

When #Algorithms Fail: Ancient Origins' Battle with #Facebook #Censorship

source: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/facebook-censorship-0021448

Blocking content related to sensitive historical events, such as how the #Nazi Party rose to power, undermines efforts to educate the public about these topics. This may contribute to ‘historical amnesia’, where the lessons of the past are forgotten, increasing the risk of repeating similar mistakes.

#history #education #news #fail #socialnetwork #internet #moderation #freedom #web #economy


A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also admit that some things are much more nearly certain than others. It is much more nearly certain that we are assembled here tonight than it is that this or that political party is in the right. Certainly there are degrees of certainty, and one should be very careful to emphasize that fact, because otherwise one is landed in an utter skepticism, and complete skepticism would, of course, be totally barren and completely useless.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
“Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic?” sec. “Skepticism” (1949)

#quote #quotes #quotation #certainty #skepticism #judgment #likelihood #moderation #probability
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/67789/


#Instagram Throttles 404 Media #Investigation Into #Drug #Ads on Instagram, Continues to Let People Advertise Drugs

source: https://www.404media.co/instagram-throttles-404-media-investigation-into-drug-ads-on-instagram-continues-to-let-people-advertise-drugs/

This means #Meta continues to take money from people blatantly advertising drugs on the platform while limiting the reach of reporting about that #content #moderation #failure. Instagram's Recommendation #Guidelines limit the reach of posts that "promotes the use of certain regulated products such as tobacco or vaping products, #adult products and services, or pharmaceutical drugs."

#economy #internet #socialMedia #Media #politics #news #business


Moving a Blog From Wordpress.com to Diaspora

Is it possible to migrate my #wordpress.com (free, but now they're embedding ads in my blog posts and doing other maddening things) #blog to my #diaspora account? Is there some setting I can use to make all my blog posts accessible outside of the Fediverse so people don't have to create an account just to read them? Should I put it on a different service like #Friendica so people can simply find my blog and read it? I can understand needing to create an account in order to comment on blog posts, but it'd be cool if anonymous comments were permitted and required #moderation / approval before they are published. That is possible on Wordpress.com, but that platform has gotten sloppy and made some pretty stupid decisions lately.

Does anyone "just plain blog" in the Fediverse?


You think the internet is a clown show now? You ain’t seen nothing yet…

The Guardian

Social media platforms are laying off their ‘trust and safety’ teams. Brace yourself for a new wave of unfettered misinformation and abuse. (...)

[W]e may have passed the point where tech platforms stopped caring about moderating what happens on their platforms. From now on, (almost) anything goes.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Robert F Kennedy Jr at rally
Robert F Kennedy Jr on a video screen at an anti-vaccination rally in Washington, January 2022. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP.

If that’s true, then we have reached the most pivotal moment in the evolution of the tech industry since 1996. (...) In 26 words, the clause guaranteed immunity for online computer services with respect to third-party content generated by its users. It basically meant that if you ran an online service on which people could post whatever they liked, you bore no legal liability for any of the bad stuff that could happen as a result of those publications.

On the basis of that keep-out-of-jail card, corporations such as Google, Meta and Twitter prospered mightily for years. (...)

But moderation is difficult and often traumatising work. And, given the scale of the problem, keeping social media clean is an impossible, sisyphean task. (...) AI that can outwit the ingenuity of the bad actors who lurk in the depths of the internet has yet to be invented.

And, more significantly perhaps, times have suddenly become harder for tech companies. The big ones are still very profitable, but that’s partly because they been shedding jobs at a phenomenal rate. And many of those who have been made redundant worked in areas such as moderation, or what the industry came to call “trust and safety”. (...) After all, if there’s no legal liability for the bad stuff that gets through whatever filters there are, why keep these worthy custodians on board?

Which is why democracies will eventually have to contemplate what was hitherto unthinkable: rethink section 230 and its overseas replications and make platforms legally liable for the harms that they enable. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #internet #internet_safety #social_media #digital_media #media #instagram #facebook #meta #politics #twitter #google #politics #discrimination #racism #hate_speech #conspiracy_theory #anti_vaxer #moderation #fake_news #disinformation


Aaand again, and again, and again... New ppl on the #fediverse (mostly on #mastodon, coming from the recent #twitter migration waves), moan and even sometimes cry about, how #moderation is handled over here.

Ppl argue, that "instance bans" can outright be "malicious" or "abusive".
Others rant about the fact that they run into conflicts with the local policies of their instance and had to move to another instance.

