

#out in the #open
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#Kill #Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s #Time #For#Death #Panels’ To #Reduce Global #Population

According to Harari, so-called “common people” are right to be fearful of a future in which they will be made “redundant”.

Harari’s comments are deeply disturbing because when they are placed in context with comments by other WEF advisors like Bill Gates and his desire for “death panels”, it becomes clear that they have mass murder on their mind.

How much evidence is required before a conspiracy theory become a conspiracy fact?



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an eye-opening, jaw-dropping informative hour on Industrial #Hemp. We will take questions from the chat also at the end of the hour.
Julie D’Floater aka “ #Hemptress” & Scott Busch join Denise #Bliss Philips to do a deeper dive into Hemp and the #evils #of our #government by banning hemp. Industrial Hemp and #Cannabliss are #natural #resource much #needed for the #planet and #population to reach its full potential.
Its a #Miracle #plant , its been a #crime #against #humanity , by the evil non human entities that have usurped all our energy .


The #West has disastrously low #birthrates that are particularly bad among the Indo-European (White) people-group.

Meanwhile, according to 2015 #UN #data, we are sterilizing ~30% of our reproductive #population & around another 40% is using #contraception.

I could understand this situation if our birthrates were excessive, or if there was legitimate #overpopulation, but our birthrates are disastrously low & we are importing mass #immigration, so clearly we are not overpopulated.

This is a #depopulation agenda without a #democratic mandate from the people.

#thewest #indoeuropean #uk #usa #sterilisation #sterilization #fertility #depopulationagenda #theelite #eu #europe #technocracy #technocrats #overpopulation #antihuman #elites #puppetpoliticians #antinatalism


Non, nous ne manquons pas d' #eau #potable ! | #IdrissAberkane


Le #monde #consomme un peu moins de 60% du volume de l' #Amazone en eau #douce, chaque année. A l'heure où le #malthusianisme forcené, veut confisquer toutes nos #libertés, limiter drastiquement les #naissances, nous #confiner dans ces atroces " #villes de 15 minutes", il était devenu absolument vital de #contredire ce #discours #apocalyptique par un peu de #science exacte. Non, nous ne manquons pas d' #eau-potable. Certes, sa #répartition dans le monde n'est pas bonne, mais une chose qui peut se répartir facilement de l'Alaska à l'Afrique et du Lac Baïkal à la Terre de Feu, c'est l' #intelligence et la #connaissance.

Si la Macronie a vanté le #projet #apocalyptique d'un nouveau #rationnement de l'eau douce (dans une #France qui n'a jamais manqué d'eau, ni pour sa #population ni pour son #agriculture ni pour son #industrie) nous devons rappeler que des #projets existent qui pourraient générer le débit de plusieurs grands #fleuves par an, et que non, définitivement, nous ne manquons pas d'eau douce, nous ne manquons que de #bon-sens.

#eau #géopolitique #politique


The #British establishment are funding procreative #heterosexuality in #Uganda, a nation with an average birthrate of 4.7 children per couple, but in the #UK, they fund & promote non-procreative LGBTQ+ while the average British #birthrate is disastrously low at 1.56 #children per couple.

This is part of a longterm #plan to reduce the #autochthonous #European #population & then import the #African population when #Africa inevitably collapses due to their population exceeding their #resources & #infrastructure.

#greatreplacement #depopulation #demographics #ethnography #lgb #eugenics #theelite #elites #usa #lgbtq #africa #thewest #fertility



Les fabuleux #bienfaits de la #marche | #ARTE

Aujourd’hui, 85 % de la #population #mondiale ne fait pas assez de #sport. Selon les #scientifiques, les #dangers de l’ #immobilité pour la #santé sont comparables à ceux du #tabagisme, et ne se limitent pas aux #maladies liées au #surpoids. La #solution pourrait pourtant venir de l’une des #activités les plus simples et instinctives qui soient, #accessible à tous ou presque : #marcher. Peaufiné par nos #ancêtres depuis l’"invention" de la #bipédie par les #australopithèques, ce mode de déplacement reste #indispensable à notre santé #physique et #psychique. En augmentant la fréquence respiratoire et #cardiaque, et ainsi la #consommation d’ #oxygène, la marche stimule l’ensemble des #fonctions #physiologiques : un véritable bol d’air frais pour les #cellules, qui booste le #système #immunitaire. Ses #bénéfices se font pleinement sentir dès 10 000 pas par jour, soit 6 à 8 kilomètres – la distance préconisée par l’OMS.

Reprendre le temps de la #promenade

À grandes foulées, cette #enquête part à la rencontre de #chercheurs #européens qui étudient la marche sous toutes ses facettes. Dans les Préalpes bavaroises, une équipe d’expertes en #sciences du sport cartographie les #sentiers avec l'appui de cobayes, afin de promouvoir une #randonnée adaptée au niveau de chacun. La #psychothérapeute #ValérieBourdeau a, quant à elle, pu constater les #bienfaits de la marche sur les douleurs chroniques, et même sur la #dépression. Du côté de la #neurologie, les recherches démontrent que cette #activité favorise l’ #attention, la #perception et la #concentration. Face à ces constats, il est #urgent de reprendre le temps de la promenade – et c’est aussi aux pouvoirs #publics d’agir pour nous aider à bousculer nos habitudes, notamment en rendant les #villes aux #piéton.

