

Seit einigen Jahren wird die Frage diskutiert, ob ein „neuer“ oder „ehrbarer #Antisemitismus“ (Jean Améry) nicht längst zum festen Bestandteil eines postmodernen #Antirassismus geworden ist. In diesem von Michel #Foucault, Edward Said oder #JudithButler inspirierten postmodernen Diskurs findet sich nämlich ein systematischer Zusammenhang von begrifflicher Einebnung und Verleugnung des Antisemitismus, Relativierung des #Holocaust, De-Thematisierung vor allem der islamischen Judenfeindschaft und Ressentiment gegen #Israel. Dieser akademische Diskurs beeinflusst auch den politischen Aktivismus, den #Kunst|betrieb, viele #Medien und zivilgesellschaftliche Institutionen.
Im Vortrag wird vor allem der genuin ‚anti-identitär‘ und pseudohumanistisch auftretende postmoderne Antisemitismus untersucht, der ein an den christlichen Judenhass erinnerndes „Jew-splitting“ (Bruno Chaouat) betreibt: Der „gute Jude“ ist neben dem toten Juden des Holocaust hier derjenige, der für #Diaspora, Zerstreuung und Überschreitung der eigenen Identität durch gewaltlose Auslieferung an ‚den Anderen‘ steht, während der „böse Jude“ als verstockter zionistischer Nationalist und Siedlerkolonialist betrachtet wird, dessen Ideen souveräner #Identität und Selbstverteidigung dem ewigen Frieden der postnationalen und multikulturellen #Gesellschaft im Wege stehen. Juden dürfen hier nur noch existieren, wenn sie ‚konvertieren‘, ihre Identität negieren und auf Selbstverteidigung verzichten.



Dass das Buch nun auf dem #Index steht, verdankt sich der beharrlichen journalistischen #Arbeit von Manfred Maurer, der über Monate hinweg zu islamistischen Büchern im Buchhandel in #Österreich und #Deutschland recherchierte. Sie führte außerdem dazu, dass die Buchhandelskette #Thalia bereits vor Monaten islamistische Titel aus dem Verkauf genommen und die österreichische #Staatsanwaltschaft Ermittlungen aufgenommen hat.
Neben dem genannten Ilmihal für #Frauen — Islamisches Grundwissen, das außer dem eingangs zitierten Aufruf zum Töten von Islamkritikern auch eine Anleitung zum islamkonformen »leichten Schlagen« der Ehefrau enthält, betrifft das folgende Bücher:

Henry Fords antisemitisches Elaborat Der internationale Jude in türkischer Übersetzung (Yahudi Enternasyonali)
Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Chefideologe der #Muslimbruderschaft, der den #Holocaust als gerechte Strafe Allahs bezeichnet hat): Erlaubtes und Verbotenes im #Islam, in dem die Todesstrafe für außerehelichen Geschlechtsverkehr gefordert und Ratschläge zum islamkonformen Schlagen der Ehefrau gegeben werden;
Nuri Başar: Küresel Musibet Siyonizm (Globale Geißel #Zionismus);
Abdullah Bargouthis Autobiografie (ein zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilter #Hamas -Bombenbauer);
Sayyid Qutb (wichtigster Vordenker der Muslimbruderschaft): Yoldaki Isaretler (Zeichen auf dem Weg)

https://www.mena-watch.com/ein-kleiner-schritt-vorwaerts/ #bücher #antisemitismus #antizionismus #islamismus #vs #documenta #medien #frauen

The #European powers dealt with the Jewish #refugee #crisis by shipping #victims of the #Holocaust to the #MiddleEast.
So, while leading #Zionists understood that they had to uproot and displace #Arabs to establish a #homeland, they were also acutely aware that they were not wanted in the countries from which they had fled or been expelled.
The Zionists and their supporters may have mouthed slogans such as “a land without a people for a people without a land” in speaking of #Palestine, but, as the political philosopher Hannah Arendt observed, European powers were attempting to deal with the crime carried out against Jews in #Europe by committing another crime, one against #Palestinians.
It was a recipe for endless #conflict, especially since giving the Palestinians under #occupation full democratic rights would risk loss of control of #Israel by the Jews.

#Palestinian #freedom #HumanRights



‘It felt like history itself’ – 48 protest photographs that changed the world

The Guardian

Protest can change everything. Which is why governments around the world want to suppress it. In a week when thousands in the US expressed their fury over Roe v Wade, we look back at some of the images that helped rewrite laws and change the way we think.

Governments tend to define democracy as narrowly as possible. The story they tell goes as follows: you vote; the majority party takes office; you leave it to govern on your behalf for the next four or five years. (...)

We have seen what happens if we leave politics to governments. Fairly elected or not, they will, without effective public pressure, abuse their power. (...)

Trust in governments destroys democracy, which survives only through constant challenge. It requires endless disruption of the cosy relationship between our representatives and powerful forces: the billionaire press, plutocrats, political donors, friends in high places. What challenge and disruption mean, above all, is protest. (...)

A government that cannot tolerate protest is a government that cannot tolerate democracy.

