

"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning


The only barrier to truth,

is the belief you already have it

-- Voltaire

#nonbelief #voltaire

#goodquote #goodquotes #quote

also "the only barrier to truth is the presumption you already have it" -- Chuck Missler

and "a prominent barrier to truth seems the certainty to already have it" -- Digit

#belief #presumption #certainty #truth #epistemology #humility #curiosity #wisdom #introspection #awareness #acceptance #agnotology #ignorance #arrogance #consider #philosophy

ps "all i know is i know nothing, and sometimes i forget even that much." -- Digit paraphrasing Socrates plus extra humility whimsy.


Writen by Mel Hopper Koppelman:

How The World Came To Ice
As someone fascinated by the epistemology of medicine, I frequently come across an intriguing, pervasive value judgment that Industrial Medicine inflicts on traditional methods of caring for the sick, which is that direct observation and anecdote is to be scorned and rejected, even if it constitutes billions of observation points over thousands of years.
Industrial medicine attempts to distance itself from this way of knowing (e.g. "It worked for my parents, my grandparents and so on going back generations, so I will continue to do it . . .") by perpetuating the myth that its own methods and treatments are based on the only valid way of knowing anything: the randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial and systematic reviews thereof. (There's actually two myths here: that randomized clinical trials are the only valid way of knowing if something is clinically effective AND that the majority of Industrial medical recommendations have been validated by high quality evidence; it hasn't).
In this vein, I was intrigued to come across the story of where the recommendation to use ice for treating injuries came from. In Chinese Medicine, icing an injury is known to impair tissue healing by restricting blood flow to the area, potentially causing further damage, and would be contra-indicated. From this world-view, it's obvious not to use ice on injuries.
While the author who originally recommended the R.I.C.E protocol (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) for injuries back in 1978, Dr Gabe Mirkin, came out a number of years ago recanting this recommendation after 4 decades of use, acknowledging that both rest and ice can delay healing.
Here's the origin of how the public came to believe that icing injuries was helpful in the first place:
"On May 23, 1962, twelve-year-old Everett (Eddie) Knowles jumped on to a freight train in Somerville, MA resulting in his arm being completely severed from his body. The young boy was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) where Dr. Ronald A. Malt, a young chief resident, attempted to save Eddie’s detached limb. Despite the fact that there had never been a successful reattachment of a major limb recorded in medical literature, Dr. Malt and a team of twelve doctors performed the first successful limb reattachment in history.
The operation’s success quickly became a global phenomenon. Newscasters swarmed the team of doctors to obtain essential facts about the miracle limb reattachment touted as one
of the most monumental operations in medical history. However, the essential facts about the surgery were rather complicated and would not be understood by the general public.
Instead, reporters focused on the aspects of the story that would be intriguing to the reader.
As a result, the application of ice to preserve the severed tissue became the main focus of the story. The use of ice to treat injuries was never part of medical protocol prior to the events of May 23, 1962 and the notion to utilize ice for tissue preservation was quickly published by newspapers around the globe. Subsequently, as the story was continuously retold by individuals not directly involved in the surgery, facts began to change. Eventually, the general public was quickly accepting the notion that any injury should be treated with the application of ice, regardless of its severity or how it occurred."
Scialoia, Domenic, and Adam J. Swartzendruber. "The RICE protocol is a myth: a review and recommendations." The Sport Journal 19 (2020).

#ice #industrialmedicine #medicine #alternativemedicine #injuries #epistemology


#newhere and feeling more oriented than on some other sites I have recently tried. An internet denizen since, well, nearly the beginning (1989) and pre-browser for sure. Along the way I had accounts on GeNIE, AOL, Prodigy, the Well, MySpace, CompuServ and a bunch of BBS (dial up) haunts. My tags include. #canines, #cults (as a scientology escapee), #MacOS and #epistemology. This along with peertube may be my first VPS installs, sometime later this fall.


Do Chairs Exist?

A surprisingly good Vsauce video:


I'd suggest some related questions:

  • What is "chair"?
  • What is "existence"?
  • What is "is"?

How much of existence simply rests on a sufficiency of interest on our part?

There've been a few stabs at disucssing this, I'd like to see if we can't perhaps pull off a bit more here. Do please watch the video first so as to be on the same ground.

Miscellaneous observations not critical to discussion though of possible utility thereof in your correspondent's humble opinion at the present moment

Numerous interesting and useful concepts:

  • Ontology
  • Composition and Constitution. Simples
  • Properties
  • Relations
  • Sortals
  • Entailment
  • Ontological Reductionism
  • Ontological Realism
  • Ontological Antrialism
  • Ontological Innocence
  • Gunky vs. Junky universes
  • Application Condition
  • Pseudo-Questions

Also a quite impressive reading list. I've linked in Worldcat entries for books.



Stanford Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy


#philosophy #ontology #existence #empiricism #pragmatism #metaphysics #metametaphysics #meaning #truth #epistemology


it is cringe,
finding oneself,
on the same side,
as the stopped clocks,
who usually have views you find abhorrent.
but i remain unshook,
not going to lie to conform,
not going to lie to not appear as the abhorrent.
unswayed by that social pressure,
to groupthink, to clique,
to parrot in action,
the divide and conquer,
unthinking, sheeple shuffle,
side-eye, inner lie,
seeking truth in statistical probabilities,
within the confirmation bias silo,
not doing that.
not the epistemologically sound way,
not integrity to the search for truth.
got integrity in the search for truth.
find an epistemologically sound way,
yes doing that.
outside the confirmation bias silo.
seeking truth beyond prejudicial presumptions,
look straight, look around,
think in, think out, think all about,
connect and rediscover,
re-harkening alter-view,
another perception, to click,
unswayed by that social pressure,
not going to lie to not appear as the abhorrent.
honoring free considerately,
none forsook,
not even those with views abhorrent.
sympathy for stopped clocks,
same side or not,
wherever found,
beyond first cringe.

