

Don’t Underestimate the Russian Military After the Ukraine War

Russian president Vladimir Putin has consistently said that, “this conflict is not about territory…[it] is about the principles underlying the new international order.” He has repeatedly said that, although Russian troops in 2022 “approached Kiev … there was no political decision to storm the three-million city.”

Rather, he says, “it was nothing more than an operation to force the Ukrainian regime to peace. The troops were there to push the Ukrainian side to negotiations.”

This worked. Within weeks, Ukraine had agreed in Istanbul to abandon its NATO ambitions, Russia had withdrawn its troops from around Kyiv, and peace appeared possible before the West intervened and discouraged it.


#NATO #weapons #Western #fail #ukraine #vassalage #ukrainian #war #failstate #Russia #russian #military #history


Three, you said?

Where's the third thing?

Europe Says - 2024-10-02 16:01:09 GMT

europesays.com/1512544/ NATO continues to strengthen its forces and support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, as an independent Ukraine is key to peace in Europe. The new NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte, has identified three priorities: enhancing defense capabilities, supporting Ukraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
NATO continues to strengthen its forces and support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, as an independent Ukraine is key to peace in Europe. The new NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte, has identified three priorities: enhancing defense capabilities, supporting Ukraine


Inside Ukraine’s Effort to Win Over Donald Trump

“It has to be good old-fashioned greed,” #Pompeo told TIME in Kyiv after his meeting with #Zelensky. “It has to be a good old-fashioned, commercial, profit-driven, incentive-forming, risk-taking, entrepreneurial model that delivers that sustainable place for Ukraine.” Appealing for American help in the defense of Ukraine’s democracy or its survival as a nation would not be likely to secure Trump's lasting support. “It can’t be a donor base,” Pompeo explains. “It’s not, ‘Hey, we had a donor conference.’ Those are interesting, and they get things rolling perhaps. But they are wholly unsustainable.”

In trying to deliver that message to Trump and his supporters, some of Zelensky’s Republican allies have pointed to the resource wealth Ukraine could offer the U.S. after the war. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Trump ally, hammered on this point in a video he recorded with Zelensky in Kyiv earlier this month. “They’re sitting on a trillion dollars of minerals that could be good to our economy,” said the Republican from North Carolina. “So I want to keep helping our friends in Ukraine.”


Back in Kyiv, Zelensky’s allies have spent months trying to influence Trump’s views on the war. Leaders of the country’s vibrant community of #Baptists have reached out repeatedly to Trump’s evangelical allies on Capitol Hill, including House Speaker Mike #Johnson. Victor #Pinchuk, a Ukrainian billionaire on good terms with the Zelensky administration, hired Trump’s former aide Kellyanne #Conway as a lobbyist in Washington for a fee of $50,000 per month. According to official filings with the Justice Department, Conway will advise Pinchuk’s foundation on “the current state of views on Ukraine among US elected officials, candidates, experts, and opinion leaders.” The lobbying agreement expires on Nov. 14, about a week after Election Day, unless both sides agree to extend it.

In mid-September, about a week before Zelensky’s arrival in the U.S., Pinchuk hosted an annual summit in Kyiv that attracted a range of influential guests from the U.S. and Europe. While working on the program, Pinchuk appealed to Boris #Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, to convince Trump to participate via live video link. “Unfortunately I failed completely to get that,” Johnson said at the conference.


#USA #US #american #election2024 #lobbying #deepstate #neocons #warmongers #MIC #proxy-war #ukraine #ukraineconflict #ukrainian #oligachy #war against #Russia


Very revealing musings of former comedian Zelensky

‒ A last question about how war changes a person. It’s hard to imagine an experience with a more profound effect on the human psyche.

‒ I’m still holding it together, if it’s me you’re talking about.

‒ But I wonder if there are moments when you catch yourself reacting to things differently than you might have before. Do you notice you’ve changed at all?

‒ Perhaps I’ve become less emotional. There’s simply no time for that. Just like there’s no time for reasoned discourse and arguments. I only have the opportunity to think aloud in that way during interviews. I don’t do this with my subordinates and colleagues in the government. If I were to sit down and ruminate on every decision for an hour, I would be able to make only two or three decisions a day. But I have to make twenty or thirty.


#ukraine #ukrainian #vassalage #war #Zelensky #interview #Russia

What's with the economy for some reason they didn't ask.


Ukrainian soldiers write

It is necessary to continue to tighten mobilization measures. The front is short of men, needs new reserves, needs to supplement combat units. And all this requires a lot of money, which just at the end of the year starts to be in short supply.