Oh and some very special people even complain, about them having to leave a instance..... and then learn that they even cannot interact with the ppl on the old instance because ... yeah an instance block.

Well. Let me tell you something very very simple. You as a user, have no particular right to expect any service or reception from anyone at all.

Everyone who provides a #fediverse related service, may it be a #mastodon, a #peertube, a #pixelfed or any other type of service, has any and all rights, to create their very own set of rules for users on exactly his server. And so have his administrators.

So basically, there is no such thing as a abusive or malicious block. Neither if a user blocks you nor when another instance blocks the instance _you_ are on.

I always like to include #XKCD #1357 #Free #Speech at this moment. Because, it makes things simple and obvious:

I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

(Image Transscript:
Simple stickman figure comic panel, a figure having a monologue:

PUBLIC SERVICE ANOUNCEMENT: The right to free speech means the government can't arrest you.
It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it.
The 1st amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences.
If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or get banned from a internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated.
It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole,
And they're showing you the door. )


BTW, it's in europe btw the same thing... get used to it. ;)
Feel free to reshare/cite when convenient.... ;)


What #Mastodon #server could I #choose?

It's a real #problem you don't know much about the #administration of the servers. A Mastodon server could be a "Trojan Horse" to get your data. Now that they are leaving #Twitter many new servers appear and many admins will close their server next year again because it's too expensive or too much #work.

So here are some points you can check:

  • Don't go to #fosstodon because I am there. Choose fosstodon only if most of the ther points of this list fitt your needs.
  • The donain of the server shouldn't include "Mastodon" because most of the new users search their server via #Google. If they all choose servers with "Mastodon" inside of the #domain it's against #decentralization and the servers are soon overcrowded with much work for the administration.
  • Check the server #information and #background. It's better to choose a server operated by a #community and not a single person. The server should have been only before the #hyoe because not many of the new servers will survive one year.
  • Check the domain. It should be #cool and fitting to the spirit of your posts.
  • Check the servers blocked on your server. Don't choose a server where nothing is blocked because then you know there is no #moderation on your server. If right wing servers are not blocked you are maybe choosing a server of a right echo chamber. If your server is blocked on many others there is something wrong with the administration.
  • At the end its the best to open your own server and be your own #admin. But don't forget that Mastodon isn't running properly on a raspberry pi. The server needs money and time for updates and moderation. So think of donating to your server if possible.
  • Learn about the #Fediverse. You are here on #Diaspora and now you think about going to Mastodon because Elon #Musk is killing Twitter. But why should you go to Mastodon only because the #press #filterbubble is talking about it? Maybe you can be wiser than all the lemmings out there and learn something first with a search engine of your #trust. With #Friendica you can post to the Fediverse and read it on Diaspora and Mastodon.
  • At the end it would be nice if you can follow me on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@anonymiss - @anonymiss@fosstodon.org :)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for reading :)

#knowledge #wisdom #internet #instructions #news #software #education #help #todo #tutorial #advice #privacy #security #online #communication #trend #trending #ElonMusk #economy #corporation #freedom #donate #alternative #blog #microblogging #microblog


Open Tech Will Save Us #21 — Moderation


A special episode of Open Tech Will Save Us on the topic of moderation. This can be a loaded term… and not everyone agrees on what moderation even is. We will explore with our guest what moderation is, what it means to moderate online communities, if it applies to decentralised projects as well, and will end up with practical examples on Matrix.

Yesterdays episode of Open Tech Will Save us from the fine people at Matrix.org is now also available on my PeerTube mirror: https://peertube.anduin.net/w/t3HR6YptqMNvT9Zz9iXJNQ

#OTWSU #OpenSource #moderation #FLOSS #decentralisation #fediverse


Das Versagen des #Journalismus am Beispiel von #Twitter und #Mastodon

Die #Presse bangt um ihr Lieblingsspielzeug #Twitter. Statt aufwendig zu recherchieren bekommen Journalistinnen bei Twitter jeden Pups der Promis frei Haus geliefert. Das wollen sie sich nicht von #ElonMusk kaputt machen lassen. Deswegen ist der Tenor Redaktionsübergreifend #Musk ist böse und unfähig. Einige erwähnen dann och in einem Nebensatz, dass es alternativen wie #Mastodon gibt.

Die #Tagesschau schreibt in einem Absatz:

Bis dahin dürften die Warnungen an Elon Musk noch deutlicher, der Druck auf die EU-Kommission größer und die Diskussionen darüber lauter werden, ob die EU-Institutionen weiter auf Twitter unterwegs sein wollen, wie bisher - oder ob sie auf eine andere Plattform umziehen. Zum Beispiel auf Mastodon.

