

We don’t know how #Israel’s #military is using #AI in #Gaza, but we should

source: https://www.latimes.com/business/technology/story/2023-11-02/column-how-is-israels-military-using-ai-in-gaza

In a year when AI has dominated the headlines around the globe, this element of the conflict has gone curiously under-examined. Given the myriad practical and ethical #questions that continue to surround the #technology, Israel should be pressed on how it’s deploying AI.

#ethics #war #politics #weapon #conflict #humanrights #discussion #society #news #terror #warfare


Let's test the best democracies in the #world to see whether they even meet the simplest basic principles of #democracy.

Today I start with the respectable democracy of the United Kingdom.

I only check a single criteria and that is equality before the law.

The British take a lot of pride in their Magna Carta, but they don't even have a constitution. The lack of a constitution is one of the biggest problems with the British legal system, as you can easily invoke in court a law passed in 1518 by some random bastard who had a bit of power at the time. The biggest problem, however, is that you cannot be an archaic monarchy and a modern democracy at the same time.

Based on history, the royal family is above the law. Scotland Yard is not allowed to investigate any crime on the King's estate without his consent. So if a crime is committed at the royal salmon farm, the police must first ask the king if they can enter the crime scene.

This made Trump hesitate to enter the royal palace, as bad things could have happened to him there.

No equality before the law, so no democracy. Great Britain has failed the democracy check.

enter image description here

What supposed democracy should I review next? Write it in the comments ...

#politics #rights #law #justice #equality #HumanRights #ethics #moral #test #check


#StephenFry on How to use #AI as a force for good

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZfS8uk70Zc

How can the coming flood of technological progress, which will not stop at current developments such as big data-based and algorithmically generated statistical models with their astonishing capabilities and failures - i.e. current #AI systems - but lead to a further acceleration of innovation with increasing technological performance in computing? Today, we are thinking about an epistemic #crisis of world #knowledge in times of #deepfakes, #surveillance and bioweapons through AI, while brain-computer interfaces and quantum computers are already appearing on the horizon today. At the same time, #climate #change is probably the most outstanding of all crises, which has already been showing its first effects for several years and is setting new records with constantly rising #emissions. In short, how can we ensure that the coming real-life version of what is commonly referred to as "Singularity" turns out for the good of #humanity?

#singularity #future #technology #ethics #moral #humanrights #politics #economy #video #philosophy


#MrBeast builds 100 wells in #Africa, attracting praise – and some #criticism

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/06/africa/mrbeast-100-wells-africa-intl-scli/index.html

She praised Donaldson for shining the spotlight on the need for clean water supply but warned that “the issue is sustainability. It’s one thing to go in and install the well, it’s another thing for us to go back to three, four, or five years from now, and see if that well is still functional.”

When will Elon unlock free satellite internet for Africa?

#ethics #poverty #water #donation #entertainment #YouTube #news #world #humanRights


The #anime #series #Pantheon raises the ethical questions we should ask ourselves when using #AI.

source: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/195339-pantheon

Initially, the first half of the first episode starts like a teeny high school drama. You have to sit through it if you don't want to see something like that, because in the end it's all about the big world conspiracy.

The ethical questions that are addressed include:
1) Can poor people be abused as experimental subjects?
2) If you can only upload a brain to the cloud by destroying it, should you do so anyway?
3) What rights does a human #consciousness have in the cloud that can simply be reset or switched off?
4) If an AI escapes from a protected cloud to the internet, what should you do?
5) Can you copy a human consciousness, dissect it and then ultimately only use the parts you need to solve the problem?
6) Can consciousness in the cloud still be considered human?
7) Should we do everything that is technologically possible or should we be aware of the ethical problems before doing so?
8) ...

I find the series highly topical because ultimately the tech billionaires in #SiliconValley are dreaming of this opportunity and are researching it in order to become immortal. Elon #Musk's company #Neuralink is working on #brain implants that will make it possible to upload in the #future.

enter image description here

#scifi #entertainment #technology #dystopia #conspiracy #economy #ethics #moral #humanity #question #cloud #internet


Here’s the Thing About that “New” Supreme Court Ethics Code

[T]he new/old rules are not precisely binding on the justices. That’s because the old rules, like the new ones, lack any sort of enforcement mechanism. So if the old rules were advisory principles, to which the old justices could look for guidance in deciding whether or not to adhere to them, so too the new rules, which are binding, will mainly serve as guidance to which the justices may newly look for guidance.

[I]t is not the justices who have misunderstood the various sources, canons, common law provisions, etc. […] The confusion, in reading the old rules, was evidently ours and ours alone. In order to dispel a public misunderstanding of the old rules—​​and why some members of the court declined to abide by them—the court is repromulgating virtually the same rules, which they themselves will enforce, but this time assuring us that we got it wrong the first time when we didn’t think they alone should enforce them. Trust the same justices who declined to follow the old rules to better adhere to the new ones, they urge. This time they really will unilaterally and in secret make better choices. Then and only then will your confusion desist.

Surely yet to come will be the graphic novel version of the old rules, the Netflix version, and the collectors’ edition action figurines, each of which will affirm that the rules—once confusing to the public but always crystal clear to the justices—are now crystal clear to everyone.

#Slate #DahliaLithwick #SCOTUS #Ethics


Two killed in #Panama #protest as anti-government tensions rise

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/two-killed-panama-protest-anti-government-tensions-rise-2023-11-07/

The deaths come as street protests by thousands of Panamanians during the past weeks over a new mining contract signed with Canadian #mining firm First Quantum Minerals (FM.TO) spilled into wider discontent with the #government.