Such governments are becoming a global norm. In the UK, two policing bills in quick succession seek to shut down all effective forms of protest. (...)

In the US, state legislatures have been undermining the federal right to protest, empowering the police to use catch-all offences such as “trespass” or “disrupting the peace” to break up demonstrations and make arrests. (...) In Russia, a new law against “discrediting the armed forces” has been used to prosecute dissenters engaging in actions as mild as writing “no to war” in the snow. Similar draconian laws are being imposed by governments in many other nations.

Why do governments want to ban protest? Because it’s effective. Why do they want us to accept their narrow vision of democracy? Because it makes our power ineffective. (...)

The extraordinary people in these images understand this – from suffragettes picketing the White House in 1917 to Patsy Stevenson being manhandled by police at last year’s Sarah Everard vigil; from relatives of those killed at Amritsar in India in 1919 to those taking to the streets after George Floyd’s murder in the US.

Almost everything of importance is disintegrating fast: ecosystems, the health system, standards in public life, equality, human rights, terms of employment. (...) Business as usual is a threat to life on Earth. Disrupting it is the greatest civic duty of all. (...)

Complete article with photos

Photo of young woman confronting heavily armed riot police

Tags: #protest #pictures #photographs #china #tiananmen #tank_man #abortion #abortion_rights #ireland #democracy #freedom_of_speech #strike_action #great_britain #police #policing_bill #us #united_states #right_to_protest #russia #george_floyd #sarah_everard #pussy_riot #india #amritsar #amritsar_massacre #civil_rights_movement #alabama #racism #discrimination #birmingham #martin_luther_king #mlk #gezi_park #turkey #barbara_kruger #poland #rosa_parks #Thich_Quang_Duc #vietnam #israel #gaza #occupied_territories #palestine #palestinians #Emma_Sulkowicz #rape_culture #march_on_washington #egypt #tahrir_square #mexico #may_day #black_power #olympic_games #march_on_montgomery #handmaids #euromaidan #kyiv #kiev #ukraine #stonewall #gay_rights #standing_rock #dakota_access_pipeline #native_americans #indigenous_people #thailand #rubber_duck_protest #japan #tokyo #vietnam_war_protest #vietnam_war #narita_airport #war_protest #south_africa #soweto #soweto_young_lions #apartheid #earth_day #czechoslovakia #prague #russian_tanks #Dubček #pakistan #Notabugsplat #sweden #Växjö #neo-nazi #neo_nazis #ocasio-cortez #tax_the_rich #colombia #bogota #LGBTQI+ #woolworth #whites_only #germany #hitler #holocaust #posner #lviv #prams #Jan_Rose_Kasmir #south_korea #hong_kong #umbrella_movement #sudan #Alaa_Salah #jamaica #royalty #republican_protest #Greta_Thunberg #climate_strike #sufragettes #Arlen_Siu #Sandinistas #nicaragua #black_muslims #police_violence


NS-Zeit: Ein Familiengeheimnis um zwei jüdische Künstlerinnen | DW | 19.06.2022

Nach 40 Jahren Recherche stieß Katharina Feil auf ihre Urgroßtanten Sophie und Betty Wolff: zwei Künstlerinnen der Berliner Secession mit jüdischen Wurzeln. Zwei Stolpersteine erinnern jetzt an sie.#Stolpersteine #Berlin #SophieWolff #BettyWolff #Gedenken #Holocaust #Shoa #Nationalsozialismus #Judentum #JLID1700
NS-Zeit: Ein Familiengeheimnis um zwei jüdische Künstlerinnen | DW | 19.06.2022


Stolpersteine: Das Schicksal zweier jüdischer Künstlerinnen | DW | 13.06.2022

40 Jahre lang recherchierte Katharina Feil ihre Familiengeschichte. Durch Zufall stieß sie dabei auf zwei Künstlerinnen der Berliner Secession mit jüdischen Wurzeln. Heute erinnert ein Stolperstein an sie.#Stolpersteine #Berlin #SophieWolff #BettyWolff #Gedenken #Holocaust #Shoa #Nationalsozialismus #Judentum
Stolpersteine: Das Schicksal zweier jüdischer Künstlerinnen | DW | 13.06.2022


#politik #geschichte #ukraine #geschichtsrevisionismus #faschismus #ns #unternehmen-barbarossa #pogrome #shoah #holocaust #heldenverehrung #denkmäler

Fundstück für diejenigen, die immer noch behaupten wollen, die Ukraine hätte kein Naziproblem: / Find for those who still want to claim that Ukraine does not have a Nazi problem:

Nazi collaborator monuments in Ukraine / Denkmäler für Nazi-Kollaborateure in der Ukraine

