed the internet in the privacy of her home, Facebook saw much of what she did.

Every single site she visited used the Meta Pixel, a tracking tool that silently collects and transmits information to Facebook as users browse the web, according to testing by The Markup. Millions of invisible pixels are embedded on websites across the internet, allowing businesses and organizations to target their customers on Facebook with ads.

The Markup has also found hospitals, telehealth companies, tax filing websites, and mental health crisis websites using the pixel, and transmitting sensitive information to social media companies.

And WhatsApp is no different. Do not be fooled about the end-to-end-encryption. As far as we know that actual message content is still private, but it is WhatsApp’s terms and conditions that still allow for the active passing of metadata from your usage of WhatsApp upstream to Facebook. That behaviour is not just when you open and close WhatsApp and who you talk to when, it also includes the location of your phone 24/7 and whatever else it can harvest.

Facebook’s real power comes with how much data it collects from so many varied sources, and how it can collate all that information. It knows who one’s friends are, and what each friend does, and how that all relates together.

It is really difficult to get away from all this, as I recently discovered on my WordPress blog. Although I removed all the Google tracking stuff, the plugins that I make use of, have their own embedded data gathering. For example, I see Privacy Badger is blocking ‘pixel.wp.com’ and ‘api.pinterest.com’. Some I can explain, like the Flickr widget that fetches my photos from Flickr that I highlight.

But yes, it seems we really do have to arm ourselves with ad and tracker blockers nowadays. Corporates are not really changing their behaviour willingly at all.

See https://themarkup.org/pixel-hunt/2023/11/22/facebook-watches-teens-online-as-they-prep-for-college
#Blog, #facebook, #privacy, #technology, #tracking


When you think of #privacy, does #Google #Chrome come to mind?

#IP #Protection will evolve and broaden over time in conjunction with ecosystem changes to continue to protect users’ privacy from cross-site #tracking.

see: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/ip-protection

If you use a Google proxy, Google will still have all the data.

#browser #internet #web #surveillance #security #proxy #technology


#AnonChatGPT ...
Petite critique... ça se veut " #anonyme", mais ça pullule de #trackers de #google ....
Entre le #recaptcha, les #googlesyndication et autres #googletagmanager, on est servis !!

J'ai envoyé un email, il y a quelques temps, mais aucune réaction.... (pour qui veut ajouter sa petite touche : contact@anonchatgpt.com ...)

Qui fait mieux ?
Ou qui connaĂźt mieux que AnonChatGPT ?

Je pense notamment à toutes ces assocs qui ont déjà créé une instance #Invidious ou #Piped... :)

Je sais que beaucoup veulent se dire que cet sujet de l' « #IA » ne les intéresse pas.. et si je comprends la réaction, je ne la partage pas, car #ChatGPT devient incontournable, on sera obligé de faire avec, qu'on le veuille ou non.
On sait déjà ce que cela signifie pour la suite, il vaudrait mieux apprendre à préparer quelques alternatives, du coup...

Une recherche rapide sur Searx : chatgpt anonyme me donne mĂȘme cette page, qui a vraiment de quoi faire rire !!!
-> https://aiexplorer.io/guides-ia/comment-utiliser-chatgpt-sans-compte/
Pour utiliser ChgaGPT de façon anonyme, sans créer de compte donc, on peut passer par ???? #Bing Chat, #BingAI !! Ou encore mieux, utiliser l'extension #Merlin :

Merlin est une extension de navigateur accessible pour #Microsoft #Edge et Google #Chrome. Elle vous permet de profiter de #GPT-4 sans avoir à créer un compte #OpenAI.

Oui, c'est #comique... et le dindon de la farce, c'est encore nous !

Question #alternatives, je trouve aussi : https://alternativeto.net/software/anonchatgpt/
Il y a de l' #OpenSource, mais je n'en vois pas sans #tracking, de google notamment....

#Numérique #Proxy #Développeur #Dev #ViePrivée #AI #Privacy #Control #ContrÎle #Surveillance


#Meta planning ad-free subscription or #tracking ads ‘choice’ in #EU

source: https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/03/meta-subscription-vs-consent/

Meta appears to be manoeuvring towards adopting the same approach in a bid to squeeze its #surveillance #business model past regulators again, meaning it would be able to keep tracking and profiling users in the EU — unless they #pay it for their #privacy

Privacy only exists for the rich who can afford it.

#Europe #internet #politics #economy #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #news #advertisement #bigdata #bigbrother #fail


#LAPD assistant chief put on leave for alleged #stalking

Source: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-19/lapd-assistant-chief-put-on-leave-for-alleged-stalking-officials-say

Labrada, one of three assistant chiefs who report to Moore, was the subject of an Ontario #police report that alleged he used an Apple #AirTag to track the movements of an LAPD police officer he was romantically involved with, according to law enforcement sources, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the ongoing #investigation.

#news #la #California #usa #1312 #surveillance #tracking #stalk #crime #technology #problem