

#Hack the #Press - Clever Ways to get Free Media Coverage ...

1) Organise a fake press conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiWlvBro9eI
2) Nudity is good for getting on the front page of the tabloid press. Femen
3) You don't necessarily have to be naked. It also works like this: Texas
4) If you get a traineeship, simply stand in front of the cameras at the right moment. Harper
5) ...

#journalism #hacker #news #knowledge #subversion #protest #politics #change #idea

Bhopal Disaster - BBC - The Yes Men

#Africrypt brothers deny involvement in #Bitcoin 'heist'

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57582805

The law firm said Bitcoin valued at $3.6bn had been "dissipated in its entirety", in a complaint sent to an elite South African #police unit, known as the Hawks.

The #investigation into where the bitcoins went had been hampered by the use of "various dark web tumblers and mixers", the law firm wrote.

Of course it was a #hack from North Korea 😉 Bank #robbery and #cyvercrime have never been so easy with #bitcoins...

#news #crime #finance #heist #money #btc #technology #internet #hacker #software


New #LinkedIn Data #Leak Leaves 700 Million Users Exposed

On June 22nd, a user of a popular #hacker advertised data from 700 Million LinkedIn users for sale. The user of the forum posted up a sample of the data that includes 1 million LinkedIn users. We examined the sample and found it to contain the following information:

  • Email Addresses
  • Full names
  • Phone numbers
  • Physical addresses
  • Geolocation records
  • LinkedIn username and profile URL
  • Personal and professional experience/background
  • Genders
  • Other social media accounts and usernames

The user claims that the complete #database contains the personal #information of 700 Million LinkedIn users. Since LinkedIn has 756 million users, according to its website, this would mean that almost 93% of all LinkedIn users can be found through these records.

Source: https://restoreprivacy.com/linkedin-data-leak-700-million-users/

#cloud #news #security #privacy #bigdata #economy #hack #job #work #internet #cyberwarfare


#NFC Flaws Let Researchers #Hack ATMs by Waving a #Phone

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/atm-hack-nfc-bugs-point-of-sale/

"You can modify the #firmware and change the #price to one #dollar, for instance, even when the screen shows that you're paying 50 #dollars. You can make the device useless, or install a kind of #ransomware. There are a lot of possibilities here," says #Rodriguez of the point-of-sale attacks he discovered.

#atm #news #money #security #desaster #economy #hack #hacker #Android #smartphone #problem #finance #manipulation #vulnerability #malware


Hackers Fool Facial Recognition Into Thinking I’m Mark Zuckerberg

Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7e9qv/hackers-fool-facial-recognition-into-thinking-im-mark-zuckerberg

Adversarial Octopus is a “black box,” Polyakov said, meaning even its creators don’t understand the exact logic behind how the neural networks that alter the images achieve their goal.

#ai #software #science #understanding #knowledge #news #manipulation #hack #security #blackbox


Positions of Two #NATO Ships Were Falsified Near Russian Black Sea Naval Base

Source: https://news.usni.org/2021/06/21/positions-of-two-nato-ships-were-falsified-near-russian-black-sea-naval-base

Despite the #AIS track, there is clear evidence that the two warships did not leave #Odessa. Live webcam feeds show that they did not leave Odessa, however. This was anyway the known situation in defense circles, and local media. Anyone in Odessa can see that they did not leave. The webcams are broadcast live on YouTube by Odessa Online. Screenshots archived by third party weather sites like Windy.com show the two warships present in Odessa overnight.

#russia #hack #uk #military #warship #position #manipulation #tracking #news


The #EU #Frontex #Twitter account is hacked! They have never fought for core values :(

source: https://twitter.com/Frontex/status/1407692887492542473

Background: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/26/greece-accused-of-shocking-pushback-against-refugees-at-sea

enter image description here

#refugees #humanrights #politics #europe #fail #,oral #ethics #hack #cynicism #wtf #lgbt #police #news


Goodmorning everyone.
We are organizing an online platform in which those who wish will be able to provide a little of his time as a volunteer, this is to create a parallel "economy" based no longer on money but on time, skills and free sharing.
It should be a federated social, the app should act as both client and server, both on Android and Linux (Debian and derivatives in primis), so as not to have to depend on external servers ... It should take its cue from peer-to-peer (emule-style) where users and their content would be available only when they are connected. It should give the possibility to publish texts, photos and videos, like any social, but also be able to manage user requests (see below), this project is aimed at creating an alternative network of people, a parallel economy based on skills and free sharing.

At this time we need someone, always on a voluntary basis but who wants to collaborate on this project, able to create the actual platform, or an App (for Linux, Android, etc. ...) or a site, where you can sign up and enter their availability. The platform should be able to manage all requests and responses from members, so as to meet those seeking with those offering. If you have any idea or know someone who is planning something like this let us know, as soon as there will be the platform we will start, initially offering free labor to those who need it, then we also think to offer online courses (always free) so as to help those who want to do all those small jobs that while not requiring specific skills are not really within the reach of all.
Thanks to everyone who will help us to realize this project.