Quelle hier: https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/twitter-musk-eu-101.html

Erstens ist die #EU schon auf Mastodon aktiv, zweitens was ist den auf Mastodon besser wenn es um Moderation geht, dessen Vernachlässigung Musk vorgeworfen wird?

Es wird der Tag kommen, wo ein Hass-Toot (Toot ist das Mastodon-Equivalent zu einen Tweet) viral geht und der zuständige Admin des Mastodon-Servers im Urlaub ist und ihn nicht zeitnah löschen kann. Dann werden die selben Journalisten die jetzt Twitter und Musk auseinandernehmen anfangen auf Mastodon rumzuhacken. Am Ende wird man dann wahrscheinlich eine Hintertür in jedem Mastodon-Server fordern, damit die EU dort zensieren kann ,,,

#Problem #Internet #Meinung #Hass #Shitstorm #Freiheit #Diskurs #Diskussion #Gesetz #Chatkontrolle #Überwachung #Cybercrime #Microblogging #Europa #Regeln #Moderation #Kontrolle


Just took a quick look at #Twitter today, after the #Musk takeover + slashing/burning of moderation and staff... Top of my feed
And some much sharper/grosser memes. Like a gross #TrumpVirus in swastikas, welcomed back into the fold. Twitter Feed

#SocialMedia #Media #Twitter #hatespeech #moderation #disinformation #misinformation #propaganda


Das es hier in einigen Diskussionen im Fediverse ja gerade hoch her geht über die Moderation von chaos.social hier mal ein Blogpost über die Moderationsarbeit dort.

Leah ⛤ - 2022-10-24 07:17:05 GMT

Wer mehr über das moderieren einer Mastodon Instanz und im speziellen chaos.social erfahren möchte, dem lege ich diesen tollen Artikel von meinem Co-Admin @rixx ans Herz: https://rixx.de/de/blog/on-running-a-mastodon-instance/

#fediverse #Moderation #chaossocial


Unpaid #social #media moderators perform #labor worth $3.4 million a year on #Reddit alone

source: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-06-unpaid-social-media-moderators-labor.html

The social networking platform Reddit relies on #volunteer moderators to prevent the site from being overrun by problematic content—including hate speech—and ensure that it remains appealing for users. Though uncompensated, this labor is highly valuable to the #company: According to a pair of new studies led by Northwestern University computer scientists, it's worth at minimum $3.4 million per year, which is equivalent to 2.8% of Reddit's 2019 revenue.

#internet #news #hate #moderation #problem #work #finance #comment #economy #study


This is also what the #internet is becoming: a dark forest

source: https://onezero.medium.com/the-dark-forest-theory-of-the-internet-7dc3e68a7cb1

The dark forests grow because they provide psychological and reputational cover. They allow us to be ourselves because we know who else is there. Compared to the free market #communication style of the mass channels — with their high risks, high rewards, and limited #moderation — dark forest spaces are more Scandinavian in their values and the social and emotional #security they provide.

#DarkForest #Theory #darknet #society #news #problem #privacy


Wenn gewisse Musikkritiker sich über das heutige Radio und deren Moderatoren aufregen und sie als "androide Hampelmänner (und -frauen, soviel Zeit muss sein) im Gute-Laune-Modus" bezeichnet, um dann erstmal auszuholen, um in die "gute alte Zeit" zurückzurudern, in der alles doch um so vieles besser war ...
... dann sagt dieses viel aus über des Kritikers Hörgewohnheiten und sein eigentliches Unwissen über das aktuelle Musik [-Industrie-] Wesen.
Der NDR-Nachtclub, viele Sendungen auf DLF-Kultur, sowie unzählige kleine im Internet zu empfangene Sender (ja, die zähle ich natürlich auch mit dazu) mit ihren Radiomoderatoren und Radiomoderatorinnen versuchen zäh und fleißig winkend, die Flagge des informativen Musikradios hoch zu halten.
Leider werden diese vom (eigentlich auch nur Hobby-)Musikjournalisten überhaupt nicht wahrgenommen, schwelgt dieser doch lieber mit Verblendung in der Vergangenheit.

... und, ganz am Rande ... mit John Peel stellt man keine Vergleiche an.
Ende am Tag und weitermachen ...

... schreibt der Hobby-Nör...Kritiker vom Dienst. ;))

#Musikkritiker #Musikjournalisten #möchtegernspezialisten #blah #sülz #genörgel #Radio #Moderation