

Caitlin dares to say things that are hard to hear. That's why I listen.

They’ve lied about every war, and they’ve openly acknowledged lying about this very war, but you’re a Kremlin agent if you say they’re lying to us about this war.

#Caitlin #Johnstone #mainstream #media #lies #capitalist #elite #corruption #power #war



Research on acupuncture has been extensive, and so far, robust evidence supports its effectiveness for some, but not all, conditions. According to one analysis published in February 2022 in the BMJ that analyzed more than 2,000 scientific reviews of acupuncture therapies, the science is strongest behind acupuncture’s efficacy for post-stroke aphasia; neck, shoulder, and muscle pain; fibromyalgia pain; lactation issues after delivery; lower back pain; vascular dementia symptoms; and allergy symptoms.
#acupunture #research #mainstream #team


Google Lite: DuckDuckGo Announces Purge of Independent Media – “Only MSM Allowed”

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg has announced that the search engine will begin purging all independent media outlets from the platform and will replace them with “trusted” mainstream media outlets instead.

Alternatives are


#google #duckduckgo #searchengine #mainstream #media #internet


#SaschaLobo macht sich #Sorgen über die sogenannten "Putin-Versteher"

Siehe hier seine #Kolumne: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/russland-versteher-wladimir-putin-und-die-deutschen-putinbrillentraeger-kolumne-a-59b10084-2c42-487f-96aa-905e0187369f

Die Putinbrille färbt jede Wahrnehmung der Realität ideologisch zu Putins Nutzen ein. Die Putinbrille hilft, Doppelstandards als normal zu betrachten, Teile der Wirklichkeit auszublenden und noch für jede Putinsche Monstrosität Erklärungen, Entschuldigungen und Täter-Opfer-Umkehrungen zu finden.

Jetzt ist es leider inzwischen so, dass es da draußen im #Internet zwei Lager gibt: #Telegram und die #Mainstream - #Medien. Kritisiert man die #NATO wird man sofort der Telegram-Fraktion zugerechnet und wenn man sich Pro-US-Politik äußert ist man dem #Mainstream auf den Leim gegangen. Leider zählt nur noch bist du nicht für mich bist du gegen mich und eine neutrale Position wird nicht mehr geduldet.

Das erinnert mich wiederum an @nohopeone@joindiaspora.com, der hier sofort immer jeden anfeindet der sich kritisch über die USA äußert. Ich frage mich dann immer was dann das Resultat wäre, wenn wir jemals eine echte linke #Regierung bekommen (ich weiß, dass das unwahrscheinlich ist). Würde diese Regierung dann nach chinesischem Vorbild alle Transatlantiker in ein Umerziehungslager stecken?

#Politik #Diplomatie #Kritik #Diskurs #Diskussion #Meinung #Problem #Russland #Ukraine #Konflikt #Militär #Frieden #Putin



Dass die #Covid­-Impfungen nicht nur das Erbgut verändern, ist längst bekannt. Jetzt hat die in der ganzen Welt hochangesehene Stuttgarter Alternativmedizinforscherin Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alice Maipillow herausgefunden: Covid-Impfungen führen auch zu einem starken Anstieg der Neigung zu spontaner Selbstentzündung!

In der Tat: Die Beweise sind überall! Erst heute Nacht brannte in Sachsen-Anhalt gleich eine ganze Wohnsiedlung ab, und in Bulgarien sterben 450 Menschen in einem brennenden Bus. So etwas kommt doch nicht von ungefähr!

Und was macht die #Polizei? Sie foltert Ghislaine Maxwell und terrorisiert unbescholtene Motorradfreunde. Wie üblich wird das von den #Mainstream­-Medien völlig verzerrt dargestellt.



Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine


' #AmyGoodman narrates a short video piece based on #NoamChomsky’s #book#ManufacturingConsent”, a seminal work on #mainstream #journalism and its role in the #mechanics of #power.' According to #Chomsky, media operate through #5 #filters: #ownership, #advertising, the #media #elite, #flak and the #common #enemy. #analysis #propaganda #machine #msm #profit #freedom #democracy


Hauptsache GEIMPFT! - Impfen macht FREI!

Menstruationsstörungen nach Corona-Impfung: Sogar Mainstream muss berichten

Nach einer Corona-Impfung machen viele Frauen die Beobachtung, dass sich die Monatsblutung verändert, und teilen auf sozialen Medien ihre Erfahrungen. Wie Wochenblick bereits im April berichtete, startete die Professorin für Anthropologie, Dr. Kathryn Clancy, der Universität Illinois eine Online-Umfrage dazu. Sie will aus den Rückmeldungen eine wissenschaftliche Studie erstellen.

Weiter berichtet das Magazin: "Das Thema schlägt mittlerweile so hohe Wellen, dass auch der Mainstream darüber berichtet.