Buongiorno a tutt*
Stiamo organizzando una piattaforma online in cui chi lo desidera potrĂ  mettere a disposizione un pĂČ del suo tempo a titolo di volontariato, questo per creare un “economia” parallela basata non piĂč sul denaro ma sul tempo, sulle competenze e sulla libera condivisione.
Dovrebbe essere un social federato, la app dovrebbe fungere sia da client che da server, sia su Android che su Linux (Debian e derivate in primis), cosi da non dover dipendere da Server esterni... Dovrebbe dunque prendere spunto dal peer-to-peer (in stile emule) dove quindi gli utenti e i loro contenuti sarebbero disponibili solo quando sono connessi. Dovrebbe dare la possibilitĂ  di pubblicare testi, foto e video, come ogni social, ma poter anche gestire le richieste degli utenti (vedi sotto), questo progetto Ăš mirato a creare una rete alternativa di persone, un economia parallela basata sulle competenze e la libera condivisione.

In questo momento abbiamo bisogno di qualcuno, sempre a titolo di volontariato ma che desidera collaborare a questo progetto, capace di creare la piattaforma vera e propria, ovvero una App (Per Linux, Android, ecc
) o un sito, in cui sia possibile iscriversi e inserire la propria disponibilità. La piattaforma dovrebbe essere in grado di gestire tutte le richieste e risposte degli iscritti, in modo tale da far incontrare chi cerca con chi offre. Se avete qualche idea o conoscete qualcuno che sta progettando qualcosa del genere avvisateci, appena ci sarà la piattaforma partiremo, inizialmente offrendo manodopera gratuita a chi ne ha bisogno, successivamente pensiamo anche di offrire corsi online (sempre gratuiti) cosi da aiutare chi lo desidera a svolgere tutti quei piccoli lavoretti che pur non richiedendo competenze specifiche non sono proprio alla portata di tutti.
Grazie a chiunque ci aiuterĂ  a realizzare questo progetto.

#GuardianiDellaNuovaTerra #GuardiansOfNewEarth #Hack #Hacker #Hacking #Programming #Unix #Linux #Html #Java #Bash #Irc #Project #Sviluppo #Android #App #Comunity #Software #Foundation #Ethical


The #Lazarus #heist: How North #Korea almost pulled off a billion-dollar #hack

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-57520169

"The transactions
 were held up at the #Fed because the address used in one of the orders included the word 'Jupiter', which is also the name of a sanctioned Iranian shipping vessel," says Carolyn Maloney.

Just the mention of the word "Jupiter" was enough to set alarm bells ringing in the Fed's automated computer systems.

#swift #bank #history #news #security #cybercrime #malware #hacker


Fugitive #Anonymous #Hacker ‘Commander X’ Arrested, Extradited From #Mexico

Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dbymx/fugitive-anonymous-hacker-commander-x-arrested-extradited-from-mexico

Demonstrators occupied the front steps of the Santa Cruz Courthouses for approximately two months, from July 4 to October 2, 2010, to protest the county’s law against camping that directly impacted people experiencing homelessness in the city.

Illegal camping - must be a very dangerous cyber criminal ;)

#security #arrest #police #cyberwar #hacker #hack #news #terror #justice #protest #usa


How Hackers Used #Slack to Break into #EA #Games

A representative for the hackers told Motherboard in an online chat that the process started by purchasing stolen cookies being sold online for $10 and using those to gain access to a Slack channel used by EA.


The hackers then requested a multifactor #authentication token from EA IT support to gain access to EA's corporate #network. The representative said this was successful two times.

Once inside EA's network, the hackers found a service for EA developers for compiling games. They successfully logged in and created a virtual machine giving them more visibility into the network, and then accessed one more service and downloaded #game #source #code.

more here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kvkqb/how-ea-games-was-hacked-slack

#security #hack #hacker #news #details #story #cookie #login


Eine Serie fĂŒr Hacker, Philosophen und Sci-Fi-Fans

Ich möchte euch in diesem Beitrag die Serie Devs vorstellen: https://s.to/serie/stream/devs

Bei der Vorstellung werde ich etwas spoilern, weil die #Handlung am Anfang so verwirrend ist. Man muss die ersten 4 Folgen sehen bevor man einen leisen Verdacht ĂŒber die Haupthandlung entwickeln kann. Wenn du also allergisch auf Spoiler reagierst nicht weiterlesen!

Die erste Folge kommt einem wie ein #Krimi vor, da offensichtlich die Freundin eines Entwicklers herausfinden möchte warum ihr Freund aus heiterem Himmel Selbstmord begangen haben soll. Dies ist sogar ziemlich spektakulĂ€r geschehen indem er sich auf dem Campus der Technologiefirma selbst verbrannt hat. Dabei ist er kurz vorher in das sagenumwogene Elite-Entwicklungsteam "Devs" (Kurzform von Development) berufen worden, dass die nĂ€chste großartige Technologie fĂŒr die Firma entwickeln soll. Jeder Entwickler möchte in dieses Team aber Keiner weiß so richtig was die so machen. Sie haben ein eigenes Labor auf dem Campus, das den höchsten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen unterliegt.