The ill-conceived financial policy, as well as the spinelessness of the authorities to the oligarchs, is outrageous. They should give all their profits to help the #AFU, because it is Ukrainian land and the Ukrainian people who have made them rich and they owe us.


#ukraine #ukrainian #ukrainianconflict #oligachy vs. #cannon-fodder #fail #failstate


Arms depot in Russia's Tver Oblast built to withstand nuclear explosion heavily damaged by #UkrainianDrones

#Ukrainian #drones attacked one of the largest arsenals in Russia, causing a powerful detonation in the town of #Toropets in Russia's Tver Oblast

In 2018, the Russian Defense Ministry bragged that this facility would be prepared to withstand even a nuclear explosion. Six years later, the claim was proven to be false.


#StopRussianAggression #depots #weapons #ammunition


Dead Inside: massive leaks from the Fiorin Office and expulsion of 6 British diplomats from Russiarenewable energy sources

Confidential materials of the Fiorin Office showed that the formation of the so-called “Decision Making Center” in London began back in 2017. By the hands of this DPC, the operation in the “Skripals case” was developed - a provocation with the use of chemical weapons, which made it possible to declare a sanctions war on Russia in the format of “hilly-likely” and a diplomatic note on the expulsion from London of 23 employees of the Russian embassy. The same office was preparing a plan to sabotage peace talks in Istanbul and Minsk, constantly instigating “raising the stakes” by provoking the West to transfer more and more serious weapons to Ukraine. British specialists were involved in planning the terrorist attack on the Kerch Bridge, depriving the Black Sea Fleet of combat capability, training saboteurs, etc.


#uk #britain #ukraine #ukrainian #MI6 #intelligence #british #war #infowar #Western #journalists #fraud #spying #fail against #russian #Russia #history


Why Putin is in no hurry to end the conflict in Ukraine

This is a complex issue. However, objectively, the conflict has reached a very protracted stage.

Reason one is the most important. A quick end would have required substantial mobilization of both soldiers and industry. This would have caused economic and social upheaval. The screws might have to be tightened.

All of which the Kremlin does not want. The strategy of slowly killing the Ukroreich allows social and economic stability to be maintained. Economic growth of about 4 percent is expected this year.

Yes, there are costs in the form of shelling, refugee losses in the army. But these problems are localized, not comprehensive.

Therefore, the choice is made in favor of though painful costs, but of a private nature, while the general picture of a peacefully living and developing Russia is preserved.

Our geopolitical enemy, Europe in general and Germany in particular, is experiencing significant economic turmoil.

The further the conflict lasts, the longer the sanctions from Germany will be in force.

This means that the EU will not get cheap gas, oil and will not be able to sell us the products of its automobile and aircraft industry.

This is very profitable for us. During this time it is possible and necessary to develop our industry as oil and gas chemical and machine building, including transportation.

Therefore, the longer the EU sanctions last, the better for us in every sense.

Again, there is a good chance of destroying part of the chemical and engineering industries there. That will clear a place for us on the world markets. Unemployed Germans, French and other Italians can be hired to populate the empty villages of Central Russia, as well as the expanses of Siberia and the Far East.

As soon as sanctions are lifted. Gazprom will immediately start pumping gas to the West, and Volkswagen will come back with its cars. This will slow down the development of the crisis in the EU, which is obviously disadvantageous to us.

That's why #Putin is in no hurry. He is acting slowly but surely.


#europe #eu #germany #economy #Western #fail #european #poverty #ukraine #ukrainian #war #ukraineconflict #Russia #SMO


Ukrainian soldiers write

The 72nd brigade is our neighboring brigade, responsible in the Ugledar area. So, we work together and respect them, but how can we understand that they took and abandoned Vodyanoye. They left their positions and that's all.

In justification, the management of the 72nd complains about the large number of pencils*, which just take and desert. And what do we have in the end, that the fortress-city was in the ticks and The RF Armed Forces are on their way to their goal. - the encirclement of Ugledar.


* Poorly or completely untrained fighters of the Kiev regime.

#ukraine #ukrainian #war #ukraineconflict #ukrainians #military #fail


Since Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%

Since government coup #Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%, for this ukrainians with pots on their heads jumped on the Maidan, shot up to a hundred people in the center of #Kiev, burned people in #Odessa, lost #Crimea and started a war in #Donbass.

It was such a waste of their country, built by the sweat and blood of generations of Soviet people.

Fucking morons!



