

Puppet one or puppet two,
The system has a choice for you,
Puppet Brown or puppet White,
Be sure to get your choices right.

Puppet blue or puppet red,
No other choice for you instead,
Puppet Right or puppet Left,
Of principles they are bereft.

Puppet women puppet man,
Believe the puppets if you can,
Puppet young puppet old,
Vote for puppets like you're told.

#rishisunak #liztruss #conservatives #ukconservatives #conservatism #conservativeparty #leadership #uk #britishconservatives #toryparty #usa #britishpolitics #ukpolitics #puppets #westerncivilization #nietzscheanism #plutocraticelites #scions #elitism #judeoangloamericanempire #eu #un #westernpoliticians #westernpolitics #corporatism #corporatocracy #wef #worldeconomicforum #builderberg #globalism #globalists


Politics is a philosophy, not a science.
Population management is a science.

Politics gives populations a tool for civilizational self-direction.

The science of population control gives Nietzschean elites a tool for their surrogates to manage populations.

#politics #philosophy #sovereignty #civilization #westerncivilization #nietzschean #nietzsche #theelite #rulebyelites #ubermensch #elites #science #scientism #scientocracy #socialengineering #socialengineers #societalmanagers #societalcontrol #civilizationalmanagement #control #manipulation #narratives #hegalian #fauxhegaliandielectic #propaganda


248 days before he died, Dr Vladimir Zelenko posted the attached post on the gab social media platform.

The post represents a concise analysis of the Western elite's obfuscated power structure as Dr Zelenko perceived it to be.

I can't say if this is accurate or not, but I certainly recognise some elements of it as repeating data points.

#drzelenko #drzevzelenko #zelenko #vladimirzelenko #thewest #elites #westerncivilization #powerstructure #elitism #elitistconspiracy #collusion #orchestration #machiavellianism #socialengineering #propaganda #uk #intelligentsia #corporatism #scions #plutocracy #puppetpoliticians #usa #surveillancestate #technocracy #ai #neoliberalism #neofeudalism #wef #technocraticneofeudalism #control #informationcontrol #controlsystem


The 10th Amendment is an integral part of United States Constitutional law. There is no "right to abortion" in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights & as such, under the 10th Amendment, laws governing abortion are reserved to the states, or to the people.

#ruleoflaw #supremecourt #abortion #roevwade #usconstitution #usa #10thamendment #billofrights #10a #law #justice #civilization #thewest #westerncivilization #godgivenrights #theenlightenment #rightsofman #righttolife #righttoselfdefense #humanrights #shallnotbeinfringed #ussupremecourt #naturalrights


According to the FDA FOIA data, the Pfizer "vaccine" has a (1223/42086)x100=2.91% fatality rate. According to data from Cambridge university, the mortality rate of Covid in the UK including all ages is (1/480)x100=0.208%. Overall, that makes the "vaccine" 14x (1400%) more deadly than Covid overall.

It doesn't stop there though, as according to Cambridge the younger a person is, the lower their Covid mortality rate is.

Under 25s = (1/91,775)x100=0.001% mortality rate.
25-44 = (1/7405)x100=0.014% mortality rate.
45-64 = (1/934)x100=0.107% mortality rate.
65-74 = (1/249)x100=0.401% mortality rate.
75+ = (1/50)x100=2.000% mortality rate.

So, the Pfizer "vaccine" is:

2,910x (291,000%) more deadly than Covid for those under 25.
208x (20,800%) more deadly than Covid for those 25-44.
27x (2,700%) more deadly than Covid for those 45-64.
7.3x (730%) more deadly than Covid for those 65-74.
1.5x (150%) more deadly than Covid for those over 75.


#fda #vaccine #vaccines #pfizer #covid #covid19 #cdc #foia #data #statistics #cambridge #adversereactions #vaccinedeaths #vaccineinjuries #bigpharma #corruption #cronycapitalists #psyop #ccp #westerncivilization #uk #usa #fauci #albertbourla


This is an #urgent message to all people of proto-Indo-European descent. All "White" peoples, Europeans, #Germanic peoples, #Celtic peoples, #Slavic peoples and all peoples who identify as "White" or Indo-European.

Fertility Rates are dire. If they are not corrected soon, White peoples will cease to exist.

#fertility #birth #birthrates #birthrate #whitepeople #whitelivesmatter #indoeuropean #protoindoeuropean #europe #asia #theamericas #africa #middleeast #oceania #children #babies #baby #pregnant #abortion #pregnancy #european #asian #american #middleeastern #african #oceanian #fertilityrate #survival #data #statistics #graphs #charts #information #family #longevity #civilization #westerncivilization #thewest #west #westernfertility



Scientific materialism has been to humanity what supermarkets have been to our conception of food: the combination of marketing and variety has greatly convinced a significant portion of us that the supermarket is not only the origin of food but the best and only place to get it.

- Imam Marc Manley

#الإسلام #education #educate #indoctrinate #administer #معاملات #scientism #science #materialism #scientificmaterialism #belief #epistemology #religion #market #markets #usury #fiat #fiatmoney #money #technocracy #freedom #Europe #Europeans #Western #WesternCivilization #ربا #history #culture #society #economics #Islam #Sharia #Shariah #Shariat #Sufi #Sufism #Muslim #Khalifa #muamalat #riba #تَصَوّف