#DigitsPoems #DigitsRaps #DigitsLyrics
#epistemology #sociology #anthropology #opinions #confirmationbias #openmind #closedmind #grothmindset #fixedmindset #groupthink #integrity #thesearchfortruth #communication #nonviolentcommunication #rethink #considerateness #prejudice #expectations #assumptions #presumptions #enlaketch #sympathy #cringe #stoppedclocks #divideandconquer #transcendence #dontgetsuckedin


An Empirical Razor for Discerning Rare, False, and Faked Phenomena

In an HN discussion of whether or not the supposed oldest person to have ever lived, Jeanne Calment, was a fraud or not, I noted that the one modern social phenomenon that's been most strongly associated with a reduction in the number of superannuated persons in a population is accurate demographic recordkeeping.. See, e.g., Saul Justin Newman, "Supercentenarians and the oldest-old are concentrated into regions with no birth certificates and short lifespans" (2019).

xdennis responds:

This is like the UFO observation: camera sensors have improved, but UFO videos stay the same (low details and ambiguous).

A Useful Razor

That raises a possible / probable principle for discerning between rare observations on the one hand and unjustified ones on the other, and a chief limitation of empiricism.

Empiricism rests on the assumption that the Universe and phenomena in it are fundamentally observable. Which means that phenomena generate some kind of interaction with their surroundings. Even if that is very slight (e.g., neutrinos) or difficult to detect (e.g., gravity waves).

Observability is depenent on the frequency, strength, certainty (as opposed to ambiguity), of those interactions. There's a strong association between the sensibility of phenomenon (our ability to see, hear, smell, feel, or taste it directly) and its believability, though also with recordability. "Capturing something", on film, tape, audio, or other sensing devices, is key to demonstrable proof. (In its absence we're mostly limited to testimony or second-hand accounts. Durer's Rhinocerous is a wonderful example of a second-hand account, visualised in detail. It's almost dreamlike, startlingly accurate in some particulars, oddly off in others.)

Empiricism does most poorly with rare or hard-to-sense phenomena. Literal black swans, neutrinos, the interior of the Earth, subatomic particles, the boundaries of the Universe, interiors of stars, black holes and neutron stars (massive, but not very emissive). Or the very long ago (think evolution and geology). Epidemiology and statistical methods for rare and distributed events. Various sensing, visualisation, microscopy, telescopy, tomographic, and other methods.

Even in cases of very difficult-to-sense phenomena, though empiricism tends to improve in its resolving capability with time and improvement of methods. And where those capabilities improve, rare-but-real phenomena are more revealed over time. The distant (or small, or remote in time, or hard to percieve) becomes _clearer). Presumed-extinct species are found. Hidden structures within the Earth are visualised, and correlated with other events (see the evolution of the concept of plate tectonics, one of my favourite instances).

New extreme records become harder to set over time. But in weather data, the decline in new record cold temperatures is falling twice as fast as the rate of record hot temperatures, by a 2019 Associated Press analysis. With improved sensing, evidence suggests overall warming. Similar trends can be sought in other extreme weather events: tornados, hurricanes, extreme rainfall, droughts, sea ice levels, glacial progression.

Where the phenomenon is not real, though ... it either decreases in prevalence (mostly in the case of frauds), or in the case of "edge-of-perception" sensing, in which random noise is mistaken (or hallucinated) as actual, remains roughly constant over time.

There is still the matter of nonce events --- those which have only been recorded or reported once. Or which can only occur once (the Big Bang, the collapse of civilisation, the end of the world, possibly the emergence of life and certain evolutionary steps concerning it). But in many areas, we have a useful guide here.

Spellling all this out, I'm all but certain there's an established concept built around this (or several). Though it seems a useful heuristic in determinng likely validity or falsity of phenomena given enhanced sensing or recording capabilities.

UFOs have remained frustratingly ellusive (fake, fraud, imagined). Meteorites have become stunningly compelling (real). Footage of accidents, abuses of power, or casual racism are now starkly evident (if often undeterred by the fact of video). And so on.

#empiricism #philosophy #epistemology #manifestation #sensibility #perception #fraud #hallucination #reality #truth


The Denialist Playbook

... In brief, the six principal plays in the denialist playbook are:

  1. Doubt the Science
  2. Question Scientists’ Motives and Integrity
  3. Magnify Disagreements among Scientists and Cite Gadflies as Authorities
  4. Exaggerate Potential Harm Appeal to Personal Freedom
  5. Reject Whatever Would Repudiate A Key Philosophy

The purpose of the denialism playbook is to advance rhetorical arguments that give the appearance of legitimate debate when there is none. My purpose here is to penetrate that rhetorical fog, and to show that these are the predictable tactics of those clinging to an untenable position. If we hope to find any cure for (or vaccine against) science denialism, scientists, journalists and the public need to be able recognize, understand and anticipate these plays. ...


#denial #denialism #antivaxxers #ClimateDenial #covid19 #epistemology



Scientific materialism has been to humanity what supermarkets have been to our conception of food: the combination of marketing and variety has greatly convinced a significant portion of us that the supermarket is not only the origin of food but the best and only place to get it.

- Imam Marc Manley

#الإسلام #education #educate #indoctrinate #administer #معاملات #scientism #science #materialism #scientificmaterialism #belief #epistemology #religion #market #markets #usury #fiat #fiatmoney #money #technocracy #freedom #Europe #Europeans #Western #WesternCivilization #ربا #history #culture #society #economics #Islam #Sharia #Shariah #Shariat #Sufi #Sufism #Muslim #Khalifa #muamalat #riba #تَصَوّف