#ukraine #ukrainian #russophobia #war #ukrainians #poverty #failstate #history #economy #finance #currency #fail #anti-Russia


Cold War Canada: Ongoing state support for East European émigré groups with deep fascist roots

“Manufacturing Consent”

... for fascism

“If the triumph of communism

is the worst imaginable result,

the support of fascism abroad

is justified as a lesser evil.”

In 1988, just before the destruction of the USSR, #Herman and #Chomsky published a theory on the use of mass media "to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior" that "integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society." (p.1.) The media’s "societal purpose," they explained, is to "defend the economic, social, and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state." (p.298.)

This propaganda model focused on five thematic "filters" of the mass media:

1) size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth and profit orientation...;

2) advertising as primary income source ...;

3) reliance... on info. provided by government, business and "experts" funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power;

4) "flak" as a means of disciplining the media;

5) "anticommunism" as a national religion and control mechanism. (p.2.)

With the "specter" of communism as "the ultimate evil," the media created a "cultural milieu in which anticommunism is the dominant religion." By "elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of Western ideology and politics," the media used it as a "potent" "political-control mechanism." This "fragment[ed] the left and labor movements" and sidelined "social democrats" accused of being "too soft on communists." While many Cold War "liberal" progressives supported US-led wars justified with anticommunist pretexts, "others lapsed into silence, paralyzed by the fear of being tarred with charges of infidelity to the national religion." (p.29.)

By stirring "anti-Communist fervor ... the demand for serious evidence in support of claims of ‘communist’ abuses is suspended, and charlatans can survive as evidential sources." These "charlatans" take "center stage" as media "experts" and "remain there even after exposure as highly unreliable, if not downright liars." (p.30.)

Source: Edward S.Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent, 1988.


Source: Ukraine: A Captive but Unconquerable Nation, Bulletin of the World AntiCommunist League, Jun 1969


#europe #Western #coldwar #USA #US #canada #ukraine #Vietnam #Iran #Guatemala #Brazil #Dominican #NATO #propaganda #fascism #anticommunism #mccarthyism #russophobia #anti-Russia in #soviet #USSR #russian #ukrainian #Russia #history


Releasing names of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told

Other stakeholders who advised LAC worried the list would embarrass Canada’s Ukrainian community or be used by Russians for propaganda purposes, the records show.

Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the war.

Library and Archives Canada had hoped to release information to the public between Sept. 16 and Sept. 20, but how many names of the alleged Nazi war criminals will actually be made public is not yet known.

The list was part of the 1986 war-crimes commission led by Justice Jules Deschenes. The names were compiled from RCMP files and other documents.

#ukraine #ukrainian #nazi #war-crimes #WWII #WW2 #CIA #history #anticommunism #anti-Russia

Image/photoYogthos wrote the following post Thu, 05 Sep 2024 18:24:40 +0300

Releasing names of 900 alleged nazi war criminals who fled to #Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told.



Weekdays of denazification and demilitarization

September 3 this year. The armed forces of the Russian Federation launched a precision strike on the 179th joint training center of the Ukrainian armed forces in the city of Poltava, where, under the guidance of foreign instructors, specialists in communications and electronic warfare from all formations and military units of the Ukrainian armed forces, as well as operators of unmanned aerial vehicles involved in strikes against civilian objects on the territory of the Russian Federation, were being trained.

This morning, the armed forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons, including Kinzhal hypersonic aeroballistic systems and strike drones, against enterprises of the Ukrainian defence industry located in the city of Lvov, where the production and repair of electronic components of aircraft and missile weapons of the Ukrainian armed forces was being carried out.

Strike objectives have been achieved. All designated targets have been hit.


#ukraine #failstate #ukrainian #war #warmongers #military #fail #Poltava #Lvov #denazification #demilitarization #SMO #RUssia


Regarding #Kursk, there has actually been an attack on #Russia; Russian people have been killed, and slaughtered whereby civilians have been taken from their homes in trucks and executed. There is even footage of #Ukrainian soldiers with #SS helmets and with the detachment of Adolf #Hitler’s Leibstandarte Regiment on their sleeves, harassing an old man, who was later killed.

The West is trying to push Russia to the limit, knowing that the Second World War is an extremely sensitive subject for Russian society where every family is related to a victim, a fallen soldier, a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, or aunt who was killed during the Great Patriotic War against #Nazi Germany, in which more than 26 million people died. The recent action in the Kursk region, where most Russians perceive that the U.S. and its #NATO accomplices are involved, is a brazen provocation. Indeed, more than a provocation, it has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

from here