Seit 2014, als der Aufstand auf dem Maidan eine neue Regierung in der Ukraine hervorbrachte, hat das Land in rasantem Tempo Denkmäler für Nazi-Kollaborateure und Holocaust-Täter errichtet - fast jede Woche gab es eine neue Gedenktafel oder eine Straßenumbenennung. Aus diesem Grund stellt der Abschnitt über die Ukraine eine äußerst unvollständige Auflistung der mehreren hundert Denkmäler, Statuen und Straßen dar, die nach Nazi-Kollaborateuren in der Ukraine benannt wurden. L'viv und Ivano-Frankivsk - 1,5 Millionen Juden, ein Viertel aller im Holocaust ermordeten Juden, kamen aus der Ukraine. In den letzten sechs Jahren hat das Land die Verehrung der paramilitärischen Organisation Ukrainischer Nationalisten, die mit den Nazis kollaborierte und bei der Abschlachtung von Juden half, und der Ukrainischen Aufständischen Armee (UPA), die Tausende von Juden und 70 000 bis 100 000 Polen massakrierte, institutionalisiert.....
- Vollständig mit viel Bildmaterial: https://forward.com/news/462916/nazi-collaborator-monuments-in-ukraine/


In the witchhunt for #fascism among fringe groups in #Ukraine and especially in the campaign to find #Nazis among the #Azov Regiment, commentators have overlooked the emergence of genuine state fascism in #Russia. This happened because Russian #propaganda abuses political illiteracy to justify its military intervention into Ukraine since 2014. Its goal is to plant the seeds of distrust in Ukraine as broadly as possible. It was this message that was bought all over the world when exposing Ukrainian fringe groups with no actual influence or public support. But in fact, it is Russia that embraced the main principles of fascism and incorporated them into its official #ideology.
In 77 years since the end of World #War II and the #Holocaust, matters of fascism are close enough since some survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders are still alive, but at the same time are far away enough to crystallize an amateur understanding of it as the ultimate evil with recognizable visible attributes.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/05/05/hunting-fascism-in-ukraine-you-overlooked-fascism-in-russia/ #italy #argentina #belarus #protasevich #humanrights #poland #history #donetsk


#Geschichte #Nationalsozialismus #Antisemitismus #Holocaust #Bildung #Erziehung #Wissenschaft #Archiv #Digitalisierung #Internet #Deutschland

Tausende Meter von Aktenmaterial in deutschen Archiven zur »Wiedergutmachung« von NS-Unrecht sollen digitalisiert und für Angehörige, Forschung und Bildungsarbeit zugänglich gemacht werden. In den nächsten zehn Jahren werden den Angaben zufolge mehrere Millionen Dokumente aus deutschen Archiven online zugänglich gemacht. Dadurch werde das Unrecht des nationalsozialistischen Systems sichtbar – selbst wenn Zeitzeugen nicht mehr leben, hieß es.


Childhood Origins of the Holocaust


This speech is astounding. I think what is contained in deMause's analysis is highly related to what we see happening in Russia and the Ukraine right now and even the USA with the rise of Authoritarianism.

The Childhood Origins of the Holocaust
Lloyd deMause

Over thirty years ago, my book The History of Childhood was published, opening with the following words:

“The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care, and the more likely children are to be killed, abandoned, beaten, terrorized, and sexually abused.” 1

In the three decades since then, a dozen books and over a hundred articles in The Journal of Psychohistory have been written by myself and fellow psychohistorians giving overwhelming evidence of the truth of this astonishing view of childrearing evolution. Furthermore, psycho-historians have written hundreds of additional books and articles showing the crucial effects of childrearing evolution on historical personalities — what we term “psycho-classes” — and on history itself, particularly on wars and genocides, which we have found to be caused by this routine child abuse, by the lack of love and care during the early years of life, by the severely fragile selves that are the results of extremely insecure early attachments.

Since I am giving this speech celebrating the release of my book Das emotionale Leben der Nationen in Austria — the home of Adolf Hitler and one of the countries that carried out the Holocaust — I feel I must address the emotional origins of the Holocaust in Austrian and German childrearing in order to understand why it occurred, so as to avoid a world-wide nuclear holocaust in the future. I want to do this because I hope you will be able to agree with me that Germans and Austrians were born innocent — as all humans are — but were made violent racists during their early years by childrearing practices that if I describe them to you I think will allow you to better understand your ancestors. I do this not to “excuse” them but rather to understand the developmental causes of the Holocaust, so genocides and wars can everywhere be eliminated in the future.

I hope you will find that my psycho-historical view of the origins of the Holocaust makes better sense than views like that of Daniel Goldhagen,2 who recently portrayed Germans and Austrians not only accurately as “Hitler’s Willing Executioners” but also as mysteriously containing seemingly inherited antisemitic personalities. I will furthermore show that the great reduction in German and Austrian antisemitism in the past half century is due to the vast improvement in childhood — that is, in the childrearing you in my audience actually experienced. Psychohistory’s main discovery is that war and genocide, like homicide and suicide, is a psychopathic disorder that simply does not occur in the absence of widespread early abuse and neglect, and I hope to show you that Austrian childrearing today has advanced sufficiently so that similar genocides and racist wars have become impossible for Austria in the future.

#childabuse #holocaust #authoritarianism #Russia #Germany #Austria #Ukraine #war #violence #childrearing #Trump #USA