#Documentaire de Birgit Tanner ( #Allemagne, 2021, 52mn)

Disponible jusqu'au 23/06/2023



ex-military #RW #Remote #Viewer #LynBuchanan reported that he had RVed something very much like this back in 1998.

Here's a good #interview with him by researcher Linda Howe: #LMH

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J3MP6KQL5bo

The section that features Buchanan is from 13:13—20:45. He said there'd be a marked #population #reduction between 2020—2050. By 2050, there'd be #no large #cities, a very greatly reduced population, and a largely agrarian society, Linda asked if it was war that would cause that, and Lyn said no, saying that the #food and the #atmosphere would be ' #poisoned', and also that climate change would play a part. He said that many other remote viewers 'saw' the same thing, over many sessions.

In this different interview, go to a brief section starting at 46:20:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=39l_eQTeLrg

Here, he said that 2020 was when the "disasters were going to start", winding up "wiping out a large portion of humanity". He said that "cities were no longer useful", "people would voluntarily isolate themselves from each other", and grow their own food, adopting an agrarian lifestyle. He said "technology would be how they'd continue their relationships" (he presumably meant long-distance) — and that the situation would last 20 years. But in the end, he said, "the human situation would be better".


ex-military #RW #Remote #Viewer #LynBuchanan reported that he had RVed something very much like this back in 1998.

Here's a good #interview with him by researcher Linda Howe: #LMH

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J3MP6KQL5bo

The section that features Buchanan is from 13:13—20:45. He said there'd be a marked #population #reduction between 2020—2050. By 2050, there'd be #no large #cities, a very greatly reduced population, and a largely agrarian society, Linda asked if it was war that would cause that, and Lyn said no, saying that the #food and the #atmosphere would be ' #poisoned', and also that climate change would play a part. He said that many other remote viewers 'saw' the same thing, over many sessions.


Mon #avis sur la " #réforme" des #retraites | #IdrissAberkane

Soyons clairs: ceux qui vous disent que la "réforme" des retraites est nécessaire, pratiquent une fois encore le " #TINA" (There Is No Alternative) utilisé avec la plus grande #brutalité pour le #Covid et le #catastrophisme #environnemental, en vous faisant croire que le #vieillissement de la #population ne laisse aucun autre #choix #politique #possible.

C'est entièrement faux. D'une part la #productivité des #français a été multipliée par 7 (oui SEPT et même dans la #vidéo je ne m'y attendais pas) depuis 1950, cependant que l' #emploi des #femmes rejoint celui des #hommes, d'autre part le #déficit MAXIMAL des retraites est de 20 milliards, soit 20 mois de #dépenses en #tests #PCR pendant la " #crise" covid.

Ce que cache cette n-ième "réforme" des retraites, c'est en #réalité une lente et #sournoise #progression de l' #esclavage.

#analyse #retraite #manifestation #histoire #économie


This is #how they will try to get the jab into everyone - into every baby - every child - every citizen -

For the (covert) purposes of #transhumanism, #population control, mass infertility, full spectrum control and tracking... disguised as ' #Health Care' ...

The key to it is a #cashless society using #Digital #Currency linked to a #Social #Credit #System - what's happening in #Brazil is an illustration of how it starts... forcing people needing benefits to get themselves and their children injected -

Lula Imposes COVID Vaccine Mandate For Children To Receive Gov’t Benefits


Quote Lula said the government vaccine mandate is for the greater good, even if it means citizens take 10 or 50 vaccines.

“For God’s sake, we can’t be ignorant to the point of thinking it’s not worth getting vaccinated,” he said.

“I keep asking myself what kind of love does this mother have for her children, that she doesn’t take care of them at the most important moment when they can be vaccinated and can avoid a more delicate disease in their lives,” Lula continued.

“We can’t hesitate; we can’t play around. It is a question of science,” he said, seemingly ignoring the mountains of evidence the experimental mRNA injection is not only ineffective, but can also lead to a number of adverse neurological and cardiovascular side effects.

“If there are ten COVID vaccines, 50 to take, I will take as many as necessary because I like my life. I think everyone has a duty to their children’s life, take them [to vaccinate] at the right age, that’s why they say the Bolsa Família is coming back,” Lula said.

The announcement marks a major policy reversal since Bolsonaro, who stepped down after a contentious election in November, rejected the COVID vaccine mandate.

Meanwhile, Lula flew to Washington, D.C., on Friday to meet with fellow puppet president Joe Biden for a bilateral meeting praising each other’s far-left policies.