#Menstruationsstörungen #Corona #Impfung #Mainstream #Frauen #Monatsblutung #Wochenblick #DrKathrynClancy #KathrynClancy #UniversitätIllinois #Illinois


Julian Assange: Separating Fact from Fiction



'As a #witness to Julian's #extradition #hearing, #JohnShipton will also discuss how #Assange was treated by #JudgeBaraitser and evidence that #contradicts what the public has heard about #Julian. #FidelNarvaez will discuss his firsthand experience of Assange’s time in the #embassy and #relevant #testimony given at the #trial. #JohnKiriakou will discuss his firsthand experience of being tried in the “ #Espionage #Court” in the #EasternDistrict of #Virginia and what Assange will actually face if #extradited. #RayMcGovern will describe his #personal #friendship with Julian and insider knowledge of #CIA actions to #discredit #whistleblowers in #collusion with #mainstream #media.'

#julianassange #separatingfactfromfiction #fact #fiction #washingtondc #13june2021 #zoom #gabrielshipton #journalism #publisher #wikileaks #firstamendment #freepress #freespeech #freejulian #dropthecharges #weareallassange

Julian Assange: Separating Fact from Fiction

As Gov’t Tells Us to ‘Follow the Science’, Remember the ‘Consensus’ Once Rejected Hand Washing....

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a phrase has been thrown around by blowhards in the mainstream media and politicians alike. That phrase is “we follow the science.” However, many of the folks who constantly repeat this phrase don’t seemed too excessively concerned with actually following any science at all.
The World Health Organization and others have come out for months saying that schools are safe and that school closures are leading to a slew of horrifying childhood problems.
“Schools can reopen safely,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, back in December.
Yet those who claim to “follow the science” continue to keep children locked down and out of school — leading to an epidemic of childhood suicide. This is just one of many examples.

Despite brutal lockdowns, mandates, the complete destruction of the economy, and putting the police state on steroids, cases still shot to record levels through December and early January. Every time they rise, the politicians take to their podiums and blame the citizens for not following their arbitrary and often entirely unscientific dictates close enough. More force is threatened and more arbitrary rules rolled out. Despite the utterly horrifying effects of the lockdowns, politicians across the world keep forcing them on the citizens. Why is that?

Are they really following the science? Does following The Science(TM) mean that scientists and experts who disagree with The Science(TM) ought to be banned, silenced, and cancelled? If not, then why is that happening despite many of these disagreements being proven right?

Throughout history, The Science(TM) has been resistant to skeptics. Anyone who challenges the established narrative is cast out, ridiculed, and shunned. Now, Big Tech has joined in and helps to silence those who are skeptical — even if they are Harvard educated experts.
It has been a week since our @Facebook page was deleted.

This happened after we posted a comment in full support of a voluntary Covid19 vaccine plan.

There has been no option to review this decision.

There is no route to appeal available for @gbdeclaration. pic.twitter.com/yTz0ue2jNk

— **_Great Barrington Declaration (@gbdeclaration) February 7, 2021_**

To be clear, a scientific consensus is not to be easily discounted. Thousands of people all coming to similar conclusions through varying applications of the scientific method is a powerful means of explaining and understanding our environment and presence on this planet and in the universe. Coming to a consensus allows humanity to make better decisions about fostering a more sustainable future and helps us figure out how to progress as a species and deal with the various woes we face — like COVID-19.

That being said, the collective is often dangerously — and deadly — wrong. Do not mistake this for a stance on vaccines, the pandemic, or any health measures. That is a moot point for the purpose of this issue. However, indoctrinating people to unquestioningly accept what The Science(TM) says as fact, through various means of information manipulation can and will have damning consequences.

Without people questioning our very reality, science would likely still be stuck in the stone ages.

This current method of cancelling, censoring, and banning, sets out to grow the herd of consensus, simply by convincing people that doing anything but unquestioningly accepting the consensus is wrong.

“Consensus messages don’t ask people to change their beliefs — they ask them to change their opinion about what other people believe, so they’re not a direct threat to their identity,” says Sander van der Linden, a psychology professor at Cambridge, who has tested the strength of “inoculation messages” in a program to manipulate people into being less skeptical.
Once people view the consensus as non-threatening, they will readily accept the science on the matter. Seems harmless enough, right?Well, it does if you haven’t studied history at all.

#consensus #eugenics #mainstream #science #lockdown #covid_19 #corruption #genocide #fraud #pandemic #censor #manipulation #disinformation


Another observational failure for the mainstream model.....
"We discovered that a massive bulge, a regular rotating disk, and possibly spiral arms were already in place in this galaxy when the Universe was just 10% of its current age," said lead author of the study Dr. Federico Lelli, who undertook the work at Cardiff University's School of Physics and Astronomy.
"In other words, this galaxy looks like a grown adult, but it should be just a little child."

Any other theory in science would have been shot and put out of it's misery by now after failing so many crucial and important so called "tests" of the model. The whole concept of galaxy evolution is the most important so called "prediction" of the expansion model, and yet every single time we get a new observation from further back in time, it shows massive and mature galaxies as far as we can see. There is zero evidence of a bang, none. It's all fabricated nonsense. The expansion dogma simply doesn't jive with the observations.

#thunderbolts #mainstream #galaxy #Universe #Physics #Astronomy #big_bang #expansion #dogma #corruption #regressive #astrophysics #science