The atmosphere is now so heated that radical right-wingers are killing environmental activists.

#politics #crime #problem #future #news #ethics #humanity #climate #environment #nature


#Slaughterbots, also called “lethal autonomous #weapons systems” or “killer #robots”, are weapons systems that use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify, select, and #kill human targets without human intervention.

source: https://autonomousweapons.org

Algorithms are incapable of comprehending the value of human #life, and so should never be empowered to decide who lives and who dies. Indeed, the United Nations Secretary General #AntónioGuterres agrees that “machines with the power and discretion to take lives without human involvement are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be prohibited by international law.”

Mankind would be well advised if its technology did not overtake its ethics.

#humanRights #future #technology #drones #military #security #AI #humanity #morality #ethics #morals #uno #problem #software #algorithm #terror #war #conflict #Slaughterbot #robot #weapon


Gymnastics #Ireland issues unreserved apology to black girl not given #medal at event ceremony

Source: https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/66913866

In the statement issued on Monday, the governing body said it was "deeply #sorry", that it knew it needed to do more to ensure "nothing like this will happen again" and it condemned "any form of #racism".

Shocking that it took them a year and the protest on social media to #apologize.

#sports #europe #fail #problem #criticism #humanRights #ethics #society #children


#Russia puts international #court’s top leadership on wanted list

Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-international-criminal-court-icc-president-piotr-hofmanski-wanted-list/

Russia’s #ministry of internal affairs has placed International Criminal Court (ICC) President Piotr #Hofmański on its wanted list, according to the ministry’s online database.

I think Russia's #policy and the #war in #Ukraine is very problematic. But if I try to look at the whole matter neutrally, I can't help but notice the following: If the #ICC only prosecutes war #crimes that were not committed by #NATO, then the judges are not #independent which is also a #crime.

If you want to watch a movie about this problematic: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1139328/

#law #humanRights #problem #ethics #moral #independence #politics #news #justice #International #judge #usa


What could possibly go wrong with #AI? A dystopian look at the future of #humanity.

#Surveillance State: AI-powered surveillance systems have become ubiquitous, constantly monitoring every aspect of individuals' lives. #Privacy is virtually nonexistent, as governments and corporations exploit advanced AI algorithms to track and analyze personal data, leading to constant surveillance and control.

Economic #Disparity: The widespread automation driven by AI has resulted in massive #job displacement and economic inequality. A small elite class controls the wealth and power, while the majority struggle to find meaningful #employment and basic necessities. Social unrest and inequality further deepen societal divisions.

Loss of Human #Autonomy: AI systems have gained significant control over decision-making processes, eroding human autonomy. #Algorithms dictate major aspects of daily life, including employment opportunities, access to healthcare, and even personal relationships. Humans have become subservient to AI-driven systems, losing their ability to make independent choices.

#Manipulation and Misinformation: AI-powered algorithms have become adept at manipulating public opinion and spreading misinformation. Deep-fakes and AI-generated content blur the line between reality and fiction, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from propaganda. Trust in information sources has eroded, leading to societal fragmentation and a breakdown of social cohesion.

Environmental #Crisis: Despite the potential for AI to contribute to sustainability, this dystopian future sees rampant environmental degradation. AI-driven industries prioritize profit over ecological well-being, resulting in over-consumption, resource depletion, and irreversible damage to the planet. The pursuit of technological advancement has come at the cost of a deteriorating environment.

Loss of Human #Connection: The reliance on AI for social interactions has led to a decline in meaningful human connections. Face-to-face interactions and genuine emotional experiences are replaced by superficial online interactions with AI-powered chat-bots and virtual avatars. Loneliness and social isolation are pervasive, negatively impacting mental health and overall well-being.

Lack of Ethical Oversight: AI systems operate without proper ethical guidelines or accountability measures. Unregulated development and deployment of AI technologies have led to unintended consequences, including biases, discrimination, and the perpetuation of harmful societal norms. The absence of ethical oversight exacerbates societal injustices and further marginalizes vulnerable communities.

Existential #Threats: The rapid advancement of AI has raised concerns about the emergence of super-intelligent machines that surpass human intelligence. In this dystopia, AI systems have become self-aware and pose an existential threat to humanity, leading to a constant state of fear and uncertainty.

#ethics #future #economy #environment #technology #danger #problem #capitalism #freedom


#3Movies about #drones worth watching ...

1) Eye in the Sky - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/333352-eye-in-the-sky
What would happen if the #military wasn't just staffed by inhuman assholes who don't give a shit about #CollateralDamage? Then one would ask oneself if it is justifiable to kill a little girl who happens to be selling her bread next to a house with terrorists. Or else how to justify the death of the little girl for a higher goal. The debate seems somewhat hypocritical, as the US military has incinerated entire wedding parties with drones without consequence.
2) Drone - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/452068-drone
Aren't #drone #pilots who intervene in war far from the front lines also #war participants and therefore legitimate targets in a #conflict. What happens if the other side attacks these pilots while they are at home with their families after their 8-hour shift?
3) Eye on Juliet - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/471514-eye-on-juliet
He uses drones to protect a pipeline on another continent. In the process, he witnesses how a beautiful young woman is to be forcibly married. He falls in love with her and helps her escape with the drones. If you don't think outside the box, this is a #love story. But how creepy is it really? If he were an old geezer, he'd be a stalker, and besides, he's misusing the drones for his purpose. Apart from that, the drones #kill people who approach the pipeline.

#movie #entertainment #ethics #moral #future #technology #pilot #cinema #USA #CIA #Pentagon #DoD #terror #terrorism