In der zweiten Folge kommt einem plötzlich alles wie ein #Spionagethriller vor und es wird angedeutet, dass es um #Wirtschaftsspionage geht.

Die dritte Folge verwandelt das Szenario plötzlich in einen #Psychothriller weil die Freundin des verstorbenen Entwicklers anscheinend unter psychischen Störungen leidet.

In den weiteren Folgen offenbart sich dann die Rahmenhandlung und was es mit dem Entwicklungsteam Devs auf sich hat. Die Folgen in der Mitte haben teilweise ihre LĂ€ngen und bringen die Handlung nur langsam voran bis sich zum Ende hin alles in einen riesigen Mindfuck verwandelt.

-- Ab hier wird schon ziemlich viel gespoilert und dann das Ende philosophisch betrachtet.--

Beim Devs-Team geht es letztendlich um einen #Quantencomputer, der jedes einzelne Atom simulieren kann. Dadurch kann man dann den Zustand der Atome messen und diesen Zustand dann beliebig in der Zeit verschieben. Damit ist es möglich, in die #Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu schauen. Man einigt sich zuerst darauf, nur die Vergangenheit zu betrachten. Zuerst wird ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob Jesus wirklich gelebt hat und man kann mit Hilfe des Quantencomputers #Jesus am Kreuz sichtbar machen. Die Frage ist jetzt handelt es sich um eine mögliche Vergangenheit oder ist es wirklich die Vergangenheit? Der Projektleiter, der den anderen verboten hat, die Zukunft zu betrachten macht es dann doch selber. Dabei stellt er fest, dass er nur wenige Monate in die Zukunft schauen kann. Das macht ihn natĂŒrlich neugierig und er findet heraus, dass ein ganz bestimmtes Ereignis im Labor des Quantencomputers mit jener Freundin des toten Entwicklers eintritt. Er geht davon aus, dass sie irgendetwas unternimmt, was zur völligen Zerstörung der #Raumzeit fĂŒhrt und dass damit das Universum selbst, ausgelöscht wird und alles aufhört zu existieren. Da er nicht herausfinden kann was genau sie tut sucht er den Kontakt mit der Freundin und eine merkwĂŒrdige Beziehung entsteht zwischen den Beiden. Letztendlich erzĂ€hlt er ihr was er weiß und zeigt ihr den Computer. Daraufhin meint sie, dass sie sich doch nur dem Computer am besagten Tag fernhalten muss und das Universum wĂŒrde nicht zerstört werden. Gesagt getan und es kommt natĂŒrlich wie es kommen muss. Eine Verkettung von ungewöhnlichen Ereignissen oder ein kompletter #Mindfuck fĂŒhrt dazu, dass sie doch zum besagten Zeitpunkt im Labor ist. Letztendlich geht viel zu Bruch und Menschen sterben aber das Universum existiert weiter. Dass Problem vor dem der Quantencomputer stand und warum er die Zukunft nicht weiter berechnen konnte war, dass es nicht möglich war vorherzusehen, wie sie sich in dieser Situation entscheidet. Da ihre #Entscheidung fĂŒr die Zukunft aber wichtig war, konnte der Computer ab diesem Zeitpunkt keine Voraussagen mehr treffen. Damit wĂ€re dann die Existenz des freien Willen nachgewiesen. Das philosophische #Dilemma, das daraus erwĂ€chst ist: Warum konnte der Computer so viele Monate in die Zukunft berechnen? Niemand im nĂ€heren Umfeld hat monatelang irgendeine wichtige weltbewegende Entscheidung getroffen. Alle haben nur ganz normal ihr Altgasleben gelebt, was fĂŒr den Computer einfach vorauszuberechnen war. Was sagt das ĂŒber die #Gesellschaft und unser #System aus, in dem alle nur das machen was man von ihnen erwartet. Sie haben einen freien Willen nutzen ihn aber nicht und das #Leben lĂ€uft ab wie am Fließband wo alle nur kleine RĂ€der im Getriebe sind und sich brav immer drehen ...

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

#Serie #Zukunft #Universum #Simulation #Quanten #Computer #Philosophie #Freiheit #Entwicklung #Menschheit #Technologie #Hack #Sci-Fi #devs #Paralleluniversum #Zeitachse #Existenz #Schicksal #Alltag


#BruceSchneier: When AIs Start #Hacking

Source: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/04/when-ais-start-hacking.html

Or the robot vacuum cleaner that instead of learning to not bump into things, it learned to drive backwards, where there were no sensors telling it it was bumping into things. If there are problems, inconsistencies, or loopholes in the rules, and if those properties lead to an acceptable solution as defined by the rules, then AIs will find these hacks.

More detailed stuff here: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/coming-ai-hackers

#news #future #technology #software #ai #hack #security #